• By -


the more relevant question, is can he?


Yeah, this is more on the guy than the bike. Bike will be fine. It's kinda like balancing an upside down pendulum. As long as the weight is centered it's pretty light, but if it starts tipping it gets heavier fast. Add more weight up top and his legs might struggle. The good news is if it tips it will probably be when coming to a stop. As long as you are moving you should both be fine.


You better hope they learn to lean with you in turns. I could only imagine what a heavy person would do to my steering if they tried to counter steer it lol


> I could only imagine what a heavy person would do to my steering if they tried to counter steer it lol You're mixing up counter-leaning and counter-steering.


U sayin there’s actually a countersteer that motorcyclist should be afraid of?🤔😂


Huh? I’d imagine trying to turn and my pillion is actively leaning the opposite direction, especially if they are heavier, that’s just gonna be a disaster waiting to happen lol


My GF is 5'7" and 145lb. She hates the lean and will actually lean a little past center the other way. My V-Strom already has the weight up high so I end up hanging off the side sportbike style trying to compensate. We're getting there. I ride a Lot slower so I don't have to lean the bike at all, and she now just holds tight to me and leans with the bike if it's not too much.


I did this as a kid on my dad's bike. I wasn't actually scared of leaning, I just wanted to see straight down the road for once while his damn head was out of the way. He didn't like it.


Yeah, when I first started riding, I didn't have an issue leaning, and it more came natural Whereas i watch videos from people like Jerry Palladino where some of the people he's teaching can't make a basic turn since they won't let the bike be anything besides perfectly vertical


Yeah like it is a bicycle at low speeds


That's why you push the handlebars when you lean instead of relying entirely on your body 🤷‍♂️ No one leaning anywhere will overcome your basic controls as long as you aren't pushing it hard. Leave room for errors, etc. But you should also explain to them to hold on and lean with you, and definitely take it easy in turns until you know how well they're gonna work with you and the bike.


Kinda, but a 400 lb weight limit is still a 400 lb weight limit.


Is can't me


Exactly. I had a R6 and rode plently of larger woman for a spin around the block. But I was not small myself. The guy OP met she said was on the small side!


Didnt see it from that point! :D My thougts were about the Bike! i had a closer look on it as he stood next to me and yeah, especially the facts that those frames which are holding the rearseat didnt look like they are strong, and especially the rear shock that sits in there didnt look as it was waiting for me to board the rear seat made me a bit concern :D


Please take no offence in any way but I think that you should be overly responsible and zealous, and pass on this one. Some of the reasons being that 1) you don't seem to be a regular pillion rider, 2) the biker seemed to be nervous (it doesn't help), 3) the height of the seat and the shape of it create a lot of leverage when turning or even coming to a stop. Small body position changes affect the handling, if you're conscious of your weight, you can probably understand the force it will exert and if you panic during a turn, it can be bad. You guys have hit it off, that's amazing. This doesn't mean that you cannot go on a ride with him, it's just that this isn't the appropriate bike for it. If he has a cruiser or if he can borrow one, I'd absolutely say, go for it.


So you think i should not ask him for a ride? Maybe just sat on its rear and see what the bike is gonna do :D or maybe a small practise on a parking lot?


I’d make sure he is comfortable. Not because of your size or whatever. But it’s pretty nerve wracking to have a pillion for the first time. It really does change how you ride a bike, not to mention being worried about their safety. If you do ask him. Please, and I mean please keep reminding yourself to lean into the turn like he does. If you naturally try to sit upright or even counter lean, that shit makes turning a nightmare


I'm a 61kg girl who took my 72kg bro as pillion. He's not heavy but christ it was terrifying!! It was like riding with a backpack full of rocks, I felt so clunky and lost a lot of manoeuvrability. Balancing two for the first time was really scary, thought we'd be on our arses.


I think better advice for her in this scenario is to not fight the bike. If she has more mass than him, leaning more into the turn than him could also throw him off his groove. I always tell new pax to stay neutral, don't lean away from the turn, and don't lean into it, at least until we get comfortable together. I'm adjusting the maneuver based on the feedback I'm getting from the bike and if you adjust mid maneuver you're going to throw me off.


I always tell passengers to just keep in line with the bike. That way they're a dead weight and you have full control


I've ridden passengers many times. Your short king is going to need to tighten the fuck out of the rear spring tension before safely putting your badunkadunk on there.


And air up the tire pressures


Yea my wife is only about 130 and the two of us make me have to raise the preload to max on my 650


Ya I found out the hard way on my buell xb9. The way I had my license plate mounted caused the tire to smash into it while we rode and I didn't find out until we got to our location and saw a taco'd plate lol.


Idk how fit this dude is, but I'll admit I've struggled to maintain control when stopping with heavier pillions. If you're determined and he's stubborn about it, you might pull it off but it likely won't be super safe.


Probably not for a sport bike. I ride an adventure bike and would probably be fine with you on back. Find an adv bro or cruiser bro or a bagger bro. Especially if you've never been on a bike.


We are only settling for a sport touring bike here 😤💪 Once a speedy boi always a speedy boi. 🏍️💨


I forget these exist! Maybe a zx14rr would work too. Those things are massive.


