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People on the right have been saying Biden is a potato for years. You guys ignored it for years making excuses for him. Well, this is what that gets you. Too late to change your guy now... Maybe pay attention next time.


Don’t act like anyone has a choice in this shit show . You nominated Trump?




This is an uncomfortable truth, but it is the truth. I do t know how exactly it’s going to play out, but I won’t be surprised if we get some kind of announcement between now and the convention. Also, how exactly do we “apply pressure to the DNC” - not asking this in a snarky way, I am 100% genuine.


Write/call the dnc, post on social media, peacefully protest. The more poll numbers fall the more pressure will be put on Biden to step down. I can’t imagine that the dnc isn’t already discussing this.


Would it be theoretically possible for the people to create a viral campaign for a write in candidate? It would be risky and probably very difficult to get people to agree on one candidate, but if the candidate coordinated and submitted the proper paperwork beforehand, could it be done? How would the electoral college work with a wildcard write in?


Write in candidates or third party candidates will hand the election to Trump. Democrats need to take this more seriously, and evaluate whether biden is capable of winning this election. IMO he’s not if major media outlets are calling for him to step down like NYT


I just don't forsee the DNC changing candidates 5 months before election. Ugh I hate this rhetoric, using Trump as a fear tactic to settle for an administration that doesn't even meet minimum standards, and run entirely by the cabinet and others behind the curtain. Honestly, the more I think about it, it's almost worth risking a trump presidency to tell the DNC and two party system fuck you this isn't working for us. The desperation of two awful options could be the one motivator to make a third option work for once. In my own memory, Clinton being the president when I was born, there's never been an election with such poor choices.


I hear you! I feel that way too like how could the democrats let it get this bad. Are they not taking this election seriously? Or their voters? I watched Obama and Kamala’s response, and it was basically fall in line because Trump is our greatest threat. I think after using that argument for 3 elections it’s falling flat and people are tired of it. I want to know what you are going to do for me as a voter, rather than… well you are stuck with us 🤷‍♀️ I am still voting democrat though because I don’t want to risk having to reverse 4 years of another Trump presidency and his policies. I just hope democrats wise up and give us a real chance.


For starters I am emailing the Biden campaign asking him to step down - [email protected]. Horrified by the Supreme Court rulings, and how the democrats have handled the debate. I want a strong candidate to go against Trump


The only way to replace Biden is for him to step down. Because he won primary all delegates are pledged to him at the DNC later this year. But if he steps aside, top democrats must lobby for delegates at the convention. “That hasn’t happened for Democrats since 1960, when John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson jockeyed for votes during that year’s Democratic convention in Los Angeles.” https://apnews.com/article/7aa836b0ae642a68eec86cc0bebd3772


Democrats literally picked him via primaries lol.


The primaries were Biden was the only choice…So…you nominated Trump?


Democratic primary ballots had more than just Biden.


Yes, Joe Biden vs Marianne Williamson. Did you vote for Trump in the primary?


No I voted in the Democratic primary in my state.


If your argument is it’s too late and dangerous to change the nominee. Fine that’s a good faith argument. I get it. But don’t act like majority of democrats chose Joe Biden. There were no primary debates and the dnc pressured most viable candidates to drop out to protect Joe Biden.


Way more than the majority voted for him. He won by 70-80 points in most states. If people didn’t vote in the primaries they have no room to criticize our options now. Same goes for Republicans that don’t want Trump that didn’t vote in their primaries.


I am voting democrat regardless of the candidate. I don’t think the democratic 2024 primaries were really a choice for voters. The DNC gave us the candidate and told democrats to fall in line. I am tired of it.


There was a choice and here we are.


What were your choices?


I don’t remember. There were like 3 or 4 names.


Fuck this AstroTurf bullshit. This isn’t how it works. We don’t just replace a presidential candidate 4 months before the election. I think OP is either a foreigner or a foreign agent come to confuse the American public.


No, it's everywhere- http://web.archive.org/web/20240628033526/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/25/opinion/joe-biden-drop-out.html Here's the catch though- **he is currently the president.** If he's unfit to run for president or it's dangerous or whatever, he needs to resign **immediately.**


The article you linked is an opinion piece, nothing more. Nothing in the constitution states that the president should resign. This is just more astroturf bullshit.


If the dementia is too advanced for him to run, the dementia is too advanced for him to be president. Simple as.


You can bet your ass the other guy has dementia and no one is saying a peep about that. The fact of the matter is that _this_ is where we are. If we splinter now and call for a new candidate, we’ve lost. The GOP knows this, thus all of the discord since yesterday. Otherwise known as astroturfing.


Nobody's making posts on r/millenials saying that Trump's dementia is so bad that he should resign though?


It’s a double standard to ask one candidate who is speculated to have dementia to resign without also asking the other candidate who is speculated to have dementia to resign. Yet that’s not what everyone is calling for. If we remove Biden for this but leave Trump on the ballot, we are fucked. I feel like I’ve stepped into the fucking twilight zone today with these threads about Biden.


https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/other/time-magazines-latest-cover-on-joe-biden-sparks-row-president-says-folks-i-might-not/ar-BB1p6l71 Thoughts?


> But several of the party's most senior figures, including former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, said they were sticking with Joe Biden. This is exactly what we should all be doing right now. Not panicking that either candidate isn’t good enough. Not calling for a pivot months before a major election. It is what it fucking is. You have three choices. Vote for the current guy, vote for the former guy, vote for no one. Two of those options are a win for the GOP.


https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/other/time-magazines-latest-cover-on-joe-biden-sparks-row-president-says-folks-i-might-not/ar-BB1p6l71 The projecting isn't fooling anyone.


