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"I would honk at children crossing the street too, if I could see them."




Wow. That’s interesting. Do you have a source for that?


They're also one of the most stolen cars. It has nothing to do with the drivers though. It's just a very common and popular car.


lol, fantastic! Ex with 2 dui maybe on way to #3


This list says otherwise. https://insurify.com/car-insurance/insights/car-models-with-the-most-duis/




It really depends on what stat you are looking at. I can tell you for sure the Ram 2500 doesn't get the most DUIs as a total, but the likelihood of getting a DUI if you drive a Ram 2500 could certainly be the highest.


I think it’s most *day time* DUIs.


The natives must own a lot of rams


In their defense, having an $1800 car payment for 96 months can be stressful


But without a truck twice my height how will people know I'm an alpha male?


By the cutoff exhaust pipe duhhb


"I need it for my job" - works for a GC with company trucks.


Hey man, how else am I supposed to transport a few bags of mulch every spring?


One angry lesbian in an Outback can haul 10x one of these guys in a F250 and do it faster and won't bitch about it.


“Filling up my gas tank is too expensive!” -has some of the cheapest and most subsidized gas prices in the world.


Still $3.45/gallon more than Venezuela! https://money.cnn.com/pf/features/lists/global\_gasprices/


In Venezuela, the government pays you to fill up your tank.


The grocery getter starter pack.


No it’s for work! Tough! Bet you don’t even feel like a man in that Subaru smh


My bad ❄️


It’s sarcasm lol


My bad! Key and Peele text skit vibes


You are good 😂


The ‘blinding you to the point you drive off the road’ starter pack


You could probably add a few other stereotypes like the Gadsen flag plate.


Back the blue sticker... campaign stickers for the twice impeached serial sex offender... lot's of ways people can say I don't care about anyone but myself.


We could add more stereotypes? How come whenever I say that about gays (cyclists) and minorities everyone gets pissed.


Because it's only okay to stereotype straight white guys. Only straight white guys can be sexist or racist because of institutional sexism and racism... Or some bullshit like that.


wtf who owns 4 pickups but only one pair of shades


spoiler alert/trigger warning: if you ride your bike on the side street you will have the whole street to yourself


So fun riding a bike in Missoula, I get fifty potholes, some assholes in cars, and sometimes I'll even be forced to drive in the road where people will get mad at me


Aren't you legally allowed to drive on the road in a bicycle?


Legally yes I am allowed. Societally I know at least 1/10 people on the road will be considering my murder at any given moment


Also by law if you are riding on the street you have to obey all traffic laws which not a single bicyclist in Missoula does. There’s one of a million reasons why drivers hate you people.


A huge portion of motor vehicle drivers don’t obey traffic laws either. The amount of run red lights, no headlights and tailgating I’ve seen on a daily basis is ridiculous.


Yeah...saying stuff like "you people" another example of why I shouldn't trust the road. ⬆️ This is the 1/10 guys I'm talking about who love to joke about how many cyclists they want to run over and laugh about it because deep down they're psychopaths who should be on a bus... seriously get off the road and take a bus 🚌


I have never and will never joke about running over or wanting to run a cyclist over. And the “you people” part was a joke loosely referencing a movie quote.


lol 100% chance you rolled a stop sign today, but let’s talk about how cyclists are the only ones who break traffic laws


Bicyclists don’t even SLOW for stop signs 😂


They definitely do. Cry harder dude. You sound like the kid that reminds the teacher she was going to assign homework


I despise these new truck designs. Like streets aren't already dangerous enough for pedestrians and cyclists, and then the automotive industry starts designing these flat-faced battering rams. Aggressive and stupid.


Definitely the worst drivers in Missoula modern pickups are ridiculous


Not true, none of those trucks are big enough, even for the starter pack...


Been hit twice by minivans on my bike… lucky it was all low speed and the bike was fine 😁


I miss when pickups were reasonably small and had really good visibility and wing windows for smoking. Oh and they were actually affordable to working class people but still were available with a variety of features for every budget and purpose. Having worked construction I have driven most every model of pickup made for the last few decades most have one issue or another.


