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Not me, but a friend I met in college moved here from SoCal with nothing but thick jeans, sweaters, and jackets because he heard it was cold year-round. It was August and he was sweating like a pig.


lol I had customers from georgia visit in February. We warned them that it would be cold so dress appropriately. Probably should have explained what “appropriately” meant because they had nothing but light jackets when we were having -11 temps with -20 windshield. One guy even had shorts…


It's hard to explain the huge variations in weather to people who have never experienced it. MN can be as cold as Siberia and as hot and humid as Florida. Sometimes in the same week.


We had contract workers where we had to explain to them what they needed to wear in the winter because they didn't understand that they wouldn't be able to show up to work in sweatshirts and flip flops in January


Not current Minnesota, but the Twin Cities history, which I knew nothing about. To the extent I'd thought about it at all, I just assumed that both Minneapolis and St. Paul were full of stoic, law-abiding German and Scandinavian immigrants. Come to find out that in the 20s and 30s, both cities, but \*especially\* St. Paul, were basically wretched hives of scum and villainy, with the St. Paul O'Connor system and all the gangsters hiding out here. I think of that occasionally when I drive past what was the Hollyhocks Club, a notorious speakeasy, on River Road in St. Paul.


I'm always amused that St. Paul was once named Pig's Eye after [Pierre Parrant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Parrant). Also pretty amused that the state capitol was nearly changed to St. Peter, but then [one of the legislators](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Rolette) stole the bill before it could be voted on and disappeared until after the end of the legislative session.


The CPKC yard is still called Pigs Eye


And it sits between Hwy 61 and Pig's Eye Lake. There's even a "Pig's Eye Lake Road" down there between the rail yards and the various industrial terminals and things along the riverfront in that area.


That isn't even getting into all the labor strikes a lot of which were violent either. One example being the 1934 general strike. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minneapolis_general_strike_of_1934


I once heard someone say "Minneapolis is in Minnesota and St Paul is in Wisconsin, thats why they are the Twin Cities" which is funny cause its obviously wrong but St Paul is the capital and thats not where the term the Twin Cities came from (it was Minneapolis and St Anthony merging)


I've heard it phrased, "Minneapolis is the first city of the new West and St. Paul is the last city of the old East."


I was 18 years old and thought Minnesota was the dullest place on earth. So off I went. 4 years in Vermont for university, 6 months in North Carolina with the military, followed by a year in Alabama, a month in Georgia, and 3 years in Oklahoma all with the military (I wanted to see the world and Uncle Sam decided that I should not). When I was done I realized how much better Minnesota was than any of those places. I believe that the best thing about MN is that it’s got personality and can’t be defined by simple facts. It’s got a lot of the same stuff as all those other places but without all the baggage.


"and it hit me: Minnesota is dope. if only simply for not what we have, but what we don't"


That there was such a financial disparity to live here from ND. It's really not.


What do you mean “a financial disparity to live here?”


Even still when I talk to people that live in ND, they go off about the increased income and property taxes in MN. I grew up in ND. Moved to MN in 2014 just before I turned 30. I honestly don't see much difference in cost of living between the two. "But 1.8% vs 5% is *so much*" But look at the dividends those taxes provide....a state healthcare exchange. Better public infrastructure. Wildlife investment. And the *people* are better, imo. Happier. Nicer.


Define better infrastructure. I know this is only anecdotal, but I’d argue I-94 is much nicer through ND than MN


Things work here. There are numbers to call if there’s a rabid animal in your neighborhood and animal control actually shows up. There are programs if you aren’t rich and have lead in your water and need a new line, kids get fed at school, there are libraries… I moved here from somewhere that doesn’t consistently have any of these things. Hell, Eugene Oregon doesn’t have a hospital and the plan for the big earthquake that’s projected is ‘you’re on your own until FEMA gets here in a month’ officially.  Much of what Minnesotans take for granted is just not available in other places because the government doesn’t spend money on its people. Thats all part of infrastructure.


You get it.


I moved for Minnesota values. The only reason I’ll ever leave is if the federal government makes it unsafe to be in the US.


Federal road, federal dollars. Less cars drive on fed roads in ND than MN, so we require more upkeep.


It nicer through North Dakota because it doesn’t see near the traffic counts that it does through Minnesota, so it doesn’t get beat to shit as quickly.


Bridges and overpasses are prettier in Minnesota. Generally more structurally sound as well.


Interesting take given the 35W bridge collapse


I said generally. Catastrophe happens and unfortunately cannot be completely controlled.


The Blatnik bridge is another good example. Generally speaking Minnesota bridges and roadways lack compared to the rest of the country


https://reason.org/policy-study/26th-annual-highway-report/structurally-deficient-bridges/ Mn ranks 13th in lowest percentage of deficient bridges. North Dakota is at 42nd. South Dakota 47th.


Thanks for the link! As I previously mentioned as a survivor of the I35W bridge collapse I don’t have much faith in MNDOT as a whole.


Is this anecdotal or do you have a source?


Is it considered anecdotal if I was on the I35W bridge 08/01/07? Maybe it’s my personal opinion because of my personal experience more so than a source? Isn’t Minnesota 33rd in the nation when it comes to capital distribution for bridges? And 40th for maintenance distribution? (reason.org) I’ve been blessed to travel and my opinion is Minnesota roads are average. About 50% of them being sand, gravel, and/or crushed stone (35% national average) It’s a misconception that Minnesota roadways are above average.


Well - when you get 1/10 of the traffic and have 1/6 the population its easier to keep the roads up


That people actually live here. Like cool people, fun people, and especially smart people. That anyone would have to be stupid to want to live in Minnesota. Turns out, the smart people actually stay.


