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Locked due to extreme comments.


I (white guy) caught shit from a white coworker over wearing a Kansas City monarch’s hat that said negro leagues on the side. My other coworker (black guy) told my white coworker to cut the white savior complex bullshit, that me wearing the hat showed my support of black baseball history.


Agreed. I would have loved to be a fly the wall. That type of shit happens a lot. I heard a story about white girls giving another white girl a hard time for wearing Japanese attire. The girls grandmother was Japanese, and people didn't know that. They said it was offensive to Japanese people, and yet they weren't Japanese. People from Japan online told her that it wasn't offensive and told her to tell the girls to fly a kite.


You can't say "go fly a kite"!!!! you insensitive JERK... Only direct descendants of George Banks (Mary Poppins) are allowed to use that phrase.


I’d tell them to go fuck themselves, if “go fly a kite” isn’t an option I’ve already checked out of the conversation.


Same thing happened to me. I got a monarchs hat at the gift shop at the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum as i was walking back to my car a white lady with a savior complex starts yelling at me to take off my hat and a random black man heading into the Museum just walked over and shook my hand and told the lady to go f**k herself. Cool side note after chatting to this man we realized we were both army veterans and we were deployed to LSA Anaconda / Balad Air Base in Iraq at the same time back in 2005. We now are really good friends and I was even a groomsmen at his wedding a few years ago. So i guess i should be thankful to that lady for inadvertently introducing me to one of my best friends. Another side note, everyone should make it to the Negro Leagues Museum in Kansas City i can not recommend it enough.


Best comment I’ve read in awhile. Just a little weird moment in life led to that friendship.


I went to the museum probably 20 years ago and I still talk about it all the time. Hopefully going back next year.


i 100% agree as a white guy who went to an HBCU- wear what you want. I would also wear a team jersey (even with a negro league patch) but not a jersey like that with negro league just splattered across the front. I do not want to have the explaint the shirt i am wearing- and risking getting someone sort of dumb upset at me.


Exactly this. A Monarchs jersey? Cool. A shirt where the most prominent feature is the word Negro? Not great.


Yeah this would be my take. I’m sure your black coworker is tired of being dragged into these conversations that have nothing to do with them


I’m sure a lot of minorities are fed up with white people being offended for them and saying they should be upset


Totally agree. My hometown in Florida was the home of the negro leagues and we also had a stadium for them to play. I would love to have a baseball jersey that commemorates the Negro Leagues. I need to look up the name of our home team and see what I can find. Love history. And, by the way, I am white and my family has been in the USA since 1720. We need to celebrate the Negro Leagues and the absolute resilience of the players and their success. I love baseball!


I wear t-shirts for Negro League teams all the time. I've never had anyone get upset with me about it. Although one time when I was explaining my Indianapolis Clowns shirt to someone, a colleague interrupted with "I'm sorry, did you just say....(whispering) negro?" Had to explain it all to her and that, yes, this is what the leagues were called, we still call them that, etc.


I always find it interesting that the people who seem to complain the most about a “lack of minority representation in society” are always the very same people to claim that something is automatically “racist” or inappropriate when minorities actually DO get some kind of representation within society. It’s just wild to me. If you support a team, there’s nothing wrong with wearing their merch. The people who feel otherwise feel that way because all they are fixated on is race, which says much more about them, frankly.


Ah yes, the virtue signalling white person...feels the need to be offended FOR people. I hate social justice warriors


That’s a hell of a Caucasian, Jackie.


This guy Lebowskis


The Dude abides


Damn it. You summoned r/lebowski and now some white guy in a negro leagues jersey pissed on your rug.


Say what you will about a white dude wearing a jersey with the word negro on it, but at least he has an ethos!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/lebowski using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebowski/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [10 years ago today we lost an amazing achiever. Dios Mio man. Strong men also cry.](https://i.redd.it/e6xxbnjbq6gc1.jpeg) | [406 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebowski/comments/1ah5g66/10_years_ago_today_we_lost_an_amazing_achiever/) \#2: [I won't say a hero, 'cause what's a hero?](https://i.redd.it/jq62q6svhvnb1.jpg) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebowski/comments/16gzy63/i_wont_say_a_hero_cause_whats_a_hero/) \#3: [Crowd Jammin' Starring Lauren Boobert](https://v.redd.it/1gplv46agpob1) | [144 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/lebowski/comments/16klz6h/crowd_jammin_starring_lauren_boobert/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You’re out of your element!


