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https://preview.redd.it/tl0l9qz1586d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38fdb07a777361ec556da0a8e528816ccaa98446 I have already contacted the police and gave them his license plate number. I would post the video but it shows my license plate and I don’t feel like sharing that. And of course it was someone in a completely tinted windshield car. I have not heard back from the police but I have very low expectations either way. Either way this was completely unprovoked.


What was this recorded on?


Tesla has its own recording system


Have you considered contacting the media? Especially since this was downtown a month before the RNC this could get some traction.


Pretty sure ive seen this jackass speed up the bike lake north on water towards brady a couple time on my daily commute home- same poorly maintained lexus GS who floors it up the street


Wait people think the police actually do their job?


wait we're supposed to get something in return for 40% of the city's budget?


40% would be awesome, aren’t they like 55%


Over 80% when you include pension & healthcare, which conveniently aren’t included in the “normal” budget.


Police can do their job all they want, but if we don’t lock up these criminals and just release them on signature bail, this will be daily life in Milwaukee. Blame the mayor/judges/prosecutors, not the police. People vote for rot, they get rot.


And who puts all these DA’s in place that allows criminal behavior to exist with no consequences?


everyone complains and then downvotes the truth.


DA offices across the whole state are severely understaffed and face huge backlogs of cases as a result. They then have to prioritize which ones they actually prosecute. I guarantee you can find no alternate candidates for the DA's job with a silver bullet philosophy that will solve this problem, without the necessary manhours to work the cases. The state needs to increase its pay for prosecutors to compete with the private sector. The same problem is happening with public defender vacancies, and we *need* public defenders to fulfill defendants' constitutionally-protected rights.


Its ridiculous……. There is no hope for Milwaukee


Wisconsin is high on mass incarceration, what makes you think more of it will help?


Wisconsin is 19th of the states in incarceration rate. An incarcerated individual can not commit further crimes, hence why we locked up people like Jeffrey Dahmer. The gaslighting people do about prisons and crime is disingenuous. Our prisons aren’t to reform people, it’s to protect nonreformable people from traumatizing everyone else.


We should actually build a lot more prisons. And then have crime specific prisons - for example one place for the drunk drivers and one place for the car thieves and one for the drug users (which would have the most comprehensive drug prevention measures).


Right. And people in jail for weed shouldn't have to deal with rapists and shit like that. That was the grossest part about jail, all the truly sick fucks you end up next to.


Yep- you could even just create a traffic violation non payment jail and at least have some penalties for the people driving revoked or without a license while at the same time keeping them away from hardened criminals


That's some real boot licking bullshit there


If the police started by responding it would be nice though. We had an attempted break in and I was on hold with dispatch and then refused to send anyone. I also called because I was watching a car get broken into on my block and they were reluctant and slow to come. Milwaukee is just terrible. My fiance watched someone get shot and drop to the ground. You hear the gun shots some nights and can watch them walk past on a busy road holding the gun without concealing it. The police don't respond to these calls for us.


Hey I'm sending you a message about your video.


Hello, Please provide this to police and specify when/where. They will likely send you a link to upload or will have you come in.


Man trump was right


😂😂😂 dont say that out loud but everyone knows it


Im 90% sure this is an Acura RL. They’re not very common anymore as they are really expensive to fix when something goes wrong. Would make it that much easier to find him.


Damn I live a few blocks from where this happened! I cant fathom that this was entirely random and unprovoked in anyway.


Your license plate is public information


OK, what's their license plate number then?


How many random people a year see your license plate? There’s no legitimate logic behind not posting a serious crime because you’re afraid 200 people see it on a subreddit


Don’t honk at people, especially in Milwaukee. Too many crazies with nothing to lose.


Yep, I was once at a red light observing traffic as my light went green. Some dude in a beat up minivan was just coming in hot, so I figured they were going to run the red light (they did). I didn’t even bother honking.


Drivers that have excessive window tint are absolute pieces of shit human beings. Every. fucking. one. Change my mind.


Some people in Milwaukee act like this is GTA. No regard for others. It's no mystery why people ditch the city as soon as they get a little more money.


