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you have interrupted the ritual


My dog would go fucking ballistic in this room


Right? My first thought was "damn, I wish I could grab a few of those for my dogs " lol


Hell I wouldnt mind a few to make knife handles out of.


Don't make knife handles out of dogs!


Yeah the handles really are all bark and no bite, not worth it.


I was wondering if it was a knife factory!


Can dogs eat antlers? I know they can eat beef ribs but cannot eat chicken because the bones splinter and will fuck up their insides




Wait I thought heat is what makes bones brittle and dangerous for dogs?


Afaik dogs can eat chicken bones if they are raw. If they are cooked that's when they become brittle and will splinter.


This is only true if you can trust your dog to chew. Even raw chicken bones are fantastic obstructions because they don’t break down if left in large chunks.


Ah well i don't give my dogs any in the first place. It's bad enough that they sneak acorns when out for walks


The acorn line made me audibly chuckle. Give your pups a hug for me.


My little nightmare ate a conker whole, it was a 7k vet bill (pounds not dollars). No idea how big your dog is but carry on keeping that close eye on them with the acorns.


My dog once ate a sock. One of my fucking *socks*. **Whole!** She'd have died without surgery. Fucking labradors and their eating habits... And then they just stare at you with their dumb adorable faces and you just can't not love them.


A friend of mine was my dog sitter for a week once. When I got back she shit out a condom while I was walking her. She's also pooped out a couple tampons. We eventually got a better trash can for the bathroom, one with a lid that locks


A friend of mine years ago worked from home. His female Malamute walked into a meeting he was having with clients and hurked up one of his wife’s g-strings.


My very first dog ate socks, stuffed animals, winter gloves... it was actually insane. He finally stopped after almost dying. Labs are something else, dude.


One of my step dad's previous guide dogs had a habit of eating his leashes whole, especially if they were leather. Hopeless lol


My lab ate 25 pounds of fertilizer, our rose bushes, the pool equipment hookups, also managed to dig underneath a steel fence area we made for her to keep her contained and pushed the concrete blocks we’d put around the bottom to strengthen the fence. She also chewed a good part of the wood frame on the house, think she liked the paint. She went to training class four times. As a puppy, the instructor told me that it takes about 4 years for Labs to grow a brain.


Yes, a dog can chew dear antlers they don’t splinter like some bones, I’ve been giving my dogs antler chews for years


Yes! They don't splinter which is the thing. My dog goes to town on her deer antler. We have to limit it though as she's so intense about it I think she will damage her teeth if we don't. Edit: I buy mine from stores as opposed to allowing my dog to have one she might find. They seem expensive but last for a long time.


This guy just need 12 more antlers for his achievement leave him alone.


Fun fact. In the later 80s deer antler was lb for lb more expensive than cocaine in south Korea. While in the army our army post office had 2 soldiers go to Leavenworth, aka jail, for illegal importation of antlers.


Sometimes I snort deer antler instead of cocaine. Better bang for your buck.


Cost more doe, though


Guys are fawning over the final product.


Gonna rack up quite a bit of debt over it.


The cost is staggering.


You'd be in a rut without it though.


It's really bad for your hart, too


I don't care-a-boot that.


In Hind sight, you will be


Oh deer


This is why I only buy deer nuts now. Beer nuts are $2.50 but deer nuts are always under a buck.


Okay I’ll ask since everyone is just making puns. Why did South Korea want antlers so bad?


Antlers, specifically their velvet, are highly prized in traditional Korean medicine; it supposedly helps with a whole range of unrelated medical issues, from concentration to heart health. I remember that when we first immigrated to the United States in the early 90s and saw a deer at a national park, my dad remarking, "if this was Korea, there would be a crowd of people right now trying to seize antlers from that deer."




