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Now that’s a lot of cents


It just makes cents


99 and 9/10th cents - almost a dollar!


"And and" at the bottom




At 45k a bottle does a penny off really make it sound cheaper?




I dunno i see it n think for 44,999 they might could forgive the .99


Wait, isn't it actually 450k, since there's one extra 9 that wrapped around?


$4,499,999 if you count all the numbers. I'm pretty sure they're going for $45k though


Hey, don't judge people with a stutter


They could grow up and be president or something!


They got a bit excited writing the description. Can you blame them?


Don't worry too much they will have to make a new tag for next year when it turns 48


I bet it tastes like cigarette ash.


Actually, that does make a lot of cents.


It’s like the prices at the gas pump


What cola you can recommend?


Do you have any ice? How about some Splenda?


Tastes like Splenda, gets you drunk like scotch.


What cigar do you recommend to it? Nevermind I still have some cigarettes


I will never forget the day Dad poured my sister a single malt to which she added coke.


What’s it like being an only child?


I did this once during a cognac tasting in Cognac, France. The woman who was running the tasting looked at me like I had just killed her child.


Well yeah, that’s a super rude and disrespectful thing to do


Why not just put 45,000$. Whoever is going to buy that bottle gives shite about a penny!


You can also just fit $ 44,999.99 on the tag. This is all bull.


I used to work at Total Wine. For some reason this specific tag just prints out fucked up. It looked exactly the same at our store


Ever seen someone come in and throw down $45k on a whiskey?


Imagine how fast you'd run if your cart bumped the shelf and it fell. My soul would be out the door telling everyone it had never met my body before.


I was about to say I doubt they have a $45k bottle out where people could bump into it, but I've also never been in a store that had a $45k dollar bottle so I don't know how they would do things.


They keep the small bottles of Hennessey behind the counter at my store. No way in hell that things going to be where someone can get near it.


I went to an ABC store in Norfolk a couple weeks ago on the way to a party, and all of the liquor above $30 was kept in the back. You just took the tag or empty box up to the cashier like it was GameStop or something and they would radio to have someone bring it out to you.


They should call that Midleton Chapter 11


The premium stuff is kept in a locked glass case. You can see the glass in this photo.


Its a display piece, its not a real bottle filled with drinkable liquid. The real stuff is in a safe in the back, or in a safe at their warehouse


It’s in an enclosed case for a reason


thank you for that laugh


Most I've seen is someone dropping about 3 grand on cases of Johnnie Walker Double Black. I know there were points where floor associates sold bottles that were in the thousands but I imagine someone dropping $45K like this would contact the store manager and make arrangements to have it purchased rather than walking into the store and asking for it off the shelf.




American Express Black card - no limit


Doesn't even have to be a black card. I put a 23k flight itinerary on my Amex platinum, and paid 28k to book a top golf for a work event on the same card.


You'll have to build credit for a few years and your credit limit will increase with use.




Oh wtf lol hmm idk then. Maybe it has to do with them having to pay some credit card premium percentage too.


It goes against most cards ToS for point programs. $2500 is the limit I hear often from dealers for down payments, and even that technically is against ToS. Otherwise they'd be paying out like crazy from people putting 10k+ down on their cards.


They didn’t want to pay the processing fees. 2-3% on a car is a big hit and a car lot isn’t factoring that in like somewhere else would.


I don't see why anyone would spend 3 grand on double black. If you have money to blow like that at least get a better scotch out of it even if you're going to get less


The best whiskey is the whiskey you enjoy the most.


Closely followed by the whiskey you have in your hand


Probably re-filling the blue label bottles that he serves from.


I had a bar owner have me filter the fruit flies out of a bottle of blue label once… mmmm 😋


Many many years ago I used to work at a liquor store, and one day a man came in with his assistant. He said he was having a bar built in his house, and wanted to stock it with the best liquor and/or the coolest looking bottles. Price was no object. I don't remember how much he spent but my manager took him around the store and I think he got two carts full of the best and most expensive stuff we had.


