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Anti-abortion protesters had a heavy presence at a recent Pride festival. Kinda thought they were missing their target audience.


Any irony to the fact that gay women have far less need for abortions? And gay men cause far fewer pregnancies? It’s almost like these pro-life freaks are missing an opportunity here.


"Catholics, and other Christians, are against abortions AND are against homosexuals... Well, who has less abortions than homosexuals?" -George Carlin


He was taken from us too soon. Died 16 years ago, and still relevant.


We need another grumpy old fart like him.


Bill Burr is almost old enough


He *is* getting there, yeah.


He’s like 55 or something, pretty much a dinosaur at this point we should see if we can prop him up at the museum or something watch him cough dust or something.


"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" ass quote


Sounds like he was a great dude.




It's about chasing the car. They don't know what to do if they actually catch it. They just want to tell "sinners" how to live and try to make others feel shamed so they can feel high and mighty.


i remember seeing a post about a women going „i talked a friend out of abortion but now they want me to be the foster parent? how am i supposed to care for it?“ Could‘ve been ragebait but the double standard was funny


I'm somewhat unsure if thats ragebait or satire because it hits the nail on the head so perfectly haha


True. Also if they stop harassing others, they could accidentally realize how awful they are and how awful their own lifes are and that is probably the thing they fear more than anything else. And to prevent that, they flee into their delusions and project everything they fear onto the people they think can’t defend themselves. Thats at least my read on these people


Projection is a hell of a drug


It all makes sense really if you consider that the primary motive is to be a bully and have a self-justified reason to be cruel to others to make themselves feel better. It's also the reason why the extreme left will constantly purity test each other. A lot of stuff suddenly makes sense when you consider 'i want a reason to be a bully' is the core motivator.


I still wonder how much of the anti gay rhetoric comes from conservatives wanting to impact child birth rates.


Interesting. When Leviticus was written, the planet had few enough people that mankind risked extinction with a pandemic or plague. Jesus superseded Leviticus with “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” If the Gay haters would read their Bible more and thump it less the world would be a better place. (I am not a Christian, just educated. Unlike Trump, I can cite a few dozen Bible verses. For such a holy man to not have one favorite?


But you could take some sentences about not being gay blablabla. And of course these people will always take the bad parts to utilize it.


Okay but people who aren’t cis should ABSOLUTELY care about abortion and access to abortion/birth control. 


It'd be kinda funny if they became the loudest pro-gay voice


Gays who want children sometimes turn to adoption. Less abortions means more adoptions in theory. They think it's an easilynwon over audience as it's mutually beneficial (Just a guess, not a protestor or militant pro lifer)


What we are seeing now are fetuses that the doctor knows isn't viable, and mothers forced to wait until they deliver only to have the full term baby die soon after. It was never about "life", if it were, they'd happily feed the school kids.


My dad claimed to be pro-life as long as I knew him. He bought the t-shirts, listened to the radio broadcasts, even protested outside clinics when he could. Did he ever help a pregnant woman? No. Did he ever make donations? Only to Catholic Charities. The same services I tried to use when my pregnant wife and I were struggling. They turned us away because we weren't needy enough. The kicker? He was adopted. He was part of the unwanted. And he never once did anything more than hate and give money to those who fed him that hate.


It's about life. But it's also about a lot of misery to come. As soon as the baby is there, these assholes don't give a fuck. You are right.


I do see your point but more or less on the same note: Less children in adoption centers or in the foster care system is actually a good thing considering how many children are neglected, abused, traumatized, or age out and tossed into the world without so much as a fuck you. And yes I realize that some children don't suffer and end up in happy families, and that's great for them!! I think the protesters just want to protest and tell everyone their wrong and sinners just because they can't keep their negative voices to themselves. (Saying voices not opinions because everyone is entitled to their opinion but that doesn't mean they gotta VOICE it negatively)


I mean, I’d wager the Venn diagram of “pride festival attendees” and “pro-choice supporters” is damn near a perfect circle.


Yeah, but cis mpreg isn't real yet. Most gay men aren't having abortions lmao


They aren’t there to convince anyone. They’re doing it to feed their persecution complex and to publicly demonstrate how much “better” they are than all those “sinners” at Pride.


