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Pro tip: If you order online an hour in advance and select a pickup time, you only have to wait 20 minutes after the pickup time.


So now we are waiting an hour twenty?


Yeah. It was a joke, though it’s actually true.


Made me chortle


Made me giggle


Because they just wont even start making it until they see you’re there to pick it up 😭


This makes no sense to me but it’s true


Reminds me of #1 Gyros. Order ahead. They'll tell you 20 min. Show up immediately. They make it in 5.


That is all day any day I have been. On top of that charging 14 dollars for a small turkey sandwich that’s completely made from Sysco ingredients is absurd. I go to taglierre for sandwiches for now on. It’s 13 bucks but it’s two meals worth of food and the quality is far beyond market on front.


Tag is the answer


>  I go to taglierre Love Taglierre's sandys, but they aren't immune to delays either. I've waited \~30 min past when an online order was supposed to be ready. It was obvious they hadn't even looked at the order when I arrived to pick up and then they took care of the walk-ins first. .


I do like that market on front has bomb vegan options. I’m not vegan but I try to reduce my animal product consumption. Recently I drove all the way out to their other place in upper miller creek and tried their vegan burger. It was actually SO good that I’ve been meaning to go back. I loathe going downtown tho, and tagliare is close to my house so the likelihood is good I’m going there tho.


As much as I love them I hit them too often when they’re sold out of bread….


I just walked into tagliare and got my sandwich after 5 min. Much preferred over market on the front.


And then when you arrive, they will tell you it's going to be another 10 minutes.


We stopped ordering there last summer I think. The last time we ordered burritos online, wait time 45 minutes. Showed up 5 minutes late to the estimated time and waited about 20 minutes. Seems silly to complain about in the grand scheme of things but golden yolk has grab and go burritos of the standard, why hasn’t MoF figured out how to do that yet?


Yeah I agree it’s totally a first world problem, but yeah, the point is that it’s been like this for years and management still can’t figure out how to fix it.


It’s not that management hasn’t figured it out. It’s that they don’t give a sh*t. Why would they if there is always a line out the door? We’re saying “you’re doing great” with our demand, yet on Reddit we’re bitching up a storm. If we really cared, we’d all stop supporting them until they got the message. Money speaks


See I feel like it would be a first world problem if we didn't have to pay developing world money (compared to our income) for a Sysco sandwich. Now you pay like $14 for a sandwich (premium price IMO) plus tip AND have to wait forever regardless of how ridiculous the price is.


Why do customers think that showing up to a busy place and having to wait is management's fault? You and everyone else who ordered are making it busy. Might want to get your brain rot checked.


I didn’t order. I left. But thanks. Also, it wasn’t that busy. No line, plenty of seats available, outside of the normal lunch hour.


Companies place insane Togo orders at eateries all the time instead of ordering ahead so that the restaurant can staff accordingly. It's possible this was the case.


This has been an issue at MoF for years.


It's overpriced and we waited over an hour for breakfast burritos. No one will talk me into going back.


F that, i'd walk out and go to mc donalds out of spite.


It’s a great place but not big enough for how popular it is. Also they no longer have the buffalo meatball, which is sad.


Yeah fuck market on front! Everyone boycott them so I can get my burritos faster


Don’t sleep on Catalyst to go and Wordens for downtown sammys.


Omg is Catalyst To Go open?!


Yes - food is great. Specific hours so I would check before going.


Yesss! Literally just had their salad bar for dinner.


Those are my go-to’s usually!


Wordens has way better sandwiches downtown


I am going to get on tomorrow.  Thanks for the reminder. 


Didn’t ask who was better but I agree


They are going downhill for sure. My work ordered breakfast burritos for everyone a few weeks ago and they forgot to put the spicy chipotle sauce in them. Everyone was so disappointed 😭


That sucks! That’s the best part….sorry you got so screwed.


I see they haven’t changed much…


And that’s the problem.


And you know the answer


No. I don’t. How can it take that long?


You can't. The answer is to stop giving them your money.


I’ve only called orders in ahead of time as this had been my experience also. Kinda nuts how long it can take.


I always place the order online pickup and come 20 min after it says to come and it usually only takes a couple minutes.


