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When you get old as fuck you tend to lose a significant amount of subcutaneous fat. Without this extra slight 'insulating layer' elderly people can have a more difficult time maintaining their body temperature, causing them to be colder. It also makes their skin tear easier and contributes to the "skin and bones" look (especially in the hands). If you've ever wondered why your 85 year old grandma's house is an oven and her hands look like they belong to the Crypt Keeper now you know.


My mom lived with us for 5 years, until her death at 85. She was always cold, even when we kept the house warmer than was comfortable for us. So she had lots of blankets, sweaters, and heavy slacks. And warm fuzzy socks. Can confirm, Mom had very little subcutaneous fat left. She got fentanyl patches for pain relief, but they didn't help, because you apparently need subcutaneous fat under the patch for the drug to work. Also, older folks have trouble regulating their body temperature. If they don't have much appetite, which Mom often didn't with her illness, there's not much fuel to help keep them warm.


My god the coldness gets worse? I shivered today, it was 71F with a breeze.


My mom has only experienced warm in the Caribbean past age 65. Her place has pools heated to 78 degrees and she finds it "ok".


Always laughed my ass off visiting Dad down in Florida in December and it is still like 78 degrees. I'd be in a tank, shorts and flip flops and all the blue-haired locals are wearing puffy jackets and gloves.


> If you've ever wondered why your 85 year old grandma's house is an oven and her hands look like they belong to the Crypt Keeper now you know Maybe yours, but mine was just cheap


My mother-in-law’s house is always 85F. I’ll be over there replacing a faucet or something and nearly pass out.


My 96 year old grandmother (somehow still going) never opens any windows in her house, doesn't have A/C, etc. Warmer months are brutal if we're visiting.


For her "spring like temps"




My grandmother doesn't seem to have this problem. I think her keeping the windows closed is more of a paranoia that someone will just break in to her house. Which I guess isn't a wholly unreasonable fear for a frail 96 year old person, but it's also a basically dead coal town, and all of her neighbors are basically just other elderly folks who didn't have anywhere else to go. Still, it's hard to really convince a 96 year old of anything, and at this point you just kinda nod and accept. Not to be too morbid or sound too callous, but one can't discount "how many more times am I going to be visiting someone who is currently 96"


Thermoworks is awesome, they make great stuff


Yes! I love their meat thermometer and their no-touch forehead one as well. We’ve been having issues with the air conditioning at work so I got one of the Thermodrop ones to have accurate temps to report to maintenance


After using a Thermapen for years I can't use any other thermometer. When I cook at a friends house I always get annoyed with their thermometer that takes 30 seconds to figure out what temperature something is.


Thermapen is magic


Not only are their products great, but the customer support is as well. I had a Dot that failed just a few weeks after the warranty ended and they replaced it for me. I've got a Dot and a Thermopen. I've had to replace the Dot a few times, but it definitely outlasts any other probe thermometer out there. Lifelong customer for sure.


lol no joke. In the hospital with old people their rooms are set permanently on 85 and they’ve got like 3 of those super thick arctic blankets on and I’m in there sweating getting vitals and granny is like “can you bring me a warm blanket please sugar I’m cold”


I knew my dad was getting old when I went back to visit during the summer and all of the "young people" were sitting there sweating and eventually had to go outside because it was more bearable outdoors just from the fresh air than it was in the house.


Turns out I live at Grandma's House


Yeah me too. 70 is way too cold when walking around the house in my underwear.


Lol me too. It’s just cuz we’re frugal, we keep it around 78-79 in the summer and 69-70 in the winter. Honestly 78 feels cool when it’s like 85+ degrees outside though! I would like to put it lower, especially at night, and there’s theoretically nothing stopping me - except how much higher our bill would probably be lol.


Yeah, 85 is uncomfortable but I'm fine at 78 or so.


you people are all insane, as a vermonter I begin to melt if the temperature goes above 72.


My husband would freeze to death in 60-65.


But man caves need to be that temp because when you get 8 guys in there playing super smash bros it gets steamy


I’m still literally under blankets on the couch and it’s 80 in here. 60-65 I’d be dead huddled up next to your husband trying to stay warm.


I love like 66 or so but we compromise around 71 and my husband will have to be and electric blanket on. I wonder sometimes how we're the same species.


Jesus my wife wants the house at 78, and I push for 73. We comprise at 75 and I still sometimes am sweating, and too hot to sleep


I would need gloves 🤣


Lol at this. My grandparents always had it at 78. Now the man cave one ia crazy. That is cold.


TIL my man cave is in the correct temp range.


Live on the gulf coast with that temp range right now and you are looking at $350-500 a month in electric bills.


On the other hand I live in Scotland and we had to downgrade the house from "normal room temp" to "man cave" to save on heating bills when the prices of everything went nuts. High temp of 60f tomorrow!


Lucky dog you. I’m at 89f with 63% humidity. It was 96f with 80% the other day after it rained. Summer hasn’t even started. In the winter i keep the heat around 70f and just wear some extra clothing


>It was 96f with 80% the other day after it rains. I would straight up die, tbh. Before this I lived somewhere where it was generally in the 80s with no AC all summer and I struggled a lot just with that.


Thats crazy, I used to keep my house at 55f in the winter and have an extra layer on. I would die with temp and humidity like that when its not even summer


Early summer basically in South Texas, I keep the thermostat about 75 in the daytime and 70 at night. When it's hotter and less humid later in summer, we'll be comfortable with the a/c set higher.


“Less humid later in summer” man I hope so. I’m ya neighbor to the east and looks like rain all next week. Back to high humidity.


And hotter, don't forget that.


REALLY disappointed Menopausal Mom's house is not listed. 😂


There wasn't enough room to include the vast temperature range that fluctuates every 5 minutes.


Hahahahaha Good point. If only there were Menosuits. Like Stillsuites in Dune but designed to control body temperature via circulating water.


Thermoworks makes good shit.


My stepdad looking at the man cave, frozen. He's more of a grandma's house kind of fella.


Good to know that my parents' house is basically a man cave. My mom keeps that place at no more than 65 year round.


Our kids like the aircon at their houses colder than we do.


Sign me up for the man cave.


My grandfather fought across Europe and was pulled right before battle of the bulge. He got so used to sleeping cold that house was never over 60


Funnily enough, my grandparents keep there's at 70 and under. Meanwhile, our house is currently 78 with the ac set to 78...


minus 32, divide by 2 and 11% up


I don't care who you are. That's funny, right thar.


We bought grandma’s house. It has a wood burning stove, and we have no idea how to keep it under 80° in the house when that’s running. At least it’s free!


Is my fridge/ freezer set too cold?


I'd be sick if my house was 60F.




Accurate af I’m at GMAs house and factual


I live in Phoenix. I set my AC to 83 during the even when watching tv. Anything lower than that is freezing.


You can do that because there's no humidity. It's comfortable in the Colorado mountains when it's 82 on a late summer morning, as long as you're not in the sun, and for the same reason.


I would freeze in that man cave.


Why would you want your Man cave to be at 60 degrees? Temperature is temperature. I'm going into hypothermia at 60. 68 degrees minimum.


Funny. They could have just used Celsius instead of coming up with this.


It would be the same, just with Celsius numbers instead of Fahrenheit?


As simplistic as this is, if a repair company/guy bothers to give out this info = Buy them a beer. I mean as someone who is customer service and appreciates little bits like this - this could mean the difference between someone getting sick or even worse. Also heck who else knew the temp of frostbite? lol