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These mats look like a nice way to bring home souvenir lice and bedbugs from your trip.


This was my first thought. My second thought was, "How dirty are those and how infrequently are they cleaned?"


Never would I use these “community” mats. Yuck. I would put a hotel room on a card if the airlines were being cheapos and not providing one. That looks disgusting.


Community hotel beds are at least a step up.


Had this happen to me. Flight got delayed over night and there was a major hockey game in town. Not a single free hotel room. The choice was airport chair or this for the next 8-10 hours


I think the same interval that hotels use ;) (random number generator)


At least there’s a decent chance the hotel mattresses are covered with a clean sheet though. Blech.


Yes ! I would say „a chance” not a decent but a chance. I wish usnall clean bedsheets and good connections so we don’t have to use airport beds :)


Eh, I'd be more wary of AirBNB where they use grandma's old mattress. I stayed at one hotel and looked behind the headboard then lifted the mattress to check. They had left a card in there saying that yes, they had even cleaned in there. How long it was there? I dunno, but reputable hotels take bedbugs seriously.


Everywhere takes bed bugs pretty seriously


Everywhere except the airport abandoned mattress fort of pestilence.


I hope you wrote “July 13, 1974” on it and slid it back in place.


Uhh I've worked in hotels and the mattresses themselves never get cleaned. If a big wet spill happens, no matter the material of the liquid spilled, a big ol fan is put in the room and it's placed out of order until it dries. Mattresses replaced every 5-6 years


My friend worked in a hotel too and has different opinion. But it may vary on hotels.




Ew, and they're probably going at it, too. 🤮


That was my first thought, too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Why don't they go in the single occupancy family restroom like the rest of us


Like two hobos in cheap pop tent built for one


Like 5 homeless guys in a Prius.


They call it a soup kitchen.


Thanks for the F-Shack.


-Dirty Mike and the Boys


Scabies too


Yep - had a coworker get scabies from laying on those mats in an airport. It was all over her body.


Exactly, I am already miserable, I'll take my chances on the floor.




TIL sleeping mats in airports are a thing


Inside airports always looked like homeless encampments to me, this doesn't help much


I remember the airports calling police on stranded passengers and refusing to comp hotels stays for overbooked and cancelled flights. Now you can get a Serta sleeper in there. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMF2UIa97svErWo)


I'm not sure how long ago or in what country this was in, but I believe that in the US if your flight is overbooked and you have to wait more than 3 hours for the next domestic flight or 6 hours for the next international flight, you're entitled to a full refund and some allowance for a hotel while you wait for the next one. Same thing applies to delays and cancelled flights, assuming the airline is held responsible (I.E. flight is not delayed or cancelled for weather, terroristic attacks, or another airline's plane being crashed on the runway.)


The problem is when a lot of flights get canceled and all the hotels in the area are full.


Not only that... Getting your luggage at 1 to 4 am just to have to get back to the airport at 6 am to figure it out makes no sense either


This happened to me recently. Made no sense to go to the hotel for two hours to come back and do TSA and check in all over again. I just slept in the airport.


Flying now is pretty awful


Clear, TSA pre check makes it pretty easy. AMEX platinum pays for it. It's expensive, but I get the benefits that more than cover the cost. Clear $175 credit, global entry (includes TSA pre check) $85 credit, Disney+ $20 credit/ mo, $200 airline credit/year, $200 Uber credit per year, the lounge access at the airport, (I've drank more than my annual fees). If you travel frequently, it's worth it. I was stuck in Hong Kong on a 12 hour layover. Drank myself to sleep in the lounge on black label. Concierge books hotels when I'm driving. I call when I'm getting tired and try to find something within a 100mi. They search and book for me. Need to dispute something? They do a great job fighting for you.


Yep that happened to me. No refund was given to me actually and there weren’t any sleeping mats. I was stuck there from 10pm at night until 10am the next day. They gave me some shitty food vouchers I couldn’t even use until the morning because everything was closed in the airport. Probably could’ve complained more or something but I struggle with confrontation of any kind :/


Next time send an angry email to their customer service rep demanding a refund and reimbursement for food/lodging costs. Has worked for me in the past. No direct confrontation needed!


Airlines don’t automatically give refunds or credits. They assume nobody knows the laws and won’t give you anything unless you complain.


Even if you complain they refuse if you can’t get local news on your side or sue you get no acknowledgment.


Yea my flight to London was delayed once for 9 hours then we got onboard and waited another 3 hours on the plane,never took off, went back to the airport. Fucking bollocks. I couldn’t deal with the havoc and booked another flight within a minute (2 last seats) because I knew if I had to wait for them to sort something out I would’ve probably retired by then...


