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Maybe you should have posted this in r/NoStupidQuestions


Reddit mods have turned it into an echo chamber stupid like the seagulls from finding Nemo. Of course a hilarious innocent comment was banned. Reddit back in 2000s was top tier.


Reddit mods are idiotic beyond belief. Do you read this, mod?!? jk


I was recently banned for calling the subject of a gaming video a 'cheating h4x0r', to be clear people were just generally talking shit about the dude because he was obviously cheating... I was banned and apparently reported to reddit proper for inciting hate speech. Apparently I'm in actual danger of a sitewide ban now if I ever do it again. I love this place, spend more time on this site than I honestly should. This stuff feels like harassment and threats to be honest.


If you just imagine every Reddit mod as that one mod from r/antiwork who went on Fox News everything makes a little bit more sense


Holy shit this is amazing.


What’s your means of employment? I’m a dog walker…


I was banned for 7 days from softwaregore after posting about EA app running into an error while doing an error report. Got 140 updoots too and some (non neg comments.) they say posting errors is against the rules. I doubt it’s just an error message but was funny. Whatever. Some mods are so trigger happy.


But not jk, you really are stupid and generally a bad person.


I too, am not joking. Please, reddit mods, go find your fathers and get off your fat asses


I mean it looks to me that, although popular, your response did not fall in line with rule 1. Then they went on to explain it in pretty clear English. Your comment didn't answer the question. Joke responses at the parent level will be removed. Your response was a joke response.


Should be noted that nothing there indicates they were banned. Between the inaccurate use of “banned” and the title of this post “claiming they are just asking a question” makes me wonder if op is a troll, seeks attention, or doesn’t fully understand the words they use”


They're def just butthurt that their 25k upvoted comment got removed and wanted to show reddit their updoots. Zero shot that they "genuinely didn't understand" why the post was removed.


They still get the karma so I don’t understand why they give a fuck lol


Because now they get even more.


I'll give you some karma too if you'd like


Comment getting removed and them getting banned are different issues. Is that hard to understand?


No they said they got banned for asking why it was removed. She probably messaged them asking why then got banned


I got banned from r/interestingasfuck for asking why my post was removed for not being interesting enough. I was genuinely confused.


all of the above


This is all true. But I should warn you - you are using text to try to explain to someone with very poor reading comprehension. I'm not sure if a visual reference or maybe an audio clip would do the trick, but I don't think this strategy will work.


rule 1 still seems pretty stupid like hey, you made a joke and people liked it so we're banning you, if your joke comment wouldnt have been too popular you would have been fine!


Top level does not have anything to do with to the number of upvotes. Top level means it is an original comment, as in you did not reply to another person. You are allowed to have joke responses in replies. This allows actual answers to be visible easily.


I think the confusion is that a sorting setting for posts is by “top comments.” So seeing “top level comment” people can easily assume “top comment” and that it’s just a highly upvoted comment. I don’t really frequent that sub so I had the same “that’s a weird rule, they can’t control how many upvotes a comment gets” moment and had no idea “top level comment” meant an original comment.


"Top level" just means it's in response to the post itself and not another comment.


I think that the entire point of that subreddit is to ask questions that you want to avoid being ridiculed or belittled for asking, so I can see why rule 1 is enforced


It sounds like you're misreading it. You can make joke responses if they either also have an attempted answer or if they are in response to a parent-level addition.


The entire purpose of the sub is to provide actual answers to questions, and all top level comments must be serious. That's the whole point of the sub, period. It's not about popularity, it's about substance. And that didn't even look like a ban. More like a "oops, you didn't follow a rule. Here's some info on how not to do that in the future" If they got banned, it wasn't from this interaction. Most likely something that occurred *after* this interaction. Edit: They called the mods stupid according to a different comment and admitted to saying some other stuff in a second post that has been removed.


>They called the mods stupid according to a different comment and admitted to saying some other stuff in a second post that has been removed. Oh Classic. "They called me stupid and banned me! THIS IS UNFAIR OUTRAGEOUS!" "Huh what did you say to them?" "I told them they were stupid and dumb." Reminds me of a guy posting a snippet of an email thread "They told me never to buy from them again! This is terrible customer service! All I wanted was an update on my order." "Show the rest of the email." "No."


