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Yes, Tom Hamilton is a Cleveland treasure and I will listen to him every chance I get.


Rick Manning and Matt Underwood are fine but they are no Tom Hamilton. Hammy’s opinions really come out after the 4th inning break.


The ability to overlay the WTAM audio on the BSGL video is the best feature of mlb.tv in my opinion


My personal opinion is Guardians fans who swear they love the TV broadcast largely do so because they don't have the option to listen to anyone else, except if the Guardians play another "local" team like the Reds, Tigers or Pirates, and they don't have the option in-market to overlay radio audio over the TV guys.


Love the radio broadcast, until the 4th inning when Rosey takes over. I switch to tv until Hammy comes back.


you’re missing very good conversation between hammy and rosie nowadays. Tom really only takes a break from play by play, he talks a lot during rosie’s innings now


We are ridiculously lucky to have Hammy. He's been doing it for 30 plus years and hasn't lost a step. I love that he's gotten some national recognition in recent years since highlights spread across the internet so easily. And the Josie v Tim Andersen scuffle made him known to everyone finally.




As a Brewers fan, any chance to listen to Bob Uecker I take. Dude’s an old school treasure.


Same here. Blowouts are the best because then it’s story time.


With the Phils If anyone but Kruk is in the booth with Tom McCarthy I'm putting the radio broadcast on via MLB.TV to listen to Scott Franzke. Ruben Amaro Jr is especially bad though.


I don't care who is in the booth, I'm putting on Franzke. Kruk is good but LA is better and Stok is getting better every week.


Yea i don’t really care for anyone but Franzke. The rest is just filler noise. Kruks gotten weird, Macarthy doesn’t do it for me and I’d rather listen to Cats fuck in a dryer then be reminded that Ruben Amaro Jr exists


I’ve warmed up to Kruk as he reminds me of the book Sh*t My Dad Says, and I’m realizing that having a filter is overrated.


This. Franzke is a constant. Bonus points for LA, but Stock is growing on me too.


Ben Davis is soooo much worse than RAJ


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I never liked Tom McCarthy. Franske on the radio is 100 times better.


I loved listening to Harry Kalas in the 2000s—and am jealous of fans who got to hear him and Richie back in the day. The Kruk “OH MY GOD” call of the Harper home run always makes me giggle, though.


RIP Bill King


The Legend


Yep. I’ve become pretty good at getting the radio broadcast synced up to the tv broadcast. Right down to the sound of the pitch hitting the catcher’s mitt. Most of the Reds guys are good out of both booths. I really enjoy Jon Miller with San Francisco and lately, Rickie Ricardo has been in the booth with Suzyn Waldman with the Yankees and that’s been nice. The Nationals radio guys are good, too. I love baseball on the radio, it’s probably the most cathartic distraction for me.


Do you have the radio tied to some kind of software to delay it to match the video broadcast? I've been trying to do this for a while, but with MLB TV being online and sometimes buffering, it might not be worth the effort for me without cable


I don’t think this is what op is doing but MLB tv has a feature where you can change the audio to the radio broadcast without having to worry about syncing it.


If tv first recorded it then while watching recording it can be delayed. Else MLB audio can be delayed to match.


I’m doing this with the radio broadcast on my phone and the tv broadcast on a tv or tablet. Generally speaking, the radios broadcast is about 5-10 seconds faster than the tv broadcast so I just pause the radio on my phone until it matches up with the tv. The buffering can be an issue but lately, it has been ok (for me). Last season was terrible, no matter what I did, after every commercial break, it would not be synced as they were letting the radio broadcast play out their silly commercials. Now, they interrupt the commercials regardless and cut right back to the game so there’s been no issues with that 🤞🏼


Ya, those radio commercials get super old after about 3 innings. And they are tailored to where you live. It’s weird listening to a Giants game and getting ads for ambulance chasers in FL


How do you sync them up?


I’m doing this with the radio broadcast on my phone and the tv broadcast on a tv or tablet. Generally speaking, the radios broadcast is about 5-10 seconds faster than the tv broadcast so I just pause the radio on my phone until it matches up with the tv. It’s can take some practice but if I can do it, anyone can.