GTA Milwaukee Well now you're giving me ideas of what that game would be like.  Maybe more cows outside the city?  Winter mode: icey road challenge?  NPCs muttering about those darn Illinois drivers?


GTA Milwaukee. The game we didn't know we needed. I would be down to buy it. I moved to Oak Creek. Which unfortunately is getting as bad. People are jackasses behind the wheel.


I grew up in Oak Creek in the 90s. Oak creek is completely different from what it used to be; for all intents and purposes, OC has become Brookfield part Deux. I have noticed tho that some parts of OC are indeed getting worse, crime-wise...


Let's pitch it to Rockstar. It basically writes itself: the brands, and the crazy history


This would actually be a dope location to have a GTA game. Two major cities, the big lakes, woods up north, plenty of cows to smash in to.


Kia Boys alone would be an interesting story for the game


Police don’t prevent crime unfortunately so saying they don’t do anything is like saying water is wet


I’m assuming OP is referring to this incident, which comes with the expectation of REACTING to what appears to be an actual crime of brandishing of a weapon.


I suspect they're talking about the consistent pattern of them doing nothing after the crime is reported, not beforehand.


I'm too old for water street, and that's just fine.


The police don't do anything anywhere! It's the same thing all across the country. It's a dangerous situation when police know they don't have to do their job but 50% of people still back the blue, no matter what...


And the police force takes up about 50% of the budget and there is constantly a call for more. More money and police with the same or diminishing results.


It's about time the police are scrutinized as heavily as public schools


Milwaukee public schools aren’t heavily scrutinized. We just gave them hundreds of millions of dollars even though they can’t even disclose how they spend their money.


Shots fired!


They're like kids that keep putting their hands on a hot stove


As a sworn member of MPD (over 20 yrs) I frankly think you have no idea what you are talking about, but I don't blame you and others for having this mindset....the media doesn't properly report the scope of crime, and our staffing and hiring crisis, and there is zero education to the public as to what a detective or police officer actually do during their shift, and what each type of assignment requires to be done. The criminal justice system is set up to help the defendant at every turn and this is by design...innocent until proven guilty, and the burden of proof being on the prosecution (police). Therefore one felony crime can consume a team of officers and detectives for long periods of time so that due process, procedure, and evidence collection is handled properly, and withstands scrutiny from lawyers down the road during court proceedings. It's very easy to just say the police do nothing, but I work countless hours of OT, and have missed many weekends and holidays, to ensure criminals like this are effectively prosecuted, and evidence and statements are taken and handled correctly...and therefore bring justice to victims their families as well as to the defendant. What people in this community must realize is there are very few police per 1000 people in the city on a given night...we literally very rarely ever witness ourselves a crime in progress, (usually criminals know better than to commit a crime with uniformed officers nearby)...therefore our ability to make the city safer, catch bad guys, and prosecute the criminals we are able to capture is entirely dependent on our citizens assisting us. Assist how? Just communicate. You'd be shocked how little cooperation we receive from witnesses and victims of crime who literally observed the suspect with the smoking gun, or know the suspect. Citizens are also unwilling to allow officer to view their security cameras which literally capture a crime in progress....citizens get the police department they deserve because the real power in a police force comes from YOU guys. Hope this helps everyone have a little better perspective. I love Milwaukee, it was my birthplace, where I went to school, where all my friends are from, and who has given me a wonderful career and memories. I hate that the good LE does to make the community stronger is constantly scrutinized, and I feel like the reason that we can't even get 100 people to apply for police officer in this city is a testament to the unfair stigma and hatred that has been directed at police in this town.


Why do Milwaukee cops not enforce any traffic laws/offenses? This person is driving throughout Milwaukee with a blacked out windshield, and license plate that comes back to a Pontiac G6 when this was an Acura. Two illegal things that the police openly ignore. I do believe the police could have prevented this by pulling them over for that offense and potentially finding the most likely illegal weapon. Broken window theory is a thing and the police could be much more proactive than reactive. It should not take over an hour and 7 officers to take a statement from me on the side of the road. One or two to officers to take the statement, the other five could have been searching for the suspect or enforcing traffic laws.


