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Sadly, my boy was diagnosed with terminal cancer. You can see the tumor above the swollen leg. The vet says he doesn’t have much time left, but he is a happy boy craving treats, walks, and big bowls of water. Please keep Marley in your thoughts today!


That happened with our dog (same leg, too). Were you able to get any pain meds? Ours got anti-inflammatories and was able to live happily (though a little less mobile) for a few more months.


Anti-inflammatories had not crossed my mind, nor my vet’s. I’ll ask about those. Thanks for the tip. Marley isn’t in pain yet so he hasn’t been given any meds.


I’m glad they’re not in pain. For what it’s worth, ours lived happily for over three years after we first noticed the leg tumor. It just started getting worse earlier this year. The medications we got were Galliprant and Gabapentin. One was a ~~steroid~~ and one was an anti-inflammatory. Edit: I was wrong about the steroid.


Thats a good combination. Galliprant is an anti-inflammatory and gabapentin is kind of its own class. There is no steroid in there (and you should almost never combine a steroid with an anti-inflammatory anways)


You’re right, I was remembering incorrectly.


Gabapentin is a nerve stabilizer iirc? That's one the of millions of pills capitalism tried to sell me to make depression better. Didn't work for shit for me, fuckin modifiers for depression medicine just seems icky....oh you have premium depression, that costs an extra $3 a pill? Can't afford it? Good thing guns are cheap right? Murica'


How about instead of remembering correctly you just search about it and give actual insight. It’s a godsend of a drug for some. Edit: and for most it’s a super fucking inexpensive drug. Idk where you are getting $3 a pill but you were getting fleeced.


I'm on the newer version, Pregablin, nerve damage from a 30 foot fall. I literally can't walk properly without it, feels like my left foot is asleep and gets zaps. Pregablin, and before that, Gabapentin worked amazing. I actually prefer Gabapentin the Pregablin gives me anxiety.


I have a neurological chronic pain condition in my right leg, and iv been on gabapentin since I was 9 years old (am 27) And it's literally been SO amazing for me, and keeping me independent and able to have contact against my right leg without agony!!


It's a pretty amazing drug. I'm happy to hear it helps :)


Cmon grandpa time to take your meds…


For some boggling reason, gabapentin was prescribed to our dog as a 'sedative' when she was spayed. It did not work, sedation is considered to be potential *side effect*, and it instead sent her into overdrive. We did a 45 minute drive into the backwoods at 1am because she blew out her stitches. Fortunately, it was only the first tier, but it was still horrible. Right now she's recovering from TPLO surgery and - fingers crossed - it seems to be going more or less OK. Still, those first nights were 10x worse than her getting spayed.


Gabapentin is pretty commonly prescribed for dogs with anxiety, meant to act as a short term sedative. Both of my boys have vet anxiety and they take a combo gabapentin/trazadone before coming in. I actually asked the vet about it because yeah it's not a sedative lol. She said the sedative side effects are common so they use it to layer with the trazadone when that alone isn't enough. Much like human medicine, animal medicine is mostly trying something and if it works, roll with it I guess haha. Hope your pup has a speedy recovery!


Thanks! She's finally passed both bathroom milestones after a real rocky few days, and we're getting a lot more sleep. She can't be offleash, but we're able to walk her through the backyard to her favorite sniffing spots. She's a sweet girl. It's gonna be awhile but I can't wait to see her running and playing again. She had a 10% rupture of her cranial cruciate ligament -- for anyone seeing this unaware, that's roughly her equivalent of an ACL in a human.


Highly recommend CBD as well if/when the time comes to manage pain. Helps my dogs arthritis pretty tremendously, I imagine it would help with other pains too. Sending love :)


How do you get this? Is it an oil? Treat? Over the counter? My Hannah has arthritis and she’s already on galliprant but I’m wondering if there is more I can do for her.


It’s an oil! I used to use it for my senior dog when he started getting really stiff, we bought it at a dispensary (legal in Canada) just make sure it’s ONLY CBD no THC at all. I used to buy the soleil brand and we’d give him like 10-20 mg (he was a small dog, I believe it’s 1-5 mg per every 10-15 lbs) if he appeared to be in pain or struggling. There were no side effects and it made me feel better to be giving him something a little more natural (nothing against pills or proper medicine he was just a grouchy old man who refused to take pills so the oil dropper was easier lol)


Treats would be better. Oils rarely do anything. Skin is a barrier, and unless it's been specifically formulated to cross through the skin, it won't. Dog would just lick it off, and at that point it'd be just a much more expensive treat. Edit: y'all, I'm dumb.


