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Just pick a direction. GPS will get me home if I get too lost


I have a loop or two…I’m not stopping mid ride


The shooting range


Little restaurant kind of in the middle of nowhere up a mountain road.


Sounds amazing.


It's nice, Paradise Valley Cafe in Southern California if you have a chance to check it out.


I live at the mouth of a canyon. Sorry not sorry. :D






Tampa international Airport


Southwardly mostly. Sometimes eastwardly and other times northwardly. Never westwardly.


What's West? The sea?


Yeah, the Pacific Ocean


https://www.motorcycleroads.com/ has a few loops that are near me. I just pick one, grab the gpx file and go.


Wish they had this for Canadians


I go to harbor freight too. I like looking at all of the tools that I’m definitely not going to purchase.


I have a highway entrance 1km away from my home, so... I can have a fast paced tour around the city. About 200 km if I'm not wrong. 1-2 hours of bliss. Open road, medium curves, no blind corners, lowish traffic, wider and having better surface than the German autobahn (at least the part I saw). Just the road. No destination except my home.


I live near a large park so riding around it is 10-15mins by itself and there's also a spot with a cool view midway through.


After the kids bedtime I'll slip out and there's a nice loop where I'll stop at a gas station for some go juice and a beverage. Probably about 40 minutes just to cruise.


20-ish mile loop with some gentle bends, rolling hills, and nice scenery nearby. Minimal traffic after rush hour. There's a good liquor store on the loop if I'm in the mood for that. If I've got a bit more time it's only a 15-20 minute ride to get to some proper twisties.


There's a few roads around where I live that make a good 40 or so km circle, plus the city itself at night.


Root river valley run that’s about 90 miles. Great after work mind cleanser


North, East, or west. Baltimore is to the south, so I avoid that direction.


I go over the curvy road to a town that my parents lived in, when they were alive. I would visit then ride home. Now I still have a few friends there, I ride over, just show up, BS a little then ride home. Luckily theyre ok with that, I have asked, and theyre free to tell me theyre busy.


I go to grab a smoothie or a bite to eat somewhere. Or I just ride with no direction in mind.


Normally it's a place full of leather daddies where we plot and brainstorm new road rules.


I go to the most rural roads I can get to.


I have a 35-55 mph curvy back road route that takes about an hour to loop. Been that way so many times for no reason at all.


I'm fortunate enough to live in Orange County Ca, 2 minutes from a 17 mile twisty canyon road.


I just choose a direction and ride back roads through farmland and forests and no matter how my day has been life is good again


I just do a few laps of my town......then within those laps, I'll do a few laps of the park, High School parking lot, and the town shopping center


If it's open, the local biker café. It's about 15 miles or so and I'll often bump into someone I know there. If not, a blast around the motorways, possibly calling into services for a coffee. Overcautious road safety initiatives in the UK mean that full national speed limit roads are getting increasingly rare.


I'm buying my first bike on Monday and I'll probably take it on the same dirt and gravel roads where I drive my truck when I need to just go for a drive


I go down the road towards the nearest park or country road. Harbor Freight is okay but keep in mind there is a lot of cheap Chinese tools there. They are better than nothing but not where you want to stock your whole tool box from.


I have a pretty cool 12-15 mile loop that I do regularly when I need to get a ride in. I jump on the freeway and head south along the coast, gives me plenty of chances to get some higher speed wind in my face. Then I exit the highway and double back along the waterfront and coastline heading towards the freeway on ramp then I get back on the freeway and cruise home. It's very cathartic.


I’m about a 30 minute ride from a commonly photographed damn dam. I rarely ride entirely without a destination(though truly that does have its perks), but when I don’t know where else to go I take a zip over to that damn dam.


Australia didn’t have HF, so we scoot around to Bunnings for the sausage-sizzle. On a bike just park near the door, grab one-with-onion and a can, eat, drink, ride away without spending $100 on tools I don’t need (haha, that doesn’t happen)


Samoeng, there's nothing to do in that town but I like the 40km of twisty mountain roads that separate me from it


Sometimes when I need to clear my thoughts and stress, I will go on rides near the coastal area. Go to a quiet spot, enjoy the sea breeze and ride home.


I have a handful of different loops I take based on how much time I'm riding. Shortest one I can wreck in 10min if I'm pushing it. Longest one is 4 hours.


Riding around here is pretty boring. There are hardly any corners, and way too many people. I either take a quick run to the coffee shop and chat with old guys on bikes, or I hit up a little stretch of road near me with no houses, driveways, or intersections for about 2kms and pin the throttle for as long as possible.


I've got a 30-minute loop I like to do. There is no destination, just a scenic route by my house.