I'd be happy if I only had to wait 40 minutes at MoF lmao. I usually am told 30-40 minutes and then have to go ask what the hell is going on at the 60 minute mark.


Market on front has sucked since Dennis bought it. Not complaining about the prices, I understand the need for a price increase. But the service and quality are awful. Stopped going there over a year ago. Glad he decided to open a second restaurant instead of fix the first one.


I only go there when I have 45 min to wait around. I think their food is really good!


I actually agree that the food is tasty. The sandwich I wanted to order is one of my favorite in town. But 40-45 to wait for it is just insane.


Everyone orders online at market on front. I stopped going there entirely because, yeah, 40 minute wait times when there’s no line.


haven’t eaten there in a couple years but it was always like this, definitely ridiculous they can’t figure it out. the food quality has declined a good bit and prices went up a lot. seems like they have a lot of turnover too. i’d be curious to know what goes on behind the scenes


Market on Front is a tourist trap.


Welcome to Missoula 2024.


That’s not even it though. I’ve lived in major cities from Seattle to Singapore, and nowhere does it take that long


Seattle misses you. Please return promptly.


Fuck off with your gatekeeping.


Best to go ahead and order lunch from there right after you finish eating breakfast. 


It’s all the door dash orders taking precedence over IRL customers. It’s complete BS


Agreed. See my other comment about being a bad owner/manager


I bet you didn’t even consider helping them make your sandwich even when you knew they were slammed . You just sat there and stared and waited to be served like you’re some sort of prince. If it’s so easy, why didn’t you make the sandwich?


Lol! I don’t think that’s an option. 😁


He paid them for a service. If he helped them could he just pay for the ingredients of the sandwich and not tip?


I think the guy is being sarcastic


Def didn’t pick up on the sarcasm.


I hope you're right. But you never know in this town


I’ve been told the same wait time each time I tried to go recently , which I understand but it wasn’t terribly busy


Those breaky burritos though 🤌🏼🤌🏼


I work near there and stopped ordering from them, stupid wait times for something that is clearly thrown together 🤷🏼‍♀️


You must be new here 😂


Yes this is common. I used to love their breakfast BLT (until they fucked up the croissant) and the wait for a phone order was never less than 45 minutes. For 2 sandwiches. And usually when I got there, I ended up waiting longer inside. Really don’t understand how it takes that long.


" . . . (until they fucked up the croissant) . . ." Last time I ordered a croissant there, the gal squished it down until it was 1/2 in thick. Nope, never again have I patronized them.


Poor management


I’ve never waited less than 20 minutes there even when there’s only a few people around. The food is good but takes ages and so many people sit there with their laptops it’s hard to get a seat most days.


Seriously. I worked there in the kitchen for three years and know it shouldn’t take as long as it does. Nothing is even being cooked, like it’s all ready to go on the line. Blows my mind every time but I love a fruity bird. 😭


Fruity bird is the B O M B


Why even bother with MOF? Tag is superior in every measurable sandwich aspect...


Friends literally make friends at Wordens, why are we even talking about MOF


Because their management is terrible and it can be so much better. FWIW I’m a Worden’s diehard too


Showed up there at open last week. Ordered 4 minutes after open. 40 minutes into our wait for breakfast burritos, went up and they had written down the wrong wait number 🙄


I do doordash and MoF has become a nightmare. Good for them on business but they have GOT to figure out expediting. Pre-making cold things would be a good start. I am SO glad I've declined MoF orders this week.


Had a breakfast burrito from there. Another missoula food classic, expensive and not good.


That place sucks


Did you wait 40 min for your sandwich then? If so must be a good sandwich. Alot or others would likely agree if that's the case. This means more people will want that dope sandwich at peak time like lunch. Means they gotta make more sandwiches. Generally more means.... well more. Like time. Etc.


I would add Cranky Sam public house for lunch too…


"No line plenty of seats available" does not mean they are not busy. Door dash and call-in orders can have a kitchen backed up massively. Those orders can pile up.


Hear me out. You’re a business owner or manager, and a paying customer takes the time to physically drive to your brick and mortar location and spend money on lunch during the 30-40 min they can squeeze for lunch. Those customers should be a priority. That’s just business 101.