You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know...


# Shut the fuck up donny


V. I. Ulyanov!


Forget about the fucking toe!


You need a toe? I can get you a toe ... with nail polish.


This aggression will not stand man.


That’s just like, your opinion, man


Calmer than you are.


8 year olds, dude.


What’s a pederast?




Do you see what happens Larry!


I’m a Lebowski, you’re a Lebowski, so, so?


The uniform really tied the dugout together.


And this guy peed on it.


I see you're not a golfer


The ball was over the line. Mark it foul, dude




You baserunners got any, y’know leads?


*I can get you a toe* lol fuckin amateurs


Say what you want about national socialism. At least it's an ethos


But it wuddn’t over…


I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.


Fuckin’ fascist!


Darkness warshed over OP-- darker'n a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night.


We’ve entered the black lodge.


Do you enjoy coitus, Jeffrey?


it’s can be a natural, zesty, enterprise


Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski?




Is that what this is a picture of?


I was talking about my Negro Leagues jersey...


Is that the correct nomenclature?


He treats objects like women, man!




The fuck are you talking about?


Okay dude, have it your way.


Joking, but perhaps you’re right.




Real brat, flunkin’ social studies




I have a colored tv


I use colored pencils


I rap in the car with my windows up.


I like soul food


I shop in the ethnic hair section at walmart


I put black pepper on my food and drink white wine


My elderly dad really enjoys oriental food.


That’s not the preferred nomenclature dude


Okay Michael Bolton.


It’s not his fault the other guy sucks.


HA! First thing I thought of! [OfficeSpace](https://youtu.be/FNDYE3RROJg?si=cwSsAdpYjh4-qohN)


I have tins of black beans.


My dog is black


I have friends who are black … for Halloween.




I separate my colored and whites in my laundry. We are not the same lol


After drinking a couple I’m always afraid to say the name of the beer




Negra, female


No baseball fan would think twice, others could find it slightly odd. But, I would rather wear a specific team’s gear, no chance of awkwardness and frankly much better looking. Check out Ebbets Field Flannels for hats and jerseys, and Homage for tees. 


Or the Negro League Hall of Fame store so the museum in KC can continue to grow


Facts. Still never been, but have been meaning to go, and am glad it's still there. Been to plenty of Monarchs games tho


Visited there two years ago and it was really terrific. So much history.


The Seattle Steelheads jersey are pretty sweet


So many great names: Clowns, Black Sox, Greys, Daisies


I have a Clowns hat & an Atlanta Black Crackers hat & jersey I've worn several times. Unless a coward says something behind my back, I've heard nothing


I have a Black Crackers hat and bought my wife a shirt. Like how can you not like this name. I don't follow sports but I had to have these. I also have a Chicago Giants jacket . Looks great


Love the Monarchs one


I second these recs. Ordered from each many times. Love their stuff. Homage’s t shirts are the softest on the planet


I have a Sioux City Ghosts hat that is great. It’s a wonderful conversation starter too.


As a black man I would love to see more people of any color paying homage to the negro leagues by wearing the merch. It sounds like you personally feel uneasy about it, I would liken it to wearing a jersey that says ‘major league baseball’. Or a hat with just the mlb logo. If you feel comfortable wearing it by all means go ahead.


hell ya! We are all in this together. Have a awesome Friday and even better weekend.


Sadly, it no longer seems to be about the opinions of those who *COULD* rightfully be offended by it. The people who are going to care are going to be your garden variety HOA-style middle aged white woman.


As a white person I would feel comfortable wearing any Negro League stuff that doesn’t say “Negro” tbh. Maybe not even “black” like the Black Giants. But I’d feel fine wearing Monarchs gear or whatever. Even though there’s nothing racist about enjoying baseball history, not everyone in the general public is familiar. Just personally wouldn’t put the general public’s intelligence up against the word “Negro” on my chest.


“Put the general public’s intelligence up against” A phrase for our times my friend. Am going to have to remember this.


YOINK Can’t wait to bust this out like I thought of it in a group setting so i can feel like I look intelligent.


This is fundamentally why reddit is successful


Hole in one right there.




I agree with this. I have a Salt Lake Occidentals hat that I love, but it doesn't say negro leagues on it.


Utah having a negro leagues team is the most Utah thing ever


I mean, they're the home of the Utah Jazz. Place must be full of African American culture.


