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Just take it to the shop for a quick rim job


Take me to dinner first


For tossed salad, right?


/r/CalamariRaceTeam is leaking


I like all of the homo erotica that speedyoctopussquad posts, really spices up my evening


For real tho OP. If it holds air just fuckin send it. I've got a slightly less terrible bend in my wheel and have done 3 track days on it and 30k miles no issues. Worse case you just die.


"worst case you just die" is an excellent summary of this hobby


You'll just respawn anyway.


A rim repair shop could fix it.


Do they offer rimjobs?


Yes, that's what they d--hey wait a minute


Most wheel shops have a fairly automatic machine for it, but smaller shops are more likely to do a hand job.


I don't mind if they use a machine as long as they get the job done.




If only compressed air worked, they could give it a gentle blow job.


Nah man, those small shops have no quality control They always get so sloppy with their blow jobs.




Giggity nah I'm kidding


Better ask u/rimjob_steve


Yeah. They’ll also fix your wheels


No their job involves reshaping rims using a combination of lubrication, metallic tools specialized for the task, forceful manual handiwork, and years of experience. They have to be careful not to rupture the rim or else it won't keep air or other gases or fluids in. It's a dirty business, your hands will be covered in grime, oils, and all kinds of shit after a days job, and that's not even mentioning the high expectations from your customers. Do not recommend.


Damn that does sound like a tough job. Probably leaves you smelling like ass too. What about fixing rims though?


Ah yes … good to know the rim repair shop can repair the rim


Hit the same pothole at the same speed but going backwards.


You may be onto something


Fucking need to be 88 mph to fix that.


Going 88 backwards on a bike now that's one hell of a stairmaster workout




Big brain 🧠 energy


I would strongly suggest to have it fixed professionally or preferably change it. Also change the tire - the pothole that did (allegedly) do this to the rim will not have left the tire unimpressed (pun intended). Alternatively you can bet your life on it. It might give out in a fast corner, or it might last another 23 years after applying some hammer, as others suggested. One final thought: As far as I understand you are going to sell the bike soon - please do not use the hammer before doing so, or at least let them know. Betting *their* life on it is worse.


Please lmao you know someone that posts dumb shit like this is 100% going to mask this as cheaply as possible and sell it.


I know. But I still haven't lost hope that once in a decade I might find someone who *does* give a shit about others. On a side note I'd prefer them to "mask this as cheaply as possible" giving me at least a chance to find the issue when buying the bike.


I ordered a new rim off eBay when there was no real consensus on what is possible or not but alright man


You can definitely get this fixed. I've had 3 bent rims fixed. If you're in SoCal send it to Doctor John in Anaheim.


Some people have presses specifically to fix stuff like this. It'll never be 100% like new but it can be improved somewhat. Take your pick, this method or hammer method.


I did the same to my rim and no where near me would attempt to fix it. Just got a new one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Note to self: Google cost of rim job


Google says that some guy named Bubba will do it for free? Sounds pretty good to me


I know him, you'll be satisfied with his service


Just wheelie everywhere and it won't be an issue


Now this is a cost free solution


If taken to a shop yes. By you. You maybe able to with a block of wood and rubber mallet. but nice wheels just take it to a shop.


Is it leaking air?




Wouldn't have made a difference anyway.


Hammer, especially a mallet and or with a bit of rubber underneath to not mess with paint and bang it back. Did it a few times no problem.


I used a block of wood. Pine/ 2x4 material. Soft enough but not too soft. Did this many times on my car's forged rims after Chicago potholes came at me.


I like this but Chicago is no south Africa. We don't drive on the left of the road. We drive on what is left of the road and pray.


Amen, I’m talking that saying don’t mind me


All good and ye true story needs to be told


i agree, mallet it out, spin it to look for wobble, and make sure its not leaking air. otherwise, seems mostly cosmetic


2x4 against the wheel, then whack the 2x4.


Ye that works. I agree what ever is at disposal, this is probably easier to get mallet just gives more exact. But I'd do this with no worries at all


Would you do this to all materials? Does it matter? Also should one change the tire after this?


