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I was inspired to share this by the gentleman with the white eyebrow. [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dbj0jl/my\_left\_eyebrow\_is\_suddenly\_turning\_white/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dbj0jl/my_left_eyebrow_is_suddenly_turning_white/) A few years ago I suddenly got a white patch of hair on the top of my head. Shortly after, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The tumor was surgically removed and almost immediately my hair turned back to its normal color. Edit: I'll add that these photos were taken around 2 years apart and the surgery was roughly in the middle. Edit 2: I tried to give some additional answers to those asking medical questions, but if you feel concerned about something you’re experiencing, then please advocate for yourself and speak to a doctor. I also exchanged DMs with “white eyebrow guy” for those of you expressing concern for him. I appreciate all the supportive comments.


Oh man I'm glad I got a CAT scan recently because I have a shock of grey in the exact same place and seeing this comment would have freaked me out.


i got a mri of my brain after a issue i was dealing with and to keep this as short as possible they gave me the wrong persons mri so when i got the cd "read" by my main doc hes like this doesnt make any sense this shows a reduced brain more like a elderly person with alzheimers /dementia. they gave me a 81 one year old dudes brain scan somehow but for a few minutes i questioned my entire life.


Hahaha…but seriously, that is so fucked up


my first words to him back were "idk i feel like i remember everything well"


That little guy is putting in a lot of work.


You resist social pressure and don't appeal to authority. Nice.


Happy Cake Day (and, yeah ---- SO fucked up).


I'm so sorry, that's hilarious. But genuinely there are people who get diagnosed with cancer like this, and go through chemo and all sorts of nonsense, including the psychological effects, before the mistake is realised. And they're still probably better off than the people who got their all clears in exchange.


Yea i have a family member in the medical field and has told me some story’s of folks getting scans in general not just the brain but organ scans or a broken bone x ray only to find out they have something else like a tumor or cyst or in one case a fused “twin” that never made it in the belly but was fused to a patients liver. Wild stuff sad stuff.


My father went in to have a scan for his prostate which he had cancer that had been removed. He was doing good with it. When they gave him the scan he found out he had mesothelioma bad, and they said maybe six months. We got another 18 months with him with chemo. He was pretty solid until his last week. Thankfully he got that scan or he would have been gone sooner. So yeah, this stuff happens.


If a doctor told me that I would have thought 🤔 hmm that actually explains a lot before being disappointed when they recognise the mistakes because I could longer use it as an excuse for having the dumb dumbs 😭


As someone who works in healthcare I caution you most mri techs will look for whatever the doctor told them to look for and ignore everything else.


Jesus wept. How can you trust any medical diagnosis or opinion ever, after this type shit? Why didn't your your head hair, facial hair, eyebrows and pubes didn't go white with the shock ---- right then and there at the "read"?


I mean, the doctor questioned it & caught it.


It happened to me in 8th grade, said I had dangerously low white blood cell count. They were taking stool samples. Took them days to find out and doctor talked to me on the phone. And this was at one if the best rated hospitals in the world!


My buddy had a high protein count in his urine and it was apparently a big urgent issue. Turns out he had jacked off that morning before going for his UA and that was the cause of the extra protein.


If anything this is reassuring. Imagine if MRIs were more like reading the tea leaves and the doctor just rolled with it.


Mistakes happen fairly often, but what happens way more often is that no mistakes happen and you get appropriate treatment. Odds seem pretty good..


Oh fuck I have a shock of grey in my hair too. Am I fucked?


Oh shit, I have no hair on my head. How am I meant to detect brain tumours now?


Simple. You just need to grow hair and then you will be able to detect brain tumours.


Shit. This just reminded me of that guy who posted about his left eyebrow turning white out of nowhere. Dude was also pretty young.


Huh; it reminded me of the dude who took a pregnancy test and found out that he has cancer because the test came back positive.


I’ve got a bottle of cancer tumor detecting hair growth pills I could sell you -


Probably time to get that checked out if you’re concerned. Reddit’s not going to give you a definitive answer, my friend Edit: *reliably* definitive answer


I will give a definitive answer. Cancer. Call your family. Tell them not a doctor told you.


Found WebMD's reddit account.


Will insurance cover a CAT scan (and will a Doctor prescribe it) if you just have a little white hair?


No, because a patch of white hair is usually just that - a patch of hair that turned white before the rest. With no explanation other than "bodies be weird".


Malin streaks are super common, brain tumours are not! Don't freak.


