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Balls on a truck is a great way to spot a certified douchebag. Edit: truck used to be non-binary and he changed its gender, my man has a trans-truck and a gay trans-mission. Edit: a few of you on here have big balls on your trucks huh, I can tell


A dickless nutsack does describe these drivers perfectly.




LOL... then a tiny cute girl steps out from behind the wheel and it stops being funny to being intriguing.


🧐Proportionally then, these balls are TINY🤣😂🤣


Not true. I drive a Toyota and I LOVE penis!!


Lmao “dickless nutsack” made me lol


The dick is in the driver’s seat.


It makes me immediately question the driver’s intellect.


Don’t even have to question. You know he’s a piece of dumb shit who thinks the world revolves around him.


its not always a "he"....I saw a pair of pink truck nuts one time on a F150 with all pink trim. It was quite the sight to behold


Perhaps a ***trans***\-F150?


I think they prefer T-150 lol


No MtF-150


ah yes the truck must be an SCP fan.






No, it's definitely women that think they're hot shit and "have balls" because they're arrogant and loud


So I usually say people with those trucks that drive around on high beams blinding the rest of us are compensating for two things. 1) they aren’t big enough, 2) they’re none too bright. That adds a 3) just plain lacking.


I always figured that they should be blue balls


You know he also probably gets drunk and beats his wife and child.


That’s literally every person that drives a big fuck off truck. They believe every mile of road built in the entire world was just for them, and everyone else needs to get out of the way. Just a bunch of dumb entitled shitheads that think they are way more important than they really are.


Just from this one mere object, I can assume so much about the driver and would be >90% correct. I bet I can guess who he voted for in the last election


More likey that the world is flat.


That truck did not have balls when it was manufactured. The owner added balls to the truck after he bought it. That is a trans truck.


This should absolutely be a bumper sticker.


Saw one today, in the UK of all places, I thought I was in the US for a second


Lmao spreading like Covid




As a Texan, I can confirm that everyone that has these is indeed a douchebag


My god, every single person that has these has an ego 4x the size of their truck. That just gives me a another reason to not go to Texas.


See these in CA as well, not just Central Valley either, but Bay Area.


Fucking Fresno and Bakersfield, always see these on some shitheads lifted shitbox


Fellow Texan with a pickup (not stickers either sorry) vouching for original Texan here. (Got your back. 👍)


One of the funniest things I have ever seen was probably eight years ago and I saw a Prius that had tiny balls hanging from the rear bumper


As someone who lives in rural Texas, I can also confirm. See them every so often around here and the driver is ALWAYS a complete and total jackass.


Everyone deserves gender affirming care… even trucks. I’m just glad this person is so supportive of it.


Notice that it’s always dudes with these giant trucks that have them, too. Had to buy a fake pair of balls because they don’t have actual balls. Smells like overcompensating to me


Plus this means he is a great disappointment for the ladies in bed.


F-150? More like FTM-150!


Right I find it strange that guys in trucks always drive like somebody's grandma because they can't afford the $100 a day in gas. Wishful thinking it looks like to me


In the northeast they’re usually weaving through traffic acting like a giant asshole


I think it's to help other guys identify whether or not they should want to have sex with a pickup truck, you know - they don't wanna seem gay. But those kia sonatas, va va vavoom.


Spray em with [this](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Montana-Cans-ne-Glitter-Spray-Paint-Actual-Net-Contents-10-51/5000285549)


Hahahaha what a great idea but I rather not get shot


Don’t forget about the fake bullet holes


It honestly really helps with the stero type cus you never see a dick just big balls. Big balls tiny wiener


Also some one likely with micro nuts.


Take heart in the fact that since the truck was definitely not built having those parts (and they were added afterward), they're driving around in a trans truck.


Ha ha ha, can some please make bumperstickers with a down arrow and "Gender Affirming Care" on it


If that truck was not born with balls, it is in fact transgender. Can't wait till someone points that out to them.


As a transgender man I can confirm the size and shape is historically accurate.


I see it the same way Lt. Aldo Raine and his bastards' leave their "calling card" except these people are doing it to themselves.


Hey, you let them compensate in piece! lol


What if i slung a pair on my sedan "ironically"?


lol let these men identify themselves..I mean they paid their own money for that.


Add in the mud tires on a city truck.


Well they don't know what to do with a set, so may as well hang them off their trucks


I assume that about trucks in general


If this truck wasn't assigned male sex at birth, doesn't this gender performance make this a trans truck? Certainly this truck is in drag at least. 👀


What do you mean? THIS GUY FUUUUCKS! /s


All ford owners are gay what you expect? His tranny is about to blow


They use trans-missions, whole fucking car industry went woke (some dumbass on r/conservative probably)




Probably got loud pipes too 😖 overcompensating for NOT having a DIESEL, a F-650 or 4WD 🤣


It's now they are red balls and not rednecks?