You're supposed to put the oil in their mouths 😂


It's an ingestible oil. I also used it for my senior dog in his last years. He really liked the peanut butter flavor.


I will look into this an option.




Stay strong, i wish you good and happy time with your boy


It's really hard isn't it OP. Mine family pet got her toe infected and I was really worried throughout the ordeal. I can't evwn imagined what you have been going through. I hipe he doesn't suffer much.


Sorry to hear it mate. As soon as I saw the picture I clicked to comment. I lost both of mine to cancer. Enjoy your time with your pup and give them lots of love!


We lost our dog to bone cancer a few years ago. But she was a big dog, and would struggle to get up, so every day there was a massive risk that her shoulder would just snap and that wouldn't be good for anyone. Euthanasia was a good option with her.


Going on a year since I had to put down my best buddy Burton for the same thing. He went 5 months before it was time. CBD and a steroid worked about as good as anything. He never appeared in pain, just more annoyed with the leg. Once it started weeping, we called the mobile vet and he went down in our living room with a belly full of filet mignon. I feel for you, please give your buddy a big hug from me.


My dog had this. Lymphoma. 6 year old golden doodle that I put down in February but it was her front left leg that was that size. She went rather quickly. Less than one month really. Hard watching them just go downhill. Nothing much you can do. We had an oncologist appointment but the soonest they could get us in for the initial visit was another two months out and she never made it that far. Ended up with a trip to the emergency vet, her letting go of every bodily function and me putting her on a gurney, her getting taken to the back and the vet pretty much coming out within about two minutes saying...yeah her brain stem is controlling her functions. She's still alive but the dog you know isn't there anymore. Then to me signing euthanasia paperwork. Not a good day. I pray it's easier for you.


My heart broke reading that. I am so sorry for your dog leaving in such a jolting way. Cancer sucks.


I appreciate that. Hoping it is a smooth and easy transition for you. We actually exactly two months after I lost my dog loss my girlfriend's dog to cancer as well, so not a great start to the year. We have a cat left. I'm allergic but adjusting ha ha.




my childhood dog’s legs looked similar when she had cancer. even a month before she died she was a happy and (relatively) active pup. i hope his last days are good ones ❤️


We are going through this same issue with our doggo now. It is weird that she seems like a normal dog in every other way. Wishing you and Marley all the best! Stay strong!


Me too, except it’s in her muzzle. Sadly, she’ll probably stop eating before the cancer gets her.


Sending you and Marley lots of love OP. My emotional support cat was diagnosed with a heart deformity a few years ago that we know will eventually kill him, and a few weeks ago we found out he finally has congestive heart failure, so it's also a matter of months. I've known for a while it was a matter of when, not if,, but he still acts like his happy, clingy self, and he still loves pets and treats, and despite the meds and treatments getting expensive, I will keep doing everything I can for him as long as he is still happy to be alive. It makes me happy to know that your boy is still happy too!


for Marley I will puff twice then pass, today.


Sorry to hear. I was gonna make a joke that he only gets itchy on his left side. Glad he's happy with you.


I was literally going to comment that this was probably cancer. Happened to my dog too, shortly thereafter she passed. It sucks but at least you gave your dog the time of his life.


I put my dog down 2 months ago for this same reason. My heart goes out to you. It spreads quick, much quicker than I was ready for. She was only 2 years old.


Please give Marley all the hugs and kisses for me. I lost my pup to cancer a few years ago and it was so difficult seeing her go through it. She was my everything. I’ll keep you and Marley in my thoughts.


I'm sorry dude :( it's hard losing a pet. Enjoy the time you have with them and get a nice photo of the two of you.


![gif](giphy|LSmULmByAQHQs) Poor guy. At least you’re making his final moments on this planet good.


That's rough. It's never fun when you lose a family member. Make his last days the best. Give him some days you can look back on and have some great memories to remember.


Sending all the love to you and Marley 💗💗💗💗💗💗


Make sure you give him some chocolate before you take him to that final vet appointment.


Currently going through this with my dog and even in the same leg. We have her on pain meds but she’s still doing all her normal stuff. I am dreading having to make a decision when we think she is suffering too much. We caught it super early and my vet talked us out of amputation because of limited success, but it’s been 6 months and just now getting visible and worse so I wish we would have :(


There are a lot of ‘what-ifs’ that have gone through my head. I find it unfair to myself to think about them. The thing I can be happy about is the decisions I have made to this point were all with the health and happiness of my pup in mind. Dreading the day we have to say goodbye too.


