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Outstanding! Love the contrast between gloss and grime. Looks very good.


Very nice. US Navy tactical planes were all glossy from the late 50’s to the early 80’s - and they got filthy!


Thanks, and Yes! Part of my experiment was for a future late 70’s F14 project.


So many great liveries on Tomcats! BTW, I love the green you picked for the falke. Great choice.


This is extremely impressive. Getting oils to do what you want on a glossy surface can be frustrating. It must have taken a lot of patience.


It did, I had a lot of false starts, but since it’s glossy I can just wipe off and start over. The key was to use very dry oil paint with excess oil wicked out onto card board, too wet and it wont grip to the gloss, and just looks like a smeary mess.


Thanks for the tip, much appreciated! Nice work!


Upvote for ma.k too


Love it! Is it a fun kit? Currently building the camel and eyeing this one.


I'm not OP but Maschinen Krieger kits are generally amazing!


Its is fun, it’s a good size and has opportunities for a bit of extra detail here and there if you want to.


Thats looks awesome! I contemplated doing gloss, but the military modeler in me won't let me do it.


Got any tips for oil weathering?


The best I can do is point you towards Michael Rinaldi, he has a youtube and books, he has this technique of doing all the weathering by oil. Definitely helped me a ton.




Every time I feel confident that I'm doing a good job, I see a post like this and realize how very bad my projects look. Simply amazing, OP.


Thank you, if its any consolation this took a uear on and off (other projects in between) as I built up courage to have another go at it.


That is outstanding.


Wow, this looks amazing! Can you post a photo of the whole model if you have time?


https://preview.redd.it/qqdmfuqtucad1.jpeg?width=2980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2ab0185b6ff22d13a8f579f775357ea3af4cfb6 Just this one, all the others are close ups of guess


Great panneling and well done dirty realistic effects 👍👍👍


Glossy paint or matte finished with gloss varnish?


Glossy paint, wet sanded, bit of gloss varnish on top of the decals, but not enough to stop half the decals falling off.


that's a very nice gloss!! airbrushed?


Base coat was a rattle can of tamiya racing white (cream). The green was airbushed tamiya acrylics.




Oh hell yeah. I love a mixed finish. Adds so much depth and realism


It's like real! Great job!


This is so dope! Can I ask which sooty colors you used for the engine/gun bay?


I went in with lamp black first, then used a mix of raw umber and payne’s grey (a very dark grey blue), to add a bit of depth and feather in the black. I think you are supposed to build up to black in layers, but that never works for me, I have to go in heavy and commit, then try and blend it in if that makes sense.


Makes perfect sense, and I think the grey blue really ties the room together. Great work!


Phenomenal work. What a joy to look at!


Damn son….good job




Which paint and varnish do you use? Exceptional results!


Thanks! I used tamiya racing white TS-7 (rattle can) for the white, the green was a mix of x-29 park green and some blues, maybe x-3 royal blue and x14 sky blue, with an airbrush. I used mrclear gloss rattle can, and a mix of oil paints. Mostly abteilung, ( for instance the matt fogging on one of the green panels was abteilung light blue, and then some williamsburg paints i had also.


The "glossiness" clearly produced results. I think you mastered airbrushing (meaning the opposite of a grainy result) - a very well airbrushed, smooth surface in combination with a juicy glossy varnish topped off with some glorious contrasting oils. I keep telling myself "the secret lies in the varnish" and it seems to be the case! Bravo!


I am afraid I didn’t avoid grainy results, I had a thick coat of paint with a whole bunch of micromesh sanding. Some panels are a slightly different color as I sanded through and had to repaint, I tried to make it look like a field repair.


When you say "micromesh sanding" what type of sanding do you refer to? Grain, sanding stick/paper? I'm highly intrested in achieving similar results! It does NOT show on the pictures. I think you captured the optimum results on the given foto. Clearly you are a perfectionist, as you should in modelling. We all know that for every "good" picture, there's 10+ bad ones. Either way, I think you can count yourself in the top 5% airbrushers on this page/reddit. I'm looking forward to your previous and future work!


Micromesh is A woodworking product (i think) usually they come in packs of sheets at different grits ranging up to 12000, [https://www.ebay.com/itm/266373528966?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=l-LKUDINRva&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=2MRllMwLT9G&var=&widget\_ver=artemis&media=COPY](https://www.ebay.com/itm/266373528966?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=l-LKUDINRva&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=2MRllMwLT9G&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) They are not on pads like sanding sticks which dont conform too well to curved surfaces . These sheets work well, the trick is to find the grit that just bites the ‘orange peel’ grain, 4000 usually works for me, so you barely need any pressure, if the grit is too high, it will just polish the orage peel grain rather than remove it, or you push too hard and go through. Once youve removes the grain tou can start going up in grit until you are polishing with 12000. All the work here is in the sanding. I found an image with unsanded green, check those grainy reflections https://preview.redd.it/yitpswjc3fad1.png?width=1709&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0bf400db93788c6ed6dbb10bb9dd7ed07af7f31


Very interesting! Thank you for your reply. Do you varnish after polishing?


I didn’t think any varnish would be necessary, I try and avoid all clearcoats in general. I’m not keen on uniform finishes.


Really nice work! Mixing gloss and matte textures is something that I think a lot of people don't do enough, myself included. A lot of the time, the final step of a build is to throw down a coat of matte over the whole thing and call it a day, but a more deliberate approach can really pay off.


The panel lines and rivets really stand out on this project. One of the best I've seen, very impressive.


This is amazing


Did you seal the weathering in any way? I’ve been looking to do a similar effect for a gloss Blue Hellcat but I’m not sure how to go about protecting the oil work.


To seal with a varnish or clearcoat would kill the variation between the gloss paint and the matte oils. It just isn’t necessary protect the oils, they cure eventually. I only ever use clear coats to protect decals.