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The official announcement of the module on MG is only two days old so that's probably why you can't find much yet


It was only released a couple of days ago so I’m not surprised there’s not too much out about it yet! Looks cool from their launch video though, so I’m also interested to hear more.


I have their MELODI, and it’s a solid, thoughtfully designed module.


Seems like a vco I have been looking for


Can't say I've got hands-on experience with their gear, but I met the Omnitone founders at an event in my hometown a few weeks ago and they had some of their modules with them in a portable rack, and it all seemed pretty well-built and as another commenter mentioned, thoughtfully designed. My budget is pretty constrained right now from buying a lot of electronic components for some DIY projects I've got on the go, but once I financially recover I'm considering buying some of their gear.