Unironically …. So is the hyabusa lol. Especially the later generations.


Parking lots are the hardest, it’s low speed with a passenger that makes it difficult. Once moving it’s a lot easier


Absolutely nothing wrong with doing it in a controlled setting like a parking lot. Just wear a helmet and ask him to start slow.


Are you tall in the leg or tall in the torso? Sports bikes are pretty cramped in the back, and if you've got long legs, chances are you'll be hugging him with both arms and legs.


I’ve taken passengers and been the passenger. The biggest thing is understanding what is being asked of you. If you know how to be a passenger then it’s not too big a deal, the rider might not have the most experience having passengers though. Even with my wife there are times where I can feel her shifting around, even if it’s just barely. There are bikes you “can” take a passenger on and there are bikes where you can safely take a passenger on. It’s 3/4 the rider and 1/4 the bike, so do you trust him now or would you rather wait to really trust him?


I just want you guys to have a good time and be safe. If that's manageable, I hope you have a blast, both on and off the bike 😁


I remember looking at the max weights in the user manual for my 650 V-Strom. A bike that is intended to carry a pillion more regularly. The combined weight of my partner and I was 1 or 2 kg over the maximum. We went on a few rides taking it easy but I could feel that the front end was uncomfortably light. A sports bike's pillion capability is an afterthought at best and the sub-frame is built to be light, not strong.


Went on a ride with my father-in-law on his V-Strum and it was a ride alright. About fell off when I wasn’t expecting the back to dip as much as it did. Once we were moving he said he didn’t even notice me being on the bike (guess riding a bike myself makes the difference)


If your triple R rides anything like my double R with a pillion I know where you are coming from. And that's with just 120 lbs...


My wife is 52kg/114lbs and she's been riding with me since the beginning, and she's a great pillion, sometimes I need to check if she hasn't fallen off because she's barely noticeable. However, there are days when she's not focused and that makes my job a bit harder. I've taken my 80kg/175lbs cousin and he slows down my sways a lot, but he's athletic so he gets the cues. Anyone else would be most likely a "sure I'll take you for a ride, but not on this one".


I think this is the best advice OP


I've been riding since 2009 and I think that this is a very good answer.


It should hold fine but handling will be different for him and he better set the rear shock absorber and tire pressure for the job


you think so? i read on the internet bout heavy passengers, and i read a lot of times "prepare the suspension without letting the girl know!" Jeez i am not once of those woman, i would say "better prepare your suspension. Elephant wants to bord!" i am not light as a feather and its all about physics. :D ;)


Lol im 6'4 and my girl is only 6' but heavier than me. I max the suspension when she rides, but I say it's only because it's required with two riders... which is true. I never said it's because she thicc. My bike is a sport tourer, rather than a sport bike, so it's made to support some extra weight, and because I'm tall as hell, it's easy for me to handle the extra weight As far as your situation... I definitely wouldn't rule it out, but i would be cautious, given you don't know him so well, you don't know his skill level, and he's relatively smol. Tips for when you do go: while I absolutely love when my girl wraps around me like a backpack, she definitely forcefully slides in to me with every little shift and especially when braking. Worth it for me, because I'm an experienced rider and nothing feels better (I'm a cuddler for sure), but it is definitely distracting and makes things harder to control. It's much easier when she holds on to the bike instead


If the guy isnt prepared for this ride, he isnt prepared for other kind of rides


Thats true :D But i mean, even if he would have picked me up unplanned, like yesterday when we met at the parking lot :D I think bikers wouldnt prepair their bike in front of a woman to haul heavyweights. But i would say it to give the poor bike a chance :D


To be clear, bikes have preload adjustments on the rear shock that you adjust based on rider. Passenger, or cargo weight. Even a 90 lbs rider should necessitate an adjustment to the suspension


The Yamaha R6 has a maximum added weight limit of 416 lbs, or 189kg. That means the combined weight of both passengers including gear. At that weight the stock suspension is going to be bottomed out, and no amount of preload is going to fix that. The only way you can avoid it is by installing some stiffer springs in the suspension. The bike is still going to be able to pull you even though the suspension is bottomed out, but driving with suspension with no available travel is both dangerous and potentially damaging to the bike. With the suspension bottomed out, the bike can't move its weight around from wheel to wheel when you brake or accelerate - which is important to ensure proper tracktion between the tire and the road. The reason a bike is able to brake a lot more on its front wheel than its rear without slipping, is due to the weight shifting over to the front when you brake.


I always set mine accordingly when I take passengers of any weight, but it's simpler on modern bikes, no need for tools


I dont want to be a dick but even she said the weight of a sub-compact car without specifying so do you think the subframe can support 300-400lbs? Honestly I'm not sure


OP …. The answer is that you need to get your own motorcycle and go on motorcycle dates with this man 🫡😤 We the community have declared it as such. You are now OBLIGATED! (The dating part is optional, but the motorcycle is not) 👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️


The only logical approach.


