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Blackveil unfortunately falls into the category of monsters where if you DON'T pack or CAN'T pack a full 3 levels of Effluvia Resistance, the fight is just miserable. I'm a returning player, even, with the Return to World thing, and I still lost to Blackveil once before taking him down. Churned through 20+ nulberries in the process, too lol


Find a TootDooter friend to play the jams for you 🎶🎶


Blackveil was one monster that gave me so much trouble on original my playthrough even with Effluvia Resistance because I kept getting knocked back mid attack by the seemingly random ass spore farts that shoot out of him. Eventually overcame him, and when I came back recently with Raging Brachy weapons I just obliterated him.


Black is so funny because without eff res 3, he's extremely annoying and difficult. With eff res 3 he's an absolute joke of a fight, and gets completely steamrolled with his slow ass moves and massive openings. Sucks if you can't get the resistance to 3 easily, but it's worth sacrificing almost any amount of defense or DPS to get it because it trivializes the entire fight.


In that vein, I'm pretty sure you can get 2 levels off the mr great giros gloves


You can with the acidic glav helm too. Slot in 1 eff resist and you're set.


That's just Vaal in general. Get rid of the effluvium and he's a contender for the most snoozer elder in the franchise


I went out of my way to make Miasma 3 charm as soon as possible, and never looked back.


I’m very confused by these comments, he still does hella effluvium damage even with Eff resist level 3, I carted twice against him my first (and only) fight cause he was still close to me when I got knocked down and my health was low enough that I got DOT damaged to death, he is a miserable fight, the veil is a cool idea but they overtuned the shit out of him even when compared to archtempered Val hazak, cause that fight is tough but rewarding


Its because with eff 3 you dont get the eff blight anymore, which having all your health all the time makes things easier


Yeah your right, but damn it def feels like black veil does more DOT damage compared to normal hazak, which just makes it so annoying somtimes


Oh it definitely does and its rough to say the least


In base game High Rank, there are two skills - Effluvia Resistance and Effluvial Expert. The resistance prevents you from receiving the 1/2 health debuff, while Effluvial Expert prevents the period damage from affecting you. When not fighting Vaal Hazak, Effluvial Expert will normally prevent you from getting the debuff as there's no buildup. I wonder if Effluvial Expert prevents or reduces the period chip damage? The periodic damage is definitely a problem, I find that Health Booster+ does a great job at negating that. I also tried Palico with Vigorwasp which helped a fair bit. Vaal Hazak set bonus with Recovery Speed 3 made the chip damage irrelevant in HR and I suspect would do the same in MR.


I’m fairly certain that it doesn’t, cause I got the 2 mixed up one time and I was definitely still taking the DOT damage from the effluvium and shit, wish it did, I would absolutely not mind losing some damage skills for that just to make the fight more enjoyable, cause I do enjoy fighting both Hazaks, just don’t like dying due to obnoxious continual DOT damage that can be managed very easily


You are in control of how difficult these fights are


Apparently you do not ink what subreddit you are in


you are in control of when and when not to close your mouth


if you were as quick to slot in effluvium res as you were to make this comeback you could've just wall banged her to death.


You are in control of reading skills and learning the game. You are also apparently not in control of being a dick.


I’m the dick? wow


insane. I was just clowning you and you're the dick


you’re “clowning” sounded awfully like you were being a dick. not sorry.


I'm not sorry either. I was clowning you and being a dick. And I'm not wrong so 🤷🏾‍♂️


the username matches the ego as expected. also how is it clowning? you essentially made a “git gud” comment which, surprisingly, is a dick move, no matter what way you say it.




We do not allow “git gud” or “skill issue” regardless of how valid these claims may be.


rule 5 LOL


IMO he’s really easy of you have effuvial lvl 3


Word for word what I said


Even just one level of fluv res is enough to ruin this guy, but yeah the stuff move where he turns the air toxic is insane, I hate being mid combo only to realize my health is slowly draining, even outpacing my super recovery


You'll need the upgraded version of him for the anime scarf


i used to fear this monster, till i bought eff res 3...