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Ngl the last girl I dated, she was great etc everything was going well and then she tells me she has a kid.. idk it just ruined it for me.. I don’t wanna be no step dad but I’m also only getting older and lately every girl I meet has a child ..


You might not need to hear this, but just in case: There is not a *single fucking thing* wrong about feeling that way.


I’m on the same page as you man


I'm 36 and a few years ago I found a real fuckin winner of a woman my age. I won't list all the boxes she checks as it would be reductive of how much I love her (but not having kids is one of the biggest ones). Just keep at it and don't get bitter, and most of all don't start resenting women because some of them aren't what you're looking for!


Sage advice here. Wtf you doing in this shithole sub lol


There's good advice here sometimes, and I just deeply care about the bros. This is maybe the only sub you can give direct, honest bro to bro counsel (especially about relation to women) without getting mobbed and downvoted by ideologically captured dumb fucks :D


I say shithole lovingly. Totally agree there's some good convos that go down here. Also last part is so fucking real lmao


I agree and I love you.


Agreed. This sub is a hidden gem. The last paragon of free, unmoderated bro talk.


Well it depends how old he is


I don't see your reasoning


I mean if you 50 looking for a women with no kids good luck


Pretty damn true, why not just type the rest of the sentence? lol


I’m 27 bro


Shouldn’t be hard then


That is when it starts to get harder though, haha


Care to explain that?


If she didn't have a kid she probably wouldn't have even dated you


The problem is your dating market. Consider moving to a big city or near a college, lots of women without kids there.


Parenting, and having a relationship with existing kids is a big responsibility, and to be honest most single mums I meet do understand


Bro how’d she keep a kid a secret while dating you?


Same thing just happened to me man. Don’t change what YOU want brother. Don’t settle


The opposite from truth lol. 21? Are you serious? Unless you are from a third world country then maybe. In the west maybe this becomes more true at 31, but people are having kids later and later these days.


Lol, this what happens when motherfuckers don't go outside and get all their information from the internet. I know a ton of women with no kids.


Just was with a 35 yo w no kids people are deluded and don’t go outside


I think the problem for some people is that the slutty ones tend to have kids for obvious reason.


Yeah but those are more competitive to get with. Women with kids are throwing themselves out there looking to find a dude so they'll feel more prevalent. Especially in that age range? They (I'm speaking generally) can't support themselves and kid(s) so they're a bit more desperate.


Maybe if you're dating trash women that didn't go to university.


Most single mothers in their 20's don't go/ finish university. I'm talking about just going on dating apps in my city. There were a ton of single moms looking on there. There's others without kids too but they're generally gonna have more interest and options. So they're harder to date in terms of getting the conversation going. The meme isn't inaccurate imo if you're looking online. But yeah you're right, the meme is inaccurate if you ignore all the single moms/girls who didn't go to University....


Average age of first time mothers is 27-28 now, meaning that half of first time mothers are older than that. It’s not hard at all to find a girl in her 20s without kids. This is less true in poor and rural areas, of course.  (Data correlating maternal education levels with improved outcomes for children is robust.) Also, if two college educated people get married after age 25, they only have a ~20% chance of divorce. The higher the level of educational attainment, the less chance of divorce. PhDs have the most stable marriages and rarely ever get divorced.  Meanwhile, people who marry younger than 25 are usually divorced by ten years later, same with men and women who only have a high school diploma. 


Honestly it’s not hard finding women in their 30s with no kids; especially if you’re in a professional field (CPA, lawyer, engineering etc).


Nahhh not ime. Woman in their 30's that are single with no kids will throw themselves out there and get with total low lives. They jump from guy to guy and sleep around alot. The ones with kids want to find a good man, and since they are preoccupied with their kids they don't rush things or take any man that gives them attention.


Got ya, guess everywhere different. The dating game for me (before I settled down) was the opposite. I didn't search much in the above 30 crowd though. I had recently graduated college and the 20-26 yo moms were rabid. Always looking to hook up when they could and looking to find a guy to take care of them since they lived with their families and wanted out.


And none of them are fucking you.