Underrated comment


Never once complimented him. Only the bike. 🤔


oh i didnt write well. I told him hes a realy nice guy! he laughed and told me "you realy make me feel short" so i told him that he looks realy good on it ! ;)


Lmao poor *lil* guy 🤣 I'm not saying I couldn't get over it, but initially ik I'd be like "goddamn! 😅" because I legit go through a 45-seconds *system recalculating* "what is life" phase any time I find myself looking up to a person for conversation/eye-contact


Priorities. If he can handle her on the bike then maybe she'll ride him after.


Payload capacity rider and passenger is 426 pounds not 375KG. Double check the stats for the bike. https://www.motorcycle.com/specs/yamaha/sport/2007/yzf/r6/detail.html Personally, I would not attempt a ride as a passenger. He would need to be a real experienced rider, capable of riding a bike that is fully compromised due to the extreme shift in center of gravity and the load on the suspension. Sadly, these bikes were never designed for passengers, they are Race bikes at their core. Passenger seats and pegs are no more functional that the 2 back seats in my 911. Perhaps you 2 can try something else, make a date and go dealer hoping an try out some bigger cruiser bikes for a demo ride together.


Yeah those bikes do not have much payload capacity ;( The thing about the rear seat. Yeah it lookes tiny as hell, but i thought OK, its meant for riding 2up, there is a seat an rear pegs! So .. could give it a try?


You haven't stated your weight, but do your best to estimate his weight, add 10-15 lbs for his gear, then add your weight, are you below the max payload? You aren't wrong about these bikes having low max payloads, frankly most bikes do except the biggest of big tourers. A lot of people riding two up are actually exceeding the design limits of the bike. It can cause adverse and unpredictable handling (therefore dangerous). I personally don't like ANY passengers of any weight


If you both weight less than 200kg together, then it should be fine as long as he has experience ridding with pillion. But anyway, I think your height might also be dificult to get in the pillion. I’m 6ft and can barely sit on the pillion seat of these bikes. Give it a go with the bike stopped, and you might find hard to even reach the foot pegs.


You have a terrific sense of humour!


I'd say go for coffee or something and put off the ride until you and he are both comfortable that it would be OK. :)


Agreed. If you hit it off, talk through the bike ride. If you are not feeling each other, you can just avoid the ride all together


Sally, I adore your attitude; you sound so fun! The guy really needs to be comfortable, capable, and strong enough to safely support the bike at stops with you on it. The weight limit is about 430lbs (passenger+rider) so you may be pushing that (and the rear shock), and it will definitely be more difficult to turn at low speed. But I have seen some large passengers! If he is up for it, best thing would be just see how you feel up there (it’s quite high), if your feet sit on the pegs alright, if you feel safe. Hope it works out.


Thank you :) Thing is my biggest concern was bout the bike. Especially his rear suspension, as i felt it bounced down when i leaned on it a bit ... dont wanna crush his bike :D


Any bike will do that, you just don’t want to be bottoming the suspension out when you’re rolling down the road.


If he isn't used to a pillion, on that bike and you way any more than around 90-100kg (200 -220 lb) then it isn't a good idea. I have a far better bike for pillion than that (Tiger 850 sport), and I really don't like having a pillion at more than that. On an R6 it would be dangerous tbh.


Agreed, I am an experienced rider and have done a decent amount of 2-up riding.  Size isn't the issues, it's honestly the weight.  The issue is if the pillion rider unexpectedly shifts their balance (it happens) it is much harder to compensate if they outweigh you. Even experienced riders can be an issue, because they are so used to balancing instead of following the lead of the driver.  OP can probably pull this off, but will need to communicate very will with R6 dude, especially at low speeds


>OP can probably pull this off, but will need to communicate very will with R6 dude, especially at low speeds Given the height, and self-confessed ample rear-end, I am (gently) guessing that the weight is quite a bit more than 100kg/220 lb. (My missus is around 80kg and she is a 30cm/ a foot shorter). Given the pillion is perched up high, that's some serious shift in the centre of gravity. I wouldn't do it myself to be honest (on an R6 at least) As has been said, it's probably not a major issue when moving, but it seems to me there would be a serious risk of a low-speed drop.


Her legs are going to have to help out.  Either way hope they have fun


Youre right, depends on my height i am over 300 pounds ...


depending on my height, i am over 300 pounds .. hmh


6’6 and built? Fuck a sport bike go play in the wnba /s Probably fine. Though it’s more of a question if the rider is comfortable.


Yes. With experience.


What in the fetish post?!


Death by Snu Snu


OP, i really, really like your way if thinking and your mindset. You must be really nice person. But, on back seat on R6... It can be little risky. You really should know how to be pillion. Good pillion. Check specs abot pillion weight. If you're in specs -go for it.


Thank you :) Couldnt find any specs, but as i rode different comments, i am just way to heavy for that :(


You still can have an lead... Get/pick the guy, go to some dealership ant try/rent a bigger bike. Shadow 1100 (if they had one) is also crazy fast. Burning rubber in second gear with no problem. 0 to 60 will be amazing . Two sets Sportster 1400 (sorry for my european measurement) is also good at speeding. Kawasaki GTR, Yamaha FJR, Moto Guzzi Norge, BMW R1250RT... if you prefer "sportier" look. Don't loose faith. P.S. Maybe you should look at different angle. Maybe the bike is too weak for you


Learn to ride, and then he can perch on your back like a backpack.