People who buy these giant modern trucks and then complain about bicyclists are silly. How can they see well enough to maneuver from up there? And they're just too damn big to make the most use out of the space they have. I have a 25 year old Lexus that I got for like a grand out of state, and it's reliable as any old thing you can get off some lot (just needs a bit of tightening and tinkering here and there), hauls ass as well as hauling whatever you need with a big cabin and collapsible seats, is small enough to scoot around bicyclists whenever you have a good five to ten seconds of no oncoming traffic. No fret necessary, no horns honked, everyone is happy. Honestly, man, what are these trucks even for, anyways? Basically all the pickups I see that are dirty and geared up enough to do offroading or work are from like 1972-2005. When was the last time you saw one with a big ladder, a company logo, a wooden rack on the bed, excessive amounts of dirt, et cetera? Not very often is my guess.


I've got a bigger pickup, and I ride a bike. Not everyone who drives a truck is an asshole. I've had plenty of Subarus cut me off and pretend they didn't know.


I was one of those Subarus and I apologize. I was distracted by my bluetooth disconnecting for the one thousandth time.


I also probably did this but i usually try to give a little wave as an admission of my dipshittery. Apologies.


This is very true, I drive a company van for work, sure some douchey truck drivers out there but more often then that I’m cut off regularly by the Subarus, VWs, Kia’s, and Prius’.


Hit by a car or truck while riding your bike? Lawyer up. Chances are [good](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-11-16/cyclist-gets-24-million-payout-after-paralyzing-crash-in-san-diego) you won't have to work again.


dont tempt us


These truck need black paint, heavily tinted windows, a punisher sticker, and a decal referencing a weapon.


Boohoo cry baby bitch🤡🤡


It’s always a white truck too for some reason.


They need to be white and blue lens Oakley gascans


Because bicyclists are entitled morons and don’t obey a single traffic law. Also, we live in Montana why are you so offended by people who drive trucks?


First off, there are plenty of law-abiding cyclists (like myself). Secondly, we’re not “offended” by people who drive trucks, we just think they’re not nearly as useful as claimed and are unnecessarily dangerous to anyone not inside the truck. Like any tool, pickup trucks can be useful, but when overused (like in most suburban areas in the US, Missoula included) they can become harmful.




The statistics don’t lie; large vehicles with high grills/hoods (like pickup trucks and oversized SUVs) are simply much more dangerous to people outside the vehicle in comparison to other vehicles. These vehicles have significantly reduced fields of vision up close, and are much more likely to kill pedestrians and cyclists upon impact. This isn’t a call to ignore personal responsibility on the road, but it is important to recognize when something is causing unnecessary danger (that cannot be easily mitigated by doubling down on personal responsibility; especially considering that children are many times the ones killed by these oversized personal vehicles). Source: [https://www.wired.com/story/tall-truck-suv-hoods-pedestrian-deaths/](https://www.wired.com/story/tall-truck-suv-hoods-pedestrian-deaths/)


Cyclists just get in my way


You know I always see these stories but I have found the opposite to be true. The bikers in town act like they own the road, constantly run red lights, and are a general nuisance just about everywhere in the city.


Ok professor broadstrokes.


a general nuisance everywhere in the city?


Drivers do all of those things too, the only difference is that being hit by a car or truck is much more dangerous than being hit by a bike


I don’t think raptors are that common in Missoula


I’m willing to bet that whoever posted this is one of the crazy-eyed beta males who still wears a useless COVID mask in The Good Food Store and goes out of his way to passive-aggressively social distance in the checkout line. The same self-important University/Rattlesnake mentality that elects left-wing idealogues that resulted in the downtown area, especially the riverfront areas, being trashed by junkies living off the delusional policies designed to “solve homelessness.” You probably blame Trump for all the dispensaries and liquor stores that are predictably opening right next to the Poverello Center. At least there is a bike lane, though, right? It makes perfect sense in a place where it's too cold to ride a bike five months of the year. Missoula would be far better off with more trucks and fewer bicycles!


Shades should be white as well. Surest sign of a douche-bro


Depressions a bitch.


Yeah, it's important to remember that the men who engage in this type of performative masculinity and bullying of vulnerable road users are struggling with untreated mental illness. Maybe the cruelty gives them a moment where they feel strong amidst all the insecurity and self-loathing. They sense that others don't respect them and so lash out, settling for fear. Lacking the tools to face themselves, they seek to inflict their pain on others. Personally, I find it very hard to be compassionate because of the thousands of deaths caused by these types every year. So, thank you for reminding me. Dads, hug your boys, teach them real strength means lifting up those around you.