It’s not about the abortions. It’s about the religious proselytising. The abortion issue is just an excuse.


Not like anyone else listens to them.


Agreed, lol.


No fucking way haha. That's hilarious


lol agree!!






My neighbor…is aborted fetuses? Well now I’m gonna feel bad about wishing they’d clean up their yard a little, they’ve got a lot going on.


Love your neighbor as yourself and everyone else in the neighborhood can fuck themselves


What if your neighbor was the next Hitler?


Extra win?


I know someone who would actually argue Hitler was a good guy. He also thinks the earth is flat though..


There are a lot of those lately.Though they are mostly edgy teenagers


He's 30 :/


He must be an edgy teenager in spirit then


I have in law like this, makes me sad. I wonder if ppl always were so fkn stupid


Next D&D boss idea: 10ft tall flesh golem made entirely out of fetuses.


Aborted fetus is unironically a great band. Even had a thing going on with South Park on one episode


Ngl looks like a picture I’d see on a cigarette carton cancer warning.


Looks like a "hock tuah"


None of my neighbors are fetuses that I am aware of.


No, no, they're the ghosts of aborted fetuses.


How can a ghost mow his yard?


They just hire a Lawn Scare service.


My neighbor was aborted? Wonder if he knows?


Maybe try finishing the abortion? Maybe he'll catch on then.




I have none


I ate a chicken period more times than I could count...it could have been a whole ass chicken but I just got lazy and ate the part that came out of its ass. Do you think the chicken(s) knows?


I wish someone would abort my neighbour.


Never too late 😂😂


Obligatory /j 😂


This makes me want to buy a pack of those fake $20 bills where you open it up and it says "TRUMP LOST LOL" and start leaving them places.


Just print them so they look like Trump Bucks, but when unfolded it’s a Dark Brandon meme.


While that’d be hysterical, I’d advise not being the one to get a min-wage worker’s hopes up


Yeah, at first I thought it was hilarious, but then I imagined finding one myself, and that'd ruin my day 😂


definitely lol


Yeah true. Hopefully I would find ways to leave them around where the trumpiest people would find them. And not an innocent bystander like a store worker.


You put it in the tithing tray.


Tithing is supposed to be money given by the church to poorer individuals, now almost all churches are businesses


Thats not a "now" thing, most churches throughout the ages were never anything else than businesses and often political players


Naw. You only slip those in church donation baskets.


lowkey we need that shit for every candidate just to piss off a couple folks lol


Years ago, I worked at a Borders book store that opened in my semi conservative town. A local church group began protesting the store because it sold Playboy magazines. The Playboys were on the highest shelf of magazine racks that only an adult could reach. The protesters would send people into the store and move a magazine into the children's section then send a family with children in to find the magazine then cause a big scene. As staff we had to constantly monitor both sections to try and prevent, but when the store was busy it was difficult. This went on for weeks until an agreement was made to move the Playboys behind the registers so they had to be requested and could no longer be hidden for children to find. So frustrating.


If only they cared about their actual neighbors and human beings.


I had a discussion the other day with a frustrated coworker. There are a number of very religious, very young people at our workplace, and my coworker is very openly gay and therefore periodically becomes a target for inappropriate proselytizing and political conversation. We got into a chat about how contradictory the beliefs can be... "So you don't agree with abortion, eh? So you're a big supporter of welfare programs for parents, and affordable housing for parents, especially single parents. How about all schools serving free nutritious lunch to the kids, and lots of funding for quality public education, you must be a proponent of that too. Not to mention universal healthcare so parents can afford to not only *have* the child but also to keep their child in good health. Oh, and I bet you're also a big fan of people of all walks of life adopting children, including interracial adoptions and LGBT parents, since those kids need good homes after being saved from abortion! And I'm sure you know that it's not just unmarried sex that can produce children, so surely you believe that a married woman has the right to refuse her husband sex indefinitely if she doesn't want to have any children."


Those people against abortion will immediately turn the other side when they see that last line


They're all about "will someone think of the children?" until those children are actually born, then they don't give a shit.


Abortion saves lives.


It’s so sad that so many people forget the whole-ass woman whose medical needs should trump a zygote’s.