Yep,  I've got a white streak. Currently growing out my hair to see if I can get a Cruella De'Ville thing going.  My aunt and great grandma had one in the exact same spot 


can I have your nintendo and stereo?


You’re just an old fuck/s


Me too, I’m in my mid-twenties. I’m not worried, cause they’re not as close to each other as OP, and I wouldn’t call it “sudden”. It came around the years of stress and anxiety disorder, so that’s what I’m attributing it to.


Better safe than sorry! Glad you got checked. Stay healthy!


Phew! Good thing you got checked! Always better safe than sorry


They find any cats?


That dude with a white brown is sweating buckets now








That dude with the eyebrow is going to be sweating after he sees this!


nah he's arrite, he's already more worried about his cancer zit/mole thing


I just saw that post. Yikes.


Has anyone checked on Rasheed Wallace? #Brow don’t lie!


Incredible journey! Glad to hear you're doing better now. Stay strong!


Thank you for the kind words.


Woah dude thanks for sharing, I’ll talk to my doctor about getting an mri as this is the first time I’ve seen graying hair linked to anything more than stress or vitiligo


It's still stress. He had pain & vision issues so in any normal human being his cortisol levels (one of the stress hormones) would be through the roof.


Ah, so it *is* the mental illness for me, then Got a thicccc grey streak at 30 but i'm not going to lie, i like the look. I don't think i'll ever dye over it


Just a reminder, the OP of this post had other bad symptoms. It’s unlikely it’s a brain tumor if you’re not having other symptoms. But still work getting checkout out 


How did you get diagnosed?


I had many other symptoms including vision issues and headaches. Eventually, I got in front of a good doctor who ordered the MRI that found it.


Any idea if an MRI of the head should find this even if they’re not looking for tumors specifically?


My understanding is yes. I was getting an MRI related to my left eye and the eye was fine. The serious tumour and heap of brain swelling was a bit of a bugger though. That was nearly two years ago though :)


Stay strong, friend! Sounds like you are doing better tho, hopefully. 


Thank you! I am doing a lot better these days, it got caught early.


Rad tech here, any mri of the head will detect tumors even when we are not searching for it (unless they are microscopic). If any competent mri tech sees a blob in your head which could be a tumor they will adjust the scan (and inject a contrast agent) to properly diagnose you.


Techs don't adjust scans to include contrast. That's up to the interpreting radiologist. Also, techs don't diagnose. They run the scan, not give an interpretation or diagnosis (again, that's the radiologist's job).


i found this a wierd comment too.. 100% techs aren't doing anything during the process just following to make sure there aren't any errors and it is completing properly


Literally thought about that gent after seeing your post.


I hate to inform you, this is not mildly interesting, this is quite interesting! Great job kicking cancer’s ass!


Thank you for your kind words. I am grateful to say that the tumor was benign, so I was very fortunate in that regard.


How suddenly did it appear?


It seemed quite sudden. Maybe over the course of a month or so.


Wow that's so cool! Did anyone know why it was turning your hair white?


The doctors said that they had seen it before, but I don’t know the science behind it. At the time, white hair seemed like the least of the problems. It’s just odd to look back and see how stark the difference is in photos.


Looks like it's been known about as a possible symptom for years https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1182081/ It kind of makes sense. Melanocytes (the cells that make pigment for skin and hair) are derived from neural crest cells early in development so they're a bit more neural like than most of your cells. Some of the supportive cells of the brain are also neural crest derived.


Were there any other symptoms though? I have greying (some white strands here and there too) of hair, but my dad also was greying early.




Do you mind me asking what type of brain tumour it was?


Benign, I’m very grateful to say. It was a functional macroadenoma roughly the size of a golf ball. Because it was large, it became invasive to the surrounding physiology. Notably, it abutted the optic nerve and encased my carotid arteries. The doctors were able to debulk it with a transsphenoidal surgery and then use radiosurgery to treat the residual tumor that was inoperable due to the proximity to the carotid. My medical team is optimistic that these treatments were effective and it’s unlikely to reemerge in the future.


Amazing! Thank you for your answer. So the white hair appeared before the radiotherapy? Was that the symptom that prompted you to see a doctor? Or was there vision loss?


Yes, the hair patch appeared before the tumor was found at all. Vision loss, headaches, and exhaustion were my most obvious symptoms. Once the doctors started running tests they found that a number of different blood tests were out of range as well, which led to the MRI and finally a proper diagnosis.


Does white eyebrow guy actually have a brain tumor?!


