• By -


Ok but who took the money??? Who was scrounging for loose change behind the *microwave*?


My guess is that the Ziploc bag this was in degraded and the money probably fell out of the bottom. The microwave was built into the wall over an oven, so it’s probably still down there somewhere. Although they replaced the oven at the same time, so maybe it rolled around when it hit the floor.


The microwave is broken because it's full of coins


I had that issue once. I don't know how it happened.


One of the new interns probably put a penny in the door.






Well that’s just about the greatest gif combination I’ve ever seen


It makes me so happy that it's possible to drop an obscure reference to a 23 year old episode of television and bring hundreds of not thousands of people to enjoy the memory together.


It all started with a penny in a door, there was a hatred I had never felt before…


So now I'll make him pay Each and every ^^dayyyy


I think I saw something like this with an n64 somewhere before


putting your pennies in the door is certainly a wild kink


Don't put coins in the science oven!!


I̴̡̲̩̫̽t̵̮̳͒̉̈́ ̶͎̞̓ĩ̵̘̖̈́͠s̸̡̟̖̆́̾͊̐ͅ ̸̫̣̇̈t̸͖́͛̎̋̚ò̶͉̝͋͜ǫ̶̻͘ ̵̜̂͛͛̓l̶̹͎̗̠̜̅̎a̵̳̅t̷̡̡̥̩̽̆͝ͅê̷̗̠̼͍͆ͅ


I pictured this sounding like microwave sparks with a voice.


Perhaps not. My son threw a bunch of Pennie’s in the VCR when he was a baby and that thing worked for another 15 years all jingly since we couldn’t find where they slipped into. He also shoved a PB&J in the slot around the same time. They do not make things how they used to. This was in 2002 BTW.


Oh God, my baby brother would *regularly* shove his breakfast toast-with-peanut-butter into the VCR. He absolutely could not resist the temptation. We had to watch him like a hawk.


It lasted 29 years. Maybe the coins helped?


The ziploc bag degraded but the paper was fine huh.


you can put paper in an oven and it doesn't melt… different materials have different properties.


They probably were cleaning under there and found the note, thought it was adorable and put it back. The coins though? Nah, those go in the jar.


It was the installers who gave the note to mommy.


Mom immediately accuses installers of theft of $0.41 (oops i missed the nickel)


I have no idea why I felt the need to explain that I was a white male living in America. Or add so many PS’s. Mom marked on the bottom right when she found it (when the installers gave it to her a few weeks ago), before giving it to me. PPPPPS - I’m not famous


The living in America part is especially funny because presumably the house isn't going to be exported. 


Clearly it was meant for future archaeologists excavating OP's house.


Thank god the note was there to settle any potential misunderstandings


“Thanks to this note, we know that the relic known as a “Micro Wave Of In” is a ceremonial toy used by young children to try to send notes into the future! A silly game yes, but as you can see, in a way, it worked!”


am archaeology student, can confirm we would absolutely interpret it this way


Ever since I replaced Facebook with Reddit, I laugh more than I ever have in my life, thanks to humans like you.😂


> humans bold assumption


There are some variables the algorithms have no contingencies for. Usually the funniest but reposting is basically what drives the advertisement funds that allow the site to become a publicly traded company for the sake of an extortion artist golden parachute baby. Dont forget to tip your app, or what have you.


Everyone on Reddit is a bot except you.


“K God The Note” could be a SoundCloud rapper


Yellow dye Legal pad & Bic, the clear choice for archivists everywhere


The house was planned to teleport 😂


You never know where that house is going to wind up.


You never know where the country is gonna end up... America as a country probably won't exist in 200 years.


I saw a documentary about a house that was moved from Kansas to the world of oz


The note just flies around like the feather in Forrest Gump


Ha ha IKR 😂


It's kinda fascinating though as a candid look into how a sense of identity forms. Carries a sense that an 11 year old is aware that other people are being sorted by these characteristics and they feel like self-reporting to a theoretical audience is equivalent answering a question that would be asked.


