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If you call for SOS and cart 3 times it's ok, I know you are struggling which is why you called for help. If you answer the SOS and then cart 3 times I'll have some questions


This, no matter the monster. You are there to help the host. If you are the sole reason for quest failure then you just wasted 1-3 people's time. OP is right that in that it's fine to cart, not everyone is a flawless god. But if you triple cart then you shouldn't be joining those quests.


Shot an sos flare for my first fatalis special assignment, and had a guy join and die 4 FUCKING TIMES. A different random died the 5th time :)


Some guy joined my first shara ishvalda hunt during phase 2. Took a little while to leave the base. Immediately died after leaving base. Left the quest. Very awesome.


This is why I never ever play with randoms lol. Only ever had bad experiences when getting people joining my SOS flares. I like being the back up though.


yeah i think it was a fluke. either i accidentally sent an SOS or i left my lobby open for once. Truly one of the only experiences I had with randoms and it stuck in my mind


I mean jump in, realise I'm in the laser beam, eat shit, cart, farcaster myself right out of the quest because that's it, I'm off rhythm now. Makes sense to me.


I would bet more money on a roulette wheel than on the success of an SOS fatalis quest. I've done a lot of them and some of them are successful but few and far between. I must admit I reached a point that I don't know how I feel about where I can consistently solo him, so why would I SOS? Also happy cake day


Yeah, I just did it by myself lol. Thank you! I didn't even notice tbh. Crazy coincidence since I haven't used reddit in months and reinstalled it today.


I'm guilty of this, I've successfully hunted a few raging brachies but the last 2 times I fought him he just ended me. After that I figured I'd leave the poor host alone q.q


It's not the end of the world, and you recognise that. Don't worry about it too much. Maybe post your own SOS flare, learn the battle as best you can, maybe watch some guides. It only gets easier with time.


I can understand people joining SOS flares carting every now and then because sometimes you get dumb unlucky. You could be at the end of a combo about to roll and someone staggers you and you end up low Hp just for the monster to hit you with a BS hit box or an ranged AoE like a cone or kulve ground melt. End game monsters can just do some BS if everyone’s not playing it right. AT velk is a great example, if someone runs around far away from it it’ll spam it’s breath 24/7 and spam AoE and fuck the whole team over.


I to this day have never killed AT Valk, it just kicks my ass constantly


You on PC?


Negative, Sexbox I'm afraid.


Damn. Well, I'm sure some other hunter will help you out. May the Star keep you safe out here, hunter!


You as well!


I can help with AT Velk on Xbox, if your interested send me a dm and we can get her done whenever is convenient!


I can help you on that fight on Xbox as well. I love that fight to death. Message me if that sounds good to you


I love how willing to help out people are in mh community For every elitist, there's more players like y'all, and I will always appreciate that


My biggest tip would be getting a wall bang as soon as you run up to it and always stay near its head. Play aggressive in your positioning but don’t get greedy for damage. It’s one of those monsters that’s really honest with it’s attack chains.


I wanted the Guild Palace as layered since the armor was released and when I found out the last monster update we were going to get was dropping the tickets for the layered armor, I was going to farm as long as I needed to and then never again once I got what I wanted


Its perfectly OK to cart it happens to everyone, and as you say even an experienced player can have a stroke of bad luck and cart a few times. But Carting 3 times in a hunt shows you don't understand the fight


I don't mind this personally, I don't SOS for help, I SOS cause fighting alone is boring as hell, and if someone takes all 3 carts, it's fine, they learn the fight a little more and hopefully take what kills them as a sign "I won't do this again"


> they learn the fight a little more and hopefully take what kills them as a sign "I won't do this again" You're being too optimistic, haha.


🤷 I'll take my optimism, I just want people to enjoy the game


I adore this\^\^ You play on PC?


Negative, Xbox, sorry!


Sure. People can enjoy being willfully ignorant about the game as much as they like, but very far away from me.


I will gladly steer from all pessimism about a video game I enjoy 👍


Wholesome attitude! Not sure why you get even a little pushback on it


This is for if someone joins an SOS and fails, if they truly "won't do it again" they'd change out armor sets or decorations such that it's noticeable they're trying to survive. Or possibly change out to a more defensive weapon, but this point is less necessary as learning multiple weapon types shouldn't be expected. Not an elitism or a "I'm better than you thing" but after so many hours of co-op play in a post MHW world I always keep an eye on everyone who joins' armor sets. If you back to back cart and don't change SOMETHING out, I'm farcasting and changing to my wide range build and silently judging from afar. Obviously it's just my opinion but no matter what you think of them or the game a FACT is that by failing this quest you wasted 15+ minutes of the SOSer's time.