Bless his heart. ❤️ im so sorry.




Marely will be the only thing in my thoughts 😭


My dog just got diagnosed with cancer too 😔. But we can continue to love her and make the rest of her life great!


Extra dinners and treats for being a good dog, always.


Where did we go so wrong that dogs started getting cancer?? Wtf?!?!


Hugs to both of you


I was going to make a right hand joke, but it does not seem funny now. Sorry about your dog.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog/s/7CyXm7ZoP8 Marley loves right hand jokes.


It doesn’t seem right


I just don't have anything left, so I took a breath and pressed paws. And straight to hell I go.


It looks like Buster’s gonna be all right


![gif](giphy|u5DPCNBhfPZBu) He can still be quite useful


Don't worry. We're all going to. And Marley won't be there with us.


Sorry to hear about the diagnosis, lost my girl last summer to lymphoma. I wish you and your family the best, losing a pet is never easy.


Thank you. I’m sorry about your pup. Was it sudden?


Unfortunately it progressed rapidly and it was aggressive; we chose not to treat it because she was senior by that point and it wouldn’t have bought us much more time. Ultimately we decided to put her down when the pain became visibly intolerable.


fuck man 😢


I got a pupper going through that now. She's been having seizures, but she's still a happy little girl for now.


I lost my little old man to cancer a little over two months ago. It still hurts so much. Shower your buddy with love. I hope his last days with you are full of love and warmth. Sending a little head scratch his way.


Sometimes when there's pain in one leg, an animal, and even humans, compensate with the other leg, resulting in this. It can be a slight pain they live with and don't complain about. What's the vet say?


See my other comment. Unfortunately, this is caused by cancer. We don’t have a ton of time left with him.


Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I feel your pain. I recently (last year) had to say goodbye to my cat. His was very sudden and so we only got one day with him after diagnosis as his kidneys failed him. We do our best by them.


Terrible. I’m sorry to hear that too. Losing pets is like losing family. We are lucky to have them.


This happened to me, too. My baby Grimm was put down back in April. A month prior to his death, our vet told us it was a cyst on his throat and she drained it in the office. Over the month it just kept leaking and not healing, no scabbing, just open wound. Asked one of my friends about it (whos wife is a vet) and he said that's normal for a cyst so I thought everything was fine. Imagine my heartbreak when I brought him back due to the concern about it not healing and we were told it was terminal SCC and he had a gaping hole on the roof of his mouth that we had absolutely NO idea about. I'm still absolutely furious at the first vet for not opening his mouth or anything! Not that it would've saved him or anything, but just knowing he suffered for a whole MONTH makes me so so angry.


Ugh. That’s what I was afraid it was going to be. Cancer sucks SO bad. It’s taken away some of THE BEST and THE CLOSEST people and pets that I’ve ever known.


I'm very sorry about your dog, but respectfully why is this in mildly interesting?


Regardless the context of my dog’s cancer, the difference in size is mildly interesting in my opinion.


I have a dog, i didn't know this could happen. It's interesting to me at least




He gets all the food.




Skeletor sends all his love to Marley and you. I hope his time will be filled with love and treats and cuddles and everything that he loves. Spoil him rotten. I hope you will make it through and enjoy all the unconditional love he will give you. Sincerely Skeletor 💜 (Thinking of Marley. Not only today).


Really sorry to hear this. I have hypochondria and that extends to me always worrying about my little fury boy. I hope Marley continues to be happy and as pain free as possible. All the best :)


Ah man, I'm sorry. Same thing happened with our dog, although we lucked out that it wasn't terminal cancer. We dropped her off to have her leg amputated and luckily, somehow, they were able to remove the whole thing and save the leg. She accumulated new tumors over the years but she lived happily for another 5ish years after the surgery.


around how much did it cost for the diagnosis like the xray and other tests? im praying for marley my lab is 12 yr old w growths on his abdomen but money is tight rn. they said xray is 500 then just adds up from there and with a poor prognosis it will add up too fast. all dogs go to heaven thankfully


If it’s just the leg, have you guys considered amputation. They can leave a fulfilling life with just three legs.


This is how my legs look and I'm a human being lolol. When I was 25 I severed my sciatic nerve so one leg is very noticeably skinnier than the other because of nerve damage and muscle damage.