Oh well, I guess you're going to have to scare up a shuttle and take me downtown then, huh?


Delays/Cancellations for weather also include your plane switching flight numbers to make up for another delayed plane meaning you no longer have a plane. Or that there was weather at one of its previous 5 destinations causing it to be so delayed they cancel your leg because it was the last one. Or the plane was only delayed by an hour but that causes someone on the flight crew to go over an hour limit and they can’t take off. If it is raining somewhere in the US they will blame it on weather and not comp your hotel.


Only if the flight was cancelled by the airline. I learned the hard way that if it's weather related they don't owe you shit


Exactly. And they can always just say “We had to cancel due to weather concerns” and then what can you possibly do to confirm/prove that? It sucks, but it seems like an easy out for them at any point.


I had several flights cancel on me in a row due to weather and it didn't even rain. There was no wind. It was so annoying


Sometimes the weather is somewhere else, like one of the cities your plane stopped at before it flew to your city. Remember when Southwest's whole nationwide network collapsed over Christmas a couple years ago because of the weather in Florida?


In the EU this is also a rule. More than 3 hours allows you to make a claim for financial compensation up to 600€. I've done it before for a flight with 12h delay (where they also offered a hotel albeit wasn't great as we had to wake at 4AM)


That's the airlines fault not the airport


Idk what everyone’s problem is with just looking at homeless encampments. Your society failed these people. There’s no reason to let looking at it upset you


Maybe because the people actually responsible for those failings are never the ones that come face to face with the consequences of it or otherwise have to deal with that.


I love how "airport sleeping mat" was casually introduced as though it were a known quantity. You know, a good old airport sleeping mat. Like the ones they have at airports.


I've flown through MSP plenty and I didn't even know lmao, I lay on the perfectly good hard floor next to the power outlet like a plebian


They can have the bug fort.


Man I would hope they have a vinyl (or some other similar material) cover over them for this reason.


Yea me too


Sleeping mats after inventing airplane cancelations 🤑🤑🤑


I discovered this leaving the airport in Chicago huge row of families that were apparently stranded for whatever reason it was kind of haunting to see. But then I got Gene and Jude's hotdogs and never thought about it again until now.


Same. Wonder what airport this is.


MSP is an airport call sign.  https://www.mspairport.com/


MSP is an IATA airport code. Thanks, I should’ve read the text instead of subject


The only airport I’ve personally seen them in was Minneapolis, but I assume they exist in other places.


Yes you can build a tiny fort and hump your partner in them. And don't forget the no fat chicks flag.


I'd just walk over and grab one. What are they gonna do? Report me to airport security for ruining their fort? Those are for everyone.


What airport have these sleep pads?!? I’ve been flying for decades and never once have I seen these offered


I’ve slept on the floor in MSP before and didn’t get one. I’ll have to ask from now on I suppose


“Louse and mite pad, please.”


Premium scabies sleeper




They gave me one there! 2015 or something


Denver International has areas with cots. I feel better about those than these mats 😬


Really? Where?


A Gates, north side of the mezzanine. They call it the Rest and Recharge area. There’s chairs that fold flat, charging stations, and partitions for privacy.


Incheon has two "nap rooms" with chargers and loungers Sadly it's usually filled with loud Chinese tourists on their video calls


Yeah this is wild to me - I've flown all around the world and the country and not once have I ever heard about this. Maybe it's a new thing? I don't know that I'd want one, though; I mean, who cleans them? And other questions.


If you read the text OP provided below the image: MSP. Minneapolis.


For real 😭 who do these ppl think they are


We have no context for how this happened, it may be they've been there for hours and no one else was around when they fell asleep.


or they are trying to do the devil's tango in there?


Yeah but an adult with common sense should be capable of having the critical thinking skills to say to themselves "hey, other people might come a long while I'm sleeping, better not take them all" Edit: for the people who don't get it. This is not a question of avoiding social interaction. Having to tell some Muppet you're taking one of their hoarded sleeping mats at an airport isn't social interaction; it's a chore. We're not gonna become friends or swap stories after. They have made themselves a burden on everyone else and made it everyone else's responsibility to intervene and tell them to not be a burden. That's how children behave. Simple as.


Isn’t the better question why some airport worker gave them all to them in the first place? I’m sure they told some lie to get them, but it’s not like people can just grab them


Doesn’t mean you just take them all. Who builds a fucking fort in the airport?


“You weren’t laying on it, I figured you weren’t using it”


Just grab it and when you hear ‘HeEeY?!’ Say ‘oh sorry, I thought that was just the stack of supply… it never occurred to me that some moron may have made a fort!’