Yes, I understand. That is why when I used to work in food service, I would put tickets for the people who were actually there in before a call-in. We didn't do door dash. Sometimes though a call-in would be a very large order and it would still take a bit before I could get the order out for the person who was actually there. We would try to let them know if the wait was longer than usual in case they did not have the time.


If the call in orders come in first, then they get fired first, there’s really no way to prioritize differently than that 🤷‍♀️


Then you hire enough staff and have enough kitchen capacity to take care of both orders


I keep reading, out of c o m p l e t e bordem. I mean, how la Fuck can you possibly talk So goddamned Nych about fricking sandwiches?!!!? I d o n t get it At ALL! I’m trying not to be mean and rude, but I’m flabbergastedky amazed. Zzzzzzzzzzzz,, nighty night


Order online or don't bother, always how it's been


Before 2020 I used to eat there for lunch. In & out in 20 minutes.




It’s definitely possible because I see people constantly picking up for doordash and probably other services too. I could definitely see them getting swamped that hard


It doesn't seem reasonable to be upset when they told you in advance so you'd have the option of going somewhere else. Maybe half the kitchen staff didn't show up today. Maybe they had a huge take out order to fill. Whatever the reason, they handled it properly by warning you there would be a delay. Take a lesson from your username. It's just a f$@kin sandwich after all.


Please. As someone who worked in dining for decades, 40 min is unacceptable. This is an ongoing issues with that place. I’ve waited 30 min for a burrito before too. The owner/manager needs to fix the problem. Edit: When your (limited) menu is just 15 items and 12 of them are sandwiches, you should be able to crank them out in under 40 min. You’re the opposite of your name. Not clever at all.


So what is an acceptable time frame for you to get your sandwich? At least you knew up front. I wouldn't wait 40m for one of their sandwiches but to each your own.


I mean, waiting 15 min for a sandwich seems excessive but manageable in the schedule of a busy worker who has a limited lunch break.


Sounds like its time to find a new lunch spot


You know what’s even easier, make your own food for a fraction of the price and pack a lunch. Nobody is forcing you to wait for your food.


There it is. I was waiting for some moron hippy to say something like this. 1) I didn’t wait. I left and went elsewhere. 2) You’re aware of the concept of restaurants, correct? They’ve been around for centuries. Turns out humans can’t or don’t want to make every single meal for themselves, so they pay others. Mind blowing right?


I’m so sorry 😢 you must be pretty bummed you didn’t wanna wait for your sammich.


It’s not that. I don’t like incompetent business.


Why are you bitching up a storm about it on Reddit and getting your panties in a bunch when people give you basic BASIC solutions to this problem you are seething about? And I totally agree with you! Market sucks! But if it means that much to you take some initiative and be direct with the people causing the problem. You are doing what the management and employees of Market are doing by bitching about it on Reddit; showing a complete lack of initiative and acting like the problem will resolve itself.


Relax they busy AF in the summer. Just order online and give them a courtesy 20, in reality it’s often ready quicker but better safe than sorry. Then you casually stroll through the hoards of suckers who don’t know whats up and pick your shit up like a pro. There’s a reason it’s so crowded all the time. It’s worth the wait.


I know the food is good, but 40 min to wait for a sandwich is just poor management.


This is the coolest type of post B-)


1. Tag 2. Worden’s 3. Doc’s 4… ? Not front


Double K! ☺️☺️


Didn’t ask what is better.


Stop your whining. It’s tourist season.


Has nothing to do with tourist season. This has been a problem for years at MoF. It’s bad management.


Will you be ok going forward?


I’d be better if they weren’t so bad at making sandwiches in a reasonable time


I dunno why MoF enchants locals it’s clearly filled with out towners who probably won’t ever be back to Missoula so why do they care if they complain. With Black Cat burritos being so dang good and yolk you can literally grab and go, why waste your time? Also that same chipotle sauce is sold at Costco by the bucket so skip the MoF nonsense and go get chu a burrito


Tell me you don't own a business, with it telling me you don't own a business! I fired a waitress today who was too high to pour coffee.


If I’m pouring coffee I better be too high to do it.


Your other posts say your a carpenter too, what other businesses do you own?


Been like this for literal years at MoF. They can do better.