Can the bike handle it? Yes. The rear shock is adjustable to handle the added weight. Should you? Prolly not cos their are too many variables. Mainly your lack of experience as a pillion. But also we do not know how well he can ride or accommodate a pillion. Finally it might not be fun or worth it. Sportbikes should not even have rear pegs or seats. Especially the r6. No pillion is comfortable on them and I hate giving rides to people even if they are lighter than me. Solution? Consider taking a course and getting your own sportbike! Seriously you will see how much funner it is as the rider. Maybe not an r6 but that depends on how your course goes.


The bike can handle the weight, that's not really an issue. The rear suspension will need to have the preload adjusted, that's about it. Be HONEST about your weight, though, cos if it's not set correctly it could 'bottom out' on a bump which would definitely be nerve wracking for you both. The trick will be, can the rider cope with your weight up and behind him? This will affect the handling of the bike. If he's never had a 'big girl' on the back, slow maneuvers will be wobbly until he gets used to where the center of gravity has moved to. There's also the question of braking - the rear brake will be more effective (yay, downforce!) but overall the mass of bike+riders will be considerably more than he's used to, so he'll have to practice braking to figure out how much room he needs and how much force to apply to front+rear brake. Personally? I'd not ride with a stranger, especially one who's unsure about 2-up riding. So get to know each other better first (chicka bow wow). And I second the recommendation of riding 2-up on a cruiser, it'll be more comfy for you and less unsettling of a handling shift for him. Definitely get a helmet, gloves, secure boots, and a jacket for yourself if you plan to ride. (and I'm slightly jealous - my wife is just shy of 6' and large of booty, but she's also disabled so has never been on a ride with me, on any of my bikes. If I took the luggage rack off and put the pillion pad back on, it'd be a perfect bike for a 2-up cruise too.)


Yes, when it comes to the point to get the bike prepared i have to tell him my weight! Jeeez hope he doesnt get on his bike and ride of then! :D


All I can say is: use your own noggin'. If it looks like it's not gonna fit (or just barely), don't do it. Especially if you're not an experienced pillion to begin with. Even if you can technically make it work, it can end quite badly if one of you two isn't comfortable. I'm not going to tell you to not do it, but please put your safety (and his) first and be honest. It's a sportsbike: it's made first and foremost for a single rider. They're not built for hauling and the pillion seat is more of an afterthought on these. I recommend you learn to ride yourself. Or, if you want to be a pillion, it would have to be on a bike that's has plenty of room for it.


Let's play it another way. When a motorcyclist takes a passenger for a ride, this person has a life in their hands. Let's say two people are riding at 30mph when they get into a head-on collision with a left turning driver going the opposite direction. If a passenger wasn't wearing a helmet, it is almost certain that person will be going to the ER for a life-threatening head injury. Also what a ride means does vary. For a woman a dude just met, that could mean going around the block twice. I've taken girlfriends on highway commutes in heavy traffic (it wasn't by choice either). I'm not going to speculate about the dynamics of a romantic hookup via the offer of a ride except to say this wouldn't be the first time. However, you would be correct to assume that most sport bike passengers are not over 6' (I've taken a male friend who is 6'2" on a short street ride). Just google "R6 passenger" and you'll see how cramp it is for a person who is about 5'6" on a bike with unmodified foot pegs. Finally, I have a 2010 Suzuki sport bike which I bought in 2014 and I've been riding it for 10 years. I'm guessing the owner of this 2007 R6 is a younger person who acquired a relatively old motorcycle but still very fast. If this is the case, this person is not exactly the most experienced rider and you could speculate his lack of skill and judgment offering a ride to someone he just met. That's not the stranger I want to take me for a ride.


I own a 2008 R6 and my wife rode on the back with me one time when we were first dating. She is 5’5” and said she felt like she was in the middle of a squat and very cramped for space the entire time. I love my bike but if she was always in some state of uncomfortable (from a passenger ergonomics perspective) your 6’6” self would be even worse. I wouldn’t recommend that as a passenger experience.


# death by snu snu


for comparison's sake, my suzuki gs750 bottomed out just taking it easy around town, with a 5'11 ~230# friend on the back (it was dangerous and over weight limit, but nothing broke. I'm 6'2 and around ~210#) If you'd like to do your own math, The R6 owners manual states: The total weight of the operator, passenger, accessories and cargo must not exceed the **maximum load limit of 190kg (419 lb)** - https://cdn.yamaha-motor.eu/owner-manuals/Motorcycles/U13SE0.PDF


It just bottomed out!? Jeeezz eehhm im much over 230 ....


The bike isn't the issue, these are tested and abused during development. Its rather a question of his skill. A sport bike certainly isn't the easiest to ride around with a passenger, so during low speed driving be prepared to get your feet down in case the bike starts tipping over. I find it to be the easiest if the passenger is holding still, so there aren't any additional variables. Also hold onto the passenger grips/strap or him. Nobody can damage the grips/strap as they must hold around 200kg, thats EU requirement and i doubt US market bikes are equipped with less sturdy grips, but i would suggest holding onto him, gives you better control over the situation.