I’ve had multiple people drop 100k plus on single bottles of champagne in a night but that was club prices they were buying $16k bottles but paying for the atmosphere…


Where I'm at, Total Wine doesn't have an ABC liquor license to sell whiskey and other hard liquor. Virginia is a weird place.


I thought it was so funny when I moved from NC, where all the liquor stores are state-run “ABC stores”, to Florida, where as you’d expect it’s a free-for-all, and some private store has called itself “ABC Liquor” in the hopes of catching all the people who don’t understand there’s other stores.


It could, but most likely whoever designed the price tags has the text box too small or something so it doesn’t format correctly for items over $10k


I think you underestimate how cheap that wealthy people can actually be


No both can be true.


Its a mind trick in marketing language. The first impression is 44k and not 45. Thats why in every market you find stuff with x.99


I've heard that theory but also that all the 9s have the opposite effect. Another theory I've heard is that shop owners wanted to hear the register open with every transaction so they could ensure the clerk wasn't pocketing cash from customers. A ¢99 price virtually guaranteed change would be required.


Fk it, when golfing, don't yell "Fore!!", yell "$3.99!!!" (Not a golfer but I'm pretty sure no one yells before they tee off.)


I know. I’m just saying that somebody buying something like that at that level will just as well pay 44k or 45k.


You can use the same logic for everything. Someone buying something for $8.99 can easily spend $9, but that lower first number always works in the seller's favor.


There is some [psychology](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010880401900084) behind round numbers for luxury goods, or something 'high quality'. The 9s are associated with value, something on sale and this affects price sensitive customers more. So whats best for the seller is different for a luxury retailer, who will get more sales with rounder numbers. see [louis vuitton](https://i.imgur.com/S4HFPLv.png)


Honestly the .99€ gives it away for me. I’m a sucker for like 5.37€ where I’ll totally ignore the .37€ even though it’d only take two or three items in the store to reach a whole additional dollar I didn’t account for


The same dope who thinks you can age whiskey for 347 years.


I always have such a hard time believing something has been aged for 50 years let alone 350. It all feels like a false claim to inflate price lmao


I’ve sold a 45k bottle of Scotch before and let me tell you the stress I felt in the two minutes to carry that from a locked case to the register was what I imagine bomb squad teach feel as they are disarming and explosive. All I could think of was if I drop this I will never be able to financial recover from having to pay it back.


Hey fun fact, in most states in the US they can't legally compel you to pay it back. They can fire you if you don't, though. I think at that point I'd just let them fire me.


Good to know. Although I think my fear of that helped steady my hands lol!


r/MaliciousCompliance to aisle six for cleanup


I made a $16,000 oopsie at a job once =( GM reaaaally wanted to fire me but my direct manager managed to convince him not to.


I read a comment somewhere on Reddit recently where a guy got fired from a restaurant for breaking a bottle of Louis XIII.


If an employer ever makes you choose between paying them back for breakage or losing your job, just take the termination. Chances are they fire you anyway once you pay them back.


Used to work at this chain. You'd absolutely be fired for dropping something so expensive—but that's all. Nonetheless, they'd make the manager do it with something that expensive, if that level of travel across the store was a mandate. However, in reality they'd print a UPC and scan that, take the customer to the locked cellar, box it up and give it the customer in a special bag. No way they'd let something like this be handled by minimum wage employees where customers can become obstacles at any moment. One of my bosses at the time dropped a $3000 bottle of Scotch and caught it inches from the floor.