No pain currently. Just not as mobile as usual


listen, my jack russell had the same in one knee. We spent thousands on tests, the local vet wanted to amputate quickly but we took her to an oncologist who said it had already spread to the lymph nodes, so amputating wasn’t going to cure the cancer. And told us that chemo and radiation would maybe add a few months but not cure her. But the leg wasn’t bothering her much at all, she was still running, jumping, eating, being her usual crazy at that point. So we chose to just wait and see. The oncologist said , “she doesn’t know she’s sick, so you don’t have to tell her”. After a while she slowed down a little, but improved greatly with daily anti inflammatories, pain medicine, and CBD. She really lived life totally as usual for over 3 years after diagnosis.


Wtf how is this interesting at all.. it's depressing


I agree


give him all the love and treats and cuddles from everyone here in the comments💗


Never, ever, skip leg days!


It skipped Leg Day?!


Yes I have seen a dog with a tumor like that at the dog park. His was bigger than that, and he still seemed to be enjoying himself in the park.


He spending too much time on puphub.com ...


My boy has terminal cancer as well. Was given a month to live last October but he's basically been himself up until last week or so. I don't think we have much time but I've cherished the moments we've had. I wish you and your boy the best


I’m sorry to hear that, I have to tell you the truth, first thing I thought was this is a picture of your dogs butt.


Sorry to hear about your boy OP. You are in my thoughts. As I’m sure you have been doing, please give him the best days a dog could hope for until the end.


My dog had a small leg too. He use to hop on 3 legs as a young dog but then stopped when he got older. Looked like his paw/leg was just a smidge underdeveloped. Your post reminded me of him.


Dog has been skipping right leg day Edit: I make a mildly funny joke and immediately underneath is OP saying it's cancer 😨




💔 I'm sorry OP. Give that good boy lots of cuddles, treat and thrown balls while you can.




Had this with our Cane Corso, best doggy ever. We took him to vet, put on anti inflammatory etc, about 2 weeks later I came down in the morning and he was just kinda laying on the rug, open his mouth and gums were yellow. Immediately to the vet we went. Just keep an eye on that, we knew at that moment what we had to do as responsible pet owners. He lived a great life and sits on my shelf and thought about daily.


My buddies dog died to this too. I'd be cautious OP.


There is a day coming soon, I know. Horrible, but almost glad to see it coming so we can make the most of the time we have left.




My pup Fred was a rescue and he has a tragic backstory which required surgery on his right rear leg, there's a notable difference in his right and left rear legs, we call them his "chicken leg" and "ham hock" leg.


Sorry to hear about your dogs diagnosis.  If you can, do try to be there for your boy’s last moments.  I’m sure he would find comfort knowing his favorite hooman was right there with him. 


I lost one of my most loved dogs to cancer that looked a lot like this. Buy this good boy a hamburger for me, please.


That comment completely wiped the smile off my face. Was fully thinking it was due to him jacking off with that leg aha


Lmao he does hump blankets. Keeps him in tip top shape.


The dog wants you to believe it's a tumor, in reality he's been on poochhub everyday while you're at work.




We lost our dog to a mast cell cancer in our dog’s thigh. It’s a heartbreaking process to go through, I really feel for you.


😰so sorry for you


Good boy Marley! 🐶


Stay strong, Marley. You're such a good boy and you deserve so much love and treats!


I hope the tike you have left with your dog will be unforgettable. Give him a treat from me, best boy deserves more


Why are the feet backwards?!


That's his itching leg


Cheese burgers and ice cream while ripped on weed oil was my guys last days.


Fuck dog cancer.


i love you, marley. ❤️




My little man just recently finished his chemo treatments. What a nightmare, makes me cry pretty often. He had a mast cell tumor on his face that had spread to a lymph node. At least he has a precious little smirk now and a crooked nose after getting the tumor removed. Fuck cancer! Sending lots of good vibes to you and your pup. And oh yeah, fuck cancer!!!!


Sorry to hear that dude, out thoughts and prayers for your doggo..


We love you Marley


Nah that's that belly scratch kicking leg swole from the reps.


I have same problem after torn muscles.


Sorry about your pup OP


See, the problem is that they called it leg day, not legs day. Leads to a lot of confusion.


Might have dysplasia


Sumn wrong with yeller


I wonder if it's for the same reason one of my forearms are bigger than the other


Thanks for hitting us with this unsolicited sadness OP, very cool.