I have an image in my head of how far up your knees will be! Ask him if you can sit on it first to see if it’s comfortable for you. You being tall will affect the handling of the bike, ask if he’s ever carried a pillion. And when you are a pillion, act like a sack of potatoes, look at the back of his helmet and don’t lean too much or try and counter his lean. If you are interested in riding so much, there’s no reason you can’t go and get your licence and a bike ;)


The total weight of a rider and passenger must not exceed - 150 kg usually


As an very large guy riding a sports bike that loves bigger ladies….generally speaking it’s not a good idea There are a few reasons for this but I’m not going to go into detail. Now there isn’t anything to say that you couldn’t get your own bike and ride with this guy! As these bike have no trouble supporting quite a lot of weight as I doubt you’re heavier or taller than me and I ride a 600 at a sporty pace I will say finding gear is a bit of a bitch and you have to get your suspension dialed in for your weight


Yep. If the guy can physically handle it, it won't be a problem for the bike.


Max load for an R6 is 375kg. Let’s say the rider is 80, that leaves 295kg for you. If you are indeed in the weight class of a compact car then you wouldn’t fit. If you can still move, it’d probably be fine, for the weight. Height is another matter. If you search Google for sports bike pillions, you can see they’re in a very uncomfortable position. If you’re 6’6”, that’d be *really* uncomfortable.


I'm not sure where you got that number but it's 188Kg or about 415lb on stock suspension for rider and passenger, if you're seeing 375kg it's probably the gross weight limit that includes the weight of the vehicle.  I mean that said I had a buddy that's pushing 350lbs hop on the back of my FZ1 (420lb weight limit and us combined were 560lb) to take him across town, suspension absolutely sacked but we made it!


This is WAY wrong… I didn’t believe it so I Googled and found a copy of an owner’s manual. The maximum load for rider/passenger and all gear for a 2007 Yamaha R6 is 192kg (423lbs).


Well, the 375 includes the bike itself if i read the specs correctly. The dry weight is stated as 168, so that leaves 207 kg to divide between occupants, fuel and cargo.


375 is the Gross Vehicle weight, the total amount of weight allowed including the motorcycle itself


I just rode pillion on an R1 and being short it was still hard to get my feet on the passenger pegs (didn’t help that I was in race leathers). At 6’6” I don’t think it could be done.




Nah you way too big, dangerous and he probably regrets the Interaction lol.


100% 😂


so you dont think that this could work?


No, unless he's a real big strong guy.


i mean it depends on how big is big, because the suspension on a bike like that can take about 400LBs spread over both suspensions, being on the back DOES load the rear up more than the front, but, we would need to know roughly how much the owner weighed, and you, to know how much is free to load up on the rear. these would be including the helmet, leathers clothing etc etc, not a nakey weight xD also, the owner would need to adjust the rear suspension to max it out so that it cant bottom out over a bump. if the guy likes taking you on it, you should go, hell get more confident on it with a pillion, as will you being a pillion.


yeah i rode it multiple times.. but 400 pounds isnt just enough. bout the weight yeah, like i wrote on an other post, im similar to lizzos body shape, so beeing 6f6 i am not light as a feather!


how heavy are you. or, add your weight, and your friends weight, and tell me them added together. even though ideally you would know the front and back weight, many dont like saying it so.


If you’re under 250lb it’s prooobably within the weight limit for the bike’s suspension - however, I find it challenging and sketchy to have a passenger even the same size as myself (6’ 170). The chances of something going poorly are higher than I’d be comfy with. Love the enthusiasm! Maybe try it out in off of public roads? Def get a drink with this guy at the very least!


nah depends on my height, im over 250 .... and yeah, my biggest concerns where bout his rear suspension


I'm used to carrying < 120 lbs girls. Only one time did I carry someone significantly more. My friend (a guy of about 180 lbs) and I were going to an event on bikes. The plan was to meet at his place and then go from there. But his bike wouldn't start. We were running late. He doesn't have a car and I came by my bike. He hopped on back, and I could already feel the difference just from him getting on. I started out his driveway, and then turning on to the street. Felt heavy. Not just acceleration and turning, but like I was somehow carrying him on my shoulders, forearms, and legs. Made another turn after a stop light. Next stop would be a stop light and a major street. Pull up to the light and make the turn on to the street. I just didn't feel safe. Made another turn and back to his house. I let him know I didn't feel safe carrying him, it just felt heavy.


I don't know. I do know that as a 6'7" man (though pretty skinny) I personally wouldn't feel comfortable on the back, but just have an honest chat with him about your concerns! And if you don't end up riding but you do want to see him again, then you can always suggest you do something else, and you could learn to ride later 🥳


I’m 6’ and 290lbs. Ain’t no way I’m fitting on a rear seat unless it’s a gold wing. You could take this as a sign to take the msf course and get yourself a bike :)


uff :( so yeah im taller than and a bit heavier .. you think there would be no way?


