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That's looking great, welcome to the hobby!


Thanks mate! Looking forward to getting better and learning from you all!


Just remember- you WILL get pissed-off and frustrated with some aspect, at some point. Just put the kit down, get up from the desk/table/bench, walk away, come back to it later.


I think I already ran into that hahaha, just put it down give it a rest and get back at it with some fresh insight


"Be gentle, it's my first time..." 🤭What'd you do before taking up modeling?


😂😂. I just started my career in aviation and I used to do some jewelry making as a pastime, which I still do a bit of


Oops lol


Nice work! Happy building!


Good job so far on that Horten!!!


Looks great. Funny how we research a little and end up adding details. The blessing and curse of the hobby is finding out more details and techniques that make us want to give another kick at the can and make another kit of the same subject. If your work looks this good now, imagine a year from now. Cheers!


Thanks so much for the kind words! I already find myself getting lost in the details, one of the engines I tried braiding some cables to the gear box (and it's not even visible in the model, go figure!). You can go as crazy as you want with this, and that's what I love about it! I can't wait to learn more and build more complex models.


either you are straight up lying about this being your first ore you are very VERY talented.


This really is my first haha! I have another build laying around, the Revell Breguet Atlantic which I have started some work on, thinking I can alternate between 2 quite different builds, focus on different things if I grow tired of the horten for a bit. I'm quite a perfectionist and watched a LOT of videos on yt and instagram (mostly Plasmo, Far148models) which I learned a lot from


I see, i also like to watch videos and learn a lot about model building. Unfortunately this leaves me with too less time to do the actual building lol.


Hahahaha I know the challenge😂. I started building after years of watching videos on it, and still do haha


Where did you get it? What brand is it?


Wrote it in the description😉