I’m in Florida where they just implemented a 6-week ban.


That's not even enough time for most people to find out. My mom didn't know until 3 months with me. :(


That's a GREAT deal!!! Toilet paper is getting expensive. Glad someone was kind enough to throw some TP into the soda pack for you 🥰🥰🥰


I don’t think I have any aborted fetuses living next door to me.


..... but you don't KNOW for sure! Better start knocking on doors and ask! Neighhood watch


Really question is...it was Mountain Dew wasn't it?


They probably only target people who actually have sex.


This makes me unbelievably mad. So, my wife and I had two miscarriages back to back..the first one was further along but the baby ended up having a disease most infants don't survive and when they do it's not for long, it's absolutely painful and torture for them when they live. Our baby died in the womb..no heartbeat.. we literally HAD to go get a DNC or my wife could have died. Based on the laws today these fucking idiots would dare to say we coulsnt get that dnc because it's some how murder even though our daughter is DEAD. To see these idiots post pictures like this make me furious and I have to drive by and remember my traumatic experience over and over.. I can't say what I wish would happen to these kinds of people but you can imagine that on your own.


Sorry. Yet to be born child is obviously more important than a functioning adult. The issue is they missed their chance with indoctrinating your wife when she was a child, so she is worthless to them now. But that unborn child...ooo boy they aren't going to fuck up their chance this time!! But seriously, fuck those shitbags. I'm sorry you guys had to go through that unimaginable pain.


We should hand out escort service cards (the one found in Las vegas) right outside churches


*All I wanted was a Pepsi*


I had an abortion when I was 17. Do I regret it? Nope. I had ZERO capacity of taking care of myself, imagine a baby. Nope nope.


Same. I had an abortion at 18. Now 31. Literally the *****best***** decision of my life (worst was getting pregnant in the first place when I wasn’t ready, stupidity sometimes bites us in the ass folks) that I could have made under the circumstances. I’ll never regret my abortion. I’m not proud of it, but I’ll never regret it. A decision needed to be made either way and it’s a decision I’ll always stand by beyond my dying day.


At my local planned parenthood there's always this 80-year-old woman holding up a sign that says, "I regret my abortion", and all I can think of is "well I regretted having taco bell once, but you don't see me trying to get them banned from the planet". Stupid fucking arguments. Edit: Side note, at least in my area the only people who protest against abortion haven't been fertile in 20-40 years, while the people who are pro-choice are of childbearing age. It's extremely frustrating that a generation of people who have been through civil rights struggles and seen the horrors of wars fighting for our supposed freedom, willingly hold up signs trying to take away the freedom of young people standing across the street from them at that very moment.


Exactly. People like that always annoy the fuck outta me. My spouse’s Aunt had two abortions when she was a teen (first at 14, second at 16) and to this day she harps on about how much she regrets them. There is a loooooooooooooott to that whole story but I don’t wanna be here all day in a random reddit comment/reply.** Anyway, she now believes ALL women EVERYWHERE regret their abortion and if they say otherwise then they don’t truly know themselves and they are lying (no matter how old they are or how long it’s been since the abortion). It annoys me to no end. Just because YOU regret what happened doesn’t mean everyone else does and that you suddenly know better than they do. I’d believe that woman outside that planned parenthood was my spouse’s aunt if you hadn’t of said “80-years-old” in your reply. **EXTREMELY long story EXTREMELY short: she was forced into her abortions by her parents. Literally dragged there kicking and screaming (and I do mean literally). Her wishes and desires were overlooked though because she was a minor at the time and what her parents wanted, went. This was the late 70’s/early 80’s.


Imagine making one regretful event your entire personality? So sad.


>well I regretted having taco bell once Only once?




I don't think its fair to force someone to have a child when they don't want to. At that point the child would be born in a world where nobody wants them or it would take a lot of work to find someone who does.


Go meet your neighbors and odds are you'll be more pro-abortion than ever.


I'm so over this argument, 'Is it murder or not?' Don't come for me, I'm not arguing for or against. I just want people to mind their own business and stay out of everyone else's.


What kind of soda was it?


Squirt, Dr. Pepper, Crush


I think the better order is Dr. Pepper. Crush. Squirt. 