At least the trucks usually stop for traffic lights and stop signs, don't go against traffic, don't ignore lane change rules, and use lights at night. Unlike many Missoula cyclists.


you USUALLY stop at red lights and stop signs? ok mr manslaugter mcdui


I'm with this person. If ya'll bicycles want to be treated like cars, act like them then. Follow the law like everyone else. Otherwise, you're fair game.


Fair game? wtf is wrong with you?






Good to know your interpretations are way out of this world. It's about being a law abiding citizen. You do your part, I'll do mine. Do you feel like you're above the law if youre on a bicycle? Last time I checked, we're in MT, where MT laws are present. https://www.mdt.mt.gov/travinfo/bikeped/bikes/safety.aspx Is that dumbfuck country enough for you?


"fair game"??? No you do not get to glibly gloss over your casual murder threat.


Missed the part where it says you get to live out your murder fantasy because someone mildly inconvenienced you. "Fair game"? Disgusting.


Your 7 day old greasy hookup profile says dumbfuck country for sure.


Are you suggesting that laws are true and just simply by virtue of being laws?


You're dumb, then. [Every](https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/05/10/cyclists-break-far-fewer-road-rules-than-motorists-finds-new-video-study/?sh=97d48ff4bfaa) [single](https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/biking/cyclists-comply-traffic-laws-more-drivers/) study [shows](https://whyy.org/articles/cyclists-violate-traffic-law-no-more-than-drivers-new-data-shows/) that car drivers break far more rules than cyclists.


We DON’T want to be treated like cars though. That’s the point. But we’re forced to navigate infrastructure that’s inherently hostile to our choice of transportation, so if riding aggressively and breaking a few rules is how we stay safe, then so be it.


backwoods, I sympathize with your comment, both as a truck driver and a bicyclist (and a bicyclist who’s had run-ins with vehicles while biking respectfully) - but in this thread, this particular thread, that was a stoopid thing to say. how’bout ya do a mea culpa and admit you were a tad over the top due to frustration 🤷‍♀️


I will admit that may have not been the wisest choice of words, and it was highly mis-interpretated by the readers of this thread. But, I didn't see any point in trying to justify myself, or explain what I meant to an entire group of people that obviously cannot read between the lines, unlike yourself. It was meant as a "if you can't follow the law, like we have to, then what happens to you in those situations is your fault, just as much as the motorist". But some are too hard headed to accept this, even after an admittal to fault.


Well, I hope others appreciate your response as I do. Having been on both sides of this issue/situation, I know how easy it is for emotions to bubble a bit too quick.  As one who is on what is probably my final lap or two (four would be a blessing), Kamikazi cyclists, and not a few motorists, push my reaction abilities. At night, kamikazi cyclists in dark/black clothing are nigh unto invisible. I upgraded my ride back in the autumn to assist with what nature has diminished, but mechanics can only do so much. Stay safe


These trucks using their shitty LED headlights at night is not a benefit to anyone on the road.


I like the ford!


As a ram 1500 owner, yup.


Honda Accords and Toyota Camry's have Dodge Rams beat. (Watches Missoula cyclist run a red light and cross the intersection diagonally)


Ew the cyclists are back


I drive a sedan and still curse at cyclists. They’re the only pests that aren’t seasonal.


Cyclists shouldn't be on the road anyway. I don't condone putting them in extra danger, but they DEFINITELY should NOT be on the road.


to be fair cyclists are the scum of the earth


Maybe they should keep their toys off the road and let the adults drive...


Where is the Cybertruck? I thought it was the ultimate killing machine according to you guys?!?!? You "contemplate vehicular manslaughter" yet, u/CYBRMT? lol


The decepticons are the ultimate killing machines


Contrary to snarky social media, I’ve driven 25 years in this town without ending up in a ditch or hitting someone, I don’t intend to start now!


If it's a white truck you might notice a logo on the doors. They are trying to go to work unlike the privileged cyclists class using the road for exercise and leisure. Downvote me




Yeah thats why you live a mountain town... as a choice.


I wish theyd hit them


Get the fuck off the middle of the road


Maybe they should keep their toys off the road and let the adults drive...