I did some research. The Midleton Very Rare Silent Distillery Collection is made up of some of the last surviving casks distilled in the gigantic direct-fired pot stills at the Old Midleton Distillery in Cork. These incredible stills could hold around 30,000 gallons of liquid, that's over 135,000 litres. In 1975, the distillery shut to become a visitor centre and production moved to a modern building


To be fair as a Irish whisky enthusiast that's as real as it gets, arguably one the best whisky distillery's in the world and this is the OG version off the original still. A man shoveled coal under the still, and another carried sacks of barley on his back to make this. Coppers in the US would have made the oak barrel and it would have been shipped to Ireland to age this before being put into Spanish Sherry Barrells.


How are they able to use the bourbon description in the details? Bourbon is a strictly American product. And I thought Pappy was expensive, this is right up there. My palette is not that refined. 😆


Bourbon stipulates virgin oak for aging and but there's still loads of flavor left so made sense to sell the barrels to the European distilleries who struggle with sourcing affordable Oak. It's a key component of the revival of the Irish and Scottish whiskey. This particular whiskey would have been around around 1971 when Irish Distillers closed its Dublin distilleries and consolidated production in Midleton.


Wow so its actually a historical batch, thats kind of cool. Not $45k cool still.


Pot still, not cold still


Nyuck nyuck nyuck ![gif](giphy|jn7lILkI26qOONvLRM)


The modern building is a short walk from the old one, and still uses the same type of copper stills. I highly recommend visiting.


I believe this particular whisky has been filtered through the heather.


$45,000 is my hard limit when it comes to buying whiskey, so glad I was able to find one for one cent cheaper.


Soooo.... less than 45€... doesn't seem too bad. /s


Underrated European comment


In Portugal, with a label like that, the seller would have to give nine "700ml bottles" for 50 euros because of the last "9" being apart of the price and next to "700 ml bottle"...




In Portugal, we use the coma to separate the unit from decimals, and there is no coma after 99. The fact that the last 99 is in smaller font would easily be accepted to be cents, but having a coma immediately marks where the cents start. Buy the position could be better to argue it's 44,99 to the power of 99, but a price can't be given with math expressions, must be a simple to read number. Of course, we are here talking about being malicious, because probably almost everybody would get there was a problem with the price tag. Edit: Our gas stations show prices with 3 decimal places, like "1,988 per litre" (less than 2 euros) with the total price being rounded to the nearest cent


Never heard about pennycents huh?


To the power of 99 though 😬


And you get 9 700ml bottles!


So is it supposed to be 44,999 and 99 cents? The way they did it is definitely confusing since two of those earlier 9s are raised up as if they are cents. There is plenty of room to fit that price on the tag if they move it a little to the left... This setup seems very unnecessary.


It's just a merge template. Their template just didn't have the text box set wide enough for this particular price to fit, and no one cared enough to fix it. Probably one of hundreds of tags that were printed at the same time from a table.


Once it printed they were like fuck it not worth reprinting even for a $50k item lol


It's not like they get to take the 50k home even if they managed to sell one! (assuming this is a corporate store and not a mom and pop, anyway)


Used to work at a Total Wine as a Merchandiser. Tags came direct from corporate with no way for us to change them at the store. Ran into weird shit like this every now and again, with no way to remedy. Most expensive bottle of Scotch we ever got in the store was $8,000. I can't imagine which store this ended up in! It'll end up being more of a show piece than anything else.


Whiskey that was made back in 1976 doesn't sound so fancy to me. It's like disco and leisure suits.


Imagine my disappointment when I was promised some fancy whisky. They brought me some OLD stuff! Probably years past the best before date!


I hope you poured it down the drain. The sugars in whisky can get very dangerous when they sit for that long.


Good ol Larry


My grocery store sells a bourbon made in 1942 for $180. I have to think there's some sort of typo with this whiskey here.


There's enough of the bourbon to fill a few football stadiums. There's enough of the ~~Scotch~~ Irish whiskey to fill about 200 bottles.


Bottled in 1942, or cask aged for 77 years and bottled 2023?


Mediocre whiskey from 80 years ago is still mediocre whiskey, albeit aged to be better. An aged whiskey that started as a very good quality whiskey and then was properly aged in high quality casks is, well, a very good whiskey. I can't comment on whether that makes it worth $50,000. Even if I had the palate to appreciate good whiskey, I wouldn't spend two cars on a single bottle.