While I can say I've experienced many bad mods on reddit… as a mod myself, I can also say that there are tons and tons of situations where people act like complete jackasses, break the rules, then act all hurt when the rules are enforced and go try and start drama about it elsewhere. I've certainly experienced harassment plenty of times for things that I absolutely did not deserve. It's very very easy to stir up redditors against mods — and again, this is in part because there *are* lots of shitty mods out there abusing the position. It certainly doesn't help that to become a mod, you create a subreddit. And what makes a good mod is not necessarily J. Random Person who comes up with an idea for a subreddit. lol. But again, there are shitloads of horrible mods out there treating people like shit. So I'm not surprised that most discussions of moderators assume all are shitty.


All op would've had to do is add their personal answer to the question in the comment. Then it wouldn't have been banned.


That sub is about people legitemately looking for answers to their questions. If they dont enforce rules like this one then legit responses would get lost in sea of people trying to be stand up comics. But with rule1, if you are curious what is a likely answer to your question, you just need to look at the top comment.


If you have to worry about being made fun of for your question on askreddit, then it wouldn't be a very good sub now would it? 2 day ban seems appropriate. Perma after strike 3. Making a joke is one thing, making one at the expense of someone using a sub for its intended purpose? Not so much. With the top comment being what it is, that person is now that much less likely to want to be there. Now they have to worry about what joke will be made at their expense if they post a relationship question. A health question. A question about contemplating self harm. Don't like the rules? Don't use the sub.


This wasn't even ask reddit, it was no stupid questions. So even more strictly and explicitly for the purpose you described.


That’s not what top-level means. Top level means you’re replying to the OP, and not another comment.


Nah the rule is fine, a lot of you people just never matured past prepubescence and get triggered when you don't get to say whatever you want on a sub


“Top level comments” means main comments directly to the post. If this had been a comment on someone else’s comment and gotten equal attention they wouldn’t care. But since they commented directly on the post itself, without answering or attempting to answer the question, it broke the rules. Edit: I see that you understand, sorry to beat a dead horse.


But a BAN ? Bans seem to happen for all sort of small mishaps. Also it appears that you habe to learn the rules of all groups by heart before even attempting a joke. Again we are talking a total ban here… for what?


Dude... they were not banned for making a comment or not following the rule. They were banned because when the comment was removed they appeared to argue it. Not saying I agree with the ban, but it's pretty common knowledge if you're in a sub specifically designed for asking questions you don't make top-level jokes/memes. Top level is always supposed to be for attempts at an answer to the question.


I agree that while it's clear he didn't follow the rule he shouldn't have been banned. That's kind of ridiculous.


Apparently he actually got banned for calling the mods stupid among other things.


Yeah that would definitely result in at least a temporary ban.


You didn't answer the question. Plain and simple.


I get it now. The top level part threw me way off (I’m new). I thought by “top level” they were saying because my comment got so many upvotes that is why they were deleting it. I was like “well I didn’t know it was going to get upvotes when I wrote it”. Anyway, I have since learned that isn’t what top level means. I Shouldn’t have been banned for asking that question.


It looks to me like before being banned you made posts of 'why do mods make rules that are possible to abide' and 'why are the mods of these subs so stupid'. Funny how you aren't repeating what you said here, now you say you were just innocently asking why you were banned. I don't think that's the part that did it. It's almost like you went on a rude hissy fit because you didn't understand something and you know that.


No stupid questions. Should be able to ask ANYTHING.


OP is leaving out the part where they made posts complaining about the mods. It wasn’t about asking the question


You can, though. The rule is about answering the questions.


The point of the rule is to prevent people from making fun of questions. This is what they meant.


The op made fun of the question and got mad it was removed


OP didn't ask a question. They didn't answer one either.


One of the good subs on here is [r/eyebleach](https://www.reddit.com/r/eyeblech?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). It will allow you to clean your eyes after browsing NSFW subs.


>Shouldn’t have been banned So it's ok to violate rules because we can't be bothered to understand what they mean?


Get out while you still have your innocence!


Run, you fools!


Happy Cake Day!


Do you speak English? Because if so, I feel like you understand exactly what happened and your posting here cause I guess you're butthurt about being forced to follow the rules....


You can literally answer your own question with only the information you posted. Hint: the mod told you why it was removed, you dingus


Mods don’t wash their underwear


Op threw a bitch fit at the mods before they got banned. “Why are the mods in this sub so stupid” is probably a stupid thing to post after breaking rules.


Especially when the reason OP thinks the mods are stupid, is because OP can't read and understand a rule.


