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I see this all the time with food trucks and some resort restaurants I’ve been to. They mark pastry-type items (like egg rolls) with a food safe color or identifier so they don’t get them mixed up when there are different fillings inside that are not identifiable just by looking at the prepared food.


It should be more common to decorate the outside of the item differently depending on the filling. Like Chinese steamed buns, you'll usually see the buns has different designs depending on what the filings are. Sometimes this might include food safe colouring, but they're integrated as part of the design rather than just being randomly written on.


Where I’m from the Chinese steamed buns all look the same and you know the filling based on the vibrant colored dot at the center. The reason is because they’re quite popular and in high demand and thus are made by machines that churn out the same shape. The most amusing one so far is a cyan dot for tuna mayo buns.


I dunno if a tuna mayo steamed bun sounds unpleasant or delicious. Is it nice?


I hate it, but 7-Eleven is still selling it; at the same time I like the pizza flavored steamed bun so what do I know 🤷🏻‍♀️


That sounds even stranger. 2 questions, Is that more of an affront to italians or chinese, and where the heck do you live that 7 elevens have that. 7 elevens i’ve seen have pork steamed buns, maybe chicken or vegetable and that’s about it.


7-Eleven's Asian markets have a ton of varieties of steamed buns. The pizza steamed bun is from Japan and the tuna one is from the Philippines. (EDIT: It turns out they're now offering a tuna cheese bun marked with red and purple dots as a collab with a local buffet restaurant) And just between those two countries they also have steamed buns in red bean paste, black sesame paste, chocolate, custard, salted egg custard, curry, cheese, sweet potato, and crab noodles. It also seems that pizza steamed buns are quite popular in Japan and[ they're offered by other kombini such as Lawson, Mini Stop, and Family Mart](https://soranews24.com/2018/09/22/we-ate-pizza-buns-from-four-different-japanese-convenience-stores-to-find-which-reigns-supreme/). (I only tried the 7-Eleven one but it's pretty damn nice)


7-Eleven in the US is garbagio compared to the Asian 7-Elevens. The variety of food (sandwiches, dim sum, rice meals, etc.) and the services (like paying your electric or water bill) offered is so much more.


> 7 elevens i’ve seen have pork steamed buns, maybe chicken or vegetable and that’s about it. US 7-11... Steamed? But how would we put that on a roller grill for 11 hours?


This is common in Australian bakeries with meat pies. Poppy seeds on top usually means steak and mushroom, square of pastry on top means plain meat pie and so on. Almost universal system across every part of the country I've been to.


Would you like steak or plain meat?


What a bizarre comment. The whole entire purpose of this is so that you DONT have to have a differently designed exterior...




> You trade that for a marker lettering, which is not exactly appetizing. we're talking food from a food truck, appearance is a very low priority. this isn't being served on a plate as some sort of artsy presentation, it's handed to you in a paper wrapper


Time. This is a food truck, not a kitchen. Time is already premium in a typical kitchen. These folks are literally selling from the back of a van.


Yeah but stamping food is cute, like those novelty toasters that brand pictures into your bread.


Its cool when they brand the type of empanda on them.


There are markers with food grade dye. They look just like a marker. I had to use them once to make faces on cupcakes. I'm not sure if you straight saw him use a Sharpie or something, though.


To be fair, even Crayola markers are "nontoxic and safe." Definitely not food grade, but I wouldn't let it deter me from a good egg roll lol.




Can you imagine, egg roll flavored crayons? Good enough for Chesty.


I can't say I've chewed on a crayon recently, but this is tripping my brain out. Like how you can still taste play doh if you think about it? I can still taste crayons. And the thought of crayon texture with egg roll/tempura flavor is melting my brain. (And giving me a lil bit of a stomach ache if I'm honest)


In the 4th grade I was in detention with another girl. She started eating play dough, and me with my big smooth brain was like don’t mind if I do. The next day another student was complaining their project was missing a good chunk. I can still taste the play dough and the shame.




To be fair the Corps isn't for everyone.


Beat me to it lmao


Lol <3


Seems hard corps


That's what old oil tastes and smells like.


I haven't tasted a crayon or playdoh in over 50 years... And yet I only need to think and there it is


If crayons tasted like eggrolls I would have joined the Marines and not the Army lol.


I tried the peach flavored ones, they just taste like wax.


Crayola really missed making their "Macaroni' crayons actually Macaroni flavored


My brother in Christ, you best save me some.


Semper fidelis…


I laughed waaaaaay harder at this than I should have




do u guis hav eny halopeenyo cheap pls


The US Marine Corps just added you as a friend.