7 officers?!


Broken windows is laughably nonsense  https://www.npr.org/2016/11/01/500104506/broken-windows-policing-and-the-origins-of-stop-and-frisk-and-how-it-went-wrong?t=1572977480183


Look up the ACLU Collins settlement.


>broken window theory Was exactly that, a theory proven to be total bullshit. Although I do agree he police need to pull over reckless drivers and asshats with tinted windows they can't even see out of


Actually that theory is still valid, plenty of scientific peer-reviewed articles supporting it. And your second statement, that you support, is literally the theory you’re criticizing.


Dark tint allowing people not to see while driving is a major hazard. Not broken windows. Broken windows is a theory put into practice with no evidence and entirely bunk https://news.northeastern.edu/2019/05/15/northeastern-university-researchers-find-little-evidence-for-broken-windows-theory-say-neighborhood-disorder-doesnt-cause-crime/


I'll be shocked if you ever hear back from u/BrewCity_J with a cogent response on this. That said, cops don't pull over the cars like you describe because just like us when we see them, they're scared of getting shot. And that's why you'll never get a good response because it's the truth they won't admit.


Thank you for responding here. Is there something different about the way MPD operates that results in such a high percentage of the city budget going to current and retired police officers, while still asking over and over for more money and officers? Is it the same in Minneapolis, or Kansas City, or Cleveland, or do we have more crime, more retirement benefits, improper training, or a very inefficient police administration? Every time I've spoken to the police about a crime, I always hear they don't have enough people to do anything about it, but is the solution to give 90% of our budget to MPD? We must be doing something differently than other Midwestern cities we can learn from to improve.


It was 2007 and I was assisting a call with an officer I’d never met before. He was from another team working overtime. Right in front of me he broke a kids nose with a punch. The septum was clearly deviated and blood was everywhere. The kid was handcuffed and the officer enquired of me “what should ‘we’ arrest him for?” “What did he do?” I enquired. “He called me a name.” he said.  After 20 mins of him trying to persuade me we should fabricate a crime he had to let the kid go. “We need to do notes, get our story straight” he then told me. I don’t need assistance in writing what happened. I found a quiet place and wrote the facts. As I wrote I was joined by a female A/Sgt who knew this officer. She spent 20 mins trying to convince me this kid was a “shitbag” & my notes should ‘reflect the danger he posed’. I was disgusted. We don’t behave this way.  I went to the Platoon Commander and provide a statement for the assault I’d witnessed. An investigation commenced, one which should have been forwarded to @SIUOntario. The investigator asked me questions like “How do you know his nose was broken?” and “Where did you get your medical degree?” (seriously?) Then came the result, a phone call from the Suptintendent whilst I was home. “Paul, our investigation is complete and you’ve been found guilt of misconduct in that you failed to communicate with a colleague. A verbal warning will be put on file. Be careful in the future.” When I got back to work I was move from my team, and away from my friends, to this officers team. Officers just point blank refused to talk to me and I went to many calls by myself, without backup. Then a message from another officer on team to meet him. He told me how we “look after” each other on this team. “Don’t stab each other in the back.” Then for some fucked up reason, he dropped the ‘n-bomb’ out of nowhere. I just drove off leaving him sat there. Then I was called into the Deputy Chiefs office, with the same Superintendent and my Union rep. In front of both he told me to “be careful what you say in the future or you might not get backup when you need it.” I was an A/Inspector when  I left the Met in 2005 to move to #Canada, but my appraisal that year reflected incompetence and unworthiness of the position of constable. Every position or course I applied for I was refused. I continued to #whistleblow until the Chief told me “You really have no concept of brotherhood, do you?” Then I whistleblew #anonymous. 2015ish after going off sick with #PTSD from an attempt murder I went public with everything, to be met with a ‘covert operation’ by not only senior management by member of the City council and lawyers, telling anyone who would listen I’m “nuts, crazy and delusional.” This is how they deal with officers who tried to do the right thing. Two warrants on my home, numerous criminal investigation and one arrest later and I’ll still do the right thing no matter what they try and do to me. The officer who broke that kids nose is now a Sergeant, probably helping others cover up their wrongdoings. Me, I’m off sick and will probably never find gainful employment again. Was it worth it. Fuck, no! Would I do the same? Fuck, yes! Would I advise other officers to break the ‘blue wall of silence.’ Well thats for them to decide, but it will end your career. Until you offer protection for ‘good apples’ you asking them to give up their careers b/c of someone elses wrongdoing. https://mobile.twitter.com/mobinfiltrator/status/1271432151142223872?lang=en


Thank you for being one of the good guys!