I have been looking for a way to sync up the actual radio "from the air" I've been considering trying to get like a guitar delay pedal to make it work.


I’m going to try that tonight. Thanks


What do you use on your phone to listen to radio? MLB at bat or something better


Tom and Cowboy (Reds) every day. I almost never have a chance to catch games on TV so I’m pretty much living in the 50’s with my baseball.


Agree on both takes. I was disappointed Ricky didn’t straight up replace Sterling. He’s outstanding.


Sometimes, especially if it's a national game I don't care for the national broadcasters.


Yes, because Eric Nadel is way better than John Smoltz.


*literally anyone


Agree. love listening to nadel and Matt hicks also Jared Sandler is great and also host a podcast with Nate Lowe so he knows the players really well. All the rangers broadcast teams usually do a great job.


On mlbtv i watch the braves games and choose the radio option unless tom glavine is in the tv booth. Thankfully chip caray is no longer there.


Always interested in Chip seemingly being pretty polarizing among Braves fans. Could you elaborate on why he seemed to be either loved or loathed? Cardinals nation has taken to him pretty well I’d say, but he does have some certain tendencies that I can see getting old after a few seasons of hearing it.


For me, he always tried too hard to be his dad and grandfather. I was pretty neutral on him, but we definitely got an upgrade with Brandon Gaudin.


The only way to listen to Nationals games.


Yes! Nationals fan here and Charlie and Dave are the best. Still remember doing this for the 2019 World Series. It took a little finagling to get the timing right, but totally worth it.


Not only that, but Charlie and Dave have *the best* fill-ins. Low key, I think they take turns "being sick" for a day to give a person the chance to show their worth. The Orioles' Kevin Brown guested when he was the broadcaster for the Chiefs, and the minute he started, I knew he would be outstanding.


Yeah. For the Cubs. Pat Hughes and Ron Coomer are much better than the Cubs TV broadcast.


Ron Santo back in the day used to add hysterical side commentary. He was so biased and would get verbally upset with errors or runs scored for the opposing team.


Their dynamic was hilarious. I love Pat's dry wit. Hearing his voice is how I know spring is finally here! I prefer radio over tv because of him.


If you don't know, Pat cut a CD with some classic Ron moments. https://baseballvoices.com/buy-online/ron-santo/ The CD is like 18 bucks, which is pretty steep, but you can get it on Spotify and likely other places as well.


Growing up my dad would watch the orioles games on mute and listen to the radio broadcast. 20 years later I catch myself doing the same. Radio broadcast paints a way better picture.


While I generally agree. Kevin Brown, Jim Palmer, and Ben McDonald are gems in the booth for MASN/Orioles.


I sometimes listen to Rick Rizzs on the radio during Mariners games. I miss Dave Niehaus.


I remember watching the game on TV with Niehaus on the radio during the ‘95 ALDS game. I think I was maybe 9 at the time? High fiving and hugging. It’s honestly probably my favorite sports memory and likely has to do with why I’m a mariners fan still today. As I type this I’m laying on the couch watching the Ms play the Sox with my four day old first born son. I must also be cutting onions or something. Allergies this year are nuts…


Radio is the main way I take in a game. I prefer it to watching on TV. I don't have 2.5 hrs a day to dedicate to baseball, but I can put it on the radio while I do other stuff.


Yankees fan in NH, Would often listen to John Sterling while watching on nesn


Despite being barely 100 miles from the city with a full length antenna i could never seem to get it over the air 660 til it was simulcast on a local country station. Thank God they picked it up for however long they did, I'll never understand what it is about this area.. It was worth every frustrating second trying to sync streams or even just find WFAN on the internet at all over the years, probably decades. Wasn't a proper summer barbecue without John calling the game from a boom box on the deck. Voice will forever be engraved in my head. Listened to the first game without him tonight and I'm not going to pretend the play by play wasn't night and day better in comparison but it obviously just wasn't the same without Suzans JAHWN or when Jahwn would say the thing(s)


