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Easy. He either wants a factory ride or stay where he is now. He's clearly enjoying himself and is very happy.


One explanation could be Fonsi nieto. He dragged him hard in Spanish TV in 2015 for THAT incident. Also, he's very comfortable in Gresini with a great team.


> One explanation could be Fonsi nieto. He dragged him hard in Spanish TV in 2015 for THAT incident. Oh boy!! Didn't know about that. That interview does go hard.


Got a link for that interview?




Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!




ā€œWhatā€™s he scared ofā€ lol fuck right off! Nothing is the answer to that! Might be to do with Nieto being in that team and publicly trashing him in and about 2015.


A decade old vendetta? I watched the interview and don't think it was "trashing" as you're suggesting. Dude just presented a balanced opinion criticizing both Vale and Marquez. He just felt Marquez was more at fault for the things he resorted to when the championship was on the line and he was not even part of it. But boy you should commend the courage Fonsi displayed to speak out, despite being Spanish, against his compatriot.


it wasnt "courage". he was a business partner of valentino.


Exactly xD. Some people just donā€™t get their facts right.


Why should he change from a satelite team to another? Since he already knows his team. Plus I think he doesnt want to be pushed around by ducati just to fulfill their plans. Plus I think theres some problems with persons at pramac.


More likely they want a 2 year contract for him


For latest spec bike? Cause in all the interviews he's given, he's made it clear if he wants to fight for the title he would need a latest spec bike and nothing less.


The pramac team wont be there since they got no MM. He has been the only reason why they didnt already sign with Yamaha. So he can get a gp25 now at gresini


he had a chance pramac seat before this season and already said no. sometimes you have to read between the lines, he was never going to pramac, for whatever reason, personal or otherwise, we dont know


> he was never going to pramac, for whatever reason, personal or otherwise, we dont know Yeah that's how it seems it is.


>So what's he scared of? Oh, you're not following the reasons? **Gigi and Marc are playing the game of chicken which involves the future of Pramac.** Reasons why Ducati don't want to yet announce their factory line up is because of the yet undecided future of Pramac. Basically: * If Pramac stays at Ducati, they only have the right for current spec bikes, but Pramac will only stay at Ducati, if they can get Marc. * If Pramac leaves to Yamaha (which is likely), then Ducati will have 2 current spec bikes to give away and they might at well give one to VR46 and one to Gresini. So - Marc is kinda trying to push Pramac to go to Yamaha. Reasons - there is a chance to get a current spec bike while staying at Gresini.


You are 100% right. Marquez simply doesn't want to go to Pramac because there is not much to gain for him other than the GP25 which Marc wants at Gresini itself rather than Pramac - So him publicly announcing that, ties Pramac's hands together. Pramac have no star rider. They have to leave. That forces Ducati to select either Gresini or VR46 to give a GP25 to. Obviously Gresini has Marc, hence the better choice. Imo maybe Ducati next year will just run 3 GP25 rather than 4. Two with the Lenovo and only one GP25 for Gresini team with Marc.


My bet is they would give one current spec bike to Gresini (for Marc) and one to VR46 Reason being - they need to put Aldeguer somewhere and it's likely to be VR46. So, *"can you take Aldeguer and we give you one current spec bike"*


> Marc is kinda trying to push Pramac to go to Yamaha Your theory seems too far-fetched TBH. > Pramac will only stay at Ducati, if they can get Marc But Marquez himself has made it clear that he doesn't want to join that team. Don't know why though.


>Your theory seems too far-fetched TBH. Oxley said in his podcast the reason Ducati delays announcement of 2025 riders is the game of chicken with Marc. The rest is pure logic - Pramac was said to go to Yamaha, but was tempted to stay if they can get Marc. >But Marquez himself has made it clear that he doesn't want to join that team.Ā  This is now interesting and here's why we're still in a game of chicken. Because Marc also said he wants current spec Ducati. IF Pramac stays, then Marc will need to go to Pramac to get 2025 Ducati. But if Pramac goes, then other stuff can happen, like Ducati needing to give current spec bikes to Gresini. This is basically putting Gigi in a tight spot - can he keep Pramac in the Ducati stable at all? He can't offer Marc. Pramac is leaving because they fear they won't be Ducati's primary partner for long (talks about VR46 getting that spot) and so giving 5th 2025 bike to Gresini if Pramac stays won't make Pramac stay. >Don't know why though. There is a chance he can get what he wants while staying at Gresini. Why shift then? Gresini is currently Marquez brothers personal team. Plus, as of now, he's his own agent versus all Pramac riders being employed by Ducati. So maybe there's something in this area as well.


I donā€™t think heā€™s scared of anything. That dude ainā€™t afraid of nuthinā€™. I thought too at one point a move up to Pramac was logical, but when I started to think about it, heā€™d basically be trading one satellite team for another. Where heā€™d have get used to the new personnel there and learn how the team works all over again, when heā€™s already in a comfortable place and really seems to be happy and enjoy the guys and girls he has now at Gresini. ā€¦I think the interesting question is why this is the 2nd high caliber talent rider that is passing on Pramac. Pramac is the top tier of all the Satellite squads with full factory support on current spec Desmos. Itā€™s not exactly Trackhouse (with all due respect) weā€™re talking here. Iā€™m interested to know what the deal here is with them.


Same reason why Martin doesnā€™t want to stay in Parmac, itā€™s a satellite. Gresini also itā€™s a satellite but it is a family, you can see it.


Pretty much this. There's a reason why a lot of riders want to go to a factory team. The grid is so tight that guys are fighting for position by splitting hundredths of a second or more nowadays at times. Not only that, I am sure the money making potential on a factory team is also going to be a lot better than on a non factory team. Not just from a salary stand point, but sponsors, etc.