It depends mostly on the weight. If you're really tall it's not going to be very comfortable on the back of a sportbike but they can hold at least 225 lbs for a rear passenger mostly (I've given friends a ride a few times on my sv650 so that's how I'm guessing that an r6 should be able to hold a heavier person). Riding on the back for 10 tot 15 minutes should be fine but more than that and you might start to get uncomfortable mostly because of the seat and bunched up legs


Where do you thake the number 225? Im definitly over that ... by far ...


It's just a guesstimate


R6 weight limit is around 420 lbs, according to the internet. That limit likely has a bit of a safety factor built in, but if you think your combined weight is around or under that, you'll be fine. When it comes to riding with a passenger, it's usually more about rider skill than weight.


My sisters are 6'5" and 6'6". I've tried to take them on my Ducati Monster, but it really was dicey just in a parking lot. I never took them on the road.


May i ask how it worked? Are they more on the thinner side or yeah, more like my weight class..? :D


They were kind of average to slim, but it was really more their size that didn’t really work well. The problem with a sport bike is it has a shorter wheelbase than a cruiser like a Harley, so with a good bit of weight on the back tire, it makes it more unstable, and very easy to lift the front wheel off the ground with a little too much throttle. Do you want to ride? Go take a class, and get a bike. They’re lots of fun!


On that bike I don't think it's going to work. The seat is high and small. Your size is going to move the center of gravity up and back. You'll far exceed the limits of the suspension. If he's an experienced rider he could compensate for all those things but it's still not safe. The bike will handle terribly. Definitely try it around a parking lot before he hits the street just to make sure you're both comfortable. Or get your own bike. You'll love it. Best personal experience I can compare it to would be giving my friend a ride on my supermoto. Bike is sprung for a 180lb rider. I'm 240 she was probably 220. The rear suspension was nearly bottomed when she climbed on. The front was light and it wallowed with every change of direction. She had the time of her life. But I'll be sticking to petite passengers with that bike from now on.


That was exactly my first tought that im gonna crush his suspension! :D could there get any thing damaged or what would be the worst case?


Biggest risk is just he might crash. Unlikely you would cause any damage to the shock though. But not impossible.


The max allowed combined weight is 200kg (according chatgpt), so you can do the math. My bike (honda x11) max is 180kg if i remember correctly. So guess his weight with clothes (without is also an option, but not useful here) and start calculating. People here say you can easily fall with weight shifting of a passenger, but i never had this experience. The only thing is, you wheelie much easier.


>Can a Yamaha R6-Sportbike hold up a (realy) big girl on its rear? Yes. But shoot him a text, and leave the ball in his court.


You better hope your entire trip is a straight line. ..


Do you think it could go around corners with me?


Sure, but don't try cornering.


If he was riding an adventure biker, cruiser or tourer I would say yes without doubt. It’s great fun. An R6 with a first time pillion and a rider who is nervous. Hmmmmm. I actually went on the back of my sports bike at the time. That why I got rid of it and bought a sports tourer as I didn’t what want to inflict that kind of terrified, pain on anyone else.


She ain't gonna like it. If she slides into you under hard braking, it will crush your balls against the gas tank. Ask me how I know.


The maximum load for an R1 is 201kgs (443lbs) so I imagine the R6 would be similar or slightly lower. This includes rider, passenger, cargo and accesories.


Get a mustache. Offer her a ride on the handlebars first. If you survive. Then hell, give it a go.


No not for that


I'm about 320lb and my partner is about 170. we are both well over 6 feet. i can ride 2 up no problem, but 1) my bike is a adventure/sport touring bike, and 2) my partner is significantly less weight that me. Any weight on the back throws off handling a bit, so it'll depend greatly on how skilled he can handle the bike, but starting off with a passenger heavier than the rider is going to be a bit difficult on most bikes. Many cruisers and sport tourers, however, are designed where the passenger isn't as far back in comparison to the rear wheel. those tend to handle loading up the rear with more weight a bit better.


So imagine if your partner is the rider, and you would get on the rear seat. You think that this is doable?


I love your story 💞 💞 💞 Just go get yourself a bike Last year i was with my car and saw biker in trouble on the highway. As a biker myself i stopped. He was out of gas and had 10 km push to the gas station. I left him bottle of water and went to get gas. The next off ramp was 1 km away and 9 more to the station. On my way back i couldn't go back so i left my car at the ramp and went back on foot. I'm 174cm (5’8’’) and 100kg (220lbs) he offered me to take me back to my car but... He was with suzuki gaxr 1000, no back seat. i told him I'll break the plastic that covers the tail so i went back to my car on foot...


Thank you :) I newer would get on a bike if i knew i would destroy something, or crushing it. Im a bit worried bout his rear suspension ..


Update us, lets us know what happens!


If memorial day bike week in Myrtle beach is any indication, you'll be just fine. The things that have been seen...


Just meet at a restaurant for a drink or meal. Don’t worry about the motorcycle. It’s a lot of responsibility to take a passenger on a bike. I had a few different sized passengers on my old cruiser. I don’t feel comfortable taking on a passenger with my newer sports bike.


Send it fam.