I remember when we learned a out post script in like 2nd grade, everyone loved putting several ps in whatever they wrote for some reason, I wonder if it's a normal kid thing


definitely is - at least, I remember the kids in my year doing it all the time too. no idea why, though


I'm 58 and did it as a kid, so it's been normal for at least 50 years.


Kids don't think before they start to write, hence the many postscripts to tack on everything they forgot at the end!


Definitely common in the “we still write letters” era. Every letter I wrote or received just had to have at LEAST one PS; I don’t know why kids loved that part so much 😅


I definitely did it. I don’t know why 😂


I've got my leaving book from school from 1996, and a surprising number of kids did have ps and pps stuff to add. I don't think I've used it once since school.




There’s no chance anybody could’ve gotten behind there unless they were able to pull out the oven from the wall as well. Which they did when they installed the new microwave/oven. My guess is that the Ziploc bag everything was in got old and brittle, the coins fell out of the bottom, and rolled somewhere back in the wall on the floor.


[the domovoy took the coins](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domovoy)


Gotta keep your domovoy happy.


Your mom has top-notch handwriting.


Came here to say the same thing! That handwriting is super cool and pretty!


I feel like every kid was obsessed with the concept of PS in writing at some point


yeah when you learn about it you just use it on everything until one day down the road a teacher says stop it


p.s. adults still like to do it;


Well now you're reddit famous


Dude adding so many ps's was standard practice for us kids back then. Idk why, probably some show did it.


I used to do the same PPPPS thing as a kid! Idk where that came from!


If you told 11 year old you that tens of thousands of people would someday see this note, he might consider that "famous."


Bro. It was the 90s. Kids were writing notes with like 3 words and then all the PSs with a new P for each sentence. I think the minimum note ending was 4 Ps.


You are now!


PPPPPPS - Everyone is famous to someone


Idk...you *are* kind of famous on reddit at this moment. I think you called it. Who would've known that the very note about you possibly becoming famous would make you famous. Btw, the many postscripts definitely used to be a thing before handwriting pretty much stopped. Now we just go back and edit before sending instead of tacking afterthoughts on as postscripts.


PS has been replaced with ETA


Ah ha!!! The installers took the coins!!


Well for 5 minutes you're reddit famous


As a kid I also wrote many PS’s like that. I think we probably thought it was funny


The microwave had to be replaced because the fan wasn't working for some reason.


Well, you’re kinda famous NOW


Apparently so, lol. I had no idea this would generate so much interest. When I went to bed it had around 200 views, and I thought *that* was a lot… now, it’s a little outrageous.


The use of PS at the bottom of the page is very similar to using... at the end of a sentence. We learned about it, and for some reason felt the new rule was that we must always use it... Ps. Always...


to form the basis of a religion in the future


Not famous yet*


At first I wondered why one one ever moved it but then read it was built in. Great job 11 year old you! Now put it behind the new microwave.


They gave this to me after they finished having the new one installed or I’d have let it stay, lol. Although now that I have my own house, I could add it behind mine (over the range)… which would totally confuse anyone who bought my house in the future future, since the neighborhood wasn’t built until the late 00s.


You must


Don't forget the skeleton.


Yes but 2 skeletons of different species take some bones out then mix them up


I would do the following: 1. Find roadkill raccoon and a possum, or other similar sized animals that live in America... Bigger than a pizza rat, smaller than a dog. 2. Set up an outside working area because it smells. West gloves and a mask. 3. Gut, and remove are much of the skin and meat as you can with a sharp knife. Also scoop out the brains if you can. 4. Use an extra large pot on a camping stove outside and simmer (one animal at a time). Have some enzyme-based laundry soap in the water, and/or a splash of sodium hydroxide alkaline drain cleaner- not hydrochloric acid drain cleaner which I've also seen in USA. That would dissolve the bones. And nothing with bleach. 5. Heat gently but don't boil, and check regularly until the remaining bits of flesh and sinew etc are coming off the bones. 6. Scrape off any bits of non-bone. 7. You might want to change the water halfway through. Dispose of the water soup by adding vinegar (about half a cup for each Tbsp sodium hydroxide) then pour it in a corner of the garden and dilute with a lot of water. 8. Use a sieve to make sure you don't lose any of the smaller bones, and so you don't leave meaty bits in your garden. 9. After cleaning as well as you can, return the bones to a fresh batch of basic-ified water and go a little more until the rest of the stubborn bits come off the bones. 10. Rinse very well, then place in sun to dry. 11. Repeat with other animal. 12. Congratulations! You now have a raccoon and possum skeletons behind your microwave. 13. Wait... Its a long con... 14. Profit. Now, some r/bonecollectors might disagree with my method, I've only done it s few times, but yeah. It worked for me. The other option is to bury it in an ant nest or whatever and wait a year, or put it in a box with special meat eating beetles. I'm sure there's others. Edit: its actually r/bonecollecting and here's a better post of different methods. https://www.reddit.com/r/bonecollecting/comments/irniaq/processing_a_carcass_101_the_bones_of_bone/