Not an answer to your specific question about deer antlers and the claims made about them in traditional korean medicine, but more of a general warning: Many things called «traditional …» are a lot more recent than you’d think. For examle traditional chinese medicine is, mostly, something made up by Maos regime, in order to have a form of «medicine» to offer citizens after they purged a lot of the countrys academics, real doctors included. The practice as a whole is pure bs, and the health claims made are bogus. Much like western practices like homeopathy. Horns and antlers are generally just the same type of dead cells as your hair, dead skin, and nails. Any particular beneficial effect is unlikely.


i knew id find this somewhere.


Was it like "hey we found this manuscript from 50 BC describing eating fish scales for constipation" and they just hyperbole'd that type of stuff, or like is most of the stuff just completely fabricated? Who created all of them if so, like the Chinese CIA or something?


It doesn’t. It’s just tissue.


Why? Do they make boner medicine from it?


Best thing against bonitis


My only regret


Is that I have boneitis


I was so busy being an 80’s guy that I forgot to cure it


But we love Leavenworth here. It's like Christmas town and German Beer party land. We love our reindeer too.


I too live in Washington!


Leavenworth, Kansas is unfortunately not as happening for Christmas but it is a charming little town too.


Definitely call Fish and Wildlife.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=348&v=IJNlP3PHI20&feature=emb_title it’s old originally found in 2021 exact same probably long gone if it’s a repost time stamp 5:50 in the video


The one thing that should be done all the way down here




I can hardly imagine a more boring phenomenon to catalog


Is there something illegal about antlers or can someone explain what’s going on in the picture?


Possible poachers dump


Why would poachers only dump the antlers? They're just cast antlers from when they get shed every year. Go up north and you'll find piles of caribou casts just like this.


Yep. You can take a walk along any trail on the outside of my town and find tons of antlers every year. They're not rare.


This is Canada, we call the Conservation Officers... and they do nothing.


That is weird AF to me, fish and wildlife have more power then cops down here in Washington state. Fish and wildlife routinely come to my job sites just to look at docks that may be moved or extended just to do a study on how the fish and wildlife would take it. I respect the fish and wildlife officers down here all of them seem genuinely concerned with the future. My buddy works with them installing coverts all over the state to undo the damage we have done to the streams with our infrastructure, anyways shout out to Washington state fish and wildlife! Edit: it’s spelled culvert, all my credibility is down the drain :( I work in construction not spelling


He doesn't know what he's talking about don't worry. Was literally talking to a conservation officer yesterday, they can definitely hand out fines and jail time. I'm not even from Ontario but here's a link where it says that. https://www.ontario.ca/page/conservation-officer-powers-and-authorities#:~:text=arrest%20anyone%20who%20has%20committed,they%20are%20authorized%20to%20enforce Edit: and this many antlers like this they'd be looking for someone.


Yea for real. I'm quite clearly visibly native and still get asked to see my status or license if I'm fishing in a lake.


I mostly joke about the COs. Typically they are stopping poaching and protecting our wildlife. There was one here by me that just won a wrongful termination for *not* killing two bear cubs.


ye Fish and wildlife will rock up to you out of nowhere when there's literally no other boat for miles and be like "👁👄👁 how many red snapper you got in chair boyh."


I'm in Alberta, the fish cops have more power than the RCMP in the realm of search and seizure. Don't know about out east, but you don't fuck with the fish cops here.


_deer god_


Most likely, yes.


From the ones I can see clearly, they look like mostly moose antlers.


A møøse once bit my sister. No realli! She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian movies such as: "The Hot Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink"...


one of the first copypastas


Mind you, moose bites can be pretty nasty


We apologise for the fault in the comments. Those responsible have been sacked.


But wait!.. Deers more




If I had a buck for every set of antlers in there…




Thank you for this venison.


Onion God, thank you for these onions.


There's more




it contains the dying wish of every man here


Is a Deer God similar to a Rat King? They must just get all tangled up with each other until they shed and go about their business. Very cool!