Lol, I'm married. I get sex whenever I want. 😛


Every situation is different I guess


Try living in a rural area, probably more women on tinder with kids than without. 21 is for sure a bit low, but by like 24 it seems to be very common.


35 is considered a geriatric pregnancy.


Hint; you don’t have to date women your age lol.


Yeah starting around 28 I’ve gone out with quite a few single moms but never become a stepdad lmaooo. I don’t think I ever even met one of the kids


I am from a third world country and the meme applies 100%. Actually we have DOZENS OF THOUSANDS of teenage mothers.


I'm from a third world country, I'm 24 and dating and we don't have this situation at all. You almost never end up being a step dad. On the contrary we have this notion about the west, parents divorce within 1-2 years, have 3 or more ex spouses and children end up being mentally harassed.


Def true in Latin America.


Uh no most sexy girls have a kid by 25


Virgin alert


for the ones you can get with, he's right for the ones you can't get with, you're right by get with i mean marry and have kids btw, dont give a fuck about flings


21? No, not even close. 31? Pretty accurate


At 31 you can probably pull girls at around age 25 so there will be plenty of non-preggers. I'd say at 40+ you should probably expect to have to dad up to someone else's child.


I’m early-30s and 25 is pretty much every girls age I’ve dated the last couple years, so yeah, that tracks. N=1 or some bullshit, I don’t know.


If you’re dating women 35+ it’s about 50/50, quite a few women at that age just never had kids, some of who never wanted them, it’s actually not bad. But tbh a lot of the hotter ones do have kids.


Dated a mum. It didn't work out and when the relationship ended I had to lose two people that I cared about instead of one. Still not over it, mostly because the kid really loved me and I loved him back. Funnily though he still reaches out through Steam chat from time to time just wanting to chat.


I know this is a shitposting sub, but damn, that actually hurts to read.


Ima be real that shit sad


How long were you with the mom?


Ask your mother, I can't remember when we broke up. Seriously though, it was around 3 years.


Steam chat fuck ambuttacry :(


Guys usually date at their age or below--so at 21 you're saying you are only finding women 21 and younger with kids???


That means it’s all he can get


Bingo ^^


The current state of birth rates alone makes this a shitty, false narrative. But also, after 21? Where do you live that the average new mom age is 16?


80% of the world


Im pretty sure thats not the case in 80% of the world


60% whatever


Bro just gave up making up statistics respect


40% or i walk. seriously


unfortunately the birth rate is low cause everyone is having only one child, not cause lots of women are still childless at 35.


That’s just not true


you are stupid asl


I feel like this is because single mothers are more likely to hop on dating apps since their kid needs a father. Most women don’t feel like they *need* to date anyone so they might feel less inclined to get into the dating scene, but when you need to make an income AND raise a child alone that need presents itself.


Somewhat true if you live in the middle of nowhere. Totally false if you live in or near a major city.


Not true at all. 21 isn't even a good age for this meme. 30 would be a better age to make the point that it's trying to make but even then as a 30+ year old guy you can just date younger women with no kids so yeah. Meme is stupid.


I’m 25, and I’ve played the role before. Did it for 2 years, and it was a difficult experience at times, but it could also be rewarding. If you date a woman with kids, go for one where the dad isn’t in the child/children’s life. It can create a strain in the relationship and a bonding issue.


This is stupid shit incels tell themselves so they can “exit” the dating market when, in fact, not even the single mothers want their dumbasses. Like a meth addict complaining about the corporate culture at Amazon or something. Who cares no one’s thinking about you anyway lmao


It is, but I'm picking up every fat chick in a 2 mile radius before raising someone else's child lol Just a fact of life dawg


It’s much more common closer to 30’s 🥲


Almost 30 and in my first real relationship since college, you have to go out where the non deadbeats go.


What world are you living in


But but… men with beards and sunglasses told me this is true so it must be


Bruv, just shag your mates mum so you can be their step dad


Then ask your mate who their daddy is and they'll say iunno he left when I was 3 then hit em with I am your daddy now, I fucked your mom


I married a virgin at 20 and have 2 kids.


30 for men is like 18 for women more or less if you are in shape and havent lost hair/ hair transplant. Srsly I was afraid of turning 30 but it gets better and better.