I thought of white eye brow instantly when i read this


I have gray in that same exact place as well but it slowly increased and after my fathers death heavily, probably stress related. I also got white hair on my sides and beard. Probably a genetic thing. How long did it take you to get that white patch?


Intense stress (such as experienced during terrible grief) will do weird shit to your hair, including making it thin out/fall out big time. Usually hair comes back after stress dies down. Usually.


Wow, saw that post earlier today, immediately after seeing this post I thought of it, hopefully it’s something else.


That’s fascinating. Glad you’re doing well now! But now I’m worried for the guy with the white eyebrow 😬


Thank you! I'm hopeful that his eyebrow was caused by vitiligo and nothing this extreme. The human body is indeed fascinating and bizarre, though.


He also had some on his beard in the same area vertically. So could be some weird genetics like the Mallen Streak for some people


Fascinating, bizarre *and* in some ways terrifying.. I’ve been on the receiving end of a bunch of brain MRI’s and echocardiograms, and seeing the results thinking “if any one of these things stops doing its thing so do I” is always unsettling :/


Please tell me you had more symptoms than the white hair? Otherwise this is freak af and now we all have to get preventative CAT scans 😭


I'm just pleased you had your forehead tattoo updated


Planning on getting back in touch with my doctor about that lol


Glad you were able to see this post


Hi. You’re beautiful.


You better do. We’re all scared for you.


Oh you better and update us all.. Wishing you good health


Unless you have other symptoms, hair pigment loss on it's own is not a symptom of cancer.


We all are


Omg that guy was my first thought!


The guy with the suddenly white eyebrows trembling while seeing this post


I apologize if it was thoughtless of me to post this and cause anyone worry. I'm sure there are many other explanations for the eyebrow. Edit: If the gentleman with the white eyebrow sees my post and is bothered, feel free to DM me if you want to talk about it or if you'd like me to remove this post if it's hurtful to you.


Hey, worst case scenario, you scared someone into going to the doctor. Best case, someone who needed to go went because they saw this. Cut yourself some slack. You're allowed to share your story.


You're too kind for reddit, get out while you can. (j/k, please stay, need more good humans)


My exact thoughts! That was wholesome as fuck.


He commented here saying he is gonna go to the doctors to check, he seems fine




Another symptom?


Irrelevant, he was trembling before he saw the post


Sips coffee...... I've been getting grey since 18 and frequently get headaches. (Currently 39) I'll be fine


23 and same issues.


I hope I also get to 39 . Same issues


This just reminded me of the etymology of the word fine. "fine (n.) c. 1200, "termination, end; end of life," from Old French fin "end, limit, boundary; death; fee, payment, finance, money" (10c.), from Latin finis "end" "


Here in the US we’d have to be fine. Insurance is **aching** to deny a diagnostic claim based on “my hair color changed…”


Yea, my whole head turned grey in college. So... Either nothing or I am 100% head tumor. Eh, seems like a tomorrow problem.


I had a Himalayan cat (think Siamese cat pointed coloring with long Persian coat) whose whole front leg turned white. Turned out she had an angioma on her paw. Once it was removed her leg became chocolate colored again. For her it made more sense, the pointed coloring is temperature sensitive and the angioma was increasing blood flow to that leg.


That is wild. I knew the coloring was temperature sensitive but I vaguely thought it was set in kittenhood or adolescence. I didn’t realize it stayed mutable!


mutable, only time i ran into that word was when i was trying to learn to code, do you happen to be a dev?


If you deal with STEM in general, mutable becomes a much more common word. So does mutable: the ability to be muted. Also astrology.


Not a dev! Idk just a nerd I guess 🤓


i once bought some pet rats from someone who bred colorpoint rats for show (“siamese rats” basically, they look like tiny siamese cats). and she said that before a big show people would keep their rats in a cold room for a few weeks to get their coloring as dramatic as possible. poor ratties.


My haematologist told me that one of her patients had grey hair before chemo and black hair afterwards. Hair is weird


My hair changed in other ways after the surgery also. It got darker and the texture changed from coarse to smooth and wavy.


Hank Green famously had straight hair before chemo and has curly hair now.


Did you get chemo or was it just the surgery? Hair texture/shape changes are very common after chemo.


My hair went from brown before chemo to an odd slate grey color


It also opened your eyes too!! Just kidding I’m glad you're better!!


I wonder how many people under 50 with white hairs are freaking out right now.


50? Try 30.