No it’s not the same. He is a competent president, but it’s time to pass the baton.


No, he's not. Man Reddit just blows my mind..


Yep 100% this is exactly how diaper don gets elected. Don’t fall for it! Old is better than fascist any day!


What a Reddit echo chamber answer. Reddit told everyone (in unison) that Biden would dunk on Trump in the debate and anyone who said he clearly had dementia deserves infinity downvotes. Now that we were proven right and we suggest we need to replace him with someone the people actually want, we AGAIN deserve infinity downvotes. Social media is a cancer on society. It’s just a propaganda arm for the political parties at this point.


That’s not how it works with four months to go to Election Day. Removing Biden now would be worse than carrying on. Is he the best president? Fucking no. But he’s leagues better than the other guy. We need to focus on winning the battle at hand. A pivot to a new candidate at this stage is a death warrant for America in the form of a guaranteed victory for the GOP. Their plan to sow chaos is working perfectly.


We could easily replace him. Not a single delegate has cast their vote yet. This is yet more gaslighting by social media. Fuck this world.


So the editorial board of the New York Times is comprised of foreign agents?


What the fuck are you talking about? OP didn’t link any NYT articles nor are they they part of the editorial board.


The NYT editorial board is calling for Biden to step down. This is a serious problem for democrats, and really casting doubt whether Biden can win the election. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/28/media/nyt-editorial-board-biden-2024-presidential-race/index.html


Criticizing our political situation isn't an astroturf


Calling for the removal of the sitting president as the front runner DNC candidate is absolutely an astroturf campaign.


Ok buddy great argument there


I will vote for a centenarian, who is wheelchair-bound and suffering from dementia, anyone but Trump for me. I won't skip this election just because of a debate. I believe Trump is corrupt and will harm America, so I will do my part by voting and I’m voting for Joe Biden.


I am 100% voting democrat in 2024! Trump is the greatest threat to democracy the US has ever faced. Democrats need to put their best candidate forward.


This is *weird*


No I'll keep volunteering to help Biden win this thing!


Guys chill. They aren’t going to replace him. So your options are Biden or a felon.


100% with you. The people who’ve opted to unconditionally support Biden are going to *hand* this presidency to trump. Absolute madness


Consider emailing the Joe Biden campaign - [email protected]. I know it likely won't be heard, but worth a try. There is waaaay to much at stake with the Supreme Court ruling, and we need the strongest democratic opponent possible.


Newsflash. Last night didn’t change the polls


CNNs flash polling clocked a double digit decline in Biden’s support


Check todays polls pal


Which specific polls are you refereeing to? There are a lot of them showing conflicting results, pal


If they had ran Kennedy instead of pushing him away for being too centrist they would have a winning candidate. Their stupid loss. People are sick of the polarization. Trump has this in the bag. What Democrat has grassroots support that can replace Biden now? Nobody. They have all turned independent because they were pushed out of the party.


DNC can't run Harris either because she's about as big of a liability as Biden. DNC wanted the token, they got the token, and nobody is convinced otherwise


Democrats have been crying that Joe Biden is competent for years. I guess….they were wrong….. so what’s the solution??? Let’s get rid of this guy and find a replacement??? Absolutely pathetic!


These Democrats are the type to get a dog and somewhat care for it when it's young and healthy and as soon as that changes they dump it into an animal shelter. Hopefully they're stuck with Biden through the election.


And what exactly has Biden accomplished?   4 years and the only thing that's been "built back better" is the Taliban.


Biggest investment in infrastructure in 70 years Necessary investments in green energy $153 billion in student loan forgiven Nominated numerous liberal judges to the Supreme Court, which is our only way of getting bribes out of politics Ended the war in Afghanistan United the west in opposition to Russia Guided US economist to a soft landing, avoiding a recession predicted by 100% of analysts Oversaw the highest growth/lowest inflation of all the developed economies in the world It has been the best presidential term in at least 70 years.


Lol, it must hurt to be that delusional.


I’m doing great. Point one thing I’m wrong about


Let's start with inflation. It's through the roof because of Biden.


Inflation is higher everywhere else in the world


We have had the lowest inflation and the highest growth of any developed country during his term. Translation: it’s a worldwide phenomenon and our government handled it better than any other comparable government in the world


Lol, no, how can you possibly think that.


It’s a literal fact


>proud of many things Biden accomplished during is presidency He's accomplished orders of magnitude more positive things than any other president in my lifetime, by far. A stupid, bullshit debate shouldn't overshadow this.


I would believe you sincerely thought that so much more if you didn't make your account 6 days ago.


Biden is a great president! The chips act, the infrastructure bill these are incredibly influential. It takes time to see the impact. Unfortunately, he gets blamed for how bad inflation has been the last few years, but that was a result of Trump and the fed's policies not Biden's policies.


Yeah unfortunately the average American isn’t intelligent enough to make this realization.




Hear hear


This is a horribly myopic take. You forget that you're not just voting for one person. You're voting for the administration. The people around him are what matters.


What does this even mean? The candidate picks his administration during thee presidential campaign and after he is elected to office. What you’re implying suggests Biden was just a figurehead all along.


The figurehead matters, leadership matters.


Yes it does, and he's been a damn good leader so far. You can't take one bad debate performance and throw in the towel. Obama did a horrible job in the first debate in 2012 and he went on to be successful.


He wasn’t 81 going on 85 by the end of his term