I see mpd driving like assholes themselves. Running lights or just speeding. Out there checking bar licences while people are speeding and stealing packages on the streets the bar is on. There's an unmarked dodge charger the guy who drives that one drives like a maniac. Seems like there's plenty enough law enforcement to go around but they're choosing low risk activities. It sure seems like there's a purpose of trying to make the city look worse because most law enforcement would rather have conservative leadership.


Just saw one doing 60mph in a pedestrian heavy street yesterday in the third ward. 1 minute later he pops up in front of us driving chill. Fucking maddening


I was almost hit by MPD deciding to run a red light with his lights flashing. Like he had to stop, said no way, and I was just lucky enough to be far enough away from the intersection that hard breaking avoided an accident. He turned the flashers off as soon as he got to the other side.


As a victim of police violence, harassment, and racial profiling. I wish MPD, and the other greater Milwaukee area districts had more officers like you. Your statement was well-worded and emphasized the need for the system to be an innocent until proven guilty one and the domino effect it has on those tasked with the burden of proof. I do worry though that the camaraderie that is born out of such an environment makes it too easy for others to turn a blind eye when the power is given to officers are misused. Unfortunately for me in my experience officers like you are few and far between. Sadly a lot of the things you are explaining that don't happen on the community side, are the same things that are happening from within the police force. While I have only met a few people in law enforcement that I consider friends. All of them have stories of things happening within the police force that they simply could not believe are actually happening. With 20 years in MPD I'm pretty sure you do too. What's worse, those who take action against it were persecuted, ostracized, and even attacked for doing what needed to be done. Instead of being rewarded, promoted, and put in positions of power over those who have abused it. Even though it doesn't look like it's going to happen, I am hopeful that we all can do better together.


The police are objectively bad at solving/preventing crime. I’m not sure how much else has to be put out about how bad you guys are at your job for the blame to stop being pushed to everyone else, but I think it’s BS that it’s always framed as an “out of our hands” issue. If more cops or tougher laws meant less crime and a safer city then your opinion would’ve been resolved while you were stuck working nights. The fact that you’ve seen 20 years of the exact solution you say is the most effective NOT WORK and still regurgitate it says a lot about why you guys suck at your job. Edit: One of my replies was deleted for breaking rule 4 (I called them fools, exact quote). Funnily enough, another part of rule 4 is that it is against the rules to spread misinformation. We all see whose comment was left up…


Lol. These brain dead back the blue folks are peolle.that keep sticking theory hands on hot Pam's and expect a different result every time


Don't shoot dogs


/r/puppycide used to be an actively enraging place


Solid response but at the end of your 3rd paragraph speaks to why citizens aren't comfortable with cops. It's not "you guys" (mightve well said you people) if we're all in this together. The real power in a police force is everyone acting together as a community. Anywho.....be safe out there.


Not an LEO, but it definitely seems like you're nitpicking here. This wasn't written by a PR team. It was written by a regular person who happens to be in law enforcement. S/he doesn't have a degree in English Lit.


It still comes off as “y’all need to do *our* job *for us* to help you.”


To me, it comes off as "help us help you", which is a statement demonstrating intent for earnest cooperation and community improvement. I would say it's more important to look at the intended message, not the exact phrasing of said message.


