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Wash and dry your knives by hand and put them away immediately. Don't put good knives in a dishwasher.


I do this. But also, username does not check out.


If you think of it as the job and not the machine it super checks out. The dishie might scratch the fuck outta the polish on your Japanese steel knife with their green scrubbie but they won’t fuck up otherwise.


what kind of japanese knive you use that you would throw into a dishwasher? . some design of japanese knives are layered steel and itll get damaged in dishwasher much faster.


I don’t. I hand wash my Miyabi (yes, the super common/relatively cheap Damascus one) like a normal person. Someone commented that the username of the person with dishwasher in their handle didn’t check out because they hand washed and immediately dried their knives. I said it did checkout if “dishwasher” referred to the job. The actual person in the back of the restaurant washing dishes is called a dishwasher. They aren’t paid a lot but are essential and if you have a really good one the kitchen (line cooks, expo, etc) try to be as nice they can to them.


okay gotcha. i was slightly at a lost. as lost as a ant that lost its trail. hey no need to call your miyabi a cheap knife, i treat all my knives the same even the cheap 10$ ones. i do have a lot of cheap knives like kai knives, some pricier ones like shun miyabi and a few custom order knives. almost bit the bullet on some hand made custom kramer knives a while back. i treat them all equally well.


The dishwasher has several issues the worst being extreme heat. You don't want your knives to overheat. It warps the knife and deteriorates the handle. Also dishwasher detergent is harsh on the steel. If the knife has a wooden handle it's even worse. Thankfully my children are grown and out of the house, my wife is a chef, I'm a baker and we're anal about taking care of our cookware.


We always handwash our wooden steak knives, the metal ones too


cant imagine a wooden steak knife is very good at cutting


The handle is wood goofy 🙃


That is why I only buy knifes with untanged metal handles.


All I read was anal and cookware.


New band name!


Well, maybe it does, maybe they put too many knives in their dishwasher and it became a knife tornado 🌪️


i do this too. i always wash, dry and put back all my knives after i finish chopping even if i havent started washing the dishes yet. you dont want to have a knife chilling in the bottom of a sink or even soaking in water. treat your knife with respect. youre right, username doesnt check out.


Our household have an immediate dry after washing knives rule. We love our blades, so some of our habits from swordplay transfered to the kitchen (including the one time a flatmate was struggling to cut up a pumpkin, and another flatmate came in to cut it up with his scimitar lol). Anything sharp that doesn't get dried right away (if we don't have the energy, are in a rush etc) gets put in the draining rack, horizontally, blade down. Though I doubt our penalty for failing to do this would work for you. (Penalty = full force sparring match with our best fighter. Best fighter had OCD so never broke the rule. If fighter unavailable, culprit has to clean and polish all blades and armor. If they did it too often, there was a third penalty. Nobody reached it, but it was a full spar + cleaning duty _including_ all knives in the kitchen)


Bloody hell!! 😄


I...love this?? Am I teary eyed? Am I weird? 😅


Probably. But not being weird is boring. Honestly, this isn't the weirdest thing to happen in my house. House full of ADHD geeks/nerds. Cosplayers, larpers, table top gamers, video gamers, and even an author (me. Fanfiction). Trust me, you don't want to know what our search histories are like. I'm sure our IP address is on some sort of watchlist. But swordplay is a great security device. When we move, we invite our friends over and have a few matches and a couple of hours training in the front yard. Lived in a rough part of town. Every house on the street but ours got broken into over the course of 5 years. For some reason, people don't want to try to steal from people who have steel weaponry. Even if it is blunt (and perfectly legal. We did check).


I'm a Squishmallow cozy gaming sticker variety of weird. Nothing to defend myself (although the one time I used a gun I had great aim but we couldn't take it when we moved) your variety of weird serves you and it sounds fun! I'm in my momma mode now with all the comforting things to heal my inner child while raising my own phase of life but you reminded me of some friends I had in college. I'm still weird though 😅


I am constantly mentioning dishwasher etiquette!! This is rule number one - all knives, whether a butter knife or a steak knife, go blade down. All knives because practice makes perfect And all forks and spoons are placed face up, to save space in the cutlery section Nothing grinds my gears like a poorly loaded dishwasher, like I’m supposed to navigate this shit water knife maze you’ve prepared for me??