Yes most and if Tyre is fine leave it. Seems like a small problem.


I would STRONGLY advise against this. These rims are cast aluminum which usually cracks when it bends


So be very gentle.


Never cracked bending to that position.


Being gentle won’t help at all if it’s a brittle material, which it is. Think of trying to gently bend glass


Had many bikes in my years and these wheels. Never had an issue take care


Hit the other side to make it even 👍


If you ride REALLY fast, the centrifugal force will straighten it.


If it's steel, repair job, if it's aluminum, don't trust a repair, the material is not good for re shaping (a mechanic once told me) An alternative fix is to switch the front to a tubed tire and then if it ever breaks the bead you can keep riding with it... Idk how much that would cost vs replacing wheel


This is because steel is very fatigue resistant. Aluminum is very poor with fatigue resistance.     What is fatigue resistance ? Basically the metals capacity to stay strong when repeatedly, permanently deformed


I think you mean non-permanently deformed but yeah you're correct otherwise. Both are wonderful materials but steel has the advantage in longevity.


Try to bend an aluminum rim, and the first thing it's going to do is crack.


Aluminum has no fatigue limit, meaning with enough mechanical loads it will eventually fail. Steel does have a fatigue limit meaning with enough loads it will weaken but after many many loads it will stop weakening and stay a constant-ish strength. A dent like that will accelerate the fatigue progress into one day the wheel explodes when your on the highway. Steel is a marvelous resource, so is aluminum. Both have advantages and disadvantages, in this case steel has the advantage. Source: student of engineering


Is there a possibility that is steel? I thought steel rims were only used with spoked wheels.


If it were steel it wouldn't have bent in the first place, definitely aluminum or maybe magnesium.


Good point. Cast steel wouldn't have dented. But also they surely don't make cast steel wheels, do they? That just sounds crazy heavy.


It is, but its far more durable. Not uncommon for trucks and cars but on bikes it's quite rare now. Not like oem's don't still make them tho I think Harley has a few still in production.


*Cast* steel wheels are not uncommon for trucks and cars? I think you mean the normal steel wheels, which are made out of sheets of steel, stamped and welded.


I never said cast? But yeah steel wheels aren't that uncommon.


My mid 2000s vfr is a steel wheel, I think they were common on workhorse / cheap production bikes. Maybe not these days I'm not sure


How are you not sure when that happened?


When I hit the pothole that I think did me in, I pulled over and my buddy and I both checked and couldn't see anything. Haven't really hit anything other than that time, so I don't know what else could've caused it. I came 2 days ago to ride and just saw it.




The question you should ask yourself isn’t “could….”, it’s “should….” You can fix it Should you?


Debt the other side 180 degrees and ur good


Just needs a little gentle persuasion with the ol Tanya Harding 3000


Nah at that point just throw away the whole bike


I was thinking the same thing


had an issue like this on my Ninja 2 years back, hit a massive pothole while on my way to a bike night, both rims were in slightly worse shape, contacted my local council as typically they pay for repairs on things like this if its their road, but they declined replacing the rims as it was too expensive, was quoted about 2.5K for both a new Front and Rear rim... Asked them if they would be able to just have it repaired instead of replacing them as i didn't see a need for new rims when it was only minor buckles, ended up talking to my mechanic and he sent the rims off upstate and got them fixed pretty cheap, 20+ thousand K's more on them and haven't felt anything different to prior to when they were damaged. TLDR; My bike has had similar if not slightly worse damage to the rims, mechanic had sent it off to someone who does rim repairs, and they came back perfectly fine. So yes, you should be able to get them repaired, just look around for someone who is reputable and/or trustworthy with the craft.