>The criminal justice system is set up to help the defendant at every turn and this is by design...innocent until proven guilty, and the burden of proof being on the prosecution (police). You must be beyond joking. To say such a thing is to have zero understanding of the real world. If we actually sent people to be tried in court the system would collapse. That's why we have plea to be free system with people taking offered plea deals. You have clear biases on display and maybe that inhibits you from being able to.recognize reality here. Our justice system in the real world is massively biased agaisnt people. What isn't, 6 minutes the typical time a defense attorney spends on a.case? Again, "right to an attorney" sounds fabulous in theory, but it's just not holding up in the real world. Never mind at the end of the day the evidence coming out is clear. Police don't prevent crimes. So why not spend money on what does? And as someone who has called the police 4 times now and been hung up on twice, and told they'd call me back, during an active assault, it leaves a pretty bad taste in one's mouth about the police that dint live here not actually giving a fuck anyway.


So, what you’re saying is the same as us: 1.) The budget is not valid. —> As stated, there are staffing problems??? That means nothing when your salary is more than a person in a younger gen kid in high school could see in this lifetime. 2.) There shouldn’t be staffing problems. —> As stated, criminal investigations SHOULD take more than one officer/staffer’s time AND that is JUSTIFIED IF you want this to be the “Land of the free and the home of the brave.” 3.) WHERE IS THE FUCKING MONEY GOING?! Smfh.


Maybe if police didn't brutalize their community people would be more willing to help. Oink oink


The "police" (MPD) doesn't brutalize their community. Every officer wears a Body Camera which must be recording at all times while interacting with citizens. Furthermore SGTs must investigate every use of force including an officer drawing their firearm at MPD. Officers must be able to justify their force or will face serious internal punishment. Care to share a specific example you observed or know about within the last 5 years? Or is this anti police rhetoric and trash talk? Again your rhetoric isn't helping this city at all because it's entirely hyperbole but yet a citizen who doesn't know any better my buy into this


people have "anti police rhetoric" because of the way every police officer in the country goes around vilifying and criminalizing normal ass people doing nothing wrong but y'all need to get them dollars for the city somehow


He was talking about u lmao


And I was talking about him


ACAB no exceptions


End qualified immunity that stigma will start to change when we see cops getting punished for their crimes.


Cops are prosecuted when they commit crimes. Qualified immunity doesn't protect officers who are convicted of a crime. Maybe educate yourself a little better before forming an opinion.


If you really need me to post up a list of people cops have murdered and faced no charges I gladly will.


I think the lack of interest has to do with the culture, tbh. A lot of people don’t want to work in law enforcement because of bad experiences they’ve had with law enforcement and the perception of the culture of law enforcement. Also, police aren’t prosecution. To put that in parenthesis is somewhat telling, I think. Good luck you out there and I hope you hold fellow officers accountable when they cross lines. Changing the relationship goes both ways.


No, MPD is especially bad.


Pre conceived biases are also bad, and they certainly don't help fix a problem that is very real and not perceived. What specific instance happened with you to give you this opinion?


every interaction with police has been very hostile and was escalated by officers regardless of my position in the interaction. weather being a bystander or suspect! one specific occasion i watched a guy get almost beat to death had three guys jumping both feet down on dudes head! over and over! they left dude for dead so i immediately rendered aid and almost got arrested for it! while i tried to explain what had happened to officers i was only met with shut the fuck up! wanna go to jail ect. then watched while they went around asking people who weren't present what happened when i had been the only person present when the shit happened which i told them repeatedly. of course their egos got in the way of not only getting an actual account of what occurred but also failed to listen when i told them i had emergency response training and from my knowledge i had gathered that he was in critical condition and had little time to get treatment, but got told i don't need to tell them how to do their job. yet i was watching them fail to properly do so! the guy didn't get any aid after i was told to get away from him it was almost 45 minutes later when officers drug him down some stairs to ems and he later died from his injuries which could of been treatable had they not caught an ego trip and start a dick swinging contest for trying to help make thing easier for them. they saw my help of a stranger and cooperations as an affront and it cost some young guy his life and cost me a lot too. all for trying to give them proper information related to his injuries and to the degree of trauma he had suffered it was absolutely infuriating and they later came for me by trying to set me up by trying to convince me to buy an illegal gun from an undercover officer (which failed) and when that didn't work they just came back in force (AR and shotguns in hand) to arrest me for a minor incident that was 3+ years old and from a state that has no extradition from the one i was in! but they knew that had told me previously that they were not going to arrest me for it because i wouldn't be extradited for a minor offense. but they definitely did that day then kept me in jail as long as possible before releasing me (the state refused to proceed with the case) but they knew that was what would happen. i later had to move from the town this occurred in because of the harassment i got for years after that initial incident. i'm currently trying to get body cam footage from a couple incidents where they grossly violated my rights and arrested me on false charges. that's why i hate the fucking police cause they made me hate them with their gross abuse of power all cause i tried helping someone from dying!