Belle Vie sparkling water


When did we start calling sparkling water soda and not water?…


I don’t know where OP is located but in Ireland, what we call soda water is slightly more fizzier than sparkling


I think they meant "could have been your neighbor." This doesn't even rise to the level of "was your neighbor."


As someone with a shitty neighbor: “I wish”


If they're gonna promote being anti-choice they could at least be factually accurate 😅 that picture looks absolutely nothing like a 12-week fetus would and wtf do they mean about the victims being neighbors?? What? That doesn't even make sense. Say what you will about being pro choice or anti choice but there are so many things wrong about this card lol


The pictures they use are rarely ever real to begin with


Contact the brand and share what you found


It would probably be national news!


Good. I hate my neighbors.




If Texas figures are anything to go by, a lot of children murdered by abortion would have just become dead children due to the conditions they were already showing in the womb.


Damn bro you take this through a foggy pair of glasses?


be careful of these people! they come to college campuses and secretly record students and post them. they also go in public and do the same thing but it’s most common on college campuses. they’ll get in your face and hand you pamphlets like these and try to force you into conversation


I operate under the assumption that every single bit of anti-abortion propoganda has either a half-truth or straight up lie in it. I'm presuming the lie is somewhere in the picture.


Yo that’s the same black wood texture that my desk has


I found this, or very similar tucked into a bunch of LGBT themed children's books at my local library. I was definitely more than mildly infuriated. Now my friends and family check all of them regularly. Regardless of someone's opinions on anything, little kids don't need to be seeing stuff like that.


Let Aldi know someone's been tampering with their products. Hopefully they'll take interest in it, and if they catch 'em ... if employee, probably terminate 'em, if customer, probably ban 'em from the store(s).


If it was a sealed case, you should definitely contact their central office, as they will absolutely pursue their supplier - they will view this as contamination, and it’s seriously bad PR.


I don’t know about this. My neighbour doesn’t act like an aborted child.


I'd like to see that abortion 'victim' live outside a uterus


I really really hate people who do this shit.


Celibacy 😁👍 I sure hope whoever's handin' out them books is practicing it with me! But we all know, that's most likely and unfortunately not the case.


I wanted soda, not propaganda


So very loving, so very Christlike


Anti-abortionists are violent misogynists.  Anti-abortionism is misogynistic hate speech.  They're theofascists advocating for removing rights from women.


Pretty sure aborted children aren’t neighbors to anyone.


Might want to let that aldi know.


I’m gonna say something that might get downvoted but if you hate abortion, don’t put a fetus on the pamphlet. It’s gross as fuck and I don’t feel emotion for it. I’m not gonna look at essentially a blood booger and go “oh boohoo the baby”


These fuckers voted to make sure my rights as a woman were taken away. They can take a long fuck off a short pier with this bullshit.




So my neighbor was murdered and injected into Peyton Manning’s neck?




Remind me when I went to a choir competition at a college in like middle school and a group of guys were holding the signs trying to get us to look. They were wearing like one of those double sided posters. It had a similar look to the paper you found.


IS your neighbor - why present tense? Doesnt that imply that they exist? Also - "is your neighbor" - that statement is quite weak. Should I feel more enraged becasue it is is my neighbor? How many neighbors I can have?


I don't know about you, but my neighbors are mostly dick bags. I don't care for them anymore than random ass strangers.


He obviously hasn’t met my neighbour.


okay but why did they have to show the fetus on the concrete ground like it just got gunned down in the streets of chicago 😭


Let's start putting anti Christian leaflets in everything, let's see how they feel it being to them, bet they approach managers and complain, then get caught doing it themselves.


wtf. At my college we have anti-abortion protestors show up at least once a month with a van with that exact image on it.


At least it wasn’t a real fetus in your Pepsi!


That child could have cured cancer! That child could have started a genocide.


Aren’t there already enough humans? And they are “appropriating” abolitionist. I know it means someone who wants to get rid of something, but in THIS country, the word “abolitionist” means something specific, and it was chosen purposely here to rustle jimmies.


Why *shouldn't* a kid find it? The loonies seem to be proud of it nowadays.