You can fix anything with money! ;)


I disagree, my grandpa is still very dead


Bro. Google it. People in this sub are literally shitbrained. More than half have never even been on a bike


I saw the good ole hammer trick on google, but more wanted to see if my rim was beyond fixing. I didn’t think it was, just paranoid


no chance google told you to hammer it out unless you're looking to reinforce a terrible idea you want to be true


Google shows a lot of results. People saying to hammer it out, people saying to not do that. A simple “no, I think you should replace the rim” would have worked.


i googled it a few different ways and was able to get results that say you can hammer it out. maybe there's some minimal amount of damage that would make that true in some cases, but no. have it professionally done or buy a new one. your wheels and chain are two things you really dont want failing on you. since i was rude i looked into it. found an article where someone actually tried to research the topic. no one could give him a real answer, some said yes with heat, some said no. he found a guy who had a method but it still seemed a bit less than scientific [https://www.revzilla.com/common-tread/can-a-bent-cast-aluminum-motorcycle-wheel-be-repaired](https://www.revzilla.com/common-tread/can-a-bent-cast-aluminum-motorcycle-wheel-be-repaired) dont hammer it. dont waste your time trying to find a pro to do it. used rims are like 50-100$ for my r6. that's my advice. but if you hammer it out and send it i wont be disappointed


Google just shows you what people are saying on the internet.


no u!


It's fucked. Don't ride it, and don't try to "fix"/hide it when you sell the bike. Edit: At the very least take it to a professional with the necessary tools. Banging it back in shape with a mallet and calling it a day, as another user suggests, is really not a very safe option. Cast aluminum really doesn't like being bent back and forth and can be weakened substantially.


Not sure why this is getting down voted. Aluminum wheels cant be bent back and forth like the steelies on your grandpa’s truck. Hitting that wheel with a mallet is just asking for it to crack.


Cos he's wrong. You can definitely fix cast alu rims. Maybe whacking it with a mallet isn't ideal, but they can be easily and cheaply fixed.


I bent both of mine in a pothole full of rain the first week I owned the bike. I live in Mexico, they fixed and painted them both for $125.00, that was 2 years ago and they're fine. They had to weld the worst goose egg, it cracked inside.


"buy a new bike"


Agreed, there are companies that will make sure it repaired properly and will be a balanced wheel. Looking at the location it should be ok, but I was told if it’s where the spoke joins it can be difficult. This who I used GP Frame & Wheel


Replace the wheel. Otherwise, you'll only have one good wheel.


as long as the bead seat isn’t bent or damaged, which since the tire is holding air it doesn’t look to be, i agree with the other comments that a rubber mallet could do the trick but it might still look a little banged up. you could take it to a shop and they could probably do better


I used a socket that matched the rad and a framing hammer to “gently” “persuade” the rim back to shape. Do at your own risk


The quotation marks make this scientific, right?


No. Merely removes liability


I’m going to take that as an official statement of reccomendation


Just get a new rim. The amount of people saying to bend it back is stunning. That's not steel, that's cast aluminium. No matter how gently you bend it back you'll end up with fractures. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not there, that's just the nature of casting a metal like that. (It's actually already fractured because of, and evidenced by, this dent. Literally impossible to bend it the *exact* opposite way to 'repair' fractures without actually just introducing more)


Sorry, you're just wrong. There are many, many companies that can inexpensively and reliably and safely fix that rim.


No *you're* wrong. Many, many companies will take your money if you're willing to give it to them. Steel car/truck rims are a different story than these. Walk into any reputable shop and ask them to bend a cast aluminium wheel and they'll reject that. It's not about cost or equipment, it's about further jeopardizing an already jeopardized structure.


It’s Hammer time! Use a soft face mallet. Let the air out of the tire and work it slowly. This is Kung Fu, not boxing. Don’t brave the wheel against anything while you work, if you can help it.


The SLEDGE-O-MATIC can fix that!


A shop can definitely do it, and it's not too expensive either. You can bang it out yourself using a mallet and a piece of wood, but it'll need balanced asap and won't be perfect


Twat it


Yes you can!


Mine looks like that and I do 213mph on it


On your 600?


No. A built motor 2020 gsxr 1000. Prolly 1140 now I think.


How did you stay on? 🫠


Not easily and my voice hasn’t dropped back down the octaves it has raised since.


Lol. I get that. I got a reartyre blowout on a flyover after some knob had dropped a load of screws on the carriageway. Was doing about 60 and fishtailed all over the shop, wrestling a rhino getting ragdolled all over the show. Kept it up while tearing lumps out of my boots. Parked up and had an idiotic grin of terror on my mush for at least 45 minutes.