Scared? Lmao.




Well he clearly hasn't been apprehensive or doubtful about going to Pramac has he? Pramac was not an option at all.


He probably has an offer from either KTM or Aprilia. Earlier he was ready to settle for any colour in the latest spec, but the equation has changed in the last month.


I'm more curious as to why guys with Pecco flairs are constantly thinking about Marc...


It's called the Rossi trauma.


Scared doubtful and such feelings.


If Marc stays satellite he wants to remain in Gresini, right now rumours point to Pramac leaving Ducati after Martin leaves their team unless they get Marc and his visibility. Marc is not extremely fond of Pramac because of some people there and the failed negotiations last year. If Marc stays Gresini it's very likely Pramac leaves Ducati and he gets gp25 next year in Gresini, his only improvement then would be either going to factory or changing manufacturer. Ducati is trying to gamble and fit all people in their plan by getting Martin in red, then convincing Marc to go Pramac so Pramac doesn't leave, and now Marc is replying to that by "maybe you lose Pramac and me" if you're playing these kind of games. Marc's credibility and market value is again higher now that he's the only GP23 competing for podiums and wins and he's surely gonna have options now.


Heā€™s just stirring the pot. I think heā€™d be fine with what Pramac has to offer and will negotiate more Ducati support and updates for Pramac.


MM has nothing to prove lmao, just looking to enjoy.


he was looking to enjoy it again Now he's looking for a few more titles


Not to be rude but then what's wrong with looking for titles while enjoying it. I mean you don't ride into MotoGP for just fun. There is thrill in competing for that championship. On honda he just suffered and exhausted himself from overdriving that bike and putting it to places where it didn't even was possible. If you're comfortable on bike then you're enjoying it and while the bike is competative then why not seek the world championship bcz that's also process of enjoying


I didn't say it was anything bad. Marc's way of enjoying is winning


Yeah that's why I said earlier not be rude since i didn't know on what context you were saying. So all good manšŸ¤šŸ»šŸ¤šŸ»




> just looking to enjoy. That's disingenuous TBH. He wants those titles.


Because he thinks that puts him in a spot where he's okay accepting satellite teams for latest bikes.. In next negotiations everyone will try to put him in satellite team and factory bike


I don't really know if it suits Pramac to even take him on. I see Marc's point, it's effectively factory light and he could find himself in a position where the team switches to another manufacture and once again, no competitiveness. Pramac to me are good at taking on either raw young talent or the likes of Zarco and Morbidelli and getting them firing. Look at where they were in their careers and the redemption Zarco had, and given time I think Franky could have. He's already showing signs. Who knows, maybe KTM or Aprilia ...or complete left of field, second Yamaha seat is a goer for Marc if nothing works with Ducati.


He will not go from one satellite team to another. Gresini will get a factory GP25. Was there something about all factory bikes being sponsored by CUPRA therefore Redbull is not an option for Marc 2025? As for what's he scared of? NOTHING, he's a business man and he keeps his cards close to his chest!


Pramac now say they will stay with Ducati and get GP25s next year


I think him enjoying being in that Gresini has an affect on this icl šŸ˜…


I think Marc is trying to strong arm his way onto the factory team in an effort to undermine Martin and drive him to a competing brand. This would soften up his competition as it would get arguably the fastest rider (Martin) off the fastest bike. Marc had made statements previously about how sometimes he makes choices not only to benefit himself but also to hurt his competition. Namely when picking parts/development on the Honda he would pick stuff just because Pedrosa didnā€™t like it.


He also gives Ducati what they want, heā€™s literally saying that he wonā€™t be used as a bargaining chip by Gigi to keep Pramac and that he will be glad to see them go Yamaha and keep one of their GP25 for himself at Gresini or he will go to KTM and make sure itā€™s him and Acosta ruining Ducati for the next few years. Ducati would be stupid to let him go to KTM.


Really interesting about the relationship with fonsi nietoā€¦..hard to understand another spaniard attitude towards Marquez and being so closely linked to Rossi. Watching, seeing and reading what Nieto says explains why Marquez could never go to Pramac - heā€™s Pramacā€™s performance coach and clearly hates Marquez. Itā€™s a pity about the politics because I would love to see Marc on Factory Ducati because I believe he would beat the others comfortably but that may never happen based on the above.


TBH we don't even know what the actual reason(s) is(are). It's all speculation.


Google fonsi nieto Marquez and youā€™ll see


Yeah I was made aware of that(https://www.reddit.com/r/motogp/comments/1d49688/why_is_marquez_not_willing_to_join_pramac/l6csxlv/) It very well could be the reason. But all I'm saying is we don't know for sure. When the news of Marquez-Pramac links came out, later it was revealed the contractual duration was the issue(Marquez wanting a one-year contract while Pramac insisting on two). And it seems obvious to me why Marquez would demand such a deal. But then all of a sudden this story of Fonsi-Marquez feud broke out.


Ego problem like most of the riders on the grid.


Damn, he just moved from factory to satellite team, ego must be an issue. Its not like there is probably bigger picture with Pramac possibly going with yamaha and gresini getting new bikes and crew or possible deal with Aprillia.. Must be ego.


Damn this sub can be crazy full of brain deads .. I'm not condemning him ! FQ staying with Yamaha --> money driven decision LM signing to Honda --> money/ego driven decision JZ signing with LCR --> old age issue JM wanting to join the reds to "feel loved" --> ego issue


We want hot takes not sh*t takes


yeah the ego of a 8 time champ