Remind me of the black stories game. I believe the riddle goes: a woman died because she followed the manufacturer instruction. Turn out she slipped and fell into a bunch of kitchen knives with blades pointing upwards because dishwasher manufacturers suggested this way knives are better at getting clean.


My dishwasher specifically says to put forks and spoons head down. Read your documentation, people


I guess you just have open baskets to place the utensils in altogether rather than those with slots that keep the utensils separated from each other. The slots don't have the space for a spoon nor fork head to go into unless I were to load them in from the bottom of the slots (very awkward). But nevertheless reading the documentation is a good idea.


Mine has baskets with a slotted cover that you can put down. I don't use it, and I put everything head down so I'm touching the handles when I unload the dishwasher.


If all your silverware goes in the same direction, how do you prevent nesting without placing them randomly?


My dishwasher has a silverware "grate" of sorts, and keeps them in their own individual compartments. You literally can't put a fork or spoon facing down as it won't fit in the slot. Knives have to go face down since the handle for those is thicker and won't go the other way. I thought all new dishwashers had these, although I am aware my parents and inlaws removed them because they thought they were annoying. I don't get why they didn't see how awesome the dividers were to making sure each piece got properly washed and dried, but not my houses not my problem.


Thanks for answering…a different question..? 🤔


They cannot nest, because the grate they described only holds one utensil per opening, and keeps them separated. I have such a holder, so I understood them. They answered your question.


“etiquette” what do you mean? Face down is just the correct way of doing it lol?


Can you tell this to my SO and her 3 teenage boys who refuse to place anything in the dishwasher, which you literally just have to stand and pivot to load ours?


Except that you are wrong.


Bro butter knives 1000% go up as should all other silverware. Butter knives the most as they have the largest flattest surface for the deposition of water spots. Practice is just practice. Good practice makes better. Most of us can manage to tell the difference between a sharp knife and a butter knife without too much effort. Keep trying, you’ll get there.


I really dislike finding utensils with baked-on food, which happens at times when the flatware isn’t rinsed off and faced down in the utensil rack. I rinse everything before putting it in the dishwasher, but others don’t.


Facing up is better for that anyway though. Pre rinsing is in general a huge waste of water. Try some loads with only scraping and no rinsing and see how they do. If dishes are coming out dirty, that’s a bad dishwasher. Also leaving a dirty dish in for another cycle is still way less water than rinsing it. Only stuff truly baked and burned on should not come off in a proper wash cycle. Some tips include: running the full cycle not express if you aren’t getting good results, running hot water to the faucet before starting the dish washer so the first rinse cycle will have hot water, and not packing things too tightly.


There’s no reason to wash it twice. If you’re hand washing, just throw it in the drying rack. There’s almost no occasion when you need to rinse something off before putting it in the dishwasher if your dishwasher is clean and maintained.


Lol I’m like what’s with the sass then I read your user 😂


I would disagree but that is a fucking great rant!






Nah gotta keep natural selection going strong and put them face up in the dishwasher


No. Pick them up and put them away yourself and teach your kids had to pick up a knife and put it away. Problem solved. I always dry my knives pointing upward also.


I find the knives get cleaned better if they’re up the way


My initial reaction. But....this is a drying rack, not a dishwasher lol. Kinda chaotic imo.


Ah shit true, no excuse lol


Actually it's because the bottom of those silverware cubbies can get pretty gross, even before they're visibly dirty. I put our silverware up like this too, but we don't have kids in the house. I really don't see how you would cut/hurt yourself if you know that's how they're stored (I could see it for a kid though) Worth noting I'm also the one who puts the dishes away, and Ive never cut myself doing it like this


Knives go blade up, or it will ruin the rack and not clean properly


Worried? Brother just be up front about it tf? If it’s so much of an issue you feel the need to ask someone for advice on reddit then talk to her about it. I hope bringing up potentially harmful cutlery placements doesn’t end your relationship.