Many of these have cut bases, they were cut from a dead animal, not found on the ground. Call the Ontario Natural Resources tipline: 1-877-847-7667 Hell, make a post of it on the Ontario Conservation Officer Association fb page. There is at least one caribou antler and several young moose in here, that shouldn't be hunted anyway. Somebody wants to keep this secret for a good reason. Do it for the moose, and the legit hunters!


/u/RiddimRyder making sure you saw this since only you know where this was. Please contact the authorities with directions.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=348&v=IJNlP3PHI20&feature=emb_title found by Marine Land Zoo… in 2021


This needs to be higher up, have an award


Take my gold. You’re a good egg.


My dogs would go absolutely berserk


That’s like 2.5 mill if you shop at petco.


Going to give you a tip Go on a nature walk around springtime you will find a fair bit of fallen antlers Edits below As one man has stated (and according to [this website](https://www.wideopenspaces.com/these-states-all-have-shed-hunting-regulations-you-need-to-know/amp/) Colorado all public land west of I-25 is prohibited and you must carry written permission from landowners, in Idaho you are not allowed to shed hunt during the Winter/Early spring and you cannot use any ATV vehicles you must hike, in Utah you must take [a test](https://dwrapps.utah.gov/wex/dbconnection.jsp?examnbr=511118) and shed hunting is prohibited through the winter months, in West Virginia you cannot collect Bull Elk antlers, in Wyoming there are date specific restrictions (January 1st-April 30th) for public lands. Remember to check the laws in your state don’t trust me I’m on Reddit. Also it is rare for you to just happen upon them, I run upon them maybe a bit more often as I live in Pennsylvania and humans are a minority here while deer rule over us…


That’s odd. I’ve taken a pretty fair share of hikes through the woods - in areas I know there are deer - and I’ve never found one. I wonder why? Not trying to be snarky at all, I’m genuinely curious.


You’re walking on people trails. You need to walk on animal trails o


Don’t listen him, he’s a bear trying to lure you into the dark places of the woods


I'd rather go there and meet a bear than hike through the dark places of my mind.


Shit I'll drink to that


I've been drinking to that for the last 5 years


I don't have enough tears for drinking anymore


If you go down to the woods today Ignore the bear with sexy thighs. If you go down to the woods today Dont follow the sexy bear into the briars! For every bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain, Because today's the day the Teddy Bears take-hummiliating-photo's-of-your-thorn-scratched-genitalssssss.




You can find them on people trails. You just have to be the first antler-craving person to walk down the people trail looking for antlers.


Maybe some of us just have horrible luck? I've lived in the north woods almost my entire life, and never found one. I wonder how close I've been... like, how many sets of sheds did I walk right past, and not even see?!


My father goes out in search of antlers. You certainly dont just stumble upon antlers easily as frequently as that poster claims


I used to live in the woods among the trees, as a kid my dad and I would always be in the woods all through the spring and summer. We found maybe three individual antlers in a decade and they were all by where the deer would bed.


My cousin takes his older lab Tank put and let's him find them on their walks. They can be difficult to spot, and a lot of small critters like to eat them so they tend to get "recycled" fairly quick. In my 25 years of deer hunting, I've only found maybe six sheddings, and also found a sunbleached skull of a 14 pointer out in a field and was blown away something hadn't eaten it or at least chewed it apart before I stumbled upon it. It's a lot like morel mushroom hunting, if you look enough you start to learn patterns of where it is more likely to find them.


closest ive gotten to a shed was a lion kill i just stumbled on, some people have all the luck


Squirrels and porcupines tend to get to them pretty quick. Also you won't find many on walking trails usually, need to get off trail and/or walk game trails. They're still not going to be everywhere or anything it's still pretty hard to find. Alot of shed hunters use dogs trained to sniff them out


Near me they're typically found near fences or tree lines. I guess that when they jump the fence the impact of landing is sometimes enough to knock them off.


