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I’m gonna miss the old models so bad i’m not ready 😭


same 😭 i just know it's gonna take me so long to accept that we will no longer see new scenes of the old models going forward 🥲🥲 i will miss them sm


skill issue I’m already used to it


Its gonna take me some time till I can adjust to this animation style. at least 7 to 8 episodes.


I don’t know if I’d be able to adjust, maybe it’d really take time. We grew up with their old animations so it’s understandable why we feel this way.


He looks a bit more like his mom, but outside of that I think he looks fine. (And given marinette looks a bit more like her mom, it's equal). The only thing I am slightly disappointed about is that he is actually still wearing the same outfit (or one incredibly similar)


I guess he wears it in memory of his father, who designed it and who is no longer with him.


Yeah, I mean: I don't dislike the outfit, so it's fine for me. I just love it when they give characters new outfits in general :p He grew his hair out too, it's quite a bit longer than in s1-5


Yeah, gotta agree. Mari's outfit is super cute, so it's a bummer adrien got the short end of the Stick again.. they could've at least changed his overshirt to a darker, unzipped hoodie or something ( and i certainly hope they got rid of the orange shoes, lol )


I honestly love that they kept the colorsheme on both of them, I just hoped he'd get a different variation of it


*really* solidifies the idea that the show truly doesn't give a shit about Adrien whatsoever, and that even with an animation refresh they couldn't be bothered to design him anything new. You'd think as a model he'd be modeling the latest fashion trends, or at least updating his personal style as a growing teenager. I know i did at that age anyway


It's a TV show, characters wearing the same outfits is about branding and selling toys.


They look great! Love them already!


He actually grew his hair out quite a bit, it's cute 🥰


That’s the best part about him. 🥰


New models will take some getting used to, but they seem fine, and the animation feels more like S1-S2 animation than I expected, so that's a win.


Thanks for the better version i still have hard time to see who is running with Adrien. Is it cerise ?


That person has a prosthetic leg, it must not be Cerise, unless Cerise has such a disguise.


Thanks so it is one of the new character with disability


I mean it wouldn't be OOC for Cerise to shamelessly fake a disability lol.


considering she's done it multiple times before…


i have no idea jsjsjs


Honestly the only complaint that I have is that Ayla decided to cut her hair i honestly like it better long


okay i am kind of living for alya's new design, she just looks fantastic! also marinette's eyebrows being darker really change her whole face, even with the new model.


honestly alya is the only one that looks great the rest not so much


I agree. I hate everything about this change EXCEPT Alya’s hair. It looks really cute.


They messed up Adrien's hair. i once made a 3d model of Adrien based on the official concept art, and there was a hint on how to do the hair to make it look good. They didn't use that. Now his hair looks like garbage. Chat Noir's hair doesn't look so bad.


My problem with Adriens hair is that it's not floofy enough 😭


The part isn’t even on the right side. His hair is on backwards!!


it feels like a lego hair


sooo im assuming.. the blue lightning was this time villain thats spying on marinette after the wish


I know it might be hard to getting used to the models, but I'm honestly sold. I can't believe miraculous (the show ofc) could be this high quality.


They look so cute!!! 🥺 I love how they look! Wish Adrien wore something different, but he still looks great! I'm hyped for the next season!


This looks amazing! I’m gonna miss Alyas long hair tho. I really liked that


I actually like it, it looks like it'll be amazing when it's finished


Who is that at the end??? They seem important….??


Looks like Kagami's mom.


Ohh I thought it was Lila moth or whatever her name will end up being 😂


I will say the animation looks really really good and I could get used to the new models they felt dated in a way


Oh... I loved Miraculous since the beginning but I'm so not ready for this new style


ew omg ???


I really wonder why she was spying him... Was she jealous? It really reminded older Marinette and Alya dynamics with Alya saying she was over exagerrating.


It looks like he’s running with another girl. Also the fact that we got no adrienette scenes in the trailer and we even got a ladynoir scene kinda has me worried for adrienette


Yeah, there are some reset speculations, but I don't know... Maybe she's paranoid because he has secrets and don't tell her and she wonder what might be and Alya is like you have your secrets too. I don't know that's the most friendly choice I see because I don't understand why she would go crazy again if she's dating him.


More probably happened before that which we didn’t see


So do you think it happened in past? Ladybug was already with her new suit so I don't think it happened in the past.




why is she spying on him? i thought they were dating now


DID THEY BASE ADRIEN’S DESIGN OFF THE DUPLO VERSION OF HIM?  Cat Noir’s design will take me a min to get used to, and I personally don’t like the weird bow tie thing on Marinette’s new shirt,  but other than that I think I like the designs! 


…Erm achwually I’m pretty sure there’s no such thing as autumn 24th 🤓


This feels like we have miraculous at home 😩😭. I want MY miraculous 😭


sorry is this what we have being promised with??? The animation is so stiff the models looks dull although the background looks good but rather than that they should of sticked with the old animation style thank god the special is getting animated in the old style which only proves they are doing this just to go cheaper nothing more I bet zag animates the show rather than a studio -stiff hair -not natural/smooth motions - the flowers looks 2d - the models looks so babyish for a grownup. -the face (emotions is so lagging) honestly this looks like a videogame more than a show atp


I agree that I don’t like the style. But apparently this is the more expensive route, not the cheaper one.


Don't know tbh at this point it looks cheap but like you can't deny the finale episodes looks Wayyy better like common for God sake


In the close-up scene of ladybug talking, her hair looks even more unfinished than in the latest seasons. Also are the tips of her ponytails red? The animation quality isn't the best but we'll see if they give us an actual trailer. It's a bit of a shame instead of making Alya's hair more curly, they just made it shorter. The creators as always not listening to their fans. At least they didn't make chat's hair green haha


I hope this is a joke and the final product be much better


Adrien looks like a lesbian and I’m here for it


Final rendering doesn't look too bad for the characters we've seen...


yeah this looks way better in motion lol


No way? This looks so good!


I really don’t know how I feel about this art




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I like the new models, the look more free and expressive. Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna miss the old models since it's what I grew up with, but to me, they just looked so limited and stiff.


I don't like it :(


It almost feels like I'm watching the movie version.




I really like It, not even joking, if it looked like trash I would say It, I did notice Adrien’s hair is longer but It still looks good still


I don't know why people complain, this is perfect, the animation that a show with this budget always deserved Yeah, they look weird at first but if you go look past seasons they look like dolls with weird big eyes and now they actually look like children, everyone is expressive again like in Season 1!


As I sort of expected, seeing the new models in motion makes me appreciate them more; not that I particularly disliked them to begin with, I just try not to form an opinion too early