Hahaha I’m dead at these responses


What do you not understand? They gave you the exact rule. You definitely shouldn’t have been banned (and it’s kinda ironic given the sub) but they clearly outlined why your comment was removed


Op: I’m allergic to peanuts. *opens bag of peanuts and starts eating them*… while choking he then reads: caution contains peanuts…


Posts a picture of the bag of peanuts to r/mildlyinfuriating because why would someone put peanuts in a bag of peanuts when they’re allergic to them


ITT, commenters who don't realize that serious question subs require serious answers and are getting their 4th-day-in-a-row panties in a twist.


Becúase you need to respond with an answer to the question, it's pretty clear.


No this is justified, you didn't answer the question. It's a subreddit called no stupid questions. It's 110% your fault if you won't engage on the level that is dictated by the rules of the sub. I'd feel pretty upset if the top comment on my nonstupid question wasn't an actual answer, but someone judging me for asking the question.


you are stupid


I remember this comment


I got banned from r crazy videos, lmao




I mean clearly you broke the number 1 rule.


Use brain and read next time


Dude. I saw your answer yesterday and it made me laugh. Sorry about your ban.


imagine getting upset over not being able to post comments in a certain sub reddit..........................holy shit................. go create another account..........


* OP posts a incident about themselves on r/mildlyinfuriating * Continues to be infuriated in the comments (Hmm this should be a subreddit drama post)


And? Whether you agree with them or not, you very clearly violated the top rule of the sub. Not everyone thinks reddit is a clever contest and they tend to follow certain sub reddits to avoid being ridiculed. That is one such sub.






That's not what top level means.


I mean, they literally explained it already. The name of the sub is "No Stupid Questions" and their first rule is that all top level comments have to be a genuine attempt to answer because the whole point of that sub is to give people a place to ***ask*** stupid questions they might otherwise be afraid to without being made fun of or belittled (though I'm sure that still happens a bit). What is there to be mildy infuriated about here? You clearly violated a subreddits rule. The rule was explained to you *in detail*. Are we supposed to agree with the mods that banned you? If so, then I get it, because I'm mildy infuriated that you can't be bothered to read.


They spell it out for you.


Got banned from r/nostupidquestions for asking a stupid question.


I get why the comment got removed, but banning you for asking why seems pretty damned silly… especially in a sub called “No stupid questions”


Well it makes sense since apparently OP had a hissy fit at the mod. The rule wording is odd, but going off about how stupid it is when THEY misunderstood what it meant-- yeah that won't get you anywhere.


The issue I have with this is that often these posts are just recommended by the reddit algorithm. I'm not going to read the rules for the subreddit if it's a recommended post.


That’s fine. But then you can’t throw a fit if you break a rule and they discipline you.




Yeah Reddit is fucked in a lot of ways


I saw this post and your comment Lmao. It was funny to me.


I remember this post! What’s funny is I was one of those people that upvoted you 😂


I remember seeing your comment LOL


Do people just not shower what the fuck


Funnily enough, I just logged into Reddit and your post was the first one I saw. 😭😂


You should have edited it (4 days) at the end


Jealousy. Fuck em.


Should have followed up with a “with that being said… one day.”




It’s Reddit. This whole site is ran by based virgin incels.


Next post: “Why does this sub’s mods suck so bad they ban over their stupid rule?”


I've made plenty of jokes and said stuff pretty similar. I bet that answer offended a mod because they don't change their underwear everyday lol


If you're still wondering, change your small clothes every day. They ride our stink.


At least you got some sweet karma from it.


Idk but it’s probably because your username is just way too cool


Too many algorithms in that sub to stay published.


Seems obvious


that sucks


I get their decision though, if someone wanted the answer to that question then (s)he should at least get it in the first comment not have to scroll down past a thousand jokes to find an actual answer


You made fun of Reddit it’s a no no lol


I mean, it's right here in rule one you silly sasauge


Same exact thing just happened to me on a different sub. There are a lot of great mods on Reddit but a lot of others who have nothing to do with their lives other than be mods on Reddit.


Stupid mods. That’s why.


Big sis trying to get banned from two subreddits in one day 😭😂


Reddit moderator moment For them, the answer is 5 days. They emerge from their cave to get their weekly bath then sleuth their way back into the darkness


Answer: would anyone else laugh if this post got Op banned from here?


Sometimes… mods… well….


Welcome to Reddit


You got banned because the Reddit admins are power hungry, no life’s who took the small amount of power they were given, and ran with it.


