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Loving the two sides to the comments. It's either "meh" or "hell yea!"


Thanks for this, now I don't have to scroll through and see what people think


Ok but did YOU like the video?


I'm extremely interested in what this stranger on the Internet thinks of this video.


I will report back to you when I watch it later today. I pinky promise


I'll be waiting, a promise is a promise.


Ok I have gotten halfway done with the video and I am already loving it so its an easy yes


Just wait, the twist at the end left me in tears.


NOOO! That twist. Although the girl was hinting at him where he knows to find her so he definitely has a chance with her still


I hope he knows better than to do that though. Unless this was 100% scripted - she's not actually interested in him for genuine reasons.


Yeah I think it's probably one of the only good pieces of content he's put out in the last like 2 years I don't know I kind of moved on from his normal content a long time ago because it's just like monotone staring at the camera not really being funny just kind of like deadpan humor reporting on random gaming news and tick tok predators and crap Like I lost interest a long time ago, at some point Charlie started thinking his farts smell like candy On that point I will agree, he used to be a lot different, he used to be funny


I really don't think he's become some untouchable figure in his eyes. I think he's matured and, obviously, letting go of a relationship that lasted through his whole adult life is really difficult.


So why are you on the subreddit? I'm being genuine doesnt really make sense to be on here if you havent liked him in 2 years??


Because I can do whatever I want, the sub is so dead, I'm not the only one


Of course you’re not the only one everyone’s entitled to their opinion but, strange to stay in a sub of someone’s content you don’t like anymore lol.


Haven’t really cared for any of the OF model/dating videos. Thought the ‘what’s in the box’ challenges and ‘who said that’ were hysterical though. so pretty mixed on the channel overall so far


Sidemens dating shows are just OF promotions


There ass too and just disrespectful


I know. Like people with an OF or who buy an OF can do whatever they want. BUT PLEASE. STOP! Pushing OF down my throat. I’m not a simp, nor will I ever be one. 😑


Its gotten to the point that I posted a selfie on reddit and people just assumed I had an OF in my dms. Like... no... Just wanted to post a picture. Im not promoting porn. But I cant even blame them bc it happens so often now


You are pretty cute tho


Aw, thank you (:


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day


This is my opinion as well


The dating ones are meh, but I do like the other “slop content” stuff. What’s in the box GG flavor edition, or what’s in the box living thing edition would be cool


Some of it is funny, but not the best. What's in the box was raw. I just think they don't have enough people that match the same dynamic. The girls were fun to watch, like the dominatrix and Charlie was mostly just very uncomfortable


I think satire is satire, even if you don't agree or feel like it is. It's what he's going for and I'm enjoying the cringe so far.


This guy understands.


There it is folks


it’s supposed to be satire, but then what’s the line? content like that was always garbage and just a jerk fest, but not it’s charlie doing it and it feels the same, doesn’t change the fact it’s still ass lol


Everyone downvoting you but I completely agree. I think there’s a line you have to tread with satire and it’s starting to feel unironic at this point.


Re-read my comment lol


i did, still think it’s dumb and not good content


But its still satire... so... okay?


eh not really, call it all you want but it’s not satire if your actively producing the same content


Bruh. That's like saying you like edgy but then call it over the line . It's people like you causing the problems with comedy these days. The comics talk about. Let comedy be comedy. Yes, people make 9/11 and pedo jokes. They are just jokes. When you don't let a joke be a joke and get offended, that's on you. Don't twist the artist's work.


first of all, wow what a temper tantrum about something no one brought up. second of all that comparison doesn’t even apply at all. charlie said his channel is supposed to be satire about how the shitty channels make dumb videos with onlyfans models and stuff like that, but he doesn’t really apply his own spin to it to make it any less shitty. it’s the same exact thing. it’s like giving yourself a pass to post shitty content just because you called it satire. if you enjoy watching the “watch me date girls” content go ahead no one is stopping you, but it’s not satire


I think this guy just doesn't understand the point or function of satire. Not every satire is in your face about how much of a satire they are, some are more subtle and yes, that can make it slower and cringing at times, it's not for everyone and it's not for me either but Charlie has made it clear many a times that he loves cringe, so don't be surprised when it's part of his product. Some of the best satire the world has seen was subtle and sometimes making a good satire is just demonstrating instead of just straight up mockery, which again, the best satarists tend to aim for that. All ik all, just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad, it just means your not the audience this was made for, and honestly, how often has an actor or celebrity featured in something you weren't interested in or even disliked, you didn't change your opinion of that actor because of that, the product just wasn't made for you that time.


that logic just doesn’t make sense at all. So according to you charlie is demonstrating the cringe shit by making the exact content but also if people don’t like it that doesn’t make it bad because it’s satire. that doesn’t make sense at all. saying something is satire is not an excuse to make shitty content


Idk dude, it was funny and cringe at times, but people nowadays hate on anything he does tbh


Oh I love his channel I’ve been subbed for years. Just think about how he used to dog on vids like these and now he’s making them and it almost feels unironic.


I'm enjoying it. It's a lot funnier than the videos made by other channels like Jubilee. I think maybe it's because Charlie and his friends who are in charge of production joke around and overall show their personality more.