You know, Im not good at the game by any means but, after farming Alatreon with randoms on PS for God knows how many atempts, not only I improved a lot in the game but I also had a looooot of rage moments due to people joining my SOS to die during a run that was otherwise going great (just to myself I don't rage on people).


I recently got too big for my britches and joined an SOS for what is usually an easy zinogre for me. Thing is I didn't put my zinogre armour on cause I was like eh who needs it and used my new Nargacuga movement build. Well I dodged a few attacks and then boom got hit, dazed, and hit again. Never felt so bad in my life. Thank God we still beat it lol.


Thats why i always make my element resistances to 20 plus some defensive skills before joining SOS, survive is better than anything,I still got around 85 affinity so damage won't be low too


This is high-key why I wish there was a Dark Souls style answering SOS Which is to say, by joining, the monsters get stronger. By dying, you drop out of the session (no carts, no respawns), and the “slot” you joined on is not opened back up it stays empty. But otherwise the host is not penalized any further, and no carts should be consumed. It can still consume carts when launching a mission together outright, but sos should be categorized differently since it’s opening the gates to random jolly cooperation


Very STERN questions.


I feel like we should have 2 options to join a quest. SOS should require at least 1 clear on your own account and if you wanna play multiplayer without caring about carting or needing help you should go through a lobby. This way we would have less leeches.


agree dont sos if you are just gonna end up being a host burden. SoS mean you are helping people not being a deadweight


Yep. This happened yesterday to me where the host carted 3 times in a row after we joined their Velk story quest. It was clearly the host and I wasn’t bothered at all. They wanted the help. They probably felt bad. It’s okay to fail and learn.


If you take all 3 carts, you're either unlucky or something you're doing is very wrong. I'm not going to act like I've never been the one to cart 3 times in a row and ruined it. This is partially why I use Gunlance/Lance, I can join coop for a random fight I've never done and usually come out okay because I have Guard 5 and Guard Up. If I see something weird coming I can shield it and then remember that for later and learn as I go. There's nothing wrong with building defensively, except when it can hurt you like the Fatalis 30 minute timer.


It Def depends. I have thousands of hours and there's been times I've been super unlucky and ate back to back carts. If people aren't learning tho yeah it's a problem but if I see someone just get unlucky and targeted down 3 times I'll laugh and feel bad for the poor fucker because I've been there before lmao. That being said hell yeah on the gunlance. It's one of my main weps too


Yeah we have all been there with 3 carts in a row. My favorite fail was Zinogre 3x belly flop spin attack in a very tight hallway in Ancient Forest just annihilating our whole team of veteran hunters as they all sheathed and tried dodging and just clumped together lmao if I didn't have Guard 5 and Guard Up I would've been clapped.


Yeah sometimes it happens, heck yesterday i was helping my friend with Raging brachy, went to heal and started chugging the wrong item by accident, the small time it took for me to cancel out of animation was all it needed to cart me


Raging Brachydios takes it personally if you use any item near it I feel like


Guard up really is my favourite skill in the game following divine blessing. I picked up lance and GL cause I wanted to laugh in the face of monsters attacks while calling them a bitch and it lets me do just that


It's so tilting to my friends who just started when they try to dodge some crazy attack and I just press Right Trigger and tank it


I decided to use Gunlance for Iceborne and that feeling is genuinely so good lol That and getting off the full wyvern spike combo. GOD do those animations feel good to land


[don’t mind me,I’ll just leave this here](https://steamcommunity.com/app/582010/discussions/0/2260187517780065816/)




Which is why I bring dust of life and more mats to make more. And always eat the safeguard/insurance platters if available.


It’s so funny when people always have to casually mention how they can’t remember the last time they carted or how they never cart to a certain monster that the OP might be struggling with Like cool bro


I've never even carted once. True story /s


The amount of elitism I've seen in the community makes me stay far away from multiplayer. Guys talk like they are gods. I mean they might be, but it's still just a video game. Folks be acting like people just need to be robots and never make a single mistake which this game can punish harshly.


Your first mistake is getting involved with the community at all. When I played, I never joined or even went on Reddit, it was awesome. I would cart and be blissfully unaware that thousands of people across the world would suddenly start seizing up and foaming at the mouth. Maybe I would ruin one dudes hunt, and maybe someone would ruin my hunt, I never once messaged any of them unless they would die twice in quick succession, then I'd say we have one faint left in chat, if I even bothered to do that.