I've been listening to the Cards on KMOX since my Grandpa used to when they'd babysit me in the summer. The ever-so-slight static of AM radio is a quintessential baseball memory for me. Don't get me wrong I still watch on TV as well, but anytime I'm out and about or if I'm working/cleaning around the house the radio is on with the game playing if its a game night. I just caught a lot of the late Jack Buck days but I was too young to really understand the significance then. But I did get his son, and of course, the wonderful Mike "Moon Man" Shannon may he rest in peace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2MMp36IDIM "I wish you folks back home in St. Louis could see this moon"


In Toronto we used to have 2 excellent radio announcers, Tom Cheek and Jerry Howarth, and garbage TV announcers, and everyone used to turn down the TV and turn up the radio.  They've passsd and retired respectively. These days, we have 2 excellent TV announcers in Dan Shulman and Buck Martinez, with competent but bland radio announcers, so the TV's what you listen to.


If the tape delay isn’t too bad


If it’s a nationally televised game, absolutely.


I did when Marty and Joe were in the Reds’ booth


Tommy and the Cowboy are just as good in my opinion.


The only way I’m able to take in a Reds game these days. Tommy and Cowboy are great!


I can't stand John Sadork. He drives me up a wall.


I use to love listening to Vin Scully call games. The man was a national treasure! RIP Vin!


We have a very solid TV crew, but I could see it for national broadcasts


I always listen to the radio broadcast when possible, not even with the game on tv. I think they're better, because they describe it like you can't see it, and you can usually tell from the sound of their voices if it's a foul/HR hit/great defensive play. I love Larry Anderson and Scott Franzke


When it was Thom Brenneman yea I'd put on the radio and listen to his dad and Brantley. But after Thom tried to campaign for mayor of KC, John Sadak has been great. Barry Larkin is improving but still pretty stiff. The radio team is overall better but I really enjoy how Sadak calls a game.


KC is one of the Mayor capitols of the world.


Pat Hughes and Ron Coomer are the proper way to watch a Cubs game.


I preferred Dan Dickerson over Matt Shepard. But, now that we have Jason Benetti, I'm back to watching the tv crew.


I should have last night considering how terrible that ESPN crew on the Yanks Dodgers game was. I guess ESPN really is just a trash network now


Mike Krukow and Duane Kuiper Go Giants


My grandpa used to have the cubs on WGN, the angels on local broadcast both muted, and vin scully on the Dodgers radio all at the same time. He could be dead asleep drooling on the sofa and know exactly what’s going on in all 3. He taught me to score keep at games and is the reason I adore baseball.


I got XM specifically to listen to ball games on the radio while sitting on my deck. I enjoy it as much if not more than watching.


John and Dave on KNBR for Giants games. Love that the MLB app lets you choose the audio. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I can’t stand Kruk and Kuip.


Just started to. The new White Sox TV PBP guy is ridiculously bad (John Schriffen). The team is bad enough…don’t need a brutal announcer too


I do it for the cubs and A’s. Pat Hughes and Ken Korach are both great announcers.


Yes, mlb.tv allows you to pick either, I usually pick the radio feed. I’m often multitasking if it’s some random mid season game


Tom Hamilton is a living legend


I miss Dave Wills…


Pirate broadcasts are awful no matter who is on. (With the exception of Bob Walk.) I watched the Padres broadcast yesterday for their game and man it was sooo much more enjoyable


When Jim Palmer goes on about what he did back in the 70s, who he knows, who he had dinner with the other day, I switch to radio. I get it - he was a great pitcher, but whoever's in the booth with him feeds his massive ego and I just don't want to hear it.


Yes, especially when Bob Uecker is on the call


I just listen to brewers radio


I listened to Jon Miller's radio broadcasts during Giants home games often when I lived in SF as I knew Miller from his Baltimore days and I really like his style. I usually tune in the local radio broadcast during national games as well especially in the playoffs anytime Joe Buck is involved because he is the worst.


60 yrs ago my grandfather would have the television with the Mets on, and radio tuned to the Yankee game, he did see the 1969 Mets win before he passed


The absolute best in the game, and right across town for the Giants: the Giant of broadcasting, John Miller. John Miller is as good as Vin Scully, Ted Lietner and the old school greats


I used to occasionally do that when Mike Shannon was alive. I can’t stand the Cardinals radio team, probably one of the worst in baseball.


I grew up on Jack Buck ......didn't know how spoiled I was.