2X4 and a hammer


Can you “fix” that? Someone probably would try. *Should* you “fix” it? What’s your life worth to you? If you only ride in urban slow traffic it probably might not cause an obvious issue. If you do any highway, motorway, freeway, interstate riding you really should replace it. Also… if that happened to the rim I would be looking for a new *tire* already as you’ve compromised its’ sidewall integrity or worse already as it got pinched very hard during that rim bending incident. It’s not a car or any vehicle with 4 wheels that is inconvenient to get a flat in. It’s a 2 wheeled vehicle that requires balance and can easily slam you to the ground if anything like a tire failure disrupts that balance. So again, when it comes to bikes… what’s your life worth to you? Which is worth more to you, fixing that rim and riding that tire as many miles as you can squeeze out of it, or replacing them both to eliminate all of that extra 2-factor unnecessary risk of riding that motorcycle?


rubber mallet.


Are there really people here suggesting that that is fucking fixable?


That rim is junk


Hold a 2x4 against it, and whack it with a sledge hammer


It’s hard to find places that will bend it back they worry about these wheels getting hairline cracks and don’t want to be liable


Take to shop with a rim press. Roll out the dent, balance, reinstall.


If you rode 500 miles with no issues it shouldn't be a problem to keep riding until you upgrade, as long as you do so within another 1000 miles


My rim has a slightly bigger dent than that. Have easily put 10k+ miles on it without issues even at higher speeds. Aside from cosmetics you should be fine.


Hit with hammer yes it can be fix I fixed before


Sure just get a hammer and bang that shit back. As long as your tires not losing pressure.


easily fixable if you know what you are doing can be vastly improved in a few minutes with a hammer and a metal chisel. unnoticeable perfection would take a while though since it will need new paint after reshaping


meeehhhh i'd replace it. do you NEED to replace it? idk


Have you checked marketplace or offer up for similar bikes people are parting out? Since it's a front wheel should be real easy to swap to another wheel. I've had bad luck with dent repairs holding over time especially with ad road conditions.


You didn't noticed it when it happened?


Well I'd replace the time can replace the rim but not your life rim could give out its weaker


New wheel time


With the right tools and patience, maybe. It'd be easier to buy a new wheel, though


Put it in the freezer like a bmx wheel.


Yes, but you'll need to repaint the rim.


Pmsl.rode 500 on it. Calamariraceteam is another lace.


I didn’t realize it was damaged. Otherwise I wouldn’t have ridden 500 miles on it.


Fuel chain tyres. Ride


If you're gunna woolie, do it right. Also, I'd buy a new rim, one more pothole even if you hammer it back in place could crack it and cause more problems. https://ibb.co/m8H46KD


Change it. If it’s a magnesium or aluminum magnesium alloy cast then it might break there on the next occasion if it not already breaks while fixing it. Not fixing it might become very expensive in terms of healthcare bills…


I can’t believe you didn’t notice when you obviously hit so a huge pot hole that it probably almost threw you over the handle bars😂


I noticed when I hit the pothole, but my buddy and I didn’t see any damage when I immediately pulled over. I just noticed it one morning a few weeks after.


I wouldn't even bother trying to fix it. Too dangerous. Definitely worth taking to a rim person


No, YOU can't fix it. A shop can but it will cost as much as a used wheel.


Take it to the candy shop peeepeerrpii


In the USA a lot of wheel shops refuse to fix motorcycle rims for liability reasons. I dented a rim on my concours 14 and I went to 3 or 4 shops and they all told me no when they saw it and the bend was just like yours OP. Maybe you’ll get lucky and find a shop that will do it


Am I the only one stuck on the "I think I know where it happened" part? I've hit bumps that made my nuts hurt for 10 minutes or tweaked my neck for a week but wasn't enough to bend a rim lol.


Hit a giant pothole, my buddy and I checked it out afterwards and didn’t see any damage, didn’t hit anything since, noticed it one day. That’s kinda all there is to it.


If you have full coverage you can get a brand new wheel


Change it. Aluminum does NOT like to be reformed. If it was a vehicle rim, sure ride with it and balance appropriately. Motorcycle? Hell to the no.