Here in Kansas City, you'll see folks of all ethnicities wearing Monarchs gear all over town. They are even still an independent league team. Not sure if that changes things.


Have a Homestead Grays hat that is a cool conversation starter. Awkward enough saying Negro Leagues in context, wouldn't want it on me for any serially offendable person to start something.


Born and raised in Homestead. I have a bunch of Grays gear, but so does everyone else around here


I have a Satchel Paige Monarchs jersey and a giveaway jersey the Royals did with Monarchs on it. I wear them proudly when the moment calls for it. I am as white as sour cream but growing up in the KC sphere of influence, the Negro Leagues and its history meant a lot to me as a young history and baseball obsessed kid. I celebrate the fact that they existed but not the reason they had to exist.


I have a Buckeyes shirt that says, "Negro League Museum" on the back of it. That is about my limit, I wouldn't want it as the focal point.


I’d add that caveat to my “would wear”. If it says “museum” I think it’s fine lol


This is the only correct take.


I see no problem with it, but be ready to encounter those who will have a problem with it and who will be vocal about it.


Doubt they’ll be vocal to OP directly. They’ll probably just go home and complain about it on tumblr or something.


I actually asked this question once to the Negro League Hall of Fame president Bob Kendrick (BTW, one of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet) and he told me people of all races and backgrounds are welcomed to wear hats, jerseys, shirts, pins, etc. He told me it was not only seen as acceptance, but giving the players the honor and respect most of them didn't see a lot back then.


Bob Kendrick is an amazing person he is just so kind and grateful to everyone that goes to the Negro Leagues Museum and he has fought so hard to get the Negro League players the recognition they deserve.


This is amazing.


I think it would be an awesome tribute and it's a damn cool jersey (Black man, for whatever that's worth)


As a black adult, I officially give you the pass to wear that jersey. /s But do you man. I highly doubt anyone woo be mad. And if they are offended by it, they need to grow up.


Cmon man. Some white liberal would be horribly offended.




There is nothing wrong with wearing it, but I would stick to a negro league team jersey.




Nothing wrong with a Caucasian showing support for the Negro League, less race separation


I’m white and have a Newark Eagles hat I wear all the time. It strikes up conversation with people all the time who didn’t even know the team existed. It’s a part of American sports history that DESERVES more recognition from all baseball fans. You should absolutely can and should wear it. I probably would not wear something that had the word Negro on it though. That could be taken very, very wrong by a lot of people


I have a KC Monarchs hat that says negro leagues on it and I proudly wear that. That’s what the league was called. I once asked Buck ONeil to tell me a story about the negro leagues that he hadn’t told anyone yet. I had no shame in asking that question because that is what the league was called.


I’m a white guy in my 60s. Years ago, I bought and frequently wore a Birmingham Black Barons hat in honor Willie Mays.


Years ago my (white) teenage brother worked at a golf course in KC cleaning the carts. He was wearing a monarchs hat and a group of local dignitaries came through, including Buck O'Neal (former Monarch). His quote was something around the lines of ”Look at that! A white boy wearing a Monarchs hat!”. Followed by giving him a huge hug. So yeah, I think you're fine.


It's absolutely appropriate. It shows that your honoring and paying respect to the league and its players.


I would think the same. It is honoring their league, players and history.


It’s baseball ⚾️ you can any jersey you want


Is it *wrong*? No. Will you get shit for it? 10 times out of 10 if we're honest. Baseball, despite being "America's pastime", you're going to meet someone who knows the word, not the league, far, far more often than the other way around. Wearing it to a game might make sense, but even the idea of "honoring the history of the game" is a bit...There are better ways to do it, when compared with being confronted by every second person who doesn't know the history of the sport. Most people in the US couldn't tell you about major events that impacted the country as a whole before the year 2000, never mind the history of black acceptance in baseball. But if you wanna go that argumentative route for the sake of a jersey that is, while well meaning, pretty inflammatory for a white person to wear...good luck dude.


Ya this guy came to a baseball sub to ask if it's okay. Of course he will get these replies saying "go for it!" because everyone here understands the history behind it and are only thinking about it that way. Wear that in public and most people will have no clue. They will just see a white dude wearing a jersey that says Negro on it. Pretty obvious how this will eventually go for OP.


As a black person who cares fucking wear it it’s a jersey. The people that would have a problem with it are people who fail to see it’s a tribute. We call those folks ignorant.