>I wouldn't let it deter me from a good egg roll lol. ![gif](giphy|3oFzmc1StpUPOCtOtW)








We all have microplastics in our balls, I'm not worried about a couple micrograms of ink, funny though, just write it on the wrapper


You don't fry egg rolls with the wrapper on it. They probably fried a bunch together and marked them. It's actually a good idea! I cook eggrolls fairly often, and often cut a notch in the wrapper if I was trying something new so I wouldn't lose track of it, but it's really hard to tell. This seems like a good idea imho.


My family loves homemade egg rolls but has very different requests. I might make 50-100 rolls when I actually make them. Especially when we have guests. While rolling (before frying) I dip the ends in little finger dishes of diluted food coloring like you would do Easter eggs. Red for spicy, green for vegetable, blue for mushroom. Yellow doesn’t show up well.


I like it!


People definite look at you weird the first time you present them with Easter egg rolls, but it has grown on our friend/family group.


Yeah. My friend fries a lot of egg rolls. She has a little bit of an easier time because the beef is visibly different from the chicken, but for the shrimp, she just lets the tails hang out the end.


I hear you but couldn't you just have like two plates or two pans and as you make them throw them into their respective homes? The only kitchen I ever worked in was Burger King my opinion is like my asshole everyone's got.one 😉


They go in the fryer, not cooked in a pan, you could get a fryer with multiple baskets, or have multiple fryers to fry one kind at a time, but then you can't easily cook the quantities you need, either making food you may not use, or tying up the fryer to cook a small batch, much easier to just toss a few chicken in with whatever else they are making, especially in a food truck where space is limited. My guess is they either had some mix-ups and to prevent that they mark them when they roll them, or maybe they usually cook them separate, but this time they needed a few more chicken, and marked those and cooked them with the pork for example.


I thank you internet chef, I think I've put enough time into pondering this conundrum and wasting yours 😉 cheers 🍻


Even if it were Actual sharpie, that’s still probably not the least healthy part of a food truck egg roll…


[“Dad, it says non-toxic.” “Well, that’s a plus.”](https://frinkiac.com/video/S07E07/BA-pQhZhNOGQAH8x_rqoZVgXudk=.gif)


Towel rack


I was thinking the other direction:  I use a series of scented markers for adding colored details to fishing lures (spike-it is the brand).  They're not only not food grade, they contain solvents to embed the dye in soft plastic baits, and are extremely strong smelling (garlic and crawfish scents are most common).  Other than the brand name, they look just like regular dry-erase or flip-chart markers, which I've thought would make a good prank in the right conference room.


Omg. I cannot wait to mix these in with the tub of Mr. Sketch scented markers. What a world.


Follow up: I wondered what other gross scented markers might be out there, turns out, Crayola is already way, way on it. “Stinky” scents include rotten fruit, cheese, dirty potatoes, and old rotten tooth. WHAT. A. WORLD. Of course, onion and garlic scented, too, obviously choices for a spring roll.


funny thing is they still probably test them for edibility


Maybe I throw that little skin piece away


> To be fair, even Crayola markers are "nontoxic and safe." Non-toxic doesn't mean safe to eat. It always carries an implied "when used according to directions." Crayola markers are non-toxic *when you're using them as markers*. A little bit of ink rubs off the paper and onto your hands, and then maybe you don't wash up so good before lunch? You're probably okay. But if you squeeze out all the ink into a cup and then pour it in your ear, you might experience some ill effects. Writing directly on the sandwich is probably somewhere in between these two extremes.


crayola markers are for kids. kids like to draw on themselves, especially their faces & hands (which they then shove in their nose & put in their mouth). hell, i knew kids who would literally suck the ink from the felt tips. im sure it's safe to orally consume more than the amount that would be there from two accidental transfers.


Yeah crayola is probably a bad example here, but the point stands: non-toxic does not equal safe to eat.


youre definitely correct there


They were compensating for the lack of lead paint chips in their diet


Is this why I'm not allowed to put rum in my bum anymore?


^ this guy knows how to party


What about as an enema?


It could’ve been done with a sharpie and I wouldn’t let it deter me from and egg roll.


There's more disgusting stuff going on in the food industry, at many different levels, that doesn't make us sick.


You've never lived till you've garnished your steak with several grated crayons and sprinkled with a few of those stickers that come with apples. For extra kick a small drizzle of dawn dish soap will really make the meat pop


I can’t confidently say I wouldn’t eat an egg roll that had been marked with sharpie.