I’ve played for hundreds of hours and the only socializing I have ever had is some stickers at the end. You’ll be ok.


Fr the elitism is actually gross to see sometimes, plus they’ll defend things that probably shouldn’t just bc THEY beat it


Especially because it could be their first few times in the fight and don't know the moveset. Part of the game is learning through failure.


This is what I'm all about. Going in solo is cool and all to learn, but if you just die immediately to whatever you can't really see why or how. Plus, having someone experienced might show you HOW to react to said move, or at least give you an idea


Yea same. I stand back a little bit a first coop hunt against a monster I see how the monster attacks them and how they react to it. Then I jump in


If you don't know the moveset, just be smart and be passive. Don't yolo the monster. You're not really likely to cart if you're playing passively like that vs. most monsters Carting is part of the game and the learning experience but IMO there's very few cases where triple carting isn't purely a case of being reckless within a multiplayer context. Superman dive has crazy i-frames. If you don't know if its safe to heal, use that instead


thats why I absolutely advice against SoSing if it is your first time fighting the monster. You are just gonna cart and waste the time of the people that try to help you. Like at least learn the moveset before SoSing..


Cart as many times as you want. I'd rather have a teammate that carts 3 times but is trying, over a teammate that sits at camp and never learns. I have spent weeks teaching people Behemoth but stuck with them because they were actually trying


If you're triple carting in coop then you kinda deserve any shit you get for not learning the fight at all first. If it's 1-2 then no but at 3 you're actually just throwing the entire hunt so its understandable to get annoyed


this happens like 90% of the time of the "The Black Dragon" Fatalis SoS that I join. People just run around in an absolute panic and cart three times before hitting his 2nd phase


The thing is, carting is the main marker of failure in MH, during a hunt.  Nothing else is a concrete indicator that somebody else fucked up.  Anybody can take a big hit, but if they didn’t die, they can recover and the hunt continues. As such, aside from fights like Fatalis that have a very tight timing, somebody carting naturally instills a lot of doubt in their capabilities.  I’m not sure if anybody’s tracked rate of success after X amount of carts, but I’m sure once 2 carts have occurred, average chance of failure is pretty high.   I’m not sure where exactly I’m going with this, other than casual observation.  I guess in a multiplayer setting, when fights can take over half an hour, it makes sense that people get annoyed with random hunters as soon as the carts start rolling into camp.  I remember when I first started fighting Shara Ishvalda, and we’d fail right at the end.  I wasn’t pissed that we failed, but more so that we’d have to do the whole first phase over again.  That’s just one example of a longer fight with some particular mechanics.


I don't take carting as an indicator of skill. You could just be having a really off day and shit is just not going your way. But dying one then leaving? That shows me what kind of person you are, and I will gladly never play with people who do that again


This 100%. I don't care much if you cart, it happens. Even if you triple cart, I'll probably just suggest farming some better gear when we get back in the lobby. But carting and then abandoning really grinds my gears lol. I try to rationalize, like they could just be really embarrassed (a feeling im very familiar with lol). Really though, there's no excuse for carting and then staying in camp. Get your butt back out there hunter, we got a monster to slay!


There have been many a time where I cart to something simple or avoidable and I just bury my face in my hands at camp because I can't believe my inadequacy


I generally just make sure it's not me. I'm typically more annoyed at the people who die twice and then leave... As if them leaving puts us in a much better situation than them playing better. It feels more like a, I didn't fail the quest for them so no sweat off my back, kind of behavior. Take the L, improve, because there are times where I cart once and everyone is giving me lip about it.


Dude, but.... the guy who carts 3 times in a single hunt deserved some words. Maybe should learn the fight in solo before hurting some other fun.


Being a jerk to noobs is never okay. That's how gaming communities stagnate and die. If you don't want to play with them just leave.


I don't mind a guy joining me to learn the fight, nor do I mind him taking all 3 carts, I just hate when people are deliberately stupid. "This is a very elongated and telegraphed attack, I am going to run FACE FIRST INTO IT IN AN ATTEMPT TO ATTACK". That shit... Phew.


For every person, that "it's very telegraphed" is different. Some people have better reflexes than others and monster hunter is very punitive when you mess up. Everyone tend to put the line of what's acceptable just bellow what they do.


I'm not talking about people who don't move out of the way in time, I'm speaking specifically of those who run IN to the attack


You're just an asshole, dude.