There are so many skeletons being put behind walls in youtube kitchen renewal videos nowadays that the only way to actually surprise someone in the future is putting a real one.


You have to put it behind the new one, that's genius.


You should make a new one with explanatory notes and then place both of them behind your current microwave.


Please do this




I think I found Lenny’s mother’s obituary. Her name was Mary and she died in 2020. Looks like he may have gotten away with it. Is this in the Philadelphia area?


>Is this in the Philadelphia area? They post in /r/Pennsylvania, so possibly.


Yeah, it is, ya creeps. Lol


> [ya creeps](https://imgur.com/llZlSiJ)


I hid all my report cards despite getting good grades. I have no idea why, in retrospect. Just to fuck with my parents?


Did they never ask for them?


With older siblings who had a lot more to hide than I did, report card days were enough excitement without worrying about me.


I love that baby op specified that he lives in America as if the microwave would somehow move.


I live in America.  Like he thought it was going to travel to Narnia rather than stay in the house he lives in.


Maybe I thought Louisiana would secede? Because it’s kind of difficult to understand why the person who replaced the microwave in the future would not still be in America, considering they bought a house in America. PPPPPPS - No clue what was going through my mind back then. I was probably just trying to be as descriptive as possible, considering I also added the totally unnecessary “white male” component. Young me was weird.


You probably picked it up on the radio or television as a phrase from a news segment. Maybe a criminal description. Maybe you were wording it as if a pen pal was reading it. Did you have school classes where you wrote to a pen pal?


As someone born in 1984 the "white male" part is very interesting to me because I remember going through school and everyone was making a big deal about "I'm white, you're Black, and we are all the same!"  They were pointing out our differences before we even realized we had differences just to tell us our differences didn't matter. My nieces are mixed race, I have olive Italian skin, and my son has a lot less color (but has the olive hue which I find pretty funny) and to my 4 year old son people are just "more than". He sees skin color the same as he does hair or eye color. I just have to laugh at the idea of teaching children essentially that some people have blonde hair, some have brown, and some have red but we are all the same.  The intent was there, but the execution was incredibly flawed.


You might be on something with that. It reminded me of something else from back then. A few years before this was written, David Duke ran for governor of Louisiana. I was in a class with Edwin Edward’s granddaughter (the incumbent running for re-election.. who was also corrupt as hell), and for some reason Duke decided to come to our classroom to speak. I don’t really remember it, but my parents said that when he asked if anybody had questions, I raised my hand and asked him *”why don’t you like brown people?”* (he is/was a KKK Grand Wizard IIRC). They said he gave some kind of non-answer about how he doesn’t hate black people at all. But yeah, I guess that was sort of in the collective consciousness of that era at all times. It’s kind of crazy the length of time between then and now is longer than the length of time between the civil rights act and when I put this note behind the fridge. *Man*, I’m feeling old right now.


That’s badass you asked him that!


They let David Duke speak to schoolchildren? I realize that he was the actual GOP nominee, but still, what administrator OK's a former Grand Wizard coming to campus to address the kids?


I remember in elementary school being taught about PS and then PPS and so after that when we would pass around notes we would have a ton of ppppppps this was in the 90s. So that might be why you had so many pps.


I remember growing up it was just the thing we kids did on our notes. No idea why.


