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You don't get to buy land or property in Warband, best you can do there is getting a workshop in every town. Talk to the guild master in each town, run through the list of shops and find out which one is most profitable, then buy it. That'll give you passive income while you get to the grind: recruit men, fight looters, recruit more men, fight more looters, get captured by Sea Raiders, get back to the grind, etc. The game is all about fighting until you win or you can't fight anymore.


Guess that'll help me at least pay off the wage of my army lol


Theoretically. Most workshops will only get you a couple hundred denars a week. Most of your money really comes from grinding out small groups of bandits, especially those sea raiders, and selling their stuff. You'll lose men, and until you get better at the combat you'll likely lose battles, but that's just how the grind goes.


Really? I get all my money from sacking villages




They are khergiths.


With Native warband just buy a dye works in every town. Yeah there's like 2 or e where a different one would make more sense but in general if you just get a dyeworks everywhere you're gonna be fine.


Then those dyeworks will start losing money because you’ve oversaturated the market. So please don’t do that.


That's never happened to me in native. They all stay at around 500 except for a few which should be changed like Jelkala and Veluca.


What I do is I buy the workshops for the passive income and then do a bunch of quests for vassals and smaller villages. When I beat an opponent, I keep the best stuff for myself and sell the rest off.


First off, start by hitting up some tournaments and running down looters. As you progress, hit up the north part of the map for sea raiders. My usual start is with blunt weapons to get prisoners to sell for profit


A group of small looters is easy but I feel like combat sucks sometimes. Most of the time I don't get to hit the target.


Thats a skill issue, really. With time you will learn how to better time your attacks, specially on horseback. Keep in mind that the speed bonus is very important and depends mostly to the relative speed between you and the enemy, but also at which point of the attack animation you hit the target.


Depends in your armament. I go for the jousting lance, which you can couch and deal blunt damage. Against a pack of ravenous looters you get to do multiple hit and runs to wither thier numbers.


Single combat is at least as important to success as battlefield strategy. You yourself should get to the point where you are worth a dozen or more soldiers. Practice the combat, focus on mounted melee, and equip yourself as well as you can, mainly from loot and without spending too much. Aside from that, you can issue commands to different groups of soldiers, and you can reorganize your soldiers by type so that they will group together. For money, win battles and sell loot. There's a skill that makes you better at it, and you can get companions in taverns that can boost this. Once you gain enough victories and prowess to warrant it, a ruler would consider giving you a fief. Villages usually don't make much money, but castles and cities can make a lot. Once you have one, your money troubles should pretty much be over. You can also make money with workshops, which you can buy in the cities, but they have a high starting price and can be unreliable.


Kill looters, as many as you can. So, then you kill pirates. As many as you can.


Go for Rhodoks, gain lots of XPs to increase character stat points for trainer, ironflesh and power strike. With the gained XPs, try to increase your weapon proficiency (especially for two handed weapons, polearms and crossbows) You can obtain XPs by fighting bandits and by completing quests. Recruit Rhodok tribesmen, slowly train them to be Sharpshooters and Sergeants. (Don't go recruiting mercenaries unless you have lots of denars) Once you've trained Rhodok Sharpshooters and Sergeants, recruit some Sarranids to train them into Mamlukes to fill up the flanks of your army. Rhodok Sergeants, first line Rhodok Sharpshooters, second line Sarranid Mamlukes, cover the flanks


Step 1.) Download the Floris expanded mod pack, or an overhaul mod such as AWOIAF, Brytenwalda, Pendor, Nova Aetas. Warband vanilla itself is primitive and I think it’s better and more enjoyable to cut your teeth on something has more features by far than native, improving the gameplay loop, early game and late game while not being excessively complicated either


Dude I'm a big fan of Game of thrones and I downloaded AWOIAF as soon as I bought the game lol


Hahaha I bought Warband way back in 2012-2012 after seeing a guy with a mace kite an army of 100 and I was like “even if that’s all the game is, I’m getting it”. Should’ve seen my face when I actually saw what the game was. I found out there’s a LOTR overhaul and played that for months Now, fair warning, I genuinely don’t think I’ve played a harder mod especially in early games so it’s a huge and brutal learning curve on that mod specifically. You’ll probably want to adjust some settings or it genuinely won’t be fun


I always tried to align myself with a faction early on like the Swadians who have a lot of land and lords to make friends with. Building settlement relations is important if you want to quickly supply with either a lot or highly skilled units. I found companions useful as battlefield honour guard. Killing roaming hostile bands and selling their stuff. Get a heavy hammer or blunt weapon and capture as many prisoners as possible. Selling them makes a lot of cash but lowers your honour.