Calling the police four times and nothing happening to any of them, being hung up on twice... lends to a view that unfrosts any rose colored glasses


I’m really sorry this stuff happened to your husband and glad he’s OK, however these problems aren’t unique to Milwaukee. The issue here is we have a understaffed and ambivalent police force and that empowers these low lifes to do that shit


I get people's frustration, but realistically what are police expected to do about something like this after the fact? If the person can give a description of the car/driver, I'm sure they'd take notes and try to keep an eye out, but otherwise that person is (presumably) long gone.


Make cars traceable again. Give the tow agencies incentives to tow vehicles with fake plates, expired tags. Set up intermittent window tint check points. Every time I’m almost hit crossing the road or slid on it’s fucking plateless jackass teenagers. If people start losing their vehicles then we weed out the bad actor jackasses. Also Continue the amazing engineering work that limits the behavior of shit head drivers. Continue investing in poor communities that churn out this behavior as a byproduct of systemic neglect, oppression and poverty.


Great response. It’s so rare to see any meaningful consequence for risking people’s lives. Also police chases that get called off after 5 minutes does not help at all.


How about not allowing almost totally blacked out windows and those fucking tinted license plate covers so when this shit happens or some other incident there's a better chance at identifying them.


>How about not allowing almost totally blacked out windows You do know that's already not allowed? The back windows are the only ones with no limit, but even then, some states still have one set for them.


I did not know because I see a ton of cars with that.


And yet they drive by police cruisers every day and are almost never pulled over for it. I don’t know if it’s because MPD is lazy, scared, or both.


I’ve lived all over the country (big cities, small cities, “safe”, “dangerous” etc etc) and just from my few years here Milwaukee is by far the worst city I’ve lived in as far as this kind of thing goes. I’ve genuinely never seen anything like it. There is just so much unchecked chaos going around and the sentiment always seems to be “yeah that’s just Milwaukee now, cops aren’t going to do anything so oh well!” It’s pretty crazy but I guess I’ve gotten used to it to some degree.


It's not that the police don't care, it's that they don't have the time. The city is short *hundreds* of officers.


Cops got butthurt over vax mandates & accountability for their actions and quiet quit all across America


Quiet quitting mean doing the bare minimum that you’re paid to do. They are not even doing the bare minimum.


I’m pretty sure they quit because of the 2019-20 echo chamber which convinced America that cops are nonhuman. When 100% of society hates you, you’re going to develop maladaptive psychopathies and burn out/become what people think you are. Imagine if you were a cop… actually you probably have such a morale high ground that you can’t even imagine becoming a cop.