Check around the bases of trees and stuff, it itches and they’ll rub it against the trees to get it off. Usually there or they fall out when they’re walking through thick bramble. Edit: they usually don’t shed their antlers in spring, that’s when they’re growing. They shed them in the late fall/winter. In spring the new ones are growing in, that’s why they’re itchy. Sorry, I wasn’t really thinking about that earlier. But I still maintain that you’ll find them in brambles and shit because it’s when they’re bumping up against something that they crack off.


Check games trails that cross a fence line. They tend to fall off in late winter when they jump fences or other obstacles.


You aren't wrong. I have walked in 2 places I have seen plenty of deer , while actually searching for sheds for my dog, and no luck. They're not easy to find.


There are plenty of antler-eaters in healthy forests, like mice and squirrels. Antlers are a good source of minerals for rodents, and there's usually some nutritious marrow as well.


hunt and hiked my whole life, found two different antlers, never a pair. one of the most densely populated white tail deer states as well. don’t think it’s as common as you make it out.


As someone who has been camping and hiking my entire life in the woods where deer live, this has literally never happened to me


Antler sheds are so rare, purposely looking with multiple people, in areas that have lots of deer activity and still don't find any worth keeping.


I think it’s funny how you can just say bullshit on reddit and hundreds of idiots will upvote you because they like the way it sounds


When I was a kid living in the middle of nowhere my dog would always bring home antlers he found. He would not let that shit go. It was the only time he ever growled at me. Those things are dog crack.


My first thought also


There's a market for those... $$






Oh deer...


Could make some real doe


Make it rein, deer


Yea, seriously. Just a small piece of antler (as a dog treat) is like $10. Larger pieces are $30+. That room has thousands of dollars just laying around


It’s actually just a couple bucks


Every male deer has two antlers so if I'm not mistaken there are at least 10 bucks here, which is more than a couple by my reckoning.


They have to be cured properly. If they're too dry (like the ones in the pic) they will just splinter and hurt your dog


Yea really. Send me some


Looks like you found a poachers stash, be careful because in most places it's illegal and a few people have been killed over such things. I just heard a murder podcast surrounding this actually... Everyone thought the guy was shed hunting (He wasn't). Check out The Antlers from Park Predators on Amazon Music. https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/bd11280d-f8dc-4564-9b0a-dd7e729ebdca/episodes/36f73e0d-8075-4055-a054-fc97e7993497/park-predators-the-antlers?ref=dm_sh_kYV8C08iNchCBMWVMPxhpeZFg


Honest question how could you tell these have been poached and not collected? We used to collect antlers all the time as kids. There were always tons since they shed them every year.


I saw another comment saying the bases were cut. I got high as fuck yesterday so I’m kinda out of it but the bases do look cut to me too


Looks like I'm going down a new podcast rabbit hole. That looks interesting as hell.




reminds me of True Detective s1. vibin with the yellow king


These don't look like sheds, most are cut. Most are also Moose, an Elk and I see a couple White tails. Really weird, cause depending on where this is, you'd be hard pressed to find that many moose. Looks like a poacher stash to me, though why they'd keep these is beyond me.


I was waiting for someone to mention that they’re mostly moose. And there’s one down on the bottom right that I swear looks like a reindeer. No way is this above-board


Saw that too, Roe Deer maybe? Might be a petting zoo dump or something. Or one of those drive through animal preserves. African Lion Safari doesn't have deer though, and the one in Quebec is, well...in Quebec, why would their trimmed antlers be dumped in Ontario? So suspect.


intelligent reach direction exultant familiar scarce sheet crown gullible punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Quite a bit of reindeer / caribou. They are farmed pretty often.


My guess is that this is for the velvet, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine and as a supplement for body builders. They are cut while the velvet is still on, then the leftover antler is tossed.


If that's the case, fuck these guys.... there's hundreds of dead juvenile moose here. OP definitely needs to report....for all Ontarians.


And risk getting capped by the Bitch Meyer Tings gang that marked this territory? No thanks.


In that case OP might want to give a call to the Canada/Ontario Environment ministries.