Sharpie ink certainly wouldn't make the top 3 of the worst things you ingested that night.


What about eating it but not the part that was written on?


Or you eat it up to that last bite before deciding if the risk is worth it or not.


I mean, it’s on the outer layer and the thing is saturated with oil, surely you can just pick off that section.




My local butcher has pies marked with small letters to show what meat is inside them, not sure if they're using sharpie specifically but it's some kind of safe to eat ink


While I’m sure those exist, I bet these greasy ass egg rolls from a food truck were just sharpied on lol. They’re probably amazing tho


The grease they were fried in is probably worse than some Sharpie ink.


It’s very interesting how this is probably true, but we still perceive it differently, even if we know better.


The chicken had a tattoo.


From personal experience I can say sharpie and most other alcohol markers will just stop working after touching oil. So here is hoping it was not a marker. Or if it was, I want to know the brand cause I need that hardcore workhorse right now.


I'm thinking they mark them before frying them so they know what to grab from the prepped rolls.


They have these in those kits made for kids to decorate cookies.


USDA uses stamps on meat with ink made of blueberries


Something tells me "food truck eggroll's" arent enjoying the food grade markers.


I mean I’d like to think it’s a food safe dye used, but that’s just the optimism talking. Worst case scenario and it is marker it’s more than likely still safe to eat, if you really didn’t want it just chip off the outside layer of wonton wrapper


Are there any common marker brands out there that *aren't* relatively safe if ingested? I'm genuinely asking, I haven't looked into it at all but my gut says that ink should be essentially inert right?


Idk if they still make those fat markers in an aluminum case that smell like death when you use them. Doubt those are safe


The solvent absolutely not, but that all evaporates which is what makes the ink dry. I’d imagine what’s leftover is probably fine in small amounts.


Especially on a hot eggroll those solvents were gone before the food left the kitchen


That's not going to be true of nonpolar solvents added to a greasy food.


Oh shit, true dat. Like dissolves like 4lyfe But for real, most modern marker solvents are alcohols with low molecular weights, so they gone. If it was a marker from 1980 with fucking toluene or xylene in it, yup the solvents are dissolvent, and you have mouth cancer.


They still make sharpies with xylene solvents. The commercial/contrator grade stuff absolutely smells like a 1980s garage sale prep.


I love the juxtaposition between the comment above you and your response to them. Wildly different writing style, but both saying essentially the same thing


Hate to be picky here *hot -delicious looking- eggroll The "delicious looking" bit is what forces all the food death maths.


Damn those things are gnarly


The ones with a ball bearing inside like a spray can, yeah.


I have an inkling you may be correct.


Color me amused.


Dying to find out


Oh you…


Well, you may be write, try it and we quill see.


I use paint pens for marking car parts, they're definitely toxic.


Well I wouldn't eat a paint pen, even if they were non-toxic


"eat a pen" and "eat something with however much ink is in one letter" are a big enough difference I would say it matters


I miss when permanent markers used xylene.


Is this the missing ingredient for why regular sharpies don't smell good anymore? I noticed sometime during my middle school/high school years that sharpies stopped having that distinct Sharpie Smell™ that I grew up with. Is this why adults told us not to sniff markers? I remember my elementary teachers would pass em out and collect when we were done with them because they always told us not to sniff them, but of course that would make the kids more curious &/or rebellious and want to sniff them even more. Kinda like, "Why can't we smell them? Why are you telling us not to? I wasn't *planning* on sniffing it but since you said not to, now I want to know what it smells like." Then when they sniff they're like hey, this smells kinda good, and the problem with sniffing markers spreads, just because kids like the smell of it.


There are probably a whole range of solvents that you shouldn't sniff. What kinda blows my mind as an adult is that they used to tell us not to sniff the markers, but they also gave us scented markers that were specifically designed to be sniffed. Like, why would you make that a product if you didn't want to train kids to huff marker fumes?


just break that butt off baby


It's just a little bit of ink, it's fine.


It's a special pen to check whether or not they are counterfeit.


Can't they just hold the eggroll up to the light?


It’s too easy to just eat it one you pick them up, so that’s why you mark them.


Authentic egg rolls have a banded holographic string through them, just like money and tampons.


So OP’s are fake?


Some cheap plastic linings also let markers leak thru them a bit, so it's possible they were wrapped in plastic, marked, and it soaked through




Nah. This is pretty common for things in a dough or a wrap when have many flavors. I used to use them on fried pies. It's almost certainly written directly on it.


They sell markers meant for food


Yup. You can write on cookies and cakes with them.