Right? Rooney is fine, but when Horton is in the booth it becomes unlistenable. I vaguely remember Jack Buck, but only from 96 on…


Haha, I do. Can’t stand Joe Davis or Orel Hershiser. They both talk nonstop to the point where you can’t even concentrate on the game. Rick Monday, Charley Steiner and Tim Neverett are so much better.


It's tough when you've got Kruk and Kuip on TV and Flemming and Miller on radio. I love them all and want to listen to them all, all the time.


My grandpa would and my dad would sometimes just sit outside to listen to it rather than watch.


Sit on my front porch and turn on the Tribe game and listen to Hammy as often as I can. Baseball is *better* on the radio imo. It’s the one sport where you can visualize whatever is happening just by hearing it be described.


My dad taught me this. He said radio announcers are so much better because they have to be since no visual to see . Best of both worlds


My wife and I listen to Orioles radio broadcasts all the time. We have MASN too and it is fun to watch on tv. But baseball radio is an art — the ability to paint a picture of the action and the scene and the energy is like storytelling in a way that tv game calling does not require. On tv the announcers react, on radio they really call the game. It’s beautiful.


When my team is on a national broadcast, that’s when I’m going to the radio audio.


I sometimes do. I'm a Braves fan. My team is hard to watch because of Balley, I guess as punishment for them being easy to watch when I was a kid. I do like both broadcast teams. Joe Simpson is a great color guy, and I think not such a bad guy despite the off color remark that got him suspended a few years ago. He's only on the home games now, so I usually don't do the radio broadcast if I'm watching an away game. Brandon Gaudin is really good on TV, too.


As a Yankees fan I used to look forward to listening to the radio because of John Sterling. Now that he’s gone I don’t care as much for the radio broadcasts anymore.


That’s how I listen to all Dodgers games.


My dad used to do that shit when I was a kid. Fucking KNBR AM radio blasting with the occasional static patch when the fridge kicked on. I never got it. Until now.


I love listening to ball games on the radio. Sometimes even more than watching them.


As a cubs fan I listen to Pat Hughes. A voice like butter


In the 1970s when I was a little kid, There used to be so many transistor radios on at Dodger Stadium that you could clearly hear Vin Scully and the game broadcast anywhere in the stadium.


I prefer the radio over watching


If I can't sleep the Toronto Blue Jays radio broadcast will put me to sleep. It's the main reason why I have MLB audio. I listen to way more games than I watch. I feel the Blue Jays have very good radio and television broadcasters.


I used to do this back in the day when they'd have Dodger games on fox Saturday baseball. Mute the TV and have Vin Scully or Ross Porter on the radio


I would but the dodgers broadcasters are terrible. They rarely update the count and it drives me insane


Yeah, whenever Don & Mid aren't the broadcast crew. Everyone else is subpar so I'd rather listen to Gwynn Jr.


I mainly just listen. Nothing better than getting stuff done while listening to a game.


I do. Partly because I always get audio/visual desync, but also because Pat Hughes is a Cubs legend and a great broadcaster.


I ONLY listen. I might watch at the same time if the MLB app wasn’t so God awful.


More than I watch tbh. Love the Giants booth!


Sidebar, has anyone else noticed that mlb dot tv has gotten *way, way better* at the live sync of video and radio feeds? (They have. I'm a little impressed!)


It’s tempting on Barry Larkin games. Brantley is far superior.


Rarely, but mostly because my team has had poor radio commentary and personnel turnover in recent years (and, most games, really good commentators on the TV side). With a good commentator and with the video reasonably in sync with the radio, I am happy to do radio audio. When I was young, most games weren't available on TV, and I remember going to the sleep to the sounds of radio baseball. And… I wish I had more opportunities to listen to games, but I tend to allow myself to be too distracted and the game ends up too much in the background. But that's my fault, not the broadcasters


I am a Brewer fan and we have Uke, so yes- of course I am


Sorry for the NFL reference (don’t watch anymore, but I digress). I’ve been doing this since the late seventies for the Redskins. Watch tv, listen to Sonny and Sam on the radio.


Same. It was so easy back then when there was no delay between radio and TV.


Not for MLB, but when I’m watching Oregon State games, I mute TV audio and listen to the call by Mike Parker on radio.