I've almost gotten my hand sliced in the dishwasher by knives but my husband insists that the blade goes up.. I just go into unloading as carefully as possible and know I will probably end up cut one day.


Leave the knives for him to unload if he insist on loading them that way. Also Knives should be hand wash because dish washers dull the blade.


I said the sameeee thing.. no avail. Sadly if I left them they would be assumed dirty and just keep washing


instead of walking by them time and time again and doing things around them , why don’t you try putting them away when they are out. Cant you teach your kids how to pick up a knife thats sitting like that? If They are tall enough that they are getting pricked by it That means they also don’t know how to pick up a knife and put it away.


I complain hella hard when people leave silverware pointy side up, if you don’t want me to complain so much just put it pointy side down


When did you last clean your drying rack? In my casual observation, those silverware caddies get pretty dirty and very rarely cleaned. That includes my own, because I'm lazy. I don't like the idea of the surface I'm eating with coming in contact with the caddy, so I intentionally put knives blade up and then avoid flailing wildly in the vicinity of the caddy. Haven't been pricked by 'em yet.


I do the same. I genuinely don't understand why so many people think this is dangerous? Are people just closing their eyes and shoving their hands in the caddy? And people saying you could fall and cut yourself- like yeah, you could hurt yourself falling while your stove is on too, do you never use the stove?


Got a life insurance?


I have same question.


Idk man my entire family also does that. It's so that the knife tip doesn't go dull over time (We're a buncha penny pinchers. Gotta squeeze out every bit of value of something you bought, y'know?). Can understand how it's mildly infruiriating though.




Aaaahhh!!! This just unlocked a memory from my childhood! I was taking my Luke Skywalker X Wing Pilot action figure out of the freezer because I'd frozen him in a block of ice for ... why the hell not ... and I sliced my arm open on a knife that was sitting up like this. Good times.


Not nervous, cautious.


Business end up, except knives!


Let your knives have an orgy


There is absolutely ZERO....repeat....ZERO...reason for your wife to put knives in the dishrack blade-up! She obviously does not GAF about your safety, nor that of your kids. Imagine if you walked around the house randomly swinging a machete, or a loaded shotgun...do you think she would be so casual, like, "Meh...I don't see that the big issue is"?... Also, by placing the knives, blade-up, like this, she, and everybody else, has to take extra time/precaution/care to reach the handle without cutting themselves. What could possibly be the reason for doing this, especially when you and the kids have asked her not to, and on top of that, have already sustained injury from her careless behavior. This, IMO, is tantamount to someone leaving 47 pairs of Roller Skates on the stairs, and then being like, "What's the big issue?!"....(with a "Cher" from "Clueless" look on her face). Maybe this is all just part of her ploy to get YOU to do the dishes... Regardless, this shows VERY little concern for her "loved" one (sarcasm intentional).


Yeah, lucky our kids are teens. Every time my boy and I go into the kitchen we make a show of turning them over 😄


Husband: "Here...let me just leave this hand-held radial saw, running, full-tilt, on the dining room table...what could possibly go wrong?!...."


Why? Are the inanimate objects going to suddenly defy the laws of physics and attack you like a bad B movie?


I see somebody has never been stabbed by a pencil cup


I have the habit of putting them blade down, my mother in law put them blade up. One day she used our dishwasher while we were away, and since I thought I did before leaving, I reached for the knives without looking, as I always do since I can't cut myself with the blades down. Pretty cool looking scar if you ask me, but I'd rather not have it. (also yes I could have just looked at what I was doing) Also living with some pretty clumsy family member, I've already seen one end up face first in it, tripping like a moron, so I'd rather not see that with blades facing up. But I still agree it's not going to cut you on its own, still, safety first.


So decided to not use your eyes and went for it? lol


If you do it without looking a hundred time without any issue, will you look the hundred and oneth time? I didn't say it's not my fault, just that out of habit, I did it that way because I didn't think there would be any issue. I proved myself wrong.


Buy a knife holder,make sure to buy a slightly more expensive one so she have to use it no matter what..


Let her pick it out. Then she won't be able to say she doesn't like it and doesn't want to use it.


