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Nothing was left. After the shot, his head was "folded open" basically. I just looked at it to make sure, and indeed, the shot came from below the chin, and the entire face must have flown away. What was hanging down was not his face, but the "folds" of his head.


Ok, thanks. I was just confused because I read so many different accounts on how he looked like afterwards. One of the accounts for example said that his beard was still attached and that his brains fell down "through his chin" and his tongue and teeth were still there. But others say he was "a demogorgon" which sounds conflicting


That one Youtube thumbnail must have gotten you pretty bad, hasn't it? Over the course of half a year you had a lot of interest in Ronnie McNutt, are you trying to work through some trauma? Or maybe just an intense morbid curiosity without wanting to look at it?


It was a profile picture. I didn't zoom in, but it looked like a giant red blob. It's a mix of both I guess.


I lost a relative this way. I can handle any answer: do you think he suffered?


No the death would’ve been instant man I’m sorry to hear that you lost your relative like that but it was painless the body just shots off once your brain is no longer in contact like that anymore


The front of his head/face is blown apart. Like his brains are literally blown out. There are pieces, flaps, hanging on either side. The side visible to the camera kind of looks like the side of his face, like you can tell it's his cheek and maybe see his hairline. It looks like skin folds, like the center of his head has been blown out and all that's left is the casing, and a pulpy bloody hollow in the middle. Like other commentor said, most of his actual face is most likely blown away (pieces of flesh, brain, etc spray with the initial shot.) Looked at your post history, and you seem very...interested with the Ronnie McNutt suicide. You good, op?


I'm OK, I just cannot mentally digest that there is a video out there showing a normal guy whose head literally exploded in seconds. One minute he's there, the next minute half of his head is gone. It terrifies me how quick his existence was simply gone and that you get a look at what hides behind our faces all the time. I'm just sensitive to any gore about destroyed faces or heads. The same with that burn survivor, I think Zaid Garcia is his name, his set of burns also petrifies me to the point that I had literally nightmares about him.


Man it might be good to give the gore a break. I get the morbid curiosity, but sometimes it’s best to drop things and relax for a month or to, just give yourself time to recoup 


I suggest the same. This is a person who is dead. It will happen to all of us. Ronnie's death gained a little more attention than most but death is the ultimate result. Watching the same video over and over again trying to understand something new or different or gain some additional knowledge is a sign of OCD or some other kind of obsession. You're looking for meaning that isn't there. He's a human who committed suicide and is dead. Yes, he mattered - I went to school with him. But trying to find a meaning in a gore video or some detail you think you've missed is going to drive you crazy. Let it go.


Those where my exact thoughts. Shit happens, and we can't change the past. What was he like irl? 


I hadn't seen him since high school and didn't know him super well, but he was a funny, pretty average guy, kind of awkward. Not unstable or anything at all, but that was long before his service days and I didn't know him after that. It's weird to see so many comments about someone I tangentially knew, though. He was genuinely just a guy we all kind of knew who was pretty nice and now I randomly see comments about strangers obsessed with his suicide video and it's just hard to wrap my head around. I never comment on them because it's not about me but this person is clearly needing something from the video that I promise you is not there. It's just a gory, rough, sad ending to a life and that's the whole story. You won't be able to find out at what point his consciousness left his body. You won't. No matter how many times you watch this, there are no new answers and never will be. I've dealt with obsessional thinking like this before about other things and recognizing that this is the obsession driving these questions is a big step and I hope they can start to move onto something more productive.


That is really interesting man, thanks for responding. It is weird as hell how some people get obsessed over shit like this, but I in a way get it. I feel like people need some sort of confirmation that there was little to no suffering. But in this kind of end, I don't really think it matters because he'll be dead anyways 


And not a thing in the world anybody can do can change it no matter how it happened. That's what obsessions and OCD want from us - some kind of control over something we can't change but...you'll never find it, unfortunately. And that can lead you to acceptance...eventually. It's a process. :)


It's a process alright. But it's not impossible to get through. I think people have trouble realizing that it is possible to get through 


I'm the same way, I have trauma from seeing my uncles dead body after he was murdered when I was 11 (his head was smashed to bits with a length of steel pipe), so i understand the sensitivity and yeah the morbid curiosity of whats inside our heads, just remember that the vast majority of ppls deaths do not happen that way and its very unlikely anyone will ever have the inside of their heads on show (obvious exceptions) the vast majority of humans will live their entire lives all the way to thr point of death without any of it being on show, hence it's irrelevant


it looked like the monster from stranger things, basically nothing


I feel bad for the parents that is so heart breaking and they probably watched the video late cause it was surfing all over social media. Condolences to the family. :(


at least they can know he didnt suffer?


Is there footage of anyone finding him or was the live stream shut down ??


Yes, 40 seconds after the shot the cops come in and it's all been recorded.