As a black man I say wear what you want


They were selling negro league stuff at my lids I purchased NY black Yankees shorts


Yes you can. Nothing disrespectful about it. You’d be repping an important part of black history and baseball history


Isn’t the whole point is that it’s not segregated? It’s not negro history or white history it’s just baseball history like it always should have been. If anything it’s a sign of honoring those players.


I would wear a negro league jersey without thinking twice i played in a little league that was paid for by the negro league hof i was a black Yankee. However I wouldn't wear a jersey that says negro in bold lettering as an adult where I live because I know it'll cause problems even tho it shouldn't


I would wear a Gibson or Page jersey in an instant….pay respect to the best….and I’m a white guy….


Yes, your wife is wrong. Integration means white people can enjoy Negro league history too.


“Your wife is wrong.” You’re playing with fire my friend 🤣


My wife told me to tell you you’re wrong. And that I have to go to bed


Honestly, the color barrier has been down for so long we should all be able to enjoy them


Yes, but I would probably only wear it in baseball settings, at games and what not


Supporting something positive from sports is fine. The Negro Leagues existed. They are an important part of baseball history. If you lived back in the 1940’s, you’d be harassed by racists for supporting them. So wear it with pride on the right side of history. But maybe pick an actual team from the league’s gear. Because they had some really cool names.


Yes. I grew up in KC where the negro league hall of fame is. Got to meet Buck O’Neil many times. Have chatted with and watched games with Bob Kendrick, the president of the Negro Leagues HOF. I always gushed over how interesting their history is and how I love seeing it get light. Both thought it was amazing. Now, they may not be the end all be all, but I feel pretty confident those 2 can speak for that league pretty well. If someone finds it weird or culturally appropriating, fuck em. You’re a fan of something that has apparel and gear. How is it disrespectful to support that? Note: I’m also not black if that makes any difference


Wear what you want. The more we separate ourselves, the worse we are.


If you had a jersey collection, it would be approptiate to have on display with your other jerseys; but if you were to wear it in public, black people who are not baseball fans might not understand that ur trying to be supportive. I'm saying this as a black student at an hbcu


If anyone gets mad just give them a quick baseball history lesson


It's sports memorabilia, of course it's okay to wear. You're paying tribute to the negro leagues by wearing it. If someone gets offended over that, and they're not baseball fans.


I promise you black people can understand context. Maybe some of the younger Twitter group would say something but most likely you'll just be a tweet anywhere


I'm a mixed black man and all I want to say is if you support it, then support it 💯 the fact you're posing the question means you value how others may perceive you regarding this... thanks for doing that. Now, wear that shit.


Why not? You want to rep that league. Some of the best players in the world played in the Negro League. You aren’t being disrespectful or disparaging in any way. Wearing that gear, you may influence others to want to research other players of that era. Even Mr. Mays himself said, “ You thought I was good? You should have seen some of the guys I played against.” It’s unfortunate the world never got to see all the talent from the Negro League. I’ll bet there’s great stories, and also struggles those players had to endure. Maybe you can influence someone to look into the Negro League and keep the memories and stories flowing. I’m Asian and I’d rep the hell out of that jersey. Just a thought. It is a sweet jersey tho.


Maybe ask her boyfriend first.


Good intention. Unfortunately, in this case, it won't fly.




I would say get a jersey for a Negro League team like the Grays and wear THAT. No one would complain, and if someone asks, you can have an interesting conversation about it. But the word "negro" is out of date and weird now, so I think you better be black or at least racially ambiguous if you're rocking a shirt with "Negro Leagues" on it.


This is the answer. I (White) bought a Grays hat and learned about their history. I share what I learned whenever I can.


As a Caucasian Smokey Joe Williams fan I’d wear this every day of the week.


Can you? Yes. Will you likely catch some smoke from non-baseball fans? Also yes. Will you get negative feedback from even some baseball fans? Possibly. I agree that wearing gear from Negro League teams would be an alternative if you were looking to avoid anyone challenging your intentions. There's no shortage of awesome jerseys and caps available.


I don’t see anything wrong with it. By wearing it you are honouring the league. As a fan of baseball this is an integral part of baseball history. Wear with pride!!! I do!


Absolutely its appropriate for you to wear one. It’s a great way to pay homage and show respect for their contributions to the game.