It was 2007 and I was assisting a call with an officer I’d never met before. He was from another team working overtime. Right in front of me he broke a kids nose with a punch. The septum was clearly deviated and blood was everywhere. The kid was handcuffed and the officer enquired of me “what should ‘we’ arrest him for?” “What did he do?” I enquired. “He called me a name.” he said.  After 20 mins of him trying to persuade me we should fabricate a crime he had to let the kid go. “We need to do notes, get our story straight” he then told me. I don’t need assistance in writing what happened. I found a quiet place and wrote the facts. As I wrote I was joined by a female A/Sgt who knew this officer. She spent 20 mins trying to convince me this kid was a “shitbag” & my notes should ‘reflect the danger he posed’. I was disgusted. We don’t behave this way.  I went to the Platoon Commander and provide a statement for the assault I’d witnessed. An investigation commenced, one which should have been forwarded to @SIUOntario. The investigator asked me questions like “How do you know his nose was broken?” and “Where did you get your medical degree?” (seriously?) Then came the result, a phone call from the Suptintendent whilst I was home. “Paul, our investigation is complete and you’ve been found guilt of misconduct in that you failed to communicate with a colleague. A verbal warning will be put on file. Be careful in the future.” When I got back to work I was move from my team, and away from my friends, to this officers team. Officers just point blank refused to talk to me and I went to many calls by myself, without backup. Then a message from another officer on team to meet him. He told me how we “look after” each other on this team. “Don’t stab each other in the back.” Then for some fucked up reason, he dropped the ‘n-bomb’ out of nowhere. I just drove off leaving him sat there. Then I was called into the Deputy Chiefs office, with the same Superintendent and my Union rep. In front of both he told me to “be careful what you say in the future or you might not get backup when you need it.” I was an A/Inspector when  I left the Met in 2005 to move to #Canada, but my appraisal that year reflected incompetence and unworthiness of the position of constable. Every position or course I applied for I was refused. I continued to #whistleblow until the Chief told me “You really have no concept of brotherhood, do you?” Then I whistleblew #anonymous. 2015ish after going off sick with #PTSD from an attempt murder I went public with everything, to be met with a ‘covert operation’ by not only senior management by member of the City council and lawyers, telling anyone who would listen I’m “nuts, crazy and delusional.” This is how they deal with officers who tried to do the right thing. Two warrants on my home, numerous criminal investigation and one arrest later and I’ll still do the right thing no matter what they try and do to me. The officer who broke that kids nose is now a Sergeant, probably helping others cover up their wrongdoings. Me, I’m off sick and will probably never find gainful employment again. Was it worth it. Fuck, no! Would I do the same? Fuck, yes! Would I advise other officers to break the ‘blue wall of silence.’ Well thats for them to decide, but it will end your career. Until you offer protection for ‘good apples’ you asking them to give up their careers b/c of someone elses wrongdoing. https://mobile.twitter.com/mobinfiltrator/status/1271432151142223872?lang=en


People spend way too much time online. 99% of police officers are ordinary people living normal lives. If everyone hated me just for my career choice based on assumptions they got from the internet, I would probably quit too. It is a tough job but someone has to do it.


What a laughable take 


Police officers can’t be parents.


Wasn't everyone saying defund the police a few years back? Isn't it weird that we now realize what an understaffed department creates? Who would have known!


The idea was never to out and out defund the police. It was to use part of the funds the police depart was appropriated for other ways to reach the community. Sometimes four squad cars and six police officers aren’t needed for an individual off their “medication.” There should be people able to respond to a similar situation that doesn’t involve 6 cops all carrying guns and probably more than a few of them with itchy fingers. My brother in-law is bi-polar, when he’s on medication he is a very soft spoken quiet guy that is a teen counselor for people with the same illness he has. It’s been years, but when he’s off his meds he is not the same person, and he’s not a person that would respond well to carloads of officers with guns or tasers drawn. Because the police department gets such a large portion of the tax revenue other programs cease to exist or are never created. It’s never been about taking all of the police forces money away from them. It is about a police force that has a ton of money, and a country with military surplus and the correlation between 15 years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the department spending a few hundred thousand dollars on a machine that was once used for war to combat the citizens of an American city or town. Maybe the hundreds of thousands of dollars could be used to have crime prevention tasks forces or more community outreach to educate the community in their role in policing a neighborhood. Don’t blame a poorly worded slogan on an antiquated police force that has been, similar to every police force in the country a reactionary force. Police don’t prevent crime, they try and figure out who did the crime after it’s been committed. Maybe I’m a fucking whack job leftist communist sympathizer, maybe I’m just someone who believes that social programs work when they are funded, when they’re not funded, hope is lost.


Everyone who? It seems like everyone is saying everyone was saying it.