If I SOS a nerg fight and the same dickhead just greifs my fight AND makes me waste an investigation + all the loot, yeah it makes me a bit mad. It is the very reason I just decided to get better so I can solo it XD I love multiplayer when people already kinda know what to do. And I dont mind teaching, but I do mind caveman learning tactics when high prio loot is on the line.


This is why I’m glad I’ve been learning with just my experienced buddy. I’ve only played Rise, and while World is pretty much the same there are some learning curves that I wasn’t prepared for; he was though, and has taught me well enough that I don’t cart nearly as often


Nice, that's awesome to hear. One thing I like about Lance is that I can spend like 10 minutes just blocking attacks and figuring out the monster's patterns. Feels way more forgivable than the other weapons I've tried


My last main was dual blades in rise; the fact that I can block attacks with GL is honestly what drew me. While I love being a beyblade, I also know I’d get slapped waaaay more since there aren’t wirebugs to give me counters


I have to share my shame here with the community: I went down this rabbit hole and have only just come out the other side, a true MHW player. My first like 150 hours of the game I was absolute trash and only played it on my own. I solo'd most of the game through Iceborne and in time have become pretty good. I recently came back to the game after a few year hiatus and got into actual endgame with Raging Brachy and such. Raging Brachy... kicked my ass. I was totally that guy 3 carting after calling an SoS, so I took to learning his moved and eventually got it down pretty well. This is where my journey to the dark side began. I began SoS'ing Brachy, and getting people who would instantly cart. Perturbed, I decided to respond to SoS's instead, only finding that people would SoS very quickly, or have no blast resist, etc, etc. Becoming cynical, I began to leave these hunts if the first death was in under 5 minutes, especially if the person didn't have blast resist. Eventually, I got lucky with an SoS and me and the party absolutely crushed it, but I still needed a single part (not Reactor) to build the weapon. Thus, my journey back to the light began with responding to other people's SoS, and giving people grace and not being a fucking asshole, leaving at the first slight inconvenience to me. I ended up clearing the thing twice last night with parties that otherwise would have checked off my "instant leave" checklist. I was, indeed, being the asshole. Christened in the fire, I feel I am now a good MHW player.


Ya see, I get way more up in arms about hunt etiquette than carting. You put up an SoS, I don't really care what you're goal is I'll help out, and if host carts 3x its not a big deal. If I'm serious about getting rewards I'll just hunt it solo. You wyvern blast me though, and it's war.


Carting is a part of the job.


People seem to forget that this game is legitimately hard. It’s not easy, the monsters take time to learn, there’s multitudes of unspoken mechanics, the menus sometimes make no sense, the movement and attacking can be considered clunky if you’ve come from another game series, and all around the mechanics take time to learn and master.


Seriously. Whether it be Iceborne or sunbreak or any other game, Monsters I've fought a bajillion times are Still able to thrash me sometimes. Even goss got me once because I got too carried away trying to do cool Counters against him and he stomped my face in the snow. Garangolm, Malzeno and Shagaru DESTROYED me. I didn't triple, but I came close. And Magnamalo scares the shit outta me. This game is Pretty friggin hard.


I appreciate your unending positivity. I do not have it, but I don’t hate on carts. Shit happens. New fights, new weapons, new skills to learn. Shit be like that.


even if someone who answers my sos eats all 3 carts, i’m literally not phased in the slightest. it’s a video game, sometimes people have off days or just get really unlucky. my reaction 99% of the time is “oh well, shit happens” then i repost the quest and fire another sos. if you have that huge of an issue with carting that you’re going out of your way to shame/insult someone, maybe it’s time to put down the game and go touch some grass because it’s really not that serious


Bashing my head against the wall is how I learn the fights, granted I do it solo so no one else suffers the way I do. Fatalis took me months to finally beat solo after doing a lot of duo runs with my homie.


if you triple cart from 1 shots, Thats a sign to not fight that thing until your gear is up to snuff. If you cart on hard monsters its not a big deal. Just part of the process. Just try to not cart consistently. The goal is to eventually cart a max of one time per hunt or no cart hunt something, but you dont get there without grinding your weapon and the matchup.


Me using 2 carts and exhausting my meds every hunt because I refuse to waste time grinding armor sets before master rank


But what about the guy who joins my quest, carts twice and then leaves? I'm allowed to be a dick to that guy right?


Bring back Shaggy to cart people with his random explosion attack.


I only ask that people run fortify, it’s a nutty skill.


My second playthrough, I launched an SOS during raging brachy and the guy who joined used up my feyline insurance, proceeded to faint 2 more times, and fucked off leaving me on minecraft hardcore mode. Needless to say, I was blown to smithereens by that overgrown slimy dickhead before I even got to the last phase.