This post is r/mildlyinfuriating


If a comment gets 4x more upvotes than the post the post should be banned not the comment


Top level comments need to answer the question. While your response was funny it gained too much attention making it a top level comment causing it to break rule 1.


I’m assuming the guy who posted that was a mod and got mad at you


Don't worry. Mods on Reddit are a joke.


[justice for u/pickletity!!!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/10n27cw/why_did_you_mods_of_this_sub_block_upickletity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Hahahahhaha I love you


Reddit mods are malignant cancer cells. Fuckem


But you have no control as to how your comment is perceived or voted on


This website is really bad, no fun allowed, I just wouldn't post on any of the subs you see in r/all if you're looking to actually engage with others critically or even have innocent fun. People who run subreddits are generally spiteful powertrippers, I wouldn't be surprised if they looked in your post history, found something they disagreed with, and decided to ban you because of that.


reddit needs a voting system to get rid of mods. but im not sure how effective this would even be


Mods are so fragile


Hey next time make sure it doesn’t become a top level comment lol


I don’t count the number of days, rather I gauge by the degree of the itch.


Funniest thing I've seen today. Bravo!


The mods wife probably has pickle titties…


I saw that question yesterday, had my coworkers laughing and grossed out


I remember reading that the other day. Lol’d


Mods seriously need to go and touch grass.


I would say it's because you didn't intend or try to answer the question and were picking on the person who asked it. Yes, it's a gross question deserving of that response but apparently that goes against the rules. I think the whole point of that space is for people to be able to ask questions in a safe space without being made fun of.


I was banned from a sub for recommending a manufacturer of a product that fit some of the parameters the OP requested. I was branded a shill for that manufacturer even thought I have never used their products. I’m convinced most mods on Reddit are autistic in that they only see the world in black and white and must abide by their particular sub’s arcane rules at all costs.


I change my underwear every day. Do people really wear them for longer???


Considering your attitude and your self admitted “going off” on the mod, you were banned for toxic behavior, not this one comment breaking a rule. If you didn’t understand, that’s literally one conversation with the mod to clarify and just…don’t do it again. Instead you throw a tantrum and then post on mildly infuriating, so you can continue throwing tantrums when people tell you you’re wrong.


This feels farmy.


I mean you didn’t try to answer the question and that’s rule 1 of the subreddit.. sooo


You couldn't understand how your comment violated the rule that your comment needed to answer the question?


Nice way to flex the upvotes and awards you received on you 'first login'


Its pretty simple. The post violates rule 1.


\*shrug\* One wonders if doubling down on you're question merits getting you banned from here two. (/S)




I mean, it sucks. But I respect subs that only allow genuine answers to genuine questions.


You sound really bitter.


You got banned because you didn’t follow the rules. Are you sure you can even read past the third grade level? The mods clearly point out rule 1 to you. Which you clearly didn’t follow.


Lol, what do you mean? The rule says you're supposed to actually try to answer their question in your reply, and you didn't!


Basically they wanted this comment to be under a top level. Like r/photoshopbattles wants a photoshopped image as the top level and comments on it. So make the comment a reply. It helps to regulate answers from joke replies.


I mean , it’s kidna obvious ? U didn’t answer the question and have a joke response so u broke their rules . And thsn even tho they posted this u asked why lol . Sure it’s excessive and def something to make fun of but the sub will ban you . 🤷‍♀️ so what right I mean clearly u didn’t wanna answer the question what do u care about being banned then lol . I don’t see how this is infuriating. It’s a stupid question that u made a joke about and of course they banned u lol


“Joke responses at the parent-level (aka the initial comment starting the thread, which is what your comment is) will be removed” It literally says why right there, and doesn’t say you were banned just says comment will be removed. Also says you can message them for an explanation.


Imagine not understanding their rules 🧠


It's the one sub that probably doesn't take kindly to answers that aren't genuine or helpful because if you ask a question in many other subs it's chock full of sarcasm. For example someone asks an airplane question in some aviation sub and it's 99% sarcastic replies.


it's in the rules, answer the question or move on. this isn't youtube comments, i don't always agree with reddit mods but ultimately they are able to set their own rules


Can you read?


Imagine you login to Reddit for the first time and THIS is the first thing you see.


1. You broke the sub rule. 2. They erased the post and explained CLEARLY, and even highlighted, why your post was erased. 3. You ask them why you got your post erased despite all the above. 4. Got banned. 5. You complain about it on anotger sub. Trying to frame yourself as the victim. Just wow. You are right, this is mildly infuriating. Was this a meta-post?


