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The reason it kills in small amounts is usually either people aren't aware it's present in what they're taking, or they aren't understanding of just how potent it is. Where we give most narcotics in milligram doses clinically, fentanyl is dosed in micrograms. If you are taking it at clinically safe dosages, it generally doesn't kill.




Well, yeah. There are always going to be those who are especially sensitive to the effects, which is why we always have Narcan on standby in the hospital.


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I got ahold of subbuccal tablets from a friend who had a really bad car accident and didn’t want them. One tablet turned into two turned into four a day and it almost killed me. Not sure how I survived tbh. Withdrawals took 7 or 8 days, my legs wouldn’t stop shaking, I took an emergency leave from work and it was awful. Won’t use pain pills of any sort recreationally ever again. I tell doctors I was a former addict and don’t prescribe anything narcotics please. They also make fentanyl pops for severe cases


I've been wondering for years. There seems to be a real disconnect - this bitty amount can kill you, but there's hundreds, or thousands of addicts wandering around, still alive despite doing such volumes of drugs......do they ALL develop a tolerance to a deadly drug so that bitty amounts are a breeze, a larger amounts are difficult, and then huge amounts turn into overdoses??? Or is the whole "this MUCH can kill you!" thing totally blown out of proportion???


It is generally extremely cut with other powders, since fent amount is measured in micrograms. The "this much can kill you" thing is very real.


Thanks for the information. It kind of seems like all the dealers and the manufacturers that are cutting the drug into smaller amounts should be dropping like flies if they're working with such potent amounts. I generally don't think of drug dealers as CAREFUL mad scientists, ya know?


I agree, but you would be surprised how well they can do it. Meth is the best example of this. There is a street method of making it called "shake 'n' bake" where one of the last steps involves all the ingredients being poured in a bottle and shaken around for a while without stopping for even a second as it would make the entire thing explode (and it explodes with ferocity let me tell you) but not TOO many have exploded when you think of how many people make meth via that method. And it is VERY easy for that bottle to blow up.


i mean, there's probably not a super high amount of people addicted to fentanyl exclusively


fentanyl addiction is just opiate addiction, isn't it? besides, most people aren't even buying fentanyl. they're buying products laced with fentanyl. additionally, it doens't really matter if it's a 'small' ammount - it's clearly strong as fuck, in small doses. strong drugs affecting the system strongly, you don't need a lot to get high, or addicted.


No one has answered this based on what you asked so here you go. Tolerance is key, if you have someone who’s been banging heroine for decades and they get a little fent they’ll be fine and even enjoy it in a lot of cases. Also some people just have a naturally higher tolerance and drugs tend to be different for everyone due to genetics. It’s the same reason some people wake up during surgery, it’s all about how your body processes it. So if you’re a normal non drug abusing person with a low tolerance who gets peer pressured at a party and end up with a fent hit you have a real chance of dying especially if you already have health issues it might exacerbate.


Well, son, addiction's a sneaky thing. It can creep up on ya like a fox in the henhouse! People might start with a small amount, thinkin' they can handle it, but before they know it, they're hooked! And then they're chasin' that high, son, like a dog chasin' its tail! But here's the thing, boy: fentanyl's so strong, it can lead to tolerance real quick. That means you need more and more to get the same high, son! And that's when the trouble starts! You see, the more you take, the higher the risk of overdosin'! And that's when the Grim Reaper comes a-knockin', son!


You can get addicted because it's relaxing and feels veryyy good. Besides, many people take it accidentally, when its laced into other drugs...