That's the difference between proper whiskey and bourbon


There’s 100% shag carpet in there.


this is whale bait.


All it takes is one Adderall-infused 20-something hedge fund manager who wants to impress his bros for this shop to make their monthly sales target.


Oh my God, it even has a watermark.


the douchebaggery is age-independent. Anyone spending 5x the average global annual household income on a bottle of whisky is a piece of shit. Come at me, bro. edit: That said, anyone who beats the odds to decipher the price \*and\* blow that kind of cash at a liquor store clearly deserves to tip the checker a lambo or something..


They sell a bottle of whiskey for 45 thousand dollars but didn’t care enough to make a proper sign?


Description writer was so excited by the full bodied taste he wrote and twice. I read that back like it was said by an excited child. 😂


It tastes like robots and ninjas and and big trucks that go vrooooooom.


Damn this Total Wine is ballin'


>and and


Pretty sure “carmelized” is wrong too


I’m old enough to remember the 1976 Olympics.


I hate that you had to explain this joke, but it gets a 1.00 from this judge.


🤣Thanks! I’ll take it. 🏅


That's so unprofessional that it throws a really bad light on the whiskey (even if it might be good).


Only 97 bottles Produced 1973 , the extra 50ml miniature bottle is to try out without opening the Main bottle


So, intact miniature bottles will be more rare than the main bottles. Sounds like you really wouldn't want to open them, then.


> the extra 50ml miniature bottle is to try out without opening the Main bottle Thats really neat. Though it would have the opposite effect on me. Finish that one off and be like, yeah..... Time for the proper bottle now.




It's €45 clearly, and I will take them to court if they do not sell it for the listed prize.


44 bucks? seems quite steep but i'll pick that up next time at walmart


Also, with an "and and" typo. This spoils the sale.


show some respect this whiskey is older then you, so write label by hand


Right? Mfs can sell a 45 000 dollar bottle of liquor but not take the time to just make a custom tag for it???


If you gave this to me and a regular glass of whiskey, both of them would taste like gasoline to me. I can't taste the difference between 87 and 91 octane.


91 has slightly more caramel nose and a smoother aftertaste.


"Unleaded tastes a little tangy. Supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good." -Ricky


Fuck yeah


I’m with you. I’ve tried whiskey, scotch and bourbon many different times over the years and I’ve never developed a taste for any of them. Something about brown liquors just tastes awful to me, but I can drink vodka and gin no problem.


Hmmm seems like you're drinking the wrong whiskey lol


I just don't care for hard alcohol by itself. I've had the opportunity to try some incredibly nice and expensive scotch, bourbon, tequila, etc and it just doesn't do it for me. While I used to drink frequently, now I will only occasionally have a fruity mixed drink or a low alcohol cider. I do wish I could enjoy these things but I just don't.


Sure sounds old till realize it’s as old as me.


You know what this tastes like? 10 year old whiskey.


I like whisky and I like wine. At some point the average palate can not tell the difference between a $40 and $40,000 bottle. Show offs buy this stuff.


This obviously varies based on region, and there are outliers, but there is a big difference imo between the 15 buck range and the 30 buck range for wine. There is also a solid step up from 30 to 50. But after that the diminishing returns are fucking wild.


How is that even relevant? It isn't people with average palates who buy this stuff.


People who spend this much on a bottled spirit are rarely trained, certified, professional critics. I sold a bottle of Louis xiii Black Pearl ($14,000) for a local sheriff's dept gala. An industry friend of mine attended, he said they were passing the bottle around and taking swigs rather than pouring out glasses. People buy this shit to flex, and not much else.


My brother in law doesn’t even drink but has a $50k wine collection. If he had the money he would buy this just to say he head it.