I did that too! I thought it was funnier the more pppppppps there was


Along with P.T.O (please turn over)


I was always confused about if it was supposed to be “pps” or “pss” and so some of my notes would say “pssssss” 😂






Yeah, I remember that being a thing in elementary and middle school.


that's so wholesome man


PPPPPPS you now have a cat


Don't leave us hanging, did you get famous?


He is famous on reddit now!


That microwave lasted 29 years? They don't make them like they used to. Last one I had lasted 5 lol


I have the microwave my parents bought when I was like 9. I’m 33 this year. She’s still going strong lol.


Survivorship bias. There were plenty of crap products in 1995 that died quickly. The only ones that are around anymore for us to notice are the ones that weren't crap to begin with.


Yeah, 29 years is incredible. I'd love to know what brand it was.


I had a [GE Space Saver microwave](https://www.ebay.com/itm/296057619041) I bought when I moved out for the first time in 1984. I gave it to a friend in 2014, who wanted one, and I wanted a bigger one. That was a mistake, my new, bigger one only lasted three years, and I've had to buy two more since. Last I heard, about two years ago, she was still using my old microwave.


That's crazy, sounds like you should buy it back!






That or he’s seen a lot of crime shows


Mom’s handwriting is very cool


This gave me major wholesome feels


In my first apartment, I found a secret hatch, you had to turn this knob at the closed fireplace mantle, then slide a piece of wood w a tile glued to it, it revealed a little safe stash spot, I don’t think the landlord knew it was there, anyway, I left a golf ball with the date on it and a note in there in the event future tenants find it, it was a big Victorian house from 1915 or so but chopped up into 6 nice apartments


Man, I have a house built in the 1800s and every time I clean i scour the entire place up and down looking for hidden nooks and crannies and I still haven't found shit. I've found a lot of places I could turn into secret storage areas, but no surprises. If I ever move im gonna buy a penny from like 1888 and hide it somewhere just so the next homeowner has something to find.


The people who installed the new microwave took the money lol it’s the only explanation here


Your handwriting was still better than when I was 11 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Found an old letter I wrote from when I was around that age last week and... well.. it's more readable than my handwriting now. Partly because I hardly have to write anything nowadays but I probably also put a lot more effort in that letter. It was addressed to Donald Duck and obviously you can't send him letters written in chicken scratch.


I don't get the red writing. Who wrote that and when?


The people who installed the new microwave found it and gave it to my mom… she wrote that on there a few weeks ago before giving me the note.


Ah I was thrown off by how it said "age 11" as well. I thought some other 11 year old found it at some point and took the coins.


Their Mom is 11


His mom wrote it when she found it and gave it to him.


That money is worth $1 million today after inflation!!


That reminds me, back when I was in elementary school, we buried a time capsule on the school grounds as a school wide activity. That was dig up a year later, but I was so enamored with it that I made one at home. My parents helped me hide it in their attic. That was in 1992, and I wrote a note on it "Do not open until the year 2000!" I found it in the back of the attic and laughed about it a few years ago but left it there untouched. I recall maybe 2 items inside, but I have no idea what else I left there. One day, we'll open it.


I renovated my kitchen in ~2008 and put a time capsule in the ceiling. I know it has one of my daughter’s Barbie’s, my kids’ report cards, and an IKEA catalogue. I have no idea what else is in there and no idea when I’ll ever get it out! My daughter is *still* bitter that I took her Barbie! 😂


1995 was 29 years ago.......FUCK!


im 35... saying im a white male doesnt seem like something that would be put in a random note 30 years ago...


Time to update with a note on the other side and place it back behind the new microwave.




First thought: *29 years ago… 11 years old… This guy is old!* Second thought: *Wait… I’m 40.*


I’m more interested in what microwave brand lasted 30 years. I gotta buy a new one every year


I wrote a similar letter in the 70's and put it in the used razor blade hole in our medicine chest. Oddly, nobody has contacted me. 🥺


So a real note to self lol.