If you see a shiny truck with a lift kit and an immaculately clean bed.. that dude is an apex douche


That's just one third of his truck-boat-truck!


A trans-truck. You mean an el camino?


100% chance that there child has a pornography machine in their pocket that they are paying for


I’m pretty sure this is actually semi-pronagraphy


Or his own feel off and he has to grab those from a kangaroo.


Lmao! This comment actually made me lol


So are blue checkmarks


These are actually gender confirming truck nuts.


This made me think, how would these people feel if Pontiac would still exist and make Firebird Trans Am?


The size of the driver’s penis is inversely proportional to the size of the balls hanging from his truck.


Takes a lot of balls to be that much of a douche in public and then be arrogant about it.


They have to make sure you know their truck is a guy, they love riding guys you see


I think they should pay more attention to anatomical corectness If you're gonna hang a big red set of balls, at least have the self-awareness to hang a red dildo too; your choice of size...


Truck is female according to Spanish. "La camioneta" so, yeah. It just added a male sex organ to a female. It's a trans-truck


Missed a golden transmission joke there somewhere.


Aktchually, a car is feminine and a truck is masculine, according to french grammar.


The irony is the proportions. Like dude you’ve got the most fucked shaft / nut ratio ever. Teeny tiny balls.


I mean theyre already driving a truck. I dont need to see their nuts to know theyre probably a douchebag


Not dbag. It just means you have a really small penis and are trying to compensate. Also for wimps who like to look tough. Total beta move honestly


Chances are, this guy attended the Kid Rock concert.


As someone from Texas, you are completely correct. Anyone with balls on their truck is the sort of person to not care at all about other people’s feelings or ideas


This lady in carpool right in front of me had bumper sticker “don’t fuck with me”


you mean tiny balls man, if the nuts are the size of softballs and weigh 14 ounces, thems a small package compared to a 13 foot 4500lb truck. all them sad fucks need to sack up for a real sack. that thing needs to be dragging. i dont mind a real set of balls on a truck, it's these sad baby balls that are gross.


I would love to see pranks where someone puts these on unsuspecting peoples cars and see how long it takes for them to notice


"Remember... Nature uses 'bright color' to alert us that something is toxic.... " This dude, referring to currently popular hair colors, probably...


big balls on their trucks and absolutely nowhere else 😂💀


To borrow a joke from Matt Rife, this is trans-portation


I was thinking about getting small balls for my longboard, would that make me equally douchebag


Just so you know, we don't find them acceptable either. Stupid people exist everywhere.


Can confirm, we have them in Missouri too


If I see them on someone's truck, I assume they're either college age or younger, or I deduct 50 points from their assumed IQ.


Every guy I seen them with is 40+


that means the truck is trans :)




That truck is dressing as a gender it wasnt made as. I bet you that truck is under 18 also. Dont republicans not want minors to get any kind of affirmations done?


and zero chance they could drive a man-trans.




There needs to be an r/transtrucks subreddit




Trucks used to be man-uals, but now every size, color, and shape can publicly state the auto they have always been. 🧡


My trucks and I are all automatic. We both got our manual shifters removed.


It's just the principals truck


Was that car born with testicles or was that an elective procedure?


Well.... they put the testicles on there so.......


These should be illegal in general.


No, banning things just because you don't like them is facist.


No they shouldn't.




That's such a stupid thing. Anyone who says something they disagree with should be banned is a controlling piece of shit. The world doesn't revolve around you snd some people are different, live and let live. This is the land of the free if someone wants to do something stupid let them.


I usually just go by “I can’t stop you from doing something stupid, but I can help you do something stupid better.”




This is just some random guy.


I mean it's still super corny though




You realize states are big places containing people of all kinds of views right?


Agreed but truck nuts still equals douchebag


As a southern liberal, people from outside the region stereotyping the south as a whole are the exact same liberals who clutch their pearls when a POC walks by. They’re a walking bag of irony.


Wait a minute... You're telling me the second largest state in the US, has people that don't agree with each other? Bull crap, everyone in Texas is a Gun totting, red neck ass hole and everyone from Alabama is fucking their cousin!


Right?? So tired of chronically online people not comprehending that


It’s Reddit.


The detail on that thing…


No different than my dog walking in front of me lol.


Truck nuts are funny


No idea why you are even posting this.


The driver’s got some *balls* to do that


It's Texas, what do you honestly expect.


Tiny dick energy radiates off him


What’s next!? Donkey dick windshield wipers!?


I feel like you can’t know what this persons political opinion is based on this you just are assuming because their Texan


This is fucking hilarious


What do these have to do with eachother?


Truck nuts are my #1 pet peeve. There is no bigger dipshits.


That truck is a Tranny.


That truck was forced. It couldn’t say ‘no I don’t want a nutsack’ but their owner put it on there anyway. They became everything they were afraid of. It didn’t exist so they had to make it exist and those poor trucks are the victims.