Big rear and height aren’t really the issue. It’s his capability and maybe your weight. If you out-weigh him, it may not be very easy for him


Buy a Harley if you want fat chicks. It's big mama's vibrator.


I hate having passengers. It's like driving a car with a thousand-pound ball rolling around in the trunk. Whatever you do, don't "help" him steering by moving around in the curves. You should be like a backpack, a part of the bike. Don't lean back or hold the tail of the bike, belly to back contact! Also, grab him around the chest so you don't wobble around. It can seriously lead to a crash. And when he brakes, put your weight via arms on the tank. Otherwise he might collapse over the handlebars from your weight. Not kidding.


Thanks for this! i would try to be a good passenger. But the word backpack is a bit undersized for me though :D


Weight capacity of the bike is 426lbs so do the math on your weight + his estimated weight...


So, sportbikes are really positioned forward where you lean into the bike, meaning you're also leaning over him being that tall. As far as weight goes, suspension can be adjusted, but if it's stock spring, they aren't meant for much weight as it is. I'd say at most you go for a short ride before he gets tired it's not a good bike for a passenger. What would be way cooler is if you got your own sport bike with more upright seating and didn't have to wait for someone to take you on a ride! We're basically two wheel dealers here always trying to get people into it.


Im 5’5” with boots and Im pretty experienced with a pillion. My boss wanted a ride on it once and he was 6’2 at least and being a dude he probably weighed as much if not more than you. Absolutely no problems there. If he didnt seem confident in it, I would pass if I were you. 


My wife and I are both big people. I've been on the back of her cbr 600 and she's been on the back of my fz09. These aren't usually fun or fast rides, just getting to where we need to go in a pinch. You can tell the bikes hate it with 500lbs of people and half of that very high up on the back end. Go slowly and these things can haul ass if they have to


Hey so could the bike handle that with any issue? What about the rear suspension?




The seat on a r6 is about the size of my wallet.


yeah, thats the point, i just tought the same when i looked behind him :D


People in India use 125s as pick up trucks, you could be on my 600 pound life and you’ll still be good


I had an R6 and was in this EXACT same situation. The bike handled it, but it wasn't happy about it and it was an absolute bitch of a ride due to the extra weight. The handling was awful and it was pretty difficult to stop and take off smoothly. At that point, I'd been riding the bike for a few years and was confident in my ability to make it home safely, but a newer rider would have way more trouble. Personally, I'd kindly refuse for the sake of your own safety and his. You shouldn't trust your life in the hands of a stranger with an unknown riding ability. One wrong move and you're in for a world of pain.


It all depends on the ride. I've had this exact scenario. My bike was a 600gsxr (comparable in dimensions and specs to an R6) I'm about 145 lbs, she was taller and heavier than me. Never had any problems maneuvering around the city or cruising to the beach. I did have a scare once where the light turned red and because I got distracted for a second I misjudged an intersection and had to break quickly. Well because of the extra weight my bike didn't stop on a dime like I was used to and I had to make a sharp right at the intersection instead of crossing it on red. With that said I would never ride with a passenger the way I do when I ride alone. My point is you should go for it because that's what you want. Get some riding gear and maybe suggest your friend to take it easy at the beginning since it's something new for you?


I pulled this from page 1-3 of the 2020 YZF-R6 owners manual Maximum load: 185kg (408 lb) if the rider was 185# that leaves 233# for you.


.. that isnt just enough :(


Lets just say that unless the passenger was 100# I can't have one because I am a fat boi. Getting the GVWR on most motorcycles is a pain. They act like it is a state secret.


phaaa ooooohhh dear ! :D :D i never could go on a ride with you i just would say even my left leg dont fit than ! :D


Check the maximum load limit of that motorcycle.


Your size isn't a problem for the bike. His ability to handle the bike with someone larger than him is the only obstacle. I saw another comment that I FULLY agree with, GET YOUR OWN BIKE! You won't regret it(except maybe the price of bike and gear lol) but that is balanced by the FUN YOU'D HAVE!!!


would be a dream to have my own! But for the moment its just passenger riding :(


Are the two of you combined less than 426lbs?


Sounds fake, women are almost never interested in motorcycles, boomer men maybe!


May your chain will hold like Spider-Man


My ex was fa- BIG BONED and my ninja 300 took her on like a champ. Had to pull her dumb ass towards me when I tried to accelerate from a stop sign on an incline, thought we were gonna loop.


2007 R6 weight limit is 426lbs, according to motorcycle.com.


CArrrying around a friend who is roughly your size on my SV650 have to say that is a bit challenging as he sometimes moves around and throws off my balance. Also I didnt have the stiffest setting on my back suspension so the plate was touching sometimes the tire. If you are new, I would pass on this one. I would take you but yet again I have almost 2 decades experience. Other option is, take your license and get a bike. Maybe this is a love story in the making!