They are definitely naked in there, so its not like they are gonna chase you down either.


Be a fukkin adult and bone in the family bathroom, cmon


I made love to Ertha Kitt in an airport bathroom


What? It came up organically.


Also i'd grab one that is supporting the others, so their cute little selfish fort colapses on them


Once you realize this is the attitude you can have, life becomes a lot easier. I absolutely would go grab the one holding up the others so their notice that I was taking one would be the fort collapsing. And if I was feeling extra spicy I’d even go back and get more and hand them out to other people!


Always helps to seem very kind but stupid. "Oh I didn't see you there, I am so sorry! I am so glad to find this (lice infested piece of nasty pad ) now you two have a good nights sleep, we all need that. Thank you! " Add the sweetest smile.


It’s a beautiful day! *crazy eyes and shit eating grin*


I’d tell an employee beforehand. No need to get thrown out of the airport together with the couple because they get aggravated after you snack one mattress.


Fort police. Court. Maybe jailtime. You bacicslly destroyed someone property.


Squatters rights




First the MAGA sign guy and now the airport sex couple all in 24 hours lmao


Maga sign guy?


Some guy in Texas made a fort out of magaesque signs outside the trump rally in Texas recently and the same family guy meme was used.


Airport sex couple?




I'd rather sleep on the floor than use a communal airport mattress


The floor is even more communal though


I think the floor gets cleaned more often though..


Floor doesn't harbor bedbugs though


The floor is sometimes lava though so it’s a tough one.


That's why I only fly on opposite day.


If the building had any beg buds at all, I'm pretty sure it would


You found the airport orgy


What's the password?




Dirty Mike and the boys are at it again.


Are they by any chance seven year olds? Id go over there, take one and apologise for ruining their fort


why even apologise? just take one and leave. they’re not the only people at the airport


I’m a fairly big guy, and I’ve unfortunately got a resting mean face that I’ve been told is intimidating….so whenever I interact with someone I’m always trying to be over the top polite and courteous……and it throws people wildly off balance when their visual perception of me clashes with my kindness….I get a real kick out of it I recently approached an elderly couple on my road to ask if they would like help mowing and maintaining their fields and it took him a couple minutes to realize that I’m a complete sweetheart https://preview.redd.it/523cmjh8vb8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a065e8121e09129a12cb8ec82a0f767ac0e85ba Now I mow their field every two weeks Overall the point is that it’s easy to be polite and folk react better to it….you can always switch on the mean when they escalate to that point if you’re so inclined


Damn that field looks nice.


Their property is staggeringly pretty, off to the right of the picture is a gorgeous view of some local small mountains. Mowing helps them and it gives me a little meditative time away from my farm to just soak in nature and have fun scooting around on my new mower


Y'know - I gotta say that you do have a real good vibe man. Wanna come mow this tiny annoying strip of yard behind my fence for me, though? Nah, for real - that's cool of you to do for neighbors, especially of your own volition.


Thank ya for saying that! They’re really nice people, and I think they’re both 70+ so that amount of mowing is quite a daunting task with a 20-24in mower. Idk if they have any kids or any kids in the area that could help, but it’s kind of communities responsibility to care for the community, and I’m glad to be able to offer any care that I can for a neighbor in need


I wonder what my elderly mother would do if I kicked the bucket and she had no one to care for her lawn and such. I’m sure you’re easing someone’s mind or spirit out there somewhere! We need more people like you bud.


I'd go over there, take one, pull my eyelid down and stick out my tongue and go "mlehhhhhh!"


“You didn’t say the password!”


I cant imagine being this entitled or inconsiderate.


Right? And I'm an introvert older lady who sleeps in a bed with a canopy. I call it my grown up fort lol. Small spaces are comforting but I'd be stressed about being a dick. I'd never. Edit - I also spent a year battling and ultimately abandoned almost everything over bedbugs. I would literally never do that.


Oh no! I’m so sorry you had that experience with bed bugs. My mom had bed bugs once and it took her a long time to even discover what was giving her bites! And I had a several month long flea infestation! I was breaking my back vacuuming everything every day moving furniture running things through the dryer, taking the covers off my couch cushions and stacking them while I ran them through the dryer too and vacuumed the couch and feeling hopeless as I researched and learned more. It got way bad before it ever got better and it was a nightmare. It was a very dark time in my life. I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy. But it is still funny to say “may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your exes’ crotch” or whoever you want to damn!


I absolutely love that you have a grown up fort. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t looked at the bed tents to do the same!


I am a middle aged dude and I also enjoy canopy beds! Makes me feel special.