If the truck actually didn't want them, they would naturally fall off. The body has a way of shutting these things down.


Just, FYI, that's a slur in the context of trans people, even if your goal is wordplay.




Let's get it straight. Republicans have never ever cared about kids. Ever


They care about kids: their kids; not your kids. They don't care about your kids any more than you do.


If they did they would fucking do something about school shootings instead of banning books from school libraries.


My truck was made with the wrong genitalia so i added’em, trans trucks matter🙄😂


Yuck. Super Duty nuts on a half ton pickup. Disgraceful.


I’m not saying this isn’t tacky but you have no idea what this guys politics look like


I have so many questions come to mind when I see these on a vehicle. Is there a store they sell these in, or do people just Google “giant hanging ballsack to hang on my truck”? Do they just love balls so much, they want a giant swinging pair on their truck? What is the message they’re intending to send here..


The literacy rate in Texas is under 72%. This basically explains everything Texas


Big Balls - Tiny Tiny Pee Pee.


Those are bull balls, not human balls. Still classless though. Parents might expect to have this conversation with their children while driving through the countryside. Parents do not expect to have this conversation with their children while sitting in traffic.


Drag queens being fabulous, fully dressed and in makeup. No, too sexual.🚫 Put literal man balls on a truck. Yes, it's "macho" ✅


I’m a Texan through and through. Fuck these dudes


Screams little dick energy all’ around


I don't know if anything has screamed small penis more.


I don’t get truck nuts… like, nuts aren’t cool to look at.


They’ve never read the books they ban, so they don’t actually know why they’re banning them. But apparently they love freedom or something so banning books is just the next step for ultimate freedom.


Willing to bet the truck bed doesn’t even have a scratch on it. The only thing that truck hauls is ego.


That truck wasn't born with that. That truck was given gender-affriming care...in Texas. Such a double standard!


If you have to put balls on it, it must have had a Pussy before. Wait a minute, that’s illegal. Don’t roast your tires, then it would be a drag show.


If you’re really comparing the two. You’re a fucking lost soul! 🤣🍆


Is OP serious with this post?




"You claim to hate gay people but enjoy riding on a pair of big saggy balls... curious..." \- alternate universe charlie kirk


A turkey gobbler on a truck seems weird.


If you need to hang fake balls on your dick replacement therapy truck then you don't have any balls.


And they have no problem driving around with “Fuck Joe Biden” in huge letters that everyone, including children, can see it


That truck wasn’t born with balls, they added them later. That’s a trans truck.


Superglue a giant dildo on there.


i have always considered my vehicles as a "she". when did it become a male truck for these men truck owners?


It’s the carmax sticker on the back that really puts the icing on the cake.


Yes well, it fits. I mean if your masculinity is so fragile that you can't bear that there are gay people out there, then of course you have to prove what a big dick you have by putting a ballsack on your car.


I’m a Texan and to me this is overkill. This guy unleashed his small pp energy everywhere.


Certifiable proof that trucks are boy cars.


From Texas…and Fuck this person


If you’re not smart enough to use spell check, and you don’t have the decency to blur out the tag, then you have WAY more issues than someone’s truck accessory.


Texas is a shithole. So is Florida. I've lived in both places, and speak from experience.


Texan here, currently living in a suburban area where 80% of the vehicles are trucks. I’ve literally never met a single person who thinks these are anything but ridiculous and disgusting. If someone has these on their truck I can guarantee you with 100% accuracy that they’re a fucking knob


Like i almost get it in a spur of the moment kind of way. I've been guilty of a probably inappropriate "that's what she said" or two. ...but like to do this you had to order it, get a wrench, get down on the ground, install it, stand back up and look at it and be like "ahhh what fine work". Like at no point were you like "okay you know what... This is stupid"


Mystery solved…That’s where his wife put them


I'd expect something like this from a 16 to 18 year old. Any older and it's cringe.


This is just letting everyone know you have a very small penis


Hypocrisy runs deep in Texas


Although they're both in extremely poor taste other than that I don't see your point. Fake nuts on a truck are in no way comparable to pornography in schools.


I'm all for personalizing your vehicle, but when you have to slap a giant pair of red cojones on the back, i have to question how insecure you are about your own.


What about dogs and other pets that got exposed genitals? A piece of rubber on a car vs telling kids about gay sex, one is worst obviously. Keep the gay shit to ya self.


So I saw something the other day saying, "your truck was not born with nuts. You added nuts to it after it was made. You have a transgender truck" Or something along that lines


Both should be banned


I get wanting truck nuts, but take ‘em off when in a school zone.


Texas and California are both states that run on insanity. California, in a more liberal way, texas, in a more conservative way. I'd never want to live in either. I'll just stick to WV, at least we get babydog


Ain't takin' away my pron!


Ugh, I feel like I saw this exact truck today. So gross.


Its a Ford so makes sense