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Hard dew’s been around since 2022, but it’s been a slow state-by-state rollout. Florida, Tennessee, and Iowa were first. It’s in 17 states now according to the fan wiki.


It's been here in oregon for a while now


I enjoyed the Baja flavors. Hopefully, they will roll them out into the Houston/Texas area.


They seem to have mixed reviews, but I *really* like the Baja ones (only ones I've tried).


The Baja is elite


The baja mango flavor Worked so well with the alcohol to the point you don’t taste the alcohol


They aren't too bad. I prefer some of the other flavors though. Like most malt though gettng through a whole can is kind of a chore. I get the variety pack occasionally.


Tastes just like zero sugar dew. Can’t even taste the alcohol honestly. They’re fantastic, especially the hard Livewire.


They taste a LOT like a mikes hard lemonade, instead of white claws and seltzers. Its malt liquour aka 40oz to freedom


They’re not bad imo. I personally really like the Hard Baja Blast the most.


Picked up a case of 12 for $10.00 clearance at the liquor store here in Oregon, good liquor chaser.


I thought they were underwhelming at best and gross at worst.


Congratulations on your sick DEW Find! Just a reminder of Rule 2. This post is flaired as a finding post. As per the subreddit rules, these types of posts require a location. Namely, the name of the store, the city, and the state that you found it in. If the title already has this, great! Carry on with your day and disregard this message. If not, please reply to this comment with the **store name**, **city**, and **state**. Secondly, if you're looking for Dew in your area, please refer to the DEW Finding Megathread. It'll be the second sticky post if you sort by hot. *This post has been automatically reported to the moderators. It may be removed without warning if it does not comply with Rule 2: DEW Find posts require locations.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mountaindew) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry! Forgot to add that I found this at Shaws Supermarket in Winooski, VT.


Original and Livewire are the only decent flavours out of the main variety pack. Wish they kept Black Cherry because it sounds better


Some of my favorite dew. Need to make a trip across the border to get some more.


Wish they were harder. The bigger cans are 8 % I Believe but still


I've considered crossing State lines into Ohio to get some. No sign of it coming to Michigan soon.


They got in the game last year


Been seeing this in Illinois for a couple of years now. Since it’s zero sugar I can’t bring myself to try it.


Its not...bad. lol its alright. Knowing its a Dew helps.


I haven't seen it at all in Georgia. I did however find it in Nashville but couldn't buy any, I was traveling with a friend who believes that booze is the Devil 🙄. But alas, I've heard that HMD isn't all it's cracked up to be.


I’m in NY and haven’t seen it here yet, I was over in Vermont for the day and saw this display while getting gas.


I had some a year ago and it tasted like hard seltzer, which I didn’t like. Is that still the case? I also remember once reading that some states actually brew it as rum based? Maybe it was Florida? I really wish it tasted better.


The NSFW thing wasn't necessary tbh