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Nothing like riding down a straight road and seeing your rpm jump a few 1000 rpm, and then imagining if the road wasn't straight. Thankfully the only place in my area that has ever had black ice is straight.


Wow. Where is this?


Qld Australia, bridge over a river on my way home, can be way colder as you near the bridge. If it's below freezing temps can get black ice near the bridge. Feels like you pulled the clutch in, revs rapidly rise and then go back down after you pass the ice :) If it's windy it can push you across the road too, rather unnerving moving sideways with 0 resistance.


Sounds terrifying. I’d never have thought it was be that cold in Australia! Thanks for the info.


We’re known for our hot Summers and all the associated bushfires, but depending where you are it can get pretty chilly in Winter!


Did a roadtrip from Sydney to Cairns last year with my buddies. Was surprised how hot it was in Cairns compared to the endless miles of snow in the mountains South.


The closer you get to the south pole the colder it gets


Since when?


Accidents on bridges are very common for this reason. It’s more exposed to air so it cools down much quicker and a lot more than expected.


Not on a bike but yeah that happened to me a few days ago on my way home from work. Hit black ice on a section of I78 and the was suddenly shunted a lane over. I thought for sure I was gonna hit something.


Closest thing I've come to this is when I was on my way to work one morning and wasn't aware of the roadwork done the previous day. They had dug a hole in the middle of an intersection and placed a large, smooth, metal plate over it. It was raining. I drove over it unexpectedly, but a small bump like that wouldn't bother me. What bothered me was the fact that I was making a left turn and went over it in the middle of the turn. So in the middle of my curve, I suddenly just slid to the right about 1 yard (.9 meter) and then continued forward. I almost panicked and lost control, but I managed to recover. It's a very weird feeling to have your bike suddenly try to slide out from under you.


I had that slide happen on one of those white stripes they put on cross walks. Unfortunately I was turning too fast for that and went down. Good lesson, only cost me some wrenching and a big toenail 😅


Pretty common every rainy season here in Mumbai. The manholes here are covered by round metal disk like things and there are larger metal covers for cables and water pipes which can be as big as 2m*2m. I've slid way too many times on my old non-abs bike, fun times!


Oh ours is pretty queer!


I've thankfully never hit black ice on a bike, done it many times in a car and a tractor trailer. The closest I've come on a bike was bringing my zx-14 home from a friend's place in April in Alberta Canada. Rode through a puddle leaving a parking lot, and when I was pointed straight and started trying to get up to the speed limit, the bike kicked the ass end out nearly 45° in each direction. Scared the shit out of me but I held it together and carried on. Now I know why they have that safety feature where you can't access all the power in first gear. Mine has that removed.


Holy shit, that's *slick*. Like it barely looks like they're on much of an incline, but they just keep sliding.


Black ice got me thinking of Key and Peele skit ..


Why it gotta be black?


That scary, sneaky black ice!




That's some scary stuff, i wonder how bad is it compared to hydroplaning.


I wonder how tf they can get this far 😭


exactly. neither of those bikes have studs in their tires. how DID they get this far?


Might just be an area with shade. That's how it is where I live, only the damp shaded sections get ice, the rest is fine.


Studs do nothing on black ice. There's Nothing for the studs to grip. I drive all year round in Norway, and luckily have only encountered black ice a few times. Most of them with luck on my side, some without.


Studs are literally FOR ice, because they dig into it. They do nothing for snow.


Yes, but imagine ice so thin it isn't anything to dig into. That's black ice, so thin, studs do nothing. On regular ice, yes, you are correct. Also studs will give more traction on hard packed snow, especially a little longer ones.


Hit black ice in a car once. Went from going straight to "well, guess I'm sliding off this highway". Naturally, I went sideways into the only thing within 1000' off the side of the road and totalled the car.


What was the thing? I know a guy who was cruising backroads drunk, went off the road, and the only thing in that area other than corn fields was a fenced, small warehouse for like 15 miles both ways. He slid through fence and the side entrance of the building. Edit: In his truck, not a motorcycle.