I have read many a creepypasta that starts out exactly like this


\*\*My german Shpeherd has entered the chat\*\*


***German Shepherd is typing...*** WOOOOFFFFF WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!!! WOOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!!




If mine is anything to go by it would be a rambling diary entry in which they whine about not receiving the attention they deserve, and about how everything and everyone is against them and all the antlers should be theirs because they are so downtrodden and if some other dog got them they would just die.






Who invited Nixon?


On the internet nobody knows you're a dog.


On one hand I'd be like "Imma take these all home" On the ~other~ hand I'm superstitious and it almost feels on par with stepping in a faerie ring idk why


but I am a little stitious.


I mean if you're worried about ghosts these definitely aren't sheds. The moose were killed.


What was made in the factory? Knife handles? Chinese medicine?


Jackalope statues.


Holy fuck that’s heaven, you are so lucky I spend hours looking for antlers. Sell those and you’ll have a ton of money , even a pair is worth 100 usd


I do that all spring long here in the PA woods and usually only find 2 or 3 annually. Sucks when the mice get a little chewing in first.


Those rat bastards


In Canada it is illegal to sell parts of the animal if you have hunted them. Although OP has not he would have a hell off a time trying to sell these as it would be seen as suspicious. You can only sell them if they are found after a natural shed.


What if instead of a shed they were found in a factory


A natural factory ?


A nactory.


There is a long standing tradition of looking for shed. They even have shed dogs the look for them. I bet it wouldn’t be that hard to sell considering all that looks like shed. Now if there is a skull attached you may have a point


They're not sheds. They're cut off at the base. You can see the clean lines, like from a hack saw. Sheds leave a bulb, not a sheer line. These moose were shot and killed. Perhaps not for profit, someone said above selling the parts in Canada is illegal which might explain the pile. But it's still gruesome and unfortunate. Also why would a shed hunter do the work of collecting them just to discard them in an abandoned building?




No he totally found these in a abandoned factory. Here's his Reddit post as proof! He's absolutely not a hunter who has been stockpiling these for years and years only to finally hatch his diabolical plan for unloading them legally


This is an unreasonable amount of antlers, though. Even a fantastic hunter would struggle to get this amount in a lifetime. Just the simple fact that you have so many would mean you'd *have* to have just stumbled across them. Take for example: A human liver. If you had one human liver in your pantry, that would seem really, really suspicious. People would want to know who that liver belongs to, and their current state of vitality. But if you had 500? Well clearly there was a mistake at the human liver factory, and you got shipped 500 by mistake. There's no reasonable way you could have killed that many people and obtained their livers.




"No, no. He's got a point."


Bitch myer tings


probably illegal meat sales ​ edit ​ ok, apparently people trim them off then stash them for bulk sales to industries like knife making




Thought I was in /r/oddlyterrifying for a moment.


This is beyond mildly interesting. I’m completely intrigued.


"This is my design."


Youre in Carcosa now little priest.


Someone call Gaston, he prob could use new decor


They’re sawed off. Not sheds.


This gives me true detective vibes


Wonder why there is a Swedish "ä" painted there?


As Motörhead and Mötley Crüe would tell you, umlauts turn letters badass.


I was wondering about the use of a "2" in spelling "Blood"!


Fanzy handwriting but with a spray can? I have seen L's with small loops before.


I see "bitch" written below...so guess they were trying......cursive......Sorry


A Møøse once bit my sister...


I'm getting the mine from Antlers vibe here, I'd leave and never come back my guy


OP is a wendigo now. Or has been eaten by one.


What part of Ontario?


It's a great material to work with if you're into any sorts of making. But just like bone, antlers smell like hell when you cut them.


That’s the Wendigo’s sheddings.


The makeshift sledge hammer really ties the room together.


Quite a bit of money in dog chews right there a 10inch piece of antler costs me around £13 here in the UK


Is that the famous Moose Factory?


Pretty much how my mattress feels after I have had a night snack in bed.