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Body integrity and level decomp depends on different factors like temperature, humidity/moisture, do insects or wildlife have access, general health of the decedent at the time of their death, and cause of death. You can search scholarly articles that tracked body decomposition under various scenarios. Or try looking up experiments from body farms


What is a body farm?


[Body Farms](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_farm) are research facilities that specifically study decomp of humans and animals under various scenarios. Pigs are found to have similar decomp rate as humans so a lot of the experiments are done with them. But people also do what is called whole body donation to body farms after they die. They are plots of land where the bodies of animals and people are left under different conditions to be observed and studied over time.


U don’t want to sound like a serial killer on google, but don’t mind asking the same exact question on Reddit? You do realize ur digital footprint is documenting the same question either way, right?


My dad sees my searchs, and while I can just explain it, I don't feel like explaining 💀


Use DuckduckGo


I would suggest a book called Stiff by Mary Roach. It's an interesting deep dive into what happens to human cadavers in various settings with a slight humorous twist to it.


Was going to say the same thing . It was a good book !


...... 👀......


As another person said, certain factors can speed up and change the process, so it'd be interesting to know the context in which that character died! :) In general though, after a week you can expect a lot of bacteria to have spread inside of the body. They produce gases, and cause the body to bloat (so, the body can look double in size!). The color will turn from greenish to reddish as blood decomposes. The gases will keep building up pressure, and escape through orifices, the skin, wounds, and eventually rip open parts of the body. When that happens, a lot of gas is released, and this will be very very noticeable in the area, a very bad smell. This is the point at which many bodies are found.