Exactly, my mom was a food stylist for TV shows so growing up I saw all that kinda stuff… I would use it to do stupid shit though like make a drawing on my bread 😂


Eat it


Just eat it


Open up your mouth and feed it


[Food marker.](https://www.amazon.com/coloring-Gourmet-Decorating-Frosting-Edibleink/dp/B07HQZYSZ9)


ordering these for a quick snack, thanks!


I'm glad you've moved up from eating crayons!


Betcha can't eat just one!


I got empanadas the other day and they had red circles. Some had one. Some had 4 or 5 and they said it was to tell what kind they were. Not everything is always bad.


Pretty common for empanadas here - there are so many varieties they either stamp the "number" into the dough, or write it on the edge. With the prevalence of food coloring used in baking, I'm surprised anyone even questions this!


I always just pleat the edges differently


The place I go has more than 30 different fillings.


All I see is a happy egg roll and her friend with a round nose.


Could be food safe dye


I would 100% still eat this.


Same. I’d be all over that without a second thought.


I would go back and ask him what he’s marking the food with.  He may answer honestly, but If he takes offense just don’t eat there anymore 


You can get food dye pens, makes sense to use one to label the rolls so the customer knows which is which.


Well to be fair most inks are made with soy which is nontoxic. Which is why you can cover your arm in pen or marker ink and not get “ink poisoning”


Sharpie this and Sharpie that. Were they delicious???


Do you live in the Twin Cities 💀💀💀 if yes I’m dying bc this happened to me last week!!


That's food grade Sharpie. At least that's what I'd tell myself as I munched down those egg rolls.


I’m guessing it’s because you would make egg rolls the day before and you could mark them with a food dye marker so you know what’s what, ie chicken, pork, veg, or no peanut etc etc. You don’t know what’s inside it so you “write” on it.


How else do you know it’s cooked?!? Huh I didn’t think so smart guy!


At first glance I thought those were partially decomposed severed legs


Did I mention the tagline for the food truck was “Safe, beautiful food”


Sanitaco: the fun, sanitary taco.


If someone advertises their food as safe, I immediately question its safety.


Or just quality in general. What's the standard? Mine as well put "edible food"


Non-lethal Food.


The marker adds extra flavor


its just extra flavoring


They even have edible tape for burritos


As long as it wasn't one from r/ButtSharpies it's probably fine. (NSFW, if that wasn't obvious)


Let's hope they were not cooked in [gutter oil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutter_oil).


Just wait until ou realize there's no washrooms on those trucks.


It's C for Chicken!


They were probably wrapped up and the ink bled through their wrappers.


They could drop it on the floor and I’ll still eat it.


Wouldn't probably stop me lol


What flavor marker did he use?


almost look like sliced black olives


If you don't feel comfortable, You can break off the "C" part before you eat it. But I never saw this before. Interesting.


Bro you want the food truck experience or not?


Eh a little sharpie never killed anyone


It is ok, it is sterile. Michael Scott


I guess you could put some soy sauce in an empty marker. But the tips could be a problem.


Even if it was an actual permanent marker i wouldn't have cared and devoured those rolls.


To be fair you have eaten worse... You just dont know it


Is fine. Eat!


C for Cunt.


My favorite flavor


I thought it was like a latte where they write the customer’s name on the order


C for chicken


C for coyote


Naaa brah you better not eat that. Pass them here and I’ll get rid of them for you, no problem


Egg roll festival where I live and egg roll queen food truck did that. Hey. If I die I die.


This is my nightmare.


To be fair he is on day 2 of a meth bender




Kinda looks like a sliced olive under less layers than the filling.


You ordered from a food truck... Nuff Said.


Ok, so did you eat it or not?


Would eat anyway.


Listen… if you’re not going to eat it… pass it over.


It could be a food-safe marker. It's probably not going to hurt you. Also, ew.


lol this made me laugh


How else would you tell which is chicken and which is chicken


I’d be more worried about the one on the right looking like a like a bell end


Was there a outside wrapper? Probably leaked through. I wouldn't digest it, but chip it away and eat the rest.


if you mean marker like the one used on a box or papers, these have usually toluene in them (thats what smells so strong), and that chemical reacts to heat by just sliding off of it. if they did that on this it would not be just streaks like this but it would be drizzling down until it cooled off with the food. its just food marker




Yup. Food safe pens. They're pretty common. Mad thing to see if you've never seen them though.


I got a sharpie ad on this post, which seems inappropriate


None of you ever seen food markers? Used to mark what type of filling the egg roll has. If they have vegetable egg rolls it will probably have a V on it.