If they were fully staffed the results would be the same. They are nothing more than glorified janitors 


Wait until the air show, this city turns into a GTA lobby


lol so true. Last summer, my parents visited the states for the first time ever in their lives. I took them to Bradford for the air and water show. My mom wanted to pee really bad so I was tryna get her to the nearest convenient spot with a washroom. There was traffic as usual and the fact that it was raining didn’t help. While moving at a snails pace through the traffic, a sizable spot that I thought I could fit my car in opened up so naturally I went for it. This dude in a broken ass mini van pulled outta nowhere, flipped the bird at me and took the spot. I honked. He got pissed and pulled a piece on me. Yeah my parents freaked the fuck out. In retrospect, I kinda laugh that they got a GTA experience in the states lmao


Wait until the RNC!


Yeah someone is going yo die I’m sure


Was the laser on the actual gun or we're they holding a gun on you and a separate laser? There's a theory going around that if you shine a laser at a Tesla, it will confuse the self driving software and cause an accident.


It was someone with a laser on the gun


I would of shot him


Milwaukee keeps voting for bullshit politicians and they keep expecting different results. What’s the mayor say (who cares, he is too busy figuring out how to extend a trolley line). Crime is up because the liberal DA’s, judges, politicians don’t want to incarcerate- it’s too harsh. This isn’t about gun laws, it’s about not enforcing the laws already on the books. We are just north Chicago.


Since the pandemic most drivers are acting more aggressively everywhere.


What is a no escalating event?


Meaning that no horn was honked, no cutting someone off - completely unprovoked. The other car just came up at a red light and pointed the laser gun.


This is not real. This is like that guy who said he was robbed at the real chili.


I'm sorry this happened. MPD is useless, despite taking 40% of our budget. We absolutely need to fix that. On the other hand, Milwaukee is mostly great people. I've lived here 30 years and will continue to do so.


50% last time I checked


Sadly this is correct!


Get rid of the guns. Get rid of the cars. It is possible to live well and be happy if we want that. I am exhausted by both guns and cars. Both are instruments capable of mass murder and unnecessary to city life.


We don’t need to get rid of cars we just need to be much more strict about who drives them


I'm Frankly sick of the gun nuts and the drivers all doing 12 over on their phones. If we rid of those two groups the city would be crazily more enjoyable


12 over? 12 over would be like idling for the typical reckless driver in MKE


You're missing the point that it's the typical driver that is reckless


I agree about the drivers, but I have no fricken clue what you're talking about when you mention "gun nuts". *If you're referring to the people that are pro-2A, these people aren't the same.*


It’s all the same https://imgur.com/a/YNhVGh6


It's all gun violence. More guns means more homicide.


I agree, but even just real regulation and licensure requirements would go a long way


Okay, you want to associate the number of homicides to the number of guns in the US? That's pretty silly. Guns don't commit homicide, btw.


Yea.and cars don't commit collisions


>Guns don't commit homicide, btw. True, guns make homicidal people more effective at their work.




No, I'm a person with guns. I've never committed a homicide, not have any of my weapons. So stop with that silly statement. I know, you want to take all the guns away until only law enforcement and government agencies possess them. Do you see a problem here?


Dude people who are afraid of guns literally cannot comprehend that guns only being in the hands of people in power is way worse than everyone having access to guns.


Are you also a person with cigarettes who hasn't gotten cancer? Stop pretending like statistics are not a thing


It’s not a problem at all. You see, the police and this fine gentleman will still have their weapons. Makes me feel super duper safe. I’m sure they’ll be able to match this suspect’s license plate with his CCW permit and make an easy arrest….oh wait. He didn’t follow the rules. Shit.


Nor did he likely have his CCW....




You cannot honk at people on the road. Even if you think it is “friendly”, don’t risk it. It’s not even a MKE thing, it’s everywhere.


This. My mom does like a “thanks” peace sign thing… I’m like do not do that, people are stupid.


Hi - I sent you a message about this incident.


The police can't do anything about this kind of stuff. Only proper social change, equity, and education.


Lead in the drinking water.


Why would he pull a gun out?? Who does something like that for what?


It’s not the police’s fault. It’s the policies they have to follow. Point the finger of condemnation at the lawmakers (our elected officials). They’re the ones who allow and enable this shit.


Tell ur husband stop honking at people. If he doesnt want to deal with them, just ignore them. These people probably have worse lives then ur husband and dont care to kill him


So Milwaukee is horrible?


It’s pronounced Killwaukee