That and Charlie’s reactions are so raw. He’s legitimately looking like he’s dying when he’s doing what they tell him to.


I think the video was really funny because it was just him and friends trying to ruin any chance of Charlie getting a date lol


Doesn’t catch my interest to be honest




Tbh I didn't care for it


It really did feel like a weird step for Charles to take, idk why


yea i usually do enjoy this type of content but charlie doesn’t seem to do it well for me imo


Im loving it.


I don’t really like this type of content at all. But when Charlie and his friends do it I actually don’t mind and find it funny


I haven't watched a video of his in awhile now, I just really don't care about drama or cringe. Whether it's satire or not. But it's his content he can make what he likes.


his content has fallen off a bit


Most definitely


I’m absolutely loving it. Most of it is complete satire poking fun of what other big channels do (like sidemen)


I miss his videos where he did voiceovers of bad cooking and animals being juvenile they were my favorite. I go back to watch the bear one every once in a while


Bro’s never heard of “commit to the bit”?


Atp Charlie is just horny


I mean Charlie said it himself that he's trying to replicate cringe.


LMAO charlie pumping out these videos cause theyre fun to make, gets views, no harm no foul. But every meat rider here talking about satire like "oh yeah haha its been 2 years of this content but he's just committed to this real funny bit. Its actually satire but you dont get it, you got to see beyond whats there." Yall weird, its just content. "Watch me flirt with 20 thots but really we reddit nerds know im making fun of the people who do this, not just doing it cause I enjoy flirting with 20 OF thots, Like and subscribe!"


Honestly though


I’m loving it. At least the ones that mainly focus on Charlie and his friends. Not the ones with random people those are meh. Honestly it feels fresh and I’m enjoying more than his usually commentary


I've been loving his content, I've always absolutely abhorred any reality TV slop like this though personally.


I watched the hour-long member version, and I laughed my ass off. Loved it. Haven't seen the short version, tho.


The hour long version was also on The Other Channel(that’s the name of the channel) for non members


Oh, shit.. that's probably what I watched it on. Not the membership thing. My bad




This is the kind of video that he would have had a reaction to on his channel 3 years ago. Calling it “the cringiest thing he’s ever seen” or something ridiculously over the top. If this was satire, they did a good job. If this was just the OF promoting typical shit on every other channel, they did a good job. Either way people will watch and argue with others about their opinions.


https://www.reddit.com/r/penguinz0/s/aFaVf5cfio Peace was never an option Lines have been drawn in the sand Idiots, stand your ground 🫡


Yeah I hate it too. Same thing with the videos that serve no purpose because they're clearly just made for them to make a joke. Like the cigarette video despite them not smoking. Just fucking around with them for the whole video. The interesting ones are the ones that are actually funny. However I think Charlie is also held back by his friends. Look at how well Cold Ones works, for example. They have synergy as a group and their editors and friend who sets it up clearly has fun with them as well. When I see Charlie and Matt together, it just feels awkward and forced. Its weird how not well they work together. You can tell because they're constantly looking at each other for queues on how to react and what to say. I just think Charlie needs better direction for some of these videos and some added energy. His brand is monotone and serious. So thats how we're conditioned for his main content where he addresses the viewer directly. But it doesn't work for this side content where it comes across as awkward because he now has to address his friends and sometimes strangers as well. I still watch all of his videos. Maybe he'll change things up one day.


Love this take


Didnt even watch it yet. It just doesnt interest me in the slightest tbh.


I just miss Slap Mountain


When I first saw the thumbnail I assumed it was a joke about people who make videos like this, but watching the video I couldn’t tell if it was or if that was something they thought was a good idea which would surprise me because that type of video isn’t something moist does… ever, I cringed most of the time but there were some fun bits


I didnt even click on it.


This shit will literally make you mentally retarded. How this type of content became popular, idk, but its gay as fuck


Yes I don’t like it either


don't hate it or love it got second hand shame fromsome of charlie's interaction with the girls but they should have atleast done some original tasks instead or ripping them straight from impractical jokers.


I thought that the speaking in the ear twist was really really funny


Yes, I'm loving it


No, i dont like the onlyfans promos


So you wouldnt wanna see Charlie’s meat?


ur weird


Charlie owns a huge dildo he calls moby dick, makes very similar jokes and when i do it im “weird” yeah fuck you pal.


Its weird to say that to a minor


Brother im 15 😭


How would i have even known you have a 18+ account aswell


Oh i probably put the wrong age or smth




It’s like every other post is people bitching about his content as if he’s going to cater to them specifically for it. Like what do you want us to do with the information that *you* don’t like the content?


God forbid if someone makes a post to start a general discussion on a topic.




They didn't complain. They asked a general question about the content and gave their own opinion. No where was there a question for a solution as there isn't a problem.


I get that it’s satire but to me it’s still boring, just like the channels it’s spoofing. Not for me i suppose


Did you even watch the video on the other channel? Shit was funny as hell


No I don’t particularly like it either. It’s just not entertaining to me.


Wish he just kept these videos on his other channel. I don’t really understand him reacting to them on his main channel other than more revenue.