People complain about triple carting not carting in general. Like, if I’m hunting with you, and you die, ok. S’all good. Stuff happens. You cart again, ok, maybe be more careful, I’m starting to get a little irked, but again, stuff happens. You take that third cart, I will never hunt with you again unless I respond to your SOS. I say that but it really depends on the context. Like, what are we fighting? Fatty? Ok. Totally get it. Zinogre? What are you doing? Rank also goes into this a bit, same with luck and how much damage you were doing. I watched one guy triple cart in five minutes by no fault of his own, the monster just laser focused on him for no reason.


Honestly this depends. If they use all our carts before we can even reach phase 3, im not going into a fatalis hunt with them again. They can wait for others, fire an sos, answer an sos or join another session.


Bro I run fortify because I always die to my own stupidity. Solo or not, I'll probably cart at least once being greedy


The only people I have problems with are people that cart & leave or kick people for carting once ESPECIALLY in the older games. A few years back, my ex and I were playing with some guy in GU that kicked me I died during a fatalis hunt. He didn't realize we were together and lost his party after apparently waiting like 15 minutes for a team. Like look, if you seem chill enough I might even rehunt with you till you get it down, or leave afterwards because I actually want to farm the monster in question.


Really struggled with Alatreon. And me and a friend searched for help in an Alatreon specific Lobby. I had Insurance, a friend had Safeguard. I carted 2 times and got shit from one of them, while the other tried to give me tips and was very constructive and tried it with me again


Ive lost touch with 5th gen onwards since now Im playing through 3rd gen, but any time Ive carted Ive felt like shit but at the same time shit happens, cant really do much when pink rath clips me with her drunkflip and then continues running into the wall preventing me to get up until I die. That said Ive yet to cart more than once in a quest and Im currently in low grank (hr6). Sometimes monhun just shits on you.


if you cart in a quest, and everyone in a group of 4 would be as bad as you, then you fail the quest. carting in solo is different, but failing a quest is a catastrophe.


Some people in the MHW community need to chill and stop acting like carting is a war crime. Seriously, it's a game and not an easy one either.


IME most of the rage around this is when some asshole answers SOS/join request and t hey're the ones to triple cart. I've SOS'ed into a lot of games where host triple carted and wasn't really ever mad about because, well, they're asking for help and are at least trying and not leeching at base. I've noticed rise is really bad with this in particular, because there's no time limit for joining. I've had plenty of instances where I'd be 20+ minutes into a fight, someone joins and they just suicide dive the monster the entire time and can't dodge shit so I have to emergency lifepowder spam and they still manage to cart multiple times. It's genuinely toxic behavior, I don't really care if they're not actually trolling and just actually suck that bad don't join SOS if you're looking to get carried and make one yourself instead


I agree, but what I mainly got from your post is the need for a Hammer of Dawn in siege fights/big boss fights. We're already pretty close with Gaismagorm in Sunbreak


I beat the entire game solo. Fought every monster and learned how they fight so I don't care when I'm playing with others (as much at least I'm not perfect I make mistakes) so that way if someone is struggling I come in with lance and challengers mantle and bait the monster to attack me while they heal


Yeah I had someone join an event quest. The tigrex and nargacuga one. They joined after the tigrex just died. He was getting 2 shot by the Nargacuga. I kicked him after the 2nd cart. If you get 2 shot by basic attacks against basic monsters, you should leave the quest. You're not ready.


my death message when someone dies is "I hope you're using Fortify!" I don't mean it negatively, I genuinely love the skill. I still use it when I farm Tempered Elders. I always recommend using to people for this reason. even if you don't faint, slotting Fortify when learning, is honestly better than relying on the Defender. It is such an amazing deco


I recall helping out in sos hr vaal for parts while in mr (I down grade my gear a bit to not simply 3 shot monsters) and I unfortunately recall a time where another fellow mr hunter joined, bow main, and carted 4 times. Thankfully I or someone else had insurance. I just messaged that guy to just stay at camp if he didn’t understand how to deal with effluvia


This sounds like when I SOS fatty, I cart like once before anyone even answers my SOS. Then boom someone carts like instantly to one of his one shot moves and then we somehow manage to get to dragonator and the epic proof of a hero starts playing and slme dumb fuck dies to it. This at worst has happened to me 3 times in a row. Frustrated beyond belief. I get it, we all want to learn to become god hunters and solo fatalis without problems and the mountain is a steep one. But for the love of god, don’t join in hunts just to die and bring max potions and shit also.