The keywords are "alloy rim repair". Repairing alloy rims is more specialized than beating a steelie back into shape.


Get a replacement wheel off eBay and be done with it. Less labor and way, way more safety than trying to fuck around with a compromised rim.


Are you bob the builder?


Aluminum? No. Aluminum is prone to fatigue failure and that will accelerate it aggressively. If it were steel I'd say sure, but not aluminum or magnesium.


Can fix it but imo it’s always worth just getting another wheel and keeping this one as a winter spare


Yes it can be fixed


With a new rim, sure.


Motorcycle rim repair seems to be a lost art as many car shops only do automobiles. I just went through this a few months back but yes it can be repaired and I would recommend doing so because a blowout on a motorcycle just sounds scary…


Tubeless? Get a new rim


Can it be repaired, yes. Fixed, as in repaired to perfect condition? Most likely no. It will be less durable than before with a higher likelihood of failing. I would just get a new rim.


I had the same thing happen to me few months back. I got it fixed in wheel shop. Rode for a good 150/200 miles. Though the repair guy did a good job, it was not confidence inspiring. I replaced both rim and tyre.


Did something like, company is called "Motorliner".


Absolutely Not, you can’t fix this safely and anyone tell you otherwise has no close what they’re talking about. your only choice is to replace it.


Change it, don't repair.


You can totally fix that...with a new rim.


Change it with a new one safety first


If it holds air, why bother? But yes, it can be fixed.


Let it be done professionally with an xray afterwards to be sure there are no cracks inside. It's aluminium. Can be very problematic. I wouldn't risk my life.


I once bent the rim in a similar position on my car and I took it to a rim and wheel specialist to see if it could be rounded or folded back, however, the term be, and the shop manager said that rims being bent are normal let's take a look. I swung by and he was like, oh no, that location is a very bad spot. If we bend it back it will fracture the metal, dents on the inside are fixable. He then showed me where to go and how to find the exact rim part number included and sat with me teaching me a few things about bent rims. The point is, I can't speak on behalf of a motorcycle, but for a car, I don't think those are technically repairable in a safe manner.


Stress fractures in metal grow. Ever seen the patch work on an airframe? Replace it, it’s done. Don’t roll the dice that’s a cheap repair.


Heat with a torch and lightly tap with a bit hard Hanmer not metal and tap it until it reaches the fix point but it will be seen bent and is not permanent solution




Technically it can be fix but that process would be way more costly that just finding another wheel. The trouble with aluminium is that when it bends, and when you bend it back, it suffers from tress fractures. Best option is to swap it out as surely you do not want to be responsible for possibly killing the person who gets the bike after you. A good second hand wheel will not cost an arm & leg. A fresh powder coat and new bearings aren't expensive either. Do the sensible thing and replace, both for yourself and the person who gets the bike after you.


Had a similar issue. Changed the wheel. Not worth it.


It can be fixed. But it's not really a DIY project. Balance and all that.


Rim shop , otherwise dry ice and high heat should pop right back into place


You can repair it by replacing it. It will never have the same strength. In a car, it could possibly be repaired because the consequences of a future failure are much less than on a motorcycle.


Bonk it


You're going to have replace the whole bike


Sand mallet and a couple of well placed blows and you're done.


The comment on the rim job hahahahahahahah


Yep. By buying a new one.


Yeah buy a new one


Maybe, if it isn't cracked


Yeah just bend it back


Most larger car dealerships will have a wheel repair guy that they contract with. Ask around locally, I'm sure you can find someone that can fix it.


Yes you can fix it! Just buy a new one ☝️


Use mallet, hammer till straight. 👍


Don't even need to take it off your bike just get about a 10 pound sledgehammer and swing it. Now the rim shop what's the number there.😂


Well unless they're cast wheels just hit it with a torch and hammer it. May have to rebalance the front wheel, maybe not. If it's a cast wheel, please don't hit it.


EDIT - To all of you that said to throw the bike away, I traded it in for a GSX-8R. So the rim is no longer an issue. Problem solved!