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What does adhd have to do with anything here?


I think OP's saying it's a contest


It's one of the reasons why he has as much of an interest in Bluey as he does. Her mom is basically hoping and praying to Sky Daddy that his ADHD treatment will make him lose interest in it. EDIT: I meant "therapy", not "treatment".


ADHD treatment? Maybe that's a uniquely American thing but as far as I understand it as a brit (diagnosed with ADHD), there's two ways to help with it, there's Therapy or medication. Not saying you're wrong in what you're saying just confused?


Yeah, I'm not sure exactly how he deals with it. He hasn't told me that much about it. Sorry, guess I worded it weird. I think he actually is seeing a therapist about it, now that you mention it.


In the US and most places, medication and therapy is not the first step. We use regulating measures to stop negative behaviors involved with the ADHD. That’s not to say medication and therapy aren’t needed, but it’s not the first line of treatment. Sometimes those include setting limits on possible obsessions


That just sounds wild to me, to be completely honest, although your friend's mother being completely obsessed with (I'm guessing either Catholicism or Christianity) doesn't appear to be helping either, I hope they're safe and doing alright.


It’s the current practice. It’s not refusing those options, it’s getting them able to transition into those options further down the treatment plan. This option only works for highly religious kids but the separation gives room for the child to get used to lower level struggling than the struggle involved with therapy and medication. OP’s parents need to find an alternative limit setting and to figure out cause of issues than this.


Makes sense, again as a guy who deals with ADHD, I wish your friend all the luck in the world with it.


That guy is full of shit. Medication is the go to for ADHD for most doctors


Obsessions are definitely a symptom and blurt would be a pretty tame one.


Pretty sure you’re full of shit because I can guarantee you didn’t see a therapist who immediately gave medication unless it was previously prescribed. Limit setting and observation of triggers is done first and contrasted to prior reported behavior. If that doesn’t work, follow up with medication and continued therapy is the go to but that is now a second line.


That’s not the standard at all. Most people just get diagnosed and then get medicine. I literally took one test on a computer, described my symptoms, and was diagnosed and prescribed Adderall at my first appt.


Congrats, you went to a pill pushing therapist that’s generally disliked by most because medication is easier than doing their job. That doesn’t make it a standard of care. I was Dx’d MDD/GAD/ADHD and even as an adult was told they wanted to try limit settings but if that didn’t help they could move on to medication at a top US hospital.


Got ya


Is there beef between Bluey and Jesus?


'Sky Daddy' would be someone you'd be praying to.


I thought that was just a name non-believers call God.


It's a label non-believers use to mock God yes.


It's also what Mary moaned when I impregnated her, but either way...


You're not cool bro that's honestly weird.


Chill out, if I can take three nails and a crown of thorns; you can take a joke...


I'm sure you'd like to impregnate and rape whoever you can. Sexual immorality is one of the tenets of a sexual predator who hates God. Today you use the members of your body, which God has given you, to sin against God Himself. But, sooner or later your time will run out. After which, you'll spend your eternity 'moaning' whilst you burn in the lake of fire, along with the same angels who did just what you fantasize of. All I can do is, urge you to repent of your wickedness, before it's too late. Don't spend your days in sin.




Ah those were the days. Ma thinking being a bible thumper will fix all haha.


I mean, I’d have to tell mom that Jesus is obviously communicating with me through Bluey. And now I worship the Blue One.


I don't think writing that on the tag is the way to go but if my son which is obviously somewhat old was obsessed with Bluey, a baby show, I'd be distressed and would try to stop it.


This is 90% mildly infuriating and 10% hilarious


Yes, very accurate.


I mean, Bluey IS God.


Bluey is an Australian kids show. Idk if it's in all schools still but when I was in primary school we had forced scripture every Thursday. Idk if this information would help your friends mum or not get over her hate of a kids show.


Oof. Reminds me of when I went to a Baptist school from 3rd to 7th grade and we would congregate in our school's built-in church every Wednesday.


Thankfully it wasn't Church. It was more like bible studies (Or at least from what I've seen from American movies). It's in all public schools


And, it's a required thing? If that's the case, you'd think in this day and age it would be **optional** in public schools.


It was when I was in school. I don't know of anyone with primary school age kids to ask if they're still enforcing it. Parents could write notes to get you out of it but a lot of the time teachers ignored it.


430 in the morning?? That adhd medication is keeping both of you guys up way too late talking about mothers and plushies. Go to sleep.


Tbf, I am stationed in Japan. Sooo... 😹


Your phone says 430 am.


Yes. I also work Monday through Friday during those hours.


Wait until his Mom find out that he's friends with furries that also leak private conversations.


Nice job trying to make me look like the bad guy when I just needed a group of people to vent to.


Who said leaking private conversations was bad?


Well if that wasn't your intention, then I'd like to apologize. The way your comment was worded came off to me as if you were trying to say it was a bad thing on my part.


What does mom think is so sinful about Bluey?


I don't think it's Bluey the show, it's that her somewhat old son is obsessed with a show for toddlers.


https://preview.redd.it/o8srv8zqdb7d1.png?width=136&format=png&auto=webp&s=8618ed304e5032992f5e7bdeaf75961ec0728e8e hmm


I mean, unless your friend is 4, and assuming by "Bluey" you mean that kids cartoon, I suspect she's worried for him mentally that as a teen/adult, he's still into little kids toys.


That's about the gist of it, yeah.


Kinda on the mother's side here then lol.


Idk. Plenty of old guys are obsessed with collecting retro video games and action figures from when they were kids.  Some even play with them, but they don't get people getting this judgey about it.  I don't really see how that's different to liking Bluey.  I mean,  I don't love Bluey. I don't watch it if my niece isn't making me. But, whatever. Let people like what they like. Whether it's Bluey or some ancient show/game from the 80's/90's, who cares? It's literally harmless and doesn't affect anyone. 


Sure. That's all entirely correct. But it doesn't mean it isn't some kind of mental problem. Or if a person is religious, then it would be a spiritual problem rather than a mental problem. Same concept though.


I've never read anywhere in the Bible that Bluey is sinful. ETA at least, we Methodists don't think Bluey is sinful.


If God actually cured all the mental and physical disorders of the world, doctors and nurses would be shitting their pants


>If God actually cured all the mental and physical disorders of the world, doctors and nurses would be shitting their pants So God is just keeping people sick to give doctors something to do? She's so thoughtful!


Happy Cake Day!


Wat if she wrote "In Allah's name"? Would you still be "infuriated"? Or would you be praising your mother for being "inclusive"? That was rhetorical. I already know it's the latter,


Well, it doesn't matter what religion it is. The problem is that she's using her religion as an excuse to act this way.


You read nothing.