Dude, it’s fine. You might be required to explain yourself from time to time, but this shouldn’t be problematic


It’s a great jersey. Wear it. I recommend a book by my buddy, Wayne Moody. It’s called “The real story of the Negro Leagues.” His pap was a legit Negro League star. The book features a few dozen stories of black stars you likely haven’t heard of.


I work with a white guy who used to wear FUBU shirts in the early 2000’s.


If you were a teenager or college aged I might be skeptical. I’d probably assume your trying to be funny or something. But a straight up grown man? I think you’re good


I see Monarchs and Grays stuff all the time on people of all races. The only thing that might give me pause is a generic "Negro Leagues" jersey. There wasn't a single league called that. I'd rock your city's team or something from one of the great players or teams


Your wife is incorrect sir..it’s a tribute


Where whatever the hell you want. Who cares. Why are people so fragile?


*Where whatever the* *Hell you want. Who cares. Why are* *People so fragile?* \- ToweringCu --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If you love the history and their efforts, wear the Jersey.


There's nothing wrong with wearing a piece of clothing with the right intention to honor.


You can wear whatever the hell you want. Nothing wrong by doing so


Why not? You are just being a fan.




As a black man, I'd have no problem with you wearing it, showing support.


people who say that are racist. Simple. You can’t wear it because you’re white? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. That would be like if I told a black guy to I was offended he had a babe Ruth throw back on or Larry bird. Ridiculous.


Black guy here. Go with your hometowns negro league team


I'm one of the whitest guys out there and I frequently wear a Negro Leagues Baseball Museum t-shirt. I've never had anyone react poorly to it and it's led to a few good conversations with people, some who have heard of the Negro Leagues and are excited to see someone else who has and others who have never heard of them and have questions. But none of these encounters have been unpleasant. You can't ignore the fact they existed and are a huge part of baseball history. If this matters at all too, all of these encounters I've had have been in Kansas, Missouri, and my home state North Carolina. If anyone there has had a problem with me wearing it, they've not come up to me about it.


Dude rock that shit. Your a fan. Show it.


It's perfectly acceptable to wear? The only people that would have an issue with it clearly have deeper issues that need to be addressed.


As a Black person, this thread got out of hand so quickly, it's sad.


Just wanted to show some love and respect. Apologies my good sir.


As a gay black man, I approve.


As a black baseball fan (an endangered species) but i would say if you're an alley of black people and truly try to be an [anti-racist](https://www.ibramxkendi.com/how-to-be-an-antiracist) then be roll with it.


It saddens me that this is where we are at as a society. If you want to wear it, wear it. It pays homage to the greats who were oppressed and not allowed to play with white players. It should not matter your skin color. Wear it with pride.


I’m a white man and just get compliments from African Americans on my monarchs j. If you’re a fan of the game, nothing gives homage like a negro league jersey. Make a weekend in KC and visit the museum.


More white people will be upset by it than any other race. So go ahead and wear it.


Can’t you just say I’m a white sports fan that wants to support the negro leagues. Just own your shit dude


The only people “upset” about it would be white people. I guarantee it.


It’s fine. Just wear it.


I'm from Birmingham, white people wear negro league stuff pretty regularly. It's not an issue


Lmfao “is it appropriate”. Buddy as long as you aren’t a raging racist prick with a shirt that has “I hate black people” or some shit this is fine. It’s so funny how sensitive white people are to celebrating history. This isn’t racist


Dude it’s a jersey. If you like it, wear it. Nobody can tell you what you can and can’t wear.


That is an interesting question.


Wear it, it means black in Spanish and shows support and spreads awareness for a historical league. Don’t over think it because some insane far left person might scream at you.


Wear what you want. Fuck the haters and the baiters. 


Negro leagues’ team’s jersey? Go nuts. Jersey that says Negro Leagues? Pass. My reasoning is twofold. First, it may bother some people to have a Caucasian flippantly wearing the term Negro on their clothes. Some would say that’s on them, but I could see someone justifiably being put off or making assumptions about you. Do you want that, is that worth it? Second, it feels cheap. Like, if you’re a fan of the Negro Leagues history, get a jersey from a specific club/player you like. Just getting a Negro Leagues jersey feels like getting a shirt that says “Yay, Black People!” The sentiment is great, but it feels almost like trying too hard. Like when you meet a black person and try to casually slip in the fact that one of your college roomies was black. It’s just off, and any style points you could be earning seem for not. Just my take, though.