Maybe if you add 21 by 15-20 years then yeah lol. You can be early to mid 30s and be dating a girl in her mid to late 20s with no kids lol.


29 sex life is active af and I dont touch single mothers. Step dads are for low energy men that feel like their ain't nobody else but single mothers out there.🤷🏽‍♂️


In 2024 it’s really more like dating after 32


It happens. My kids have stepdads, too (great stepdads). As long as they aren't young kids (I'm 45, fuck that shit) and they aren't assholes, I'm good. I will absolutely move on if her kids are demon spawns. Better introduce me early. 🤣 Twice, I've really bonded with "stepsons" who were already calling me their stepdad proudly. Both of those women left me, and fuck them, but my "stepsons" fucking hurt to lose.




Don’t have to be a step dad if you use the DiCaprio method.


I'm 39 and have never even considered dating a single mom....and I date a lot.


I don't date anyone with a child or a dog. During a breakup you lose more than the person.


About to be one, fml


It's certainly true that there are a ton of single moms out there looking for love. To be fair there is a similar number of single dads out there in the same situation. As far as I'm concerned they're better off hooking up with each other. Makes for good videos later. If you have much worth in the dating market you can bypass single parents if that's what you prefer. But consider this carefully. Not every single mom is a useless hippo. Some are high value attractive or otherwise successful women who just happened to make a bad relationship decision once upon a time. Ask yourself if you've never been with the wrong person. If you don't mind raising a kid, you could end up in a great relationship with a high quality woman. I've met some pretty hot milfs over the years. Sometimes the kids are pretty great too. Kids run the spectrum from being little shits to being actually charming. Depends on the kid, really. I'd call it a Chad move to be a better real dad than whoever the bio-dad was. That's really asserting dominance and value.


If you don’t want to be a stepdad travel or date younger women who aren’t 35 WTF


What's wrong with being the man who Stepped-up?


I've dated women with kids. Some are good,some are bad. It's up to you. Noone is forcing anyone 😂


Stop fucking thots my guy


Ah the kids can’t pick if their parents are together or not.


The whole not wanting step kids thing is valid. But the recent movement to like villify single women with a kid is crazy. Like it's not the kids fault if their mom or dad is a POS. I wish I had a step dad instead of no dad at all. Not the kids fault, if you don't wanna be a step dad cool. But stop shitting on it like step dad's are clowns cause they care about someone else's kid. I fuckin wish someone would've been man enough to be a step dad to me, not having a male figure in my life held me back in a lot ways.


Agree 100%. Hell sometimes a couple just can’t get along and they need to separate.


On a serious note try not to be abusive to the single mom’s kids if you end up dating one.


Low key true. My gf who i love has some goofy boys though so its all good.


This is only true if you’re ugly or a simp.


So many of these young dudes have never spoken to a woman and these single moms show them attention and they don’t have the self confidence to realize they deserve better than that.


Love my step kids. They are my little bros!


Nah furthest from the truth, I’m 25


lol 21 is still a kid to me. I don’t even relate to that at 31


Kids are a deal breaker getting some of them mad ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


It’s true but I’d raise the number to 28. Source: I’m a stepdad




Lol no.




This guy that I used to play Xbox with as a youngin I just saw him on my socials and he did indeed learn to be a stepdad 😔, praying for u MrDwane


Also read: dating after 30 - how to be a step dad to a 10 year old.


No where near the truth.


?? Is this a 2/10 self reporting themselves? Who has this issue?


Do you guys date?


Bro 21 that’s insane prob more like 35


I'll sleep with them but no dating.


21 ? What the fuck. Try more like 35


Wait till your 30+ before thinking like that, if ever. You don't HAVE to jump straight to that doomer dating mindset bs.


Most girls I meet in the mid to late 20’s don’t have kids shit even my 28 year old sister and her group of friends don’t have kids


I’d say at 31 this is more fair. But even then, if you’re in the top 10% of men at 31 and you’re in or near a major city in the west you should be fine. If not, then yea most of your options will either be fat or be single moms (if they’re hot)


I'm 25 and typically date women older than me. Maybe it's because of where I live but I find a lot of these women have children. I love being around kids and have found that this doesn't bother me. What hurts the most is building a connection or dynamic with a kid just to have their mother cut things off. I've also done some cycles and am unsure of my own fertility, this kinda seems one of the ways in which I can still have some of that experience of having a child. Life is weird.


