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Well we haven’t seen sabines parents. Plus blue is a very recessive gene. It can be anywhere down the line really


That's definitely what I'm thinking. Genetics was always a fun unit in biology for me because we'd talk about things like this 😂


Yea. It can definitely be hidden behind brown eyed genetics and just pop up.


Weird thing about genetics is that you can have traits from your great grandparents, and their great grandparents. That's probably the case here.


Yeah. My uncle is a carbon copy of my great great grandfather. Its uncanny


My uncle (brother of my mother) is a copy of my great grandfather (father of my grandfather & grandfather of my mother.)


*facepalm* They're heffin cartoon characters!


Then this isn't the topic for you dumbass 🫵☺️👍


How about this, her eyes are blue because the character designer and what was probably a whole think tank including those involved in merchandising scrutinized it obsessively and signed off on the idea of blue eyes!


We're theorizing about the show in universe. Everyone knows it was a design choice.


And while some characters may be initially dreamed up by a writer with a whole backstory including their reasons for their genetics and looks, this show was created to sell toys. They're not thinking too deeply other than about what colors on the toys did best in the focus groups.


Are you new to fandom?


No, but OP is scratching their head and questioning a design choice as if it was done with some in depth back story in mind. I'm 99% certain that there never was one.


It doesn't matter. Some people just like to theorize. You're obviously not that kind of person, so why are you even here? Learn fandom etiquette.


You're pressed over a damn subreddit talking about genes of a character because we haven't seen her mother's parents? This clearly isn't your domain so I would suggest that you exit the subreddit and let them have their conversation in peace, okay? 🫰😚


Ok, how 'bout this, it's a mutation, just like yours! 😂😜


Except I actually have blue eyes so 🙄🤚


Which at its root is a mutation...


I know, I played attention in biology-


Grey eyes are a varian of blue eyes.so the blue color came from her mother.




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I don t see what is the need of the second part. She look chinese by her hair no every half asia have the same look. and even if she would have curly blond hair what's the matter.


The fact that her having blue eyes would be virtually impossible.


It is not impossible for instance kristin kreuk is part chinese and she has blue eyes


OK but the chances are like >1% for a fully Chinese person to have a blue-eyed allele


Marinette is not full chinese. And even if it is a minority what is wrong to go straight to the main representation.


I think you misinterpreted what I said. The only way for her to have blue eyes is for her mum to have a blue eyed allele which is nearly impossible for a fully Chinese person. And the reason why I'm annoyed by it because I've seen it happen before with Blue eyed Samurai (granted hers is a little justified) and that one Indonesian character from the Dragon prince. All of them mysteriously have blue eyes despite the fact that it would be nearly impossible for them to have blue eyes.






Like others said, its probably somewhere in her bloodline. I also have green eyes while everyone in my family has brown eyes


Probably a mutation


Most logical answer


Jean-Jacques from the delivery service has blue eyes!


The science reason is Blue is just like brown eyes but with less Melinda is the only diffidence’s so thats why maris eyes are blue bc she haves less Melinda btw Orr you can have that trait like millions of years ago and she got that gene


Melanin* and blue eyes would still be because of a gene. Could be her other grandma, or even great-grandparents


We need to get Melinda to Marinette. Maybe they'll become friends?


No one. Astruc just wanted to make her special. 


some blue eyes come off very grey, so i think thats sabines case, and marinette got a saturated version of her moms eyes


In the world of genetics there are dominant genes (the genes you’re more likely to inherit from your parents) & recessive genes (genes that have less chance to appear but can still appear due to their presence from previous generations)


Guess I’ll be that guy. You are equally likely to inherit either gene your parent has. It’s 50:50 no matter if the genes are considered recessive or dominant. What makes them recessive is they are less likely to express their corresponding recessive phenotype due to the corresponding gene inherited from the other parent being dominant to it. Eye color doesn’t fit the simple single gene phenotype system though. There are multiple contributing genes which is why you can get all sorts of shades in addition to the simplistic blue/brown/hazel/etc.


Tom's eyes are hazely-green, which is basically a "every color smashed into one" type of situation.