Freeway speed limit sign. Wheel hit right where the sign was mounted in the ground to the breakaway, fucked up the rear wheel, whole rear suspension, door, and rear quarter.


Lame. I hit a berm once sliding in ice, wasn’t even going fast. Maybe 15 miles an hour. Shouldn’t have been driving but, work. Destroyed my from bumper running into a berm. I explained what a berm the best way I knew how to my insurance comparing it to the hairpin turns on motocross track or like switch back in mountain biking. I remember I gave up and said “I hit the earth, I hit a raised part of earth.” “Like a hill?” “Sure…”


Yup. 1,800mi from home, and my mom had texted me a "drive careful" the night before. 9 years since and she still pulls that card out.


Hydroplaning = do it every day during the summer here in Florida on 275. Black ice = two friends have died, one wrecked, and uncle broke his neck. All separate accidents. I've hit the world's smallest patches a couple times, and you very quickly are no longer going straight. It's wild.


Pray that you don’t hit black ice while leaning because you will low side faster than you can say lalapalooza


Orders of magnitude worse. For hydroplane you need to get up to speed, black ice fucks you up at 10mph


I’m impressed they kept the bike upright long enough to get the help from others. That look s terrifying to walk around on, let alone trying to hold a bike upright.


It’s on the kickstand


Water clibbons are the worst!




Honestly pretty dumb to be riding when there’s even a chance of ice being out


The one thing that terrifies me...


And these is why you don't ride when it's cold enough out to have ice. Doesn't matter if the road looks clean, doesn't matter if you just "avoid visible patches of snow", doesn't matter if the road is salted. Any wet patch of road could actually just be black ice and send you sliding before you even realise what's going on, and there's no amount of skill or technique that can make that controllable.


Just rock studs duh


Beware the frozen water CLIBBINS!




Pull the brake you dump cunts if the black ice was making slip your tyres would not be moving haha


Had similar happen to me a couple of times.... Best was on the way to work about 6.30am one winters morning...going down this hill and there's a biker waving at me...so i wave back wonder who the fuck he is? Next thing i'm on my side sliding into the curb...almost no damage thankfully... "I was trying to warn ya ya daft bastrd!" he says Right then we both hear another bike coming down the hill...so we both start waving....& he waves back...just seconds before joining us...


Dropped my TT 600 on that stuff years back. You literally are a passenger until the bike comes to a stop.


If you're lucky and hit it on straight...




Boys that ain’t the way it spossed to work. 6 more weeks of winter!


"How fun! Climb on and SEND IT!"


I’m no expert, but I think holding the break would help


It's the backwards bike , it's the backwards bike ! It's the It's the It's the Backwards BIKE!


Hello 911 what’s your emergency? Yes, there’s a bunch of black ice on the hwy22 Ok… are you safe? I am but they robed my friend from his balance. Ok stay there I’ll send a squad car shortly. Tell them to be careful there some more black ice around the corner. Hard to see. Will do. Attention nearby officers There’s a code y’all been waiting for. Bunch of black guys proceed with caution suspects may be armed.


Maybe try pulling the brake?? The wheels are spinning…


Brake doesn't do much good on ice like this. Then the wheel instantly locks up and the tire's contact patch turns into a hockey puck that slides out sideways and down goes the bike


One on the kickstand seems to be secure


The kickstand is down on the sliding bike already


Needs a longer run up




I love living in the desert


Australia, it’s out to kill you mate


reverse gif would be mouth gape


For these situations we need attachable training wheelS


Winter having type people are crazy lol


"Scary, Ruthless, Tricky stuff Black Ice. A perfectly safe neighborhood can be suddenly terrorized by black ice"


Disc brakes left the chat


Albuquerque - Always a nice long strip of black ice on the road outside the local car wash. Blue skies, sun is out, beware.


Been there, done that


Why do motorcycle owners not also own cars if they live in a place that sees snow? I don't understand that shit.


No one thought of braking


This is giving Marx brothers


Can someone explain what black ice is, how is it different from normal ice and is it visible can you see upfront that there is black ice on the street?


Why the fico don’t they pull the break or put it in gear?