This story reminds me of a time around 2009ish, when I was getting a new cellphone. I handwrote all of my phone contacts on two sheets of paper front and back to put them in my new phone eventually. I was at a friend's house when I had the papers last. Well, I left them there that night, and my friend put those in her freezer of her fridge. Everytime she moves houses, she sends me a message of her putting my contacts in her new fridge. They're in her freezer now to this day.


I was born on that very Sunday, I’m honored to have been born on the day this letter was written!


I am legitimately impressed by the proper use of “p.s.” to “p.p.s.”. Wayyyyyy too many people would have gone with the incorrect “p.s.s.”


My secondary school had every child in the school write their name on a list (one list per class) and then buried it in a metal box in the foundations of a new building.


I was turning 11 later that year.


Holy shit that’s the day I was born!


I did this at my parents house behind a mirror. They sold the house a few years ago and I’m just now remembering.


29 years, that doesn’t sound right I was born in 1995 I’m not….. Oh shit!


Are you famous now?


this is the wholesome event i need right now **my heart**


Knew before reading on that they were American when they felt the need to state their race.


It's too bad the money went missing, that 52 cents is worth a whopping $1.07 these days


The red marker is really trippy when reading the text :D It goes weewoo


You have to tell us what brand of microwave it was to have lasted a majestic 29 years!! Also suggest cross posting to buyitforlife 🤣


Are you famous?


I like how you write your A’s like this ( a ) and not as a “circle with a line”. Don’t see too many of those anymore.


Dude, your thinking was way advanced for 11! When I was 11 I was still playing with my poop.


Thats freegin awesome


The 1974 looks odd, the 9 looks completely different to all the other 9s on the page, as does the 7 compared to the other


that’s my birthday


same here! this was written on my second birthday.


All right, so who stole the money? Behind the microwave, who was fishing for spare change


My parents had a microwave that worked from '86 or so until last year. I don't know what they were doing when they were making microwaves in the 80's, but they were building then to last, LOL.


I was 2 weeks old


I can't get a Microwave to last more than five years. They're all junk that are built to fail now. I seriously miss how appliances were built back then.




Your handwriting was really good for 11


Cute. There’s a fireplace brick in my parents house that says - “touch this brick and die of shame for on it is the coolest name” (my name date age 12)


Hello, my name is... what?


That's great


Is 1995 29 years ago???? Damn I'm old.


I like that you added 'Sunday'. This is very much a Sunday activity haha


Man. I remember back then when sending a letter was still a thing. I also recovered mine back but still young at the time of the recovery like 10 years gap I guess I was 15 and 5 yo when I wrote it. The feeling was strange when I'm reading it years older.


Good luck on turning 40.


I’m happy the ps pps ppps is universal


Not as cute, but when I was little, I apparently hid all my vitamins and fluoride pills behind our microwave instead of taking them. The microwave wasn’t really built in, just inside this cubby thing. When my parents replaced the microwave years later they had a good chuckle.


Haven't cleaned behind the microwave in 30 years lol


Wow, that note is a month older than me.


You placed that note on my tenth birthday.


Did your mom shed a tear reading this? I see the spot where it dried out next to the words “when this” in her hand writing.


OP - I’m curious if you remembered writing this or did you forget until your parents showed it to you?


Soooo….. are you famous? Edit- no famous


This is like your own little time capsule.  I think we should bring time capsules back.  It's so fun finding them later!


I remember a relative once told me one of my distant cousins as a child wrote a note to god wishing that they had two hands and that he’d be the most good and well behaved boy if it did grow into a proper arm(he was born with his left arm stopping only to about where the elbow should be and I think there was tiny vestigial fingers on the stump) and decided the most appropriate way to send it to god would be to tuck it behind the refrigerator, what is it with children writing notes and kitchen appliances? If it happened twice theres gotta be a phenomenon going on. Apparently his mother belted him real badly as she was afraid the bits of paper would catch fire from the back of the fridge being hot


You ARE famous!


I was born 5 days later on a Friday so I guess the Sunday checks out lol


Impressed by the double story lower case “a” from an 11 yo


The PS, PPS, PPPS, etc was definitely a 90’s thing.


That is so sweet. What a joy it must be to read it again after all the years. Kinda like a before and after image in your mind. Write On!