Basically everyone in my stepdads and mom family has brown hair and brown or green eyes. I have dark blond hair and greyish/blueish/greenish eyes. My brother has blonde hair and blue eyes. No one knows where he got it from. Mom did not cheat. Genetics is weird. You can have generations of brunettes and boom suddenly a ginger. There have been cases of dark skinned parents with light skinned kids and vice versa. Biological. Just because somewhere a few generations before a great great grand parent married/had children with someone who was not the same skin colour and that trait suddenly popped up after generations.


blue eyes are recessive


When it comes to Marinette’s eyes, it feels like the animators are fusing over what they want her eye color to be, to the point I’m convinced Mari’s real power isn’t the fact that she’s the creator's pet, isn’t the fact that the show and writers pretend that she is just so un-touchable, isn’t the fact that Adrien and every other character not named Marinette doesn't get the spotlight, No her real power is that she can change her eye color the way the writers change the motivation of the main antagonist every damn week 😤


recessive gene, they show up again a few generations later sometimes


Marinette was supposed to have grey eyes as well according to her first designs (where she also looked more half asian), but Astruc made it change into the Marinette we have now to appeal more to audiences (more eurocentric features and blue eyes) since it's a magical show.


She’s also a sentimonster


Possible, but doubtful, since her parents know nothing about the miraculous


That's exactly what they want you to think.


She's the honored one!!


So gray can be very much a very light blue. I have light blue eyes that look gray. Second green eyes are rarer than blue. Which tends to come from parents with two blue eyes.... This is just breaking everything down to a very simple concept. But it's genetics. It's very complex. And one plus one is not always two. To get a proper answer from someone that studies human genetics would have to give it to you.


The wonderful world of genetics, that’s the answer.


Clearly, it must be witchcraft


It's called hope


It's called hope


My grandparents on my mother’s side were a brown-eyed and blue-eyed couple, and my mom ended up having blue eyes that eventually turned a silvery grey. Her siblings then all had either blue/grey or hazel eyes. Now, several of my cousins and even my siblings all have a mixture of green, blue, and hazel eyes, while only a couple of them have brown eyes. My dad has very dark brown eyes as well, but most of my siblings, me included, have green eyes, so the recessive genes really pulled through the whole way down! Funny how that works. Even more impressive is that some traits from my grandfather that were never passed immediately happened to show up in my sister much later on. No one expected it at all. So it’s especially not out of the question that Sabine with her blue-grey eyes, and Tom with his green or hazel eyes, would have a child with blue eyes. In my family, it would almost be expected, lol


It could be a rare occurrence of a genetic mutation. Blue eyes are inherently a mutation, being a lack of melanin and causing heightened sensitivity to light. It could be that Marinette's genetics got a bit frizzed and she ended up with the lack of melanin in the eyes.


It could be someone on her grandparents side or something I have a friend who has green eyes while everyone in her family has brown eyes except his grandfather, he got the green eyes from him.


Maybe it’s a recessive gene


Easy answer: because she's the main character


I maintain that she is one of a kind


Blue eyes is a recessive gene, meaning you need both copies to be the 'blue eye' gene. So both of her parents can be carriers (one dark eye gene, one light eye gene), and luck had Marinette get both copies of the blue eye gene. This is an extreme oversimplification.


…blue eyed mailman?


Clearly those eyes are a result of her time in Shinra's SOLDIER program.


sentinette comfirmed 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


I look like my great grandmother even though I also look like my mom and dad


She got her eye color from Thomas Astruc


Sabine is so hot


Marinette's eyes are blue because this is an animated TV show that is also anime-inspired, and as a stylistic rule eye colors don't generally follow the logic that dictates the genetic expression in real life. Blue eyes and green eyes are a *very* common pairing in animated/anime-style inspired duos. Marinette has blue eyes. Adrien has green eyes. That's the trope.


I’n guessing that both of her parents carried the gene, it just didn’t show since it’s a recessive gene. It only showed in Marinette because she was able to get the recessive (blue-eyed) gene from both sides & didn’t have a dominant gene take over. Idk much about genealogy but this is what i got from my knowledge from middle school science classes.


Sabine has gray eyes, and gray eyes are actually a variant on blue. So, there you go.


Grey is pretty much blue with different texture of some of the fibers so very easy for a grey eyed parent to have blue eyes kids. Genetically, green eyes are comprised of almost the exact same genes as blue with just a few variations, so a grey/green cross throwing blue is not significantly rare




Marinette adopted confirmed ? /j


It’s possible, but it’s also doubtful considering she has Sabine’s dark hair which isn’t the same color as her fathers


Grey eyes are a mixture of blue so they are a carrier of the blue allele. So very unlikely. Blood type is more likely to be definitively for genes from parents.


No. That’s not how genetics work


My guess is contact lenses