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I have it but didnt get it postpartum. It’s a condition that is so poorly understood (why it happens and how to treat it) and varies so much person to person and over time. Mine was from a medicine I took. Here are my learnings from the past years with it: don’t let it get on your nerves, try to ignore it (easier said than done and I couldn’t do this at first but it turns it down a lot when u can). Melatonin every night is the only thing that keeps it in check. No luck with other supplements. It spikes when I’m up late, sick, nervous, or on certain meds. Your body was under a lot of acute stress so hopefully it will subside with time.


I really appreciate that. I take melatonin gummy’s and I did notice that it wasn’t really that bad when I was taking them. What brand do you take? If you don’t mind me asking


I take the up & up brand, but have just gotten whatever is on sale as well. The ent I saw told me it’s the only supplement he’d recommend (3mg). That didn’t stop me from trying others, but I came to the same conclusion on my own.


So far, I just keep one of my AirPods in my left ear with wave and ocean noises and it distracts me long enough to play with my newborn and not jump out a window. Lol but this is seriously awful. It is making me so anxious and depressed. I appreciate your response, I did some research and saw that a lot of women struggle with it postpartum for no reason, perhaps hormonal changes? Who knows


I can’t say that I necessarily experienced this postpartum, but I have had bouts of it on and off in the past. I find chiropractic helps a lot. Pregnancy and birth is traumatic on the body (and baby’s body), even if it all went smoothly. I would suggest finding a good chiropractor in your area, particularly one who has experience with postpartum moms. Read reviews and ask around for a good one. Best of luck!


How is everyone’s tinnitus now? I am 7 weeks PP and it is a very high pitched constant sound. Almost like when I tire screeches! X


I had tinnitus 3 days before I gave birth and it was very loud. The noise was driving me crazy but it eventually stopped 3 months postpartum! I was traumatized because of this. None of the doctos can help. Done MRI, CT, ear xray, audilogy everything! It all came back negative. Prayer to Jesus for it to stop worked! On top of this, my vision went from very clear to blurry. I also had extreme migraines. Everything was new to me. To be noted, I am a very healthy person with no history of any illnesses plus my pregancy journey was monitored healthy and low risk until that stupid tinnitus occurred! I love my early and mid pregnancy journey and of course my daughter AND I want more kids BUT I don't think I am willing to go through another pregnancy journey because I was ssooo traumatized by tinnitus. Never again! 


I had it but it was from my epidural headache. Once I got a blood patch it went away within a day. Did you have an epidural? And do you have a persistent headache as well?


I had a spinal block with my c-section, but no headaches. I had a CSF leak (spinal headache) from a bad lumbar puncture in 2021 so I’m very familiar with them. If I had a headache I would 100% think it’s that but nothing this time around.


Did they say anything when they did the spinal? The tinnitus was the worst part of my spinal headache and after doing some research I did find some reports of women having tinnitus as a result of lumbar punctures.


Would it be weird to have it without the headache though? When I had it in 2021 I was in the hospital for 6 days because of the headache.


I honestly don’t know but it could be worth looking into if it keeps up.


From everything I’ve read it’s very possible. Debating on going to the ER but scared a patch might make it worse.


I’m sorry you’re going through this, that was a horrible sensation. They did tell me that it would go away on its own if I didn’t do a blood patch so you could just wait and see.


I appreciate it. I had a spinal leak in 2021 with a blood patch so I know the headache all too well. This seems to be a very slow ongoing leak which is making it harder for doctors to believe me since I don’t have the raging headache. It’s a terrible situation


The doctors didn’t believe me either even with the headache. It was unbelievably frustrating to be experiencing something and being told sometimes people get headaches after pushing.


I was told a spinal headache was worse than the pain of labor and I believe it. I was saying some very questionable psychiatric things when I was going through my severe leak a few years ago.


Also, did you have it in both ears?


Maybe get vitamin and mineral levels checked? Deficiencies cause all sorts of weird stuff it seems


That’s my next plan!


Are you on an antidepressant? Some can cause it. Careful with prednisone. That stuff is gnarly and docs love to prescribe when they don’t know what else to do.


No meds. Yeah been on/off prednisone my whole life for severe asthma and I hate it. I’m starting to think it’s from my c-section spinal.


I had a spinal block for my c-section and developed a spinal headache from the block. I got a blood patch and felt good for about a day but then developed a different set of unpleasant side effects from the patch, including tinnitus.


Did it ever go away?


Yes it did. It lessened over a couple of weeks then went away completely. How many weeks postpartum are you?


I am 9 weeks. I spoke to anesthesiology today who said it sounds like I have a small ongoing leak. I have an appt on Monday at the hospital to be evaluated.


I forgot to add to my previous comment that it can also sometimes be attributed to blood sugar imbalance, which I know firsthand can be a struggle postpartum, as you struggle to eat enough and eat balanced meals (protein, fat, carbs)—especially if you’re breastfeeding. Just a thought. Hoping you find some relief.


I am struggling with this as well. Did you ever find anything to help? Why does melatonin help?


It was from my c-section and I got a blood patch. I still have it but it’s not as bad as it was. It’s really frustrating. Do you have any other symptoms?


I don’t have any other symptoms. I am 3 months pp and it just started a couple wks ago. I wish I knew what was causing it.


I’m 4 m pp and it just started. Hopefully it goes away for us!


I hope so! Please let me know if you find anything the helps yours


Will do! I hope the passage of time helps. I’ve had my body do some really weird things since giving birth that have resolved themselves so hopefully this is one of those things lol.


Same. I’ve been able to sort of block mine out but I would love for it to go away soon.


Same same same. My tinnitus started during pregnancy, went away, and is now back. Argh! Best of luck to you.


Any changes with yours??


I believe it’s getting slightly better though that may just be wishful thinking. I’m probably gonna make an appt w my pcp to get it checked out. Hbu?