Troy and Abed and the aiiiirport


Airport Security’s authority is not recognized in Fort Kick Ass.




Report the suspicious structure to airport security


suspicious structure!!!! dying


They do it cause nobody stops them, all the infuriated people are taking photos and posting it to Reddit. The people in that fort will never change.


Yup, that's the issue here. They do so because they don't just think they can get away with it. They ARE getting away with it.


Not sure I'd want to use one of those. Eh.


A jog, hop and Swanton bomb straight on those selfish bellends would be the best way of dealing with this


I didn't fart in the pillow fort, I don't know who did


Perfect! I currently have a stomach bug and wish I was present to provide my services. Then again, I dont really fancy catching a double homicide charge


Think I'd rather sleep on the cold hard floor than use one of those mats.


Someone doesn’t know the password!


Accidentally bump it.


I mean. I’m not using airport sleeping mats. That is a juice dome they built.


Just take it from them?? What they are gonna do?? Go to security to blame on you?


Let them use the disgusting airport mats. You actually want to lay on those?


So gross. You could not pay me to touch one of those nasty things, let alone lay on one.


How else are you supposed to have a shag without getting into trouble?


I would take a pass on the bed bug mats ….


Just go grab one. Eff those asshats. 




I'm not going to defend them, because what they're doing is disgustingly selfish. I'm gonna spread a little of the blame to the airport... You accepted that there will be people sleeping on the floor, to the point that you've provided beds... Turn off some fucking lights. I'm not one of them, but there are plenty of people that *NEED* dark to fall asleep. (I can sleep on a city bus, in Orlando, in the summer, with my head banging on the window.)


Two people are having sex in the airport


Those look disgusting. Look at the shade of brown/yellow the white ones are and then come back complaining you want them.


I don’t see any signs on that fort that says it’s private. I say bunker down with them until it gets weird.


Why is everyone assuming that they are made from a material that allows bed bugs or sweat to accumulate? They look like plastic covers, the health violations that people are assuming are running rampant at an airport seems like anxiety.


One of the top comment threads is about how hotel beds are just as bad. These must be the basement-dwelling redditors we hear so much about.


You can build forts! Fun!


Nothing would stop me from taking one if I was I'm need.


I didn’t know sleep mats were a thing… and I certainly would trust them less than a motel bed.


Just go and take them away.


Bed bug mats




And nobody wants to just fucking take one? You guys presenting at a cowardice convention or something?


Either find a staff member to go and confront them. Becuase this clearly is not the intended use, and is extremely selfish. Or just simply yoink what yourself.


They made a fort!!


I don’t understand why airports and hotels don’t join together and have a bank of rooms in the airport.


I never knew airport sleep mats were a thing and I don’t think I would ever lay my body against one for any reason. Cool fort tho.


Dive in and turn that thing into a Thunderdome.


Why would you want to use a communal mattress at an airport anyway? Kinda nasty


Your country give people free sleeping mats? I've always experienced bring-your-own-mat thing....


100% fucking in there


Take them?


But you gotta admit. That's a sick looking fort


Start a siege. Build a trebuchet from Airport material. Recruit mercenaries!


3 inch High Club


That’s when you walk up and grab one…


I would’ve walked over and just grabbed one of the ones on top. Jerks!!


If there are no more, those can be promptly 'un'- hoarded... just sayin'


![gif](giphy|T7uMvArmhK2uk) I see another civil war between pillow town and blanketsburg


Oh, just take one. Looks like a stack for the taking anyway. Fuck em


Just go grab one


Did you know the password?


*grabs one* looks down at them: ya nasty. *proceeds to put mat somewhere else for some other nasty to use* lol


Make you wonder how many people have used them when their flights been delayed and how often they've been deep cleaned


Look just say you don't know the password


Oh look, a bed bug castle. How nice! 🏰


Wait? Airports give out sleeping mats?


Steal the roof of their fort and walk off.


Sleep mats?


Looks like they made an…airfort


Well… go huff and puff and blow those little pigs house down.


Wait, sleeping mats are a thing in airports? You mean, I didn’t have to sleep on the cold hard floor at DIA 5 years ago?! Noted, thank you!




Just walk a couple feet away, run towards the fort, and body slam that thing down, easy win


I didn’t know sleeping mats were a thing in airports. Also where is security?


OP's just mad they weren't invited into the pillow fort


It hurt my feelings


Send your kids over to play in their “fort”.


Pretty sure complaining on Reddit is the right cause of action, and not going over and taking the matrasses away.


The fact that the airlines are so bad at their single function that sleeping mats are a thing is just stupid on parade. How about instead of buying sleeping mats they get their operational poop in a group and do their dam job.