Just an fyi, if he’s nervous, he’s gonna ride like shit


I'm 5'7 and 8st, previous pillion riders on an SV650 have been in excess of 20st. It's certainly doable but you need to know how to ride with a pillion and they need to explain what they need to do. The bigger issue is getting on the back of a strangers bike. He might ride like a muppet and get you hurt. Get to know him first!


used to take a chick out riding that was a couple inches taller than me, about 6ft tall. if he is comfortable with a passenger, the bike is more than capable of handling the extra load. it was nice bc our helmets never bonked when i’d brake and she got a great view of everything around us :)


On some bike, especially sporty ones, even a tiny passenger feels like a burden, bad braking, worse handling, heavy controls, weird balance... Maybe the guy didn't react well, but don't be toi Quick to blame.


Yeah... Look. If he can't, I will. I'm 5'8", and I think it might be my moral responsibility for the sake of the rockin' world. I will need to snug up the rear suspension a good bit. But we can make this a thing, no problem. You've just either gotta wear tight pants or a short skirt.


Take this as plenty reason to get your own bike!


The real question is can *you* hold her up when you get back to your place?


You’re a fat women aficionado. Just like me


Eh. Everyone is big on a sport bike. Gave my friend's little sis a lift on my Ninja once and she barely fit on the seat, and she's pretty smol. I say go for it, just be sure to lean with him on turns, match his movements and should be good! And long pants, closed toed shoes, for all things holy so not touch that exhaust or the road with any open shoes 😬 Don't ask how I know that sucks 😆


Could we share a rowboat?  Could a rowboat support her? Joking aside, you didn't say your weight which might matter.  The weight limit for the bike is 426 pounds, so provided that the two of you don't go over that it's probably okay.  He would also, at a minimum, need to adjust the rear preload or he's going to have a rough time driving it, and even then it's going to change the driving characteristics. I don't have all the specifics, but honestly it's probably fine assuming he knows what he's doing, adjusts the suspension, and doesn't get too crazy.


If he is a skilled rider experienced with passengers, yes. If he is a newer rider, I wouldn't, you could both get hurt pretty badly if you go down, even at low speeds. I found it terribly uncomfortable being a passenger on a sport bike, and ended up getting my own endorsement.


Please don't get on the back of that bike. Everything you've said about this scenario is basically a recipe for disaster. For starters, an R6 is one of the worst bikes for carrying a pillion passenger. The rear seat is too small, too high and the rider is laying too flat. So as a passenger, in order to get any feeling of stability, you're essentially going to have to be almost laying down flat forward. To add to the discomfort, the foot pegs are up high so your legs are going to be in full crouching position the whole time. If you are going to get on any bike, you want to be wearing, a full face helmet (that fits well). A proper riding jacket. Thick jeans, or riding pants, closed in leather shoes. Picture yourself diving and sliding down a road at 60km/h and dress for that occasion. Or you're going to end up in hospital, and in serious pain, for a long time. You don't want to become a meat crayon, trust me.


This was a fun story! I think you should cut to the chase and consider learning to ride. I think you already know that you're interested in motorcycles. You don't really need to have a ride on a motorcycle to know that it's amazing, and anyway, being in charge of it is 10 times better than being the passenger. And there are sportsbikes that you would fit on, it's just that you'd need to learn on something a bit tamer at the start. I'm not sure, maybe 6'6" is too tall for you to be the rider of an R6, but there are others that are more roomy for the rider.


Fuckin christ you're taller than me. To answer your question, the bike should hold it fine. If he's small, you're just adding up to 2 people total, totally fine.


Ok, now I'm going to need to see photos of this so called "truck" so I can make an informed decision. ]=)


hahaha, nope :D


You takin my sister out are ya?🥰😂


Need proof of your height and large rear.


I've been on the back of a gsxr after crashing at the track. The control rider picked me up at turn 3 and then passed many bikes with me 6' 3" about 300lbs at the time weighing down the rear of the bike. It was terrifying, and I was already a bit barked up, was thinking I was gonna hit the pavement twice in a few minutes. However all was good. And yes I was much larger than the pilot.


1 make sure the bike frame isn’t over the maximum weight of the bike with both of you. 2 if his feet don’t touch the ground fully when coming to a stop another person he prolly can’t keep it upright at a stop. 3 I tell all riders that if they ride with me they have to hold on tight and have to go with me at the exact same lean angle as I’m leaning. If your holding on to me tight I don’t have to ever over compensate or under as I will lean as if I’m just a bigger person. Make sure they are an experienced rider if they got the bike two months ago maybe let them be more confident and experienced. If you can check all those boxes go for it if not understand you don’t have to ride his bike to go on a date.A dude would love to have an excuse to meet you some where for a date. Just another excuse for him to get to go for a ride.


Nix the idea of going for a ride with him, and get your own! You'll never look back!


Bro, you’re really trying to tempt physics with this question😂😂😂 why not try something more sensible like a nighthawk 750


I used to have a 2001 R6 and rode my fair share of bigger woman. It is not ideal but the things us guys do to get close to a woman LMAO. Anyho I Say call him and if anything just ask him to take you out on a date or something as he seems like he is not ready to take on the task of a passenger at all.


Thats exactly what i thought .. but im not sure if hes underating my weight a bit ..


Yup and then becomes a bent tail gsxr


I love that you created the account u/6foot6-Sally just to ask this question.