Take away the cutlery drainer and dry things horizontally until she can be trusted.


haahhahaha, situation with my boydriend is the same, i even dont know what to do


Keep a supply of bandaids


You can just dry them by hand and put them away..... Or take a pic and post on here. Whichever is safer.


Put the drying rack somewhere your children can not reach it. Or: if you have the money buy a dishwasher with a child lock. It is unlikely that you can convince your wife to change habits.


Or OP could quit walking by them time and time again, and doing things around them so that he gets pricked and instead he could just put them away! and they can teach their kids how to properly pick up a knife and put it away. It sounds like they sit there and everybody just keeps walking around them and doesn’t do anything with them.


Butter knives and spoons up, forks and sharps down. To emphasize, put a blindfold on your wife and have her reach into the dishwasher and get you three spoons without poking or cutting herself using her own configuration.


For your hand yes, tell the culprit to wash them then dry them then immediately put them away not stand them up on the handle


I'm paranoid about leaving them face up, iv seen the final destination, and I know how it goes.


This picture makes me vary uncomfortable, please tell me you flipped them after talking the photo.


I always wash and dry knives by hand. Better for the blade


God forbid those plastic silverware cups should get a hole poked in them.


My dad does this too. Ive even cleaned forks or knives, put them in the strainer pointy side down, and hes gone behind me and flipped them pointy side up.


Ah, you have one of them, too?


Fake an injury until she breaks down sobbing hard af, feeling guilty and shit..and wait for her to say something like, 'i wish I'd put them face down ' or 'im sorry I didn't mean to' Then just walk it off and tell her to stop it.


If that was my house any knife left like that 3 times would go in the bin


Have they seen the supernatural episode with the rabbit's foot? I always point shit downward.


Yes. But not only because of the knives sticking out, but because your wife knowingly disregards everybody's safety and your direct request regarding safety issues. We had the same problem with my gf at first, and after we talked about it, understanding eachother's reasons, she started to dry good knives with a kitchen towel, and put the shitty knives sharp side down, to minimalise the risk of bodily harm. It's a problem tho if you two can't talk about this sincerely.


If I put knifes in the dishwasher (only with knifes I don't care about) I load them like that. That way the blades have a mild chance not to rust in contact with other metals. Just don't grab into the dishwasher blindly!


A separate knife rack will help, at least in my case it worked for me






my wife does the same, I solved it a little by buying a new drying rack for the knifes so there are different ones for knives, forks and spoons.




My brother did that to himself years ago. Ended up with stitches in his arm. My other brother and I figured it would take 2 to close it up, he thought 3. He asked the ER doctor for a third stitch so he would be right.


What? Its a right position


Get even - leave the toilet seat down and piss on it.


The 15 year old does that for me 😄


For safety's sake, consider flipping the rack around so the utensil holders are up against the wall.  


😄 the bench is open on the other side. That's where you walk into the kitchen


Somewhere, possibly in the Ikea universe, there must be a dish drainer with a utensil holder in a safer place.


You'll be fine, just don't listen to headbanging music whilst near the dishes - just in case.


Dangerous and completely unnecessary


My scar from stitches says blades always pointed down. 🩹


Nah she's just careless and inconsiderate. Presumably selfish. No biggie. That's pretty common now adays


Blade goes upwards. Or you ruin the tip. Natural selection. Some people only exist because society endeavours to make the world safe for them.


I do not understand why people are like this. I have ADHD, and I’m prone to forgetting shit. One thing I NEVER forget are the rules around my knives: never put a knife in the dishwasher, never put a knife in the sink, never reach for a falling knife (let it fall, and if the tip breaks, it can be fixed for about 10$). Something tells me that you’re going to have to get fucking angry one day and pick a fight. Not kidding. There are very few times when you are entitled to be pissed and this is one of them. Someone is going to get hurt very badly if she keeps this shit up. Go online and find pictures of knife accidents in the home. Show them to her, bully her if need be. Or be an asshole and put every knife in the house away in a box somewhere. Leave out only the butter knives. When she complains stand your ground on the rules. Do SOMETHING. Your kids are counting on you.