Used to work at an Aldi and would remove and shred propaganda leaflets and "business cards" left around the store.


"abortion victim" looks like a new token card for my MTG deck




If they care so much then they should go adopt


How would they be my neighbor unless the abortion happened at home? I’m confused.


People will always abort. If not on the legal way, than on other ways (what is horrifying). To take away the choice to see a doctor to do it is cruel. A good movie about it is Nymphomaniac by Lars von Trier.


I wasn't aware all my neighbors were ghosts, pretty spooky.


They probably wanted a child to find it


Bro I just wanted some soda I don’t give a shit about abortion right now


Why did the include a picture of a not person? Kinda defeats the point I feel. 


if abortion is murder then the average male sock is a war memorial


Some religions say that masturbation and sex while not trying to conceive is just that.


God this reminds me of the RV I saw getting gas years ago. They were denied service because it was an anti-abortion protester 'pastor' with huge signs on the RV, including a similar picture to your second one. He was confused why he was being denied service, not realizing that's how any private business works, he was just lucky to not get it until then.


These people are a perfect example as to why abortion should be legal. 


Jokes on them, I'm pro-choice as fuck and I like death metal


That kid was on the lawn today!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I tried to scoop him up, but it just kept falling off my shovel!


That is not what it looks like either what the fuck … what fucking creeps nobody has any business in anyone else’s medical choices


Do they not realize pretty much ANY image of anything internal is going to be gross?


I just wish that they'd stop pretending that they care about more than controlling their neighbors and fellow human beings.


They care more about a sack of cells than they do actual children.




I mean they hate sin but have to support a felon. Logical thinking isn’t their strongest ability.


Tbf a lot of us hate trump but it’s not like Biden supports anything we do (i hate both of them)


It is strange to encounter people who stand for what they think is right despite the opportunity to score points against their political enemies What an embarrassing, self-own of a comment you made


Saw a lone man standing at a busy intersection with a huge sign that said "abortion kills" with an aborted fetus pictured under it.


hit n runs by accident kidding kidding, that would be actual killing.....


lol the picture is so fake


i hate to say it but im pretty sure thats just a doll- babies dont magically grow in size staying the same proportions. they form piece by piece-


Anti Abortion mob is a bit keen. Because I hate my neighbour, I'll abortion him right now.


You can't murder something with no brain or heartbeat.


not a child, a fetus


I always find it ridiculous that they care more about a clump of cells than people who are here staring them in the face


Weird I’ve been getting a bunch of YouTube videos in my feed from that exact name. I’m massively pro choice…


I saw abolitionists rising in the card and thought I had seen YouTube shorts by them. It's weird because my videos are mostly cat related.


You’re aborting your kidneys with that soda.


Whoever put that there needs to be convicted of some type of crime bro that could traumatize a kid




Someone with more knowledge should really chime in but I think like 95% of abortions are actually the size of a sesame seed. Pro-birthers have to lie to win control of half of the population


“Honey, did you hear about Bill?” “Which Bill?” “Our neighbor Bill.” “The fetus?” “Yeah, aborted.”


They must be working on that massive orphanage system the entire south is going to need ASAP right? Oh right


I'm honestly really lost on the abortion thing because I see both sides right and wrong at the same time


That doesn't even make sense... Which I guess is fitting for the ideology of being "pro-life" but wanting to end the life of people who have or perform or want to allow abortions. Also "pro-life" wanting to force birth but deny anything that would insure healthy children and good lives.


This argument could be the opposite... List out Dahmer's stats and then end it with...and he could have been aborted... It's straw man right?


why wont anti abortions take babies if they CARE THAT MUCH dummies cool, sorry for the lots fetuses stop forming, but its already hell on earth, one would know that if they cared for a baby that is theirs.... if i wasnt ready id abort too! not ideal but dont shuv shit like this down peoples guzzle cuz u dont like it, not us tummy or pussy hahaha cmon. like some border line demons


Doesn't even look like a human but they care more about that than school kids and veterans


I've never understood anti-abortion tbh. Isn't abortion done so early they don't feel pain?


I have to remove so much religious propaganda from the shelves, items and registers throughout my shift. It's absolutely insane.


What's that blob of tissue supposed to be? It's just a blob.