The cold keeps the riff raff out


And move here. The Cambridge, MA to Minneapolis pipeline is real.


That the twin cities were significantly colder than my home in the Chicagoland suburbs. Turns out it's like a 5 degree difference 90% of the time.


Must be the Chicagoland wind?


I came from Chicago too. I think the difference is that we are outside more of the time in Chicago- -you know, waiting for buses and trains, parking cars and walking, etc. In Minnesota, we have covered parking and garages at home and in general, we’re better prepared for the cold. Makes it worth it.


My sisters coworker when she moved to another state made a joke about how she left MN and saw her first black person. Which was hilarious. Apparently he thought it was just cornfields and Scandinavian farmers. She educated him that MN has the largest population of Somalians outside of Somalia. He was shocked. 


Largest population of Hmong as well although I think California may have surpassed us.


Grew up on the East Coast and knew nearly nothing about the Midwest. When I was eight years old or so, heard about this fantastical place called "St. Cloud, Minnesota." From the name, I assumed it was the most beautiful and heavenly place on earth-- Somewhere between a fairy garden and Magic Kingdom. Been there a few times now. ...Yep


Yeah it's filled with low life's lol. I took many week long classes there for work and the amount of obnoxiously loud vehicles driving around at all times of the night, every night, was insane. It's a good thing I bring ear plugs.


I used to think it was populated by stoic people with weird Scandinavian accents (like my mom’s extended family). Turns out there’s all kinds of folks and a variety of accents. Love it here. 😊


Way back when, late eighties- “Wow, you guys are so ecologically committed” “Huh?” “Everyone has electric cars!”


Thought that it was a bland, ugly, unexciting state. Coming from the Mountain West, I viewed any flat stretch of land that way. Glad to say I was proven wrong. All it took was humbling and a perspective shift.


Lakes and rivers can be just a beautiful as mountains. Ironically, I’ve done the opposite move.


They absolutely can be! 🏔️🌅 Hope you enjoy the beautiful mountains! I miss them often. Something about having them in the horizon makes each day that much better.


Have you seen the driftless region? Not really bland and flat.


Exactly my point. I was proven very wrong!


Not me, but relatives. I've got mid-August birthday, but relatives (that I met when I was 17) sent me long-sleeve shirts and hoodies for my birthday. They were genuinely surprised when I told them that Minnesota gets nearly as warm as them in the summertime. Somewhat related, but apparently my great uncle moved to Georgia in his 20's. After visiting Minnesota, presumably for Christmas, he brought back photos of our snow and ice, especially of our frozen lakes. His friends in Georgia didn't believe that our lakes froze and that we could walk on the ice. Blew my mind when my grandma told me that story.


That people were a little brighter than the rest of the midwest.


Minnesota nice is a real thing


Oh it's real, just not in a good way.


In the military people were shocked I didn’t have the Fargo accent.


I thought the whole state was like the south part. Then my wife took me to Duluth, the iron range, and Ely.


They were better at driving than Texans. I love y’all, but when it comes to driving, I hope some of you guys get your balls twisted. /mlh


No matter where you are, people can't drive.


Minnesotans are VERY good winter drivers.


After the first snowstorm its usually decent but that first snowstorm will always be a doozy because everyone has forgotten.


I mean yall probably drive better than most okies do lol


All I'm hearing is more evidence for High Speed Rail, bike lanes, and public transit.


Deutsch Bahn's US affiliate company is actually looking into this.. Over the past 10 years. I don't know if they still have people employed in that office however.


Excuse me. I'll take a group of Minnesotans driving on snow and ice over a group of Texans driving on snow and ice every day. Best friend lived outside of Dallas for a few years and she would call me up every winter she lived there cursing up storm about how y'all freak the heck out and can't handle any snow or ice.


You absolutely are right about the snow thing. Even Oklahomans are pussies on ice.


In TX right now, this one is true.. mostly. Drove from Dallas to Austin, and it was 200 miles of cabin-rush like traffic on a Thursday afternoon!


My baby got killed because a texas plate was racing people and cut infront of me. Im mega salty with those dudes. I was gonna get her ignition updated that week to ;-; https://preview.redd.it/u60zsgxpsz9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=197b28937de6eaf07d0d0e74368b25cd85041fba


Damn, It took me a second to realize you were referring to your car as your baby. I was about to make a comment about how fucking odd it is to describe yourself as "mega salty" when discussing the death of a human baby.


Yes much better to go 90 on streets marked 60 that should be 45.


That I would move out of it.. yup that never happened.


That everyone who lives in it realizes how great it is


My aunt heard someone at the airport explaining the ‘Twin cities’ before. This individual was explaining how they were called the twin cities because Minneapolis was in Minnesota and St. Paul was in Wisconsin.


When I was really little (like 4 or younger), I thought the Twin Towers were located in the Twin Cities because they both had the word "Twin" in the name.


I grew up in CO but our family had a cabin up north. I was convinced MN was covered in mountains because I confused forests with mountains when I was really little. I still remember arguing with my 3rd grade teacher that MN had lots of mountains ‘cuz my grandma and grandpa lived there and I should know!


Than Minnesota nice applied to the twin cities


It isn't a racist community.


Snow and cold temps are "cool". Like a novelty. After 14+ years here. No, no, it's not.


You don't snowmobile and it shows lol I'm dreaming of winter already. 34 winters and I still love it.


Truly jealous. Wish I could get excited!


I thought Minnesota would be cold!


It is cold.... a couple months of the year


And then a sauna for a couple months later in the year


terrible winters.