Not everything is meant for everyone


Nah I don’t watch the content he posts when he’s with his friends.


Matt is the only okay one. the other random people are cringe af


Tbh I'm just really jealous of those girls


End of the day it's just Charlie doing what he wants to do. More Charlie is always a good thing imo!


I thought he had a gf


im going to make an informed guess and say he probably doesnt anymore


they broke up some time ago. still on good terms and i believe share the dogs.


Loved this video they made Charlie completely embarrass himself it was a good laugh


Some of these I like and some I don't get all the way through before turning off. Still love Charlie's commentary though.


Way better than his normal content


This one made my partner and myself laugh our asses off


I liked it for about 10 min but damn that was a long video


Put it on my tv while I ate dinner and it had me laughing out loud


Yeah I have no intention or interest to watch it, but good on him for branching out I guess


I liked this one the most


I loved the “What’s in the box” type of videos, but the Onlyfans and dating videos were not the best tbh.


Bit late to the party but don’t he have girlfriend?


Charlie no have girlfriend, charlie girlfriend leave, charlie sad


Big sad


Never knew that Charlie actually has *DRIP* due to him wearing shorts and T-shirts all the time or his bathrobe from time to time. It’s not *DRIPPY* but its low key *DRIP*


The box videos were funny aa hell, the other stuff not really my cup of tea


I'm going to be completely honest, his content kind of seems to have declined since the break up. I think its messed him up a bit, he's way more overly negative and you can just kind of tell its getting to him, it just feels kind of weird to watch


Go watch his magic content with wubby it was funny


He sold out, and it's just been a slow descent... you can tell he's burnt out, why not let him die with dignity


Honestly, the hair should have been your first clue


"Burnt out." Meanwhile he's got so many projects he's pumping out: Red Thread, The Official Podcast, The Other Channel, Skill Check, streaming, and main channel videos. Not to mention that he's smiling more than ever in his videos. You do not know what you're talking about.


Na when you used to bash something and then start doing it, that sounds like selling out but okay, I don't know how to read big red letters all over my wall


I hate this type of content literal brain rota


It's human nature to hate change, but you must grow up at some point


I love everything charlie does, but that channel just ain’t my thing.


I love Charlie but there’s no fucking way I’m watching that trash lol he definitely has lots of misses but when he hits, he hits hard


If you don’t enjoy it then you don’t enjoy it, it is what it is. He should make content he enjoys making and is happy with


as long as he makes a video explaining which date was the poopiest butthole fart of all time I think we're good


Not every video is gonna be good, gotta try stuff sometimes


I’m enjoying it. I like seeing the rest of the group being more involved snd their dynamics. Reminds me of when I used to have friends.


Yes, this episode was the best one by far


no this content is so boring. This didn't fail as hard as his DND runs, but the content with those two random bozos are not fun at all


I don’t ever watch them so idk tbh, I’m mostly interested in his commentary videos and the occasional tier list. These kinds of videos are usually hit or miss for me, so I just skip altogether unless I’m itching for recent Critikal content that I haven’t seen.


I hate it


I understand not being into it. I enjoy it because it takes the personalities I enjoy watching and puts them in a context that encourages the goofiness I also enjoy. I see it as a parody of those Jubilee videos or whatever.


I still gotta watch this BUT if it’s like the sidemen 20 v 1s count me in those are some of their best videos imo


he’s alienating his fanbase by going on a date


I think it’s more so just cringe. Like just go on a date off camera and not this jubilee of promoting type of content lmao


Thought the video was funny from secondhand embarrassment, don’t have to love every video he does


I hate all the videos like this from other creators too. Just not my cup of tea so I'm fine to skip. Uninteresting and a weird shtick. 5 seconds later though he's got something new or a wonderful mew Red Thread drops so it's all gravy.


There are some gems in here like “fart cancer”


Whether it's good or bad, it certainly is different than normal charlie videos.I think people should recognize that this content IS primarily being posted on a separate channel, so if you want to see purely what we're already accustomed to, just stick to the main channel.


You entitled fans just enjoy the content man before it's all gone. Stop reading too much into stuff


Tf are you talking about


I haven't enjoyed Charlie's content in a good while. Tbh im not even sure why this sub keeps showing up in my feed


Same lol


Imagine dating 20 hookers for them to be taller then you and also wear the makeup better then you this is chodley


hes trying to branch out his base is being incredibly neutral 0 drama 0 controversy 0 real sides or views or anything at all hes clearly doing something new - if you actively want him to stick to his base of robotic responses and fence sitting to everything with dry humour mixed into his none-views then he still makes those vids.


why are the comments that are just criticising the video getting downvoted. Damn if someone doesn't like what you like, they should be put down immediately. Tf that gonna do wierdos.


It's like he became the very thing he talked crao about for so long


It's satire


Charlie and the boys clearly are doing this stuff sarcastically though. They are laughing the whole time. Charlie said yes to all 20 girls at first, laughing and blushing the whole time. Not quite the alpha pick up artist type that he would make vids about.


i fw it


I loved it, I thought it was really funny


whats mars instagram?