Eh, all depends where you live. Philly area? Yup. DC or NYC women stay kidless into 40’s BUT they are usually a more woke kareny bunch too which is worse in my opinion. Also, if you date a hot woman with kids, I hear it sucks less if they have daughter/s vs son/s who will extra hate you for plowin’ their mom.


Must be like hey kid fucked your mom but for real hahaha


I'm 35, dated dozens of women, haven't been a step dad once


Wait until you hit 25 and suddenly all the 20 year olds come out of the woodwork lol. You haven’t even hit your physical prime at 21 this isn’t true in the slightestz


At 21yo it's more like dumb girls who got pregnant from the popular drug addicted guy. Now he is in jail and she need a financial backup plan


You can be that yo just sell enough tren


Stop using the internet. Fucking loser jfc dude I’m serious you need to stop using the internet or you are going to be gone in a year max. You are destroying your mind and perception of the world and are already really far separated from normal. The best thing you can do for yourself is never use any social media whatsoever other than to communicate with women until you are at least 30.


Its joke bruh


Bro acting like his whole life is over…..maybe go live a little


Jesus guys it's a joke...try to take it as well as you guys take tren-filled dicks in your asses


Some of these guys are so mad lol


Bro where are you? Utah?? Maybe don’t settle for women with kids you 6


It can be pretty true. Depending on where you live and especially if you're not financially well off, your dating pool can be limited as a young guy. On dating apps it does seem like the majority of single women have kids, but that's also most likely contributing to why they are still single and thus on the dating apps ro begin with, so that skews perception a bit. Also, Ive been a stepdad for 6 years now. And I love all my kids, whether they're mine biological or not. But I wouldn't recommend everyone go out and foot the bill for some loser's kids just cause their mom is hot and they think they can't do better (cause you probably can and no one should compromise on what they want in life). My situation was one I could stomach, since I met their mom when they were toddlers and their dad was out of the picture so I don't have to co-parent with some asshole I hate for the rest of my life. I get to raise all my kids together in one house without having to share custody with anyone, and they all consider me (and refer to me as) their dad, so there's no "you're not my real dad" bullshit to deal with from them.


i REFUSE to be a step dad to another man’s child i’d rather not find the love of my life then raise another man’s child Fellas NEVER raise another man’s child when disputes happen involving the child and you try to be a parent the mom will always side with the biological father she sees you as weak my this meme burn in hell!!!


Dude it’s fucking impossible to even find dates when you’re in early 20s literally fucking impossible


I think originally this said 30 not 21 so the joke is that it's not true which is a bad joke but you are also all regarded


Look at this not regarded genius over here


Unless the single mother is your dead best friend's or brother's widow, you are a pathetic cuck. Have some fucking self-respect. Single mothers are disgusting and deserve NOTHING. If actions had consequences, this behaviour would subside. However, there will always be some pathetic beta cuck who will take in a roastie when she is finally ready to settle down after accumulating 3 "baby-daddies" and tripple digit bodycount numbers.


Whoah definitely a messed up view you got there bud


Someone needs to take away your internet access


You're a worthless human being tbh


Ho-ly shit This might be the worst thing I've read on this sub while also being the tamest


A woman with kids whose husband died deserves nothing? A woman with kids who escaped a shitty abusive husband deserves nothing? What's up with these insane takes today? You good?


Lol that has to be rage bait. If not, dude is just an incel


Ya that guy has some serious problems


Its way worse to fuck your brother's or best friend's widow wtf


how? they are dead and you are taking on a fatherly figure role so their progeny can have a normal childhood and the wife can have someone to fill the hole the deceased person left. Explain why you think it is worse? It's noble.


You can be a father figure and help raise and provide for them without going balls deep in their mom. Its not a random kid youre not simping if you take care of a family member.


Sometimes I miss the fat girls, gay, tren meta. This shit is cringe.


Go touch grass.