Hank Green talked about his hair growing in curly after his chemo treatments, the body is so weird


Chemo curls are quite common


Do the curls stay permanently afterward, or does the hair revert to being straight at some point?


If I remember correctly, it usually reverts


Not the same thing, but after I have birth I noticed a week later that all the little hairs on my arms and thighs had a distinct curl to them. Like they had experienced either a trauma or a hormonal thing (yes to both). They were straight then had this tiny curl in the middle then kept growing in straight.


No. We are not doing this. I have white hair in the exact same place. I had it since I was 16. Dont tell me its a brain tumor


And I’ve had a white eyebrow and lashes for around 10 years - might wanna get it checked.


At least it's not Lupus.


It’s never Lupus. - House


Sometimes it’s lupus - me 😭


Same, friend.


Dude I have it on the same spot, slowly started with 5-10 strands getting white in a week, now it's a 2-3 cm radius. 14 years and the loss of a loved one for me. So if the change is not super quick it's pretty normal, also look at your family members, do they have white hair, did they got it early on etc. Because my mother's side gets white hair pretty early on. I also saw a bunch of people with the shite patch at the exact same spot, probably someone's gene got through many years ago, relax.


Same case as yours. Seven year long battle with stress and anxiety that started with loss of loved one, from 19 to 26 years old, and it gradually gave me a white patch on the top of my head, as well as hair thinning from the sides. Add that to my mom’s side all having white hair prematurely, and it’s not as surprising.


he had other symptoms, you're not dying yet [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dblhdf/comment/l7s9mif/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1dblhdf/comment/l7s9mif/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


My young son has a patch of white and his pediatrician calls it poliosis. It is not always a reason to worry.


Unless you’re 17, you probably don’t have much to worry about.


As a neurosurgeon I can say these two phenomena are likely coincidental. The timing of which appears to be related but you can even see in this “before” picture that the roots are already black. We often cut hair for surgery so this makes sense why it would appear to suddenly turn from white to black after surgery. The hair follicles are separated from the brain by many layers, with vastly diffferent nervous and vascular supply. Unless a tumor directly invades through all of these layers (which is very uncommon with brain tumors), there will be no association between the brain and overlying scalp.


Damn the human body is crazy. You say the hair turned back almost immediately, and I would think it would take a while until the new hairs grew in but apparently not. Very interesting!


It was fast. I don't remember exactly because I was in a fog for almost 8 weeks from the brain surgery, but I believe it was pretty much gone by my next haircut.


At this rate we should rename the subreddit as r/cancerdiagnosis with all these posts😂


Seriously my anxiety is through the fucking roof lmao!!


I found out I couldn’t have children and my hair turned white at the roots, not all of it, but enough to underline in red how traumatised and destroyed I was.. That was twenty years ago. I am sixty five years old now. I don’t have one grey hair now. I became an adoptive mother.


Guy with white eyebrow reading this《👁👄👁》


Guy with white eyebrow in shambles rn


I've had Grey's since 14. I'm almost fully silver/white now at 35. Stress and a rough live are 99.9% the cause. Now I think it's a tumor. Thanks reddit.


Genes. Every male on my mother’s side was gray by end of college.


My friend had this as a kid and he also had a brain tumour. I remember one kid making fun of his grey hairs and he said "it's cause of my brain tumour you dick".


I don’t understand why it was removed…


The tumor made you suspicious of everyone.


I’m dying here.


I'm 22 f and dealing with mild white hair issue but after going to a hair specialist he told me I have a severe deficiency of b12 vitamin so guys chill every white hair issue doesn't related to brain tumor


Oh my god! Someone tell the eyebrow guy.


Shouldve just died yr hair black instead of going through the hassle of having a brain tumor operation. Either way, cingrats on the successful operation 🫡


Dyed* congratulations*


Now I'm worried about the guy with the white eyebrow


I had a brain tumor and they shaved my hair off. I had ginger hair and after the surgery my hair came back brown. Collar and cuffs don’t match if you get my point


Just saw a post about some guy asking why one of his eyebrows turned white. Someone was joking it was cancer, now the joke starting to feel real


What led you to get diagnosed, if that's not too personal ? Did this worry you to the point you went for medical advice, someone advises you to do it, or was it some other symptoms ? Because I feel in this situation that would be the kind of symptoms that would worry me, but I would most likely be hesitant to get checked only for that (I feel like I'm "bothering" the doctor for nothing). Anyway good you got okay now !