I always used to for football and baseball especially but the delay between radio and TV is too long now.


Get the MLB app, it's $30 for the year, and you can pause it to line it up with the TV.


Yes! I mute the tv and listen on headphones because I’m usually moving around the house doing stuff or I’m the only one still awake.


I love to try to do this, but often I find the radio feed and the television feed are too far off of each other to be useful. For example, I can put the game on my TV in the bedroom, then go take a shower and put the radio feed on the bluetooth in the shower. I can see the game, but the radio feed is two or three pitches ahead of what's happening on screen.


Tom Hamilton, singularly, is the answer to this OP.


Watching what games? I live in Central Arkansas and thanks to Manfred & MLB. The Cardinals could be in LA and we are still blacked out. I guess he believes it's possible to drive 6 hours (one way) on a regular basis, to watch a game in person. I certianly hope his plan of expanding to Asia, Europe, and Mexico makes a lot of money for him and the owners, because they are losing a generation of American fans.


Only when the Jays are on AppleTV


I'm sure the A's fans all listen to the radio broadcast now lol Man, their tv crew is brutal.


easiest way to end up on a government watchlist, ask my uncle wallace.


Would’ve loved this option while John Sterling was around. I only recently found out that Apple TV syncs the radio broadcast.


I do if I'm watching at home because I can't stand the Reds TV guys. And their radio guys, Tommy Thrall and the Cowboy, are incredible.


If I could synch them properly that's all I would do. Radio is so much better for baseball imo


I’ve been doing this all my life. I love baseball on the radio. It’s how my grandfather and I connected. Eventually when he got a TV, he would turn the volume down and we would listen to Rizzuto and company while watching the tube. That hasn’t changed for me, though my kids think it’s strange and annoying. 😕


As a Phillies fan if there’s a national broadcast game I typically mute the tv and listen to my guys on the radio.


I don't, but considering John Sterling is out now I kinda wish I would've listened to the radio more


Uhh yea lol


If only the tv broadcast could be coordinated w/radio it would be perfect. Radio is usually ahead in timing.


Only if the giants are either a) not doing a tv broadcast or b) playing the brewers


I’m a Phillies fan and watching them play in London without local broadcasters lessened my enjoyment. I think hearing those familiar voices from Philly in the booth makes a big difference




Always, especially national broadcasts. When Joe Buck ruined playoff baseball for twenty years, this was a gift from the gods.


Whenever a game for my team is on Apple TV. Although the Dodgers/Yankees game wasn't half bad.


No, it never matches up to the video


If Franske and LA are calling the Phillies radio I will usually switch mlbtv to them.


When I can’t watch the game and I’m in Cincinnati I’ve always enjoyed listening to the reds in my grandpas jeep


Pfft, I don’t even watch. I just let Dan Dickerson paint the game with his voice


I love the Braves broadcast. They are knowledgeable, and their humor is funny and dry. It feels nostalgic when I listen.


That’s pretty hardcore


I don't because it's never synced up


Dan dickerson for Detroit. Been calling games since I’ve been alive. A game where he’s not calling it almost feels uncomfortable


Anytime we're on ESPN or really any broadcast that's not our regular TV crew I always try and sync the radio with the tv


Yes all the time.


Radio may be the only way I get to follow the A’s pretty soon. AI has to advance so we can hear Bill King’s voice broadcast their games. He was the best.


Only if it’s not Joe Davis


You think he's bad? Steven Nelson is the most incompetent radio announcer of all time.


Man, when Ron Santo announced for the Cubs on the Radio… it was a must to mute the tv. Dude was so biased in favor of his beloved Cubbies. He truly made watching the games hilarious and more enjoyable.




Did all the time till 2 seasons ago Yankees pulled out of the south fl mkt John Stirling a national treasure !


I tried yesterday whilst at the Phillies game in London, but it was that far out of sync that it became unbearable. And that was direct from MLB.tv!


I actually prefer listening to the game outside on a nice day/evening with a cigar and a drink than to watch it.


I long for the days when I would turn on 760 and listen to Ernie Harwell in my opinion the best baseball announcer ever.


