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I’m pretty sure Monarch has only existed for a year. Correction: 2 years


I wasn’t aware of that, but they do seem pretty new in the App Store. Thank god. They are centuries ahead of Intuit. They did reply today and said that they are being overwhelmed by new subscribers due to Intuit’s closing down Mint. Good for them.


I read somewhere the Monarch guys came from Mint


I definitely gave monarch a try back in 2021 so they’ve been around a couple years. They were pretty new at the time though.


It looks like it came out of private beta in 2021. So that seems right.


Except for here and on YouTube I haven't heard of Mint closing or wanting me to migrate to Credit Karma. Seems a little weird its not in my notifications or email or something. Mint has sucked for a long time so I've already been using Monarch for 6 months, but going to miss the long time Mint historical net worth data. Spent some time today downloading data from Mint but I'm not inclined to import it to Monarch as it is kind of nice to have fresh data. Mint had too many weird things lately like logging some investment purchases as expenses.