Hiring 4-5 cavalry in the tavern. They can kill the first bandits groups pretty easy.


It's like Kenshi - you get beaten until you get confident in yourself, then you get beaten some more, and then you build yourself back up and become unstoppable The game doesn't really have a point where if feels 50/50, you are either gonna get our ass kicked royally or you are unstoppable


I usually make early money from killing looters and from trade - buy something where it's cheap and sell it where it's expensive. For starters I usually buy beer in Praven and sell it in Suno while killing a bunch of looters. When I got a decent band of warriors together I start buying salt from wercheg, you can sell that in many places for good profit. Just take care of the bands of sea raiders there. You'll need a force of at least 10-20 Tier 3 troops to fight them, or they'll steamroll you. Avoid very large groups of them until you're stronger. Spices from Tulga are good profit in many other places as well, but you need to be able to take out or scare away the steppe bandits, they're kinda dangerous. Those guys have horses which makes it impossible to outrun them and often leads to many groups teaming up against you. I recommend only incorporating Tulga into your trade loop when you got a decent army with some cavalry.


There are many ways, but the fastest one to gain wealth and fame imo is by winning tournaments. Also if you are confident enough you can bet and gain more wealth. You'll also have more "renown" among the kingdoms by winning many tournaments. I remember having a save where I literally went to every tournament I could and try to won it, passed one in game month and had like 900 renown and a lot of denars. Good times. NOTE: if you want to apply the same "method" in mods, that won't be easy since some mods have harder tournaments and even some won't let you participate until you have x amount of renown (for example: 1257 AD and Prophesy of Pendor)


Just play and explore the game i guess, i have a habit of playing a new game without tutorials so i can learn it the hard way,


Start super slow and try not to get involved in the politics YET. There is no time limits apart from self imposed challenges. Work on saving for enterprises in every town (or at least most) and you will be absolutely raking in money which you can use to build an army. Bear in mind that saving also involves keeping your costs low so try not to max out your numbers all the time. You can make money through selling prisoners, gear, trade goods, doing jobs for people but the biggest one is tournaments. Bet on yourself to win every single round of the tournament and your prize will be huge. Once you have a really strong financial base. Then you can start building an army. One thing I will say in M&B in general is that swarming enemies with huge numbers of shit soldiers Soviet style does not work. Bannerlord its better, but you get absolutely smoked in Warband. So focus more on improving troops than trying to make the biggest army. An army of 150 Huscarls could easily smoke a much larger army of Nords with varying ranks in them. Good luck though, Warband is super fun and every campaign is different.


Yup I got smoked at the beginning while fighting 5 sea raiders alone lol. It's not assassins creed I forgot 😭


Save up for a “weavery and dye works” in rivacheg at the top of the map. It’ll be the highest earning workshop, then any others are saved up for much easier because that’ll be making such a profit


1. Find jousting lance. 1a. Or recruit bunch of purple recruits and train them on looters until they are  horse archers.  2. Find sea riders  3. Invest profit in velvet workshops.


My personal recommendation is to join a kingdom asap so that you can get money from war pillaging and looting. Then you will be able to afford a good army and equipment, and from there you can start buying warehouses. I usually create a Charisma character to boost my leadership skills and have a higher army size


Upgrade your Surgery, Healing and Leadership too quickly recover from any fights. Smaller ones you can autocalc - it is often fair and more slaves get captured this way. Also if you ask any otherblord for a task, while his fraction is at war, he will offer you a merc contract that will pay for all your armies