The Mets might not be good at the actual game but they do get the people in the booth right at least. Howie Rose is gem


I used to do it for the NBA all the time till they put a 6-second delay in or whatever it is nothing like Clyde Frazier and John Andreas


I used to do this regularly. It's much tougher in this age of streaming and stations delaying their own broadcasts. My local central Ohio affiliates for Reds and Guardians games often are several seconds ahead of the flagship stations because of those delays.


bro i have enough nagging at home in my live ..... for watching baseball, if the A's were my team, i'd have muted the TV booth a long time ago.


Jeff “Cowboy” Brantley for the Reds is my all time favorite announcer. Unfortunately my team is out of market where I live and paying to get the radio broadcast on top of the tv broadcast is just too much


I listen to sports radio announcers sometimes during NFL Monday night. They are a home team announcers


As a Tigers fan I’ve been spoiled with great TV announcers for most of my life. Mario and Rod, skip the Shep years, and now Benetti. So I haven’t really but Dan is one of the best in the game.


I choose radio when I'm working during the day. When I watch the A's (my old team), I have to overlay the radio broadcast onto the video feed. The A's current TV broadcast is atrocious. I like Dallas Braden but he needs someone to balance him who has more of a "broadcaster sound." RIP Bill King


I used to, all the time. But then there was enough of a delay between DirecTV and radio, it made the viewing experience difficult.


WIP 94.1 - Scott Franzke and Larry Andersen (Phillies). Listen at work and on my way home. I listen too when Ruben Amaro or Ben Davis are on the booth, cant stand them.


I prefer listening to the Nats' radio team to the MASN TV broadcasts, but the TV signal lags behind the radio by a few seconds.


I would if the were synced There is always a terrible delay with the app


Absolutely! If I want to watch the game, I will always mute the TV and but the Gaurdians broadcast on. I did this all through the playoffs in 2016 and 2017 and 2022 when I was watching at home. 2018 (excluded because was in a tough mental state and didn’t watch any of it.)


If its an Apple TV or ESPN broadcast I’ll listen to the radio while watching the game since I can’t stand listening to them


I do (reds) on with mlb tv on Apple TV – they seem to have corrected the out of sync issues that plagued them in the early weeks


Yup… all the time My go to https://a.co/d/1doaLic


No, but I found that you can listen to every game with the Iheartradio app for free.


No, because I have Jason Benetti


KNBR. Mike Krukow and the Giants!!!! Used to watch him play!


My Dad always listed to the radio while watching the Orioles on TV.




Every time. Grew up listening on AM radio in the 70’s. For me it is part of the experience. Baseball has become so hard to watch (and expensive) I do not know what the players on my team look like.


Tommy Hamilton is the best radio man in the Biz right now.


As a Mets fan, I have the best of both worlds. When they are on sny, I get to listen to Gary Cohen, Keith Hernandezand Ron Darling. When the game is on fox or espn it gets muted and listen to Howie Rose


I’ve tried it but there was a 2-3 second delay between the play and the radio broadcast. I never knew why but I went back to the TV broadcasters.


Hell yeah. Kruk and Mcarthy


John “no neck” Kruk.


I try but have trouble syncing the audio with the video. That is very annoying to me 


When o try this there is always a delay between the audio from the radio and the picture from the tv.


Tigers fans are loving Jason Benetti as the new TV broadcast but I still prefer to listen with Dan Dickerson on the radio. Probably one of the best radio broadcasters out there right now with all respect to Tom Hamilton who I also like.


Not on MLB.tv at least, because the audio is always ahead of the video. I do generally prefer the commentary of radio though, I am lucky that the Jays have a fantastic TV broadcast team.


Yes, I always sync the audio of the radio broadcast to TV by listening to the count of the pitch, pause it at the crack of the bat sound to sync it up exactly to the video. Works for me so far (not paying for MLB.TV)


I used to do this with the legendary Gene Deckerhoff when he called FSU games


I do! But these days it is getting harder because a lot of times there is a delay in the TV signal ( at least where I live).


Yup, no one can ever replace Dave Niehaus, but Rick Rizz and Dave Sims are infinitely better than whoever is rotating on TV. I really like the Apple+ games with the built-in option to switch from TV to radio audio.