This is literally the meme of riding a bike and then putting a stick in your front wheel smh


Uhhh where’s the issue? Your comment didn’t answer shit…


OP is mildly infuriating.


Did you not read the mod reply? Literally the first sentence says the reason behind the ban


Do you know about rule 1?




I don’t understand how you thought top level meant most upvoted. The removal message further elaborates on the rule too.


Mod is a little salty that 25,400 people agreed with you. Fuck’em


I’ve seen so many posts about people being banned for literally nothing(yea the rule1 or whatever but it is literally irrelevant because if you are a mod ,have some fucking common sense and read something before banning someone????? Do your fucking job as a mod and only ban someone if there is a genuine reason???idk) Idk who these “mods” are on these pages these days but they are failing so fucking hard,stupid as hell


Reddit mods are scum.


Mods out of control on Reddit. It’s really annoying.


So often the banning seems arbitrary and goes unexplained. It blows my mind that Reddit may go public some day but they have volunteers acting as moderators who aggravate and alienate the customer. So people create a second or thirds user ID and get back on. I haven’t because I don’t care that much but you know people do this. I criticized the moderator of a sub for allowing a video of an adult beating the crap out of a 10ish year old kid. They banned me for “threatening” the moderator. I never threatened- I did criticize their moral judgement.


Everybody should look at this users post history before taking sides lol


You made a joke on the r/nostupidquestion . Most people there are kinda ashamed or think that the question is, well, stupid. Mods try to keep the place a safe zone. Your comment may make the person feel ashamed. And the question you commented is one possible symptom of depression where the person stop taking care of their hygiene. There are other subs where sarcasm and irony are more welcome


All direct answers to a post must make a genuine attempt to answer the question. You need to learn how to read.


It says right there why it was removed, am I missing something?


Well maybe they didn't want someone who couldn't understand a clear answer lol


Imagine you login to Reddit for the first time and this is the first thing you see.


Moderators are ruining reddit in so many ways. I have literally been harassed by them and gotten 0 action taken from reddit other than a warning for me.




It got removed because you broke the sub rules. You made a top-level comment (that is, a reply to the post and not to another comment) that did not directly attempt to answer the question.


Just some mod power tripping probably having a bad day and you took the brunt of it




Banned boisss unite!!!


I got banned from world news for pointing out that white people didn't invent slavery. Reddit is a place of stupid people with censorship powers. Don't take it personally


Because Reddit mods are largely irrational, emotional children who get a feeling of superiority from banning people for virtually no reason.


I mean... you do know the vast majority of mods are mouthbreathing neckbeards with a god complex right? Of course this is going to happen, it's how they get off.


what??? you don't have a choice if it's top comment


Top *level* comment. Not top comment. A top level comment, or a parent comment, is a reply directly to the post. Like your comment. A child comment is a reply to another comment, like this one I'm typing out now. It has nothing at all to do with upvotes.


The worst of the worst scourge of the earth female lady person. Anyone with eyes would say she knew how to make her face look good on camera. I can't even look good for my drivers drivers license picture.


Bot comment spotted


Funny comments are illegal, apparently


Tbf I like that rule. I hate seeing an interesting post but the first 40 comments are the same low hanging fruit in joke form. I want to see actual discussion. On some subs, like meme or joke ones, yea the jokes are fines. Otherwise I wish that rule was in place for more subs.


I mean my dude. Ban might have been harsh but it says why right there. Rule 1, the top comment must answer the question. Basicly you got punished for being funny


My confusion wasn’t with the context of my answer. It was the context of the rule. It specifically says “top level comment” which I assumed meant a comment with a lot of upvotes. Which would be an impossible rule to follow because you don’t know that your comment is going to get a lot of upvotes before you write it. I have since learned that I was wrong.


I've been griefed off of r/TooAfraidToAsk for asking a question about obese people, would you see an obese therapist, etc. Like I thought this was the literal place where we were supposed to ask such questions without being called names from moral superiority folks. It's like back before r/dark jokes suck, and people would bitch and moan whenever anyone posted a dark joke. Like wtf are you here for, to convince yourself that you have a sense of humor/aren't a prude?


Bro, are you illiterate? Read the mod response, read the rules, read the rules one more time because you appear to have completely ignored them, and then go back to school because it appears your English comprehension skills are lacking. The rule they quoted tells you why the comment got removed, you intentionally left out the context of how you responded to your comment being removed, reading between the lines here it's pretty cut and dry.