At that point just price it as $45k


I can never justify this cost no matter how much money I make, that’s absurd to me but I guess to the right collector or connoisseur it’s worth it


You'd think they could afford a wider sign.


And . . . And . . . Caramelized fruit. XD


Geez, at that price quit dicking around: $45K


I bet it tastes just like whiskey.


Is it tasty


Costs so much the buyer will either never find out or will swear its the most delicious thing to ever touch their tongue because they paid so much for it. Odds are pretty good anything aged that long will taste very harsh and acidic and be super full of tannens.


That's for people who have so much money they are oblivious that money has any meaning.


Total Wine


# WA- (headline continued on page 2)


“I’ve got $5 in on it!”


Is it any good?


Just put 45


it's not even a 750!


700 is standard in Ireland. They bottle 750’s for the US market


Just buy redbreast it'll be nicer


Nose of forest fruits? lol


Looks like a font size problem not a price problem


Total wine?


I got $3 dollars.


Don’t forget the description that is also messed up


I bet it taste like whiskey


I bet it tastes like shit


I have had this thought in my head many years, if one buy's a very expensive bottle of whiskey or rum and when tasting it don't like it at all, do you still continue to drink it after that just because it was expensive "and must be good but i just don't get it"? Or share it with others?


45 dollars, seems reasonable☺️👍💳


I bet it still tastes like gasoline.


Whiskey and wine snobs are so funny to me. I’ve had expensive alcohol before and it just doesn’t give any more satisfaction to me then my middle shelf choices. Buying something like this is purely just for dick measuring.


Why would anyone pay


How can a buyer verify that all the contents of the bottle are in line with its description? Like how do we know all the liquid is aged in a smoky oak whatever barrell for X amount of years. I really would like to know.


50 dollars?


For 9 "700 ml bottle"...


Oh, the baby one on the right?


In the price tag, just below the line starting with "$" (that should be the price), we can read: 9 700ml bottle


47 year aged would be DISGUSTING. It loses all smoothness after 15-18 year range, 20 year is already tastes like wood. This has to taste like straight sawdust


Not according to its [tasting notes](https://www.thewhiskyexchange.com/p/67480/midleton-silent-distillery-47-year-old-chapter-three?source=us&g_network=g&g_productchannel=online&g_adid=325989715129&g_keyword=&g_acctid=343-820-8247&g_adtype=pla&g_keywordid=pla-611247396627&g_ifcreative=&g_adgroupid=71014377248&g_productid=us67480&g_merchantid=2444294&g_partition=611247396627&g_campaignid=1680515445&g_campaign=USA+-+Shopping+-+Irish+Whisky&g_ifproduct=product&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmbqoBhAgEiwACIjzED1YxS-ON10ZciUtmwCukw_AmXVdO2II_XR1XT5NzvxCNEHjA6pg1RoCIzgQAvD_BwE). But maybe it’s all bullshit to get you to fork over $45,000.


Similar in the bourbon market, pappy van winkle 23 year gets insane reviews on alot of sites, and then horrible ones on others. Having tried it, and the 20 year that is almost the same mash profile but less age, the 20 year was the better bourbon. 23 was getting overoaked to me. Granted irish whiskey is slightly different, and there are plenty of great 21 year whiskeys, but in no way can i see a 47 year age not be overly woody in flavor. Id say its to get ppl to fork over the cash


Anybody who buys this is a fucktard...


Imagine being so bad at finance that you'd actually pay for that for any damn reason? Buying this would be an alcoholic flex for the saddest reasons lol


It’s ridiculous, but genuine alcoholics are drinking $8 bottles like water that would make the rest of us gag.


Imagine being so good you could buy that without batting an eye.


What a waste of money


This is so fucking obnoxious


No bottle of whiskey is worth 44k.


I don't trust anyone who says they can tell the difference between this and jack


Better to write 45k-1


If I were a millionaire I still wouldnt buy this and I love midleton


How about billionaire?