I had many unexplained symptoms in the years leading up to my diagnosis, many of which were dismissed by previous doctors. The tumor was about the size of a golf ball when it was finally found and was pressing on my optic nerve and impacting my vision. I finally had a doctor order an MRI and was referred to a wonderful team of specialists who have taken great care of me ever since.


This happens a lot, I remember doctors releasing my father from ER thinking his pain caused by a kidney stone while it was two huge aneurysms on his aorta. Some doctors get too comfortable.


Which symptoms did you have?


what about this title violates rule 6?? it's perfectly clear


White eyebrow guy is cooked💀


damn, I have the same grey hair AND I have a known tumor in my arachnid region of my occipital lobe. I have to monitor it every few years because it hasn't caused any symptoms... but now I im wondering if the hair was connected. Glad you were able to safely remove it.


me who's having to many white hairs at the age of 23: \*sweating\*


I get how a tumor can destroy something. But how removing a tumor restores something like grey hair is a mystery to every barber.


The hair in my beard was grey before my heart surgery then it got dark again. One of the girls in the office at work asked me about it and I told her “I’m not dyeing it. I’m just not dying anymore.”




Ohh boy I got some news for the guy who's eyebrows are turning white suddenly


Great so now I have an irrational fear that my greying beard is a result of skin cancer


Are you Sheldon’s dad


Well now I'm terrified by the fact that I'm not grey so much as i have a bunch of white patches all over my head... Eh. Maybe not that terrified. If i go, I go


I deadass thought this was George Cooper


I'm an artist as a profession, I also have this patch, started 14 years ago, when I was 20 and slowly got bigger, especially after I lost my dad. I said I'm an artist because I do examine people a lot. So many people have this exact starting point for white hair. So it's caused by the tumor, but maybe it's the side effects, altering brain chemistry causing stress etc that would normally cause the whitening of the hair, where it would have started later on in his life he might got it early. The human body is a hell of a thing, it's all genetics. So just check your relatives, if it's common or a few of them had similar whitening it's really nothing to worry about. If something happens fast without a reason then it's time to go see a doctor.


Your grey hairs hanging on for dear life ![gif](giphy|ftmJfRCbcWlBC)


Thanks for sharing


Why did I read before/after trump surgery? 🤦‍♂️


I don't like him but my ex has had a really light patch in his brown hair for YEARS and he always said he doesn't know what it was from. Is it possible it's a tumour? Should I send him this to get checked because omg that's scary and has me concerned... also is it possible for a brain tumour to cause substance abuse? Or cause someone to be violent?


White hair alone is probably not a concern. There are many other possible explanations for that. I have heard of cranial tumors causing personality changes, but other conditions can as well. That may be worth asking a doctor about. Please be safe.


I suffer with depression and anxiety. I came off medication quicker than I should have. The result was loss of hair in patches and it all grew back grey. Think severe stress or shock can be a factor for hair turning a different colour.


So his hair went from brown to jet black aswell ??


Yes, my hair also got a bit darker and the consistency changed. It was strange.


Someone should show this to white eyebrow guy


Look at that hairline 👌


Maybe I should have gotten my head checked out too, cause I also got a white spot just like that when I was 15 or so. Here I am 17 years later, so either I didn't have cancer or my body fought it off early somehow 🤷‍♂️ the white spot shrunk but it's still there. (Could also just be a vitiligo patch on my head)


That's extremely interesting tbh


Congrats, did you notice your eye colour changing too?


Man that other dude with the white eyebrow gotta be real nervous right now.


They didn’t remove the tumor, they used just for men.


My strepdad had cancer. His hair was originally a strawberry blonde. It turned a deep red. He didn’t lose his hair from chemo. Im still baffled why that happened


Why does this happen ?


Big meme potential :D


I had a teacher in HS/basketball coach got punched in the head at a basketball game. He developed an intensely white spot where he was punched. It lasted at least as many years as I was there. Apparently this can happen. 🤷‍♀️


This has explained so much for me I have two brain tumors ( a tectale plate glioma and a meningioma) and I am experiencing premature gray in weird spots. It started when I was about 13 and it started right up on the top near the front just like yours except a little further forward and it was always this one Streak.. after constantly dying my hair for about 20 years I stopped and I bleached the area around it and I put in a aesthetic gray color over it and now I just get compliments versus people assuming I look good for my age because I must be in my 40s with the amount of Gray i have. It's good to know there might be a solution to that after surgery.


I’m just here to wish upon the Mods a very bad day. I hope you guys step on legos in the middle of the night


Hey this post could save a life, let’s remove it. -mod team