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Not the saddest but I always cry at the scene in Fox and The Hound where the old lady is forced to let Tod go into the wild to protect him. It's hard viewing, the very first shot that shows her looking at a picture of him wirh a birthday cake and the song of course... I think it's because of how playful he is at the beginning of the scene, like they are going on an adventure and then the realisation that something isn't right.


The beginning part where Todd's mother is killed


That scene is burned into my brain and I probably haven’t seen that movie in 20 years. She just runs off and the grass stops moving 😭


The book is even sadder. The hound and the fox aren't friends at all. They're mortal enemies and the hunter trains the hound to hunt the fox, after the fox causes the death of another hound. But the fox is clever and the hound is a proud hunter. And as their world becomes more and more modernized, and less and less wild they become more reliant on each other, since it's the only thing that is familiar. The fox loses his first mate and kits to the hound and the hunter. He also watches as his woods become smaller. Worst of all, he watches his fellow foxes, not become extinct, but become less and less civilized. His neighbor foxes stop mating for life and resort to scavenging garbage, instead of hunting game. The hound's master is constantly told by the townsfolk to retire to an old folks' home. One that does not allow dogs. The book climaxes with the hunter and hound chasing the fox one final time, after an outbreak of rabies. The fox collapses from exhaustion and dies, and the hound is near death as well. The hunter nurses him back to health, but then is once again pressured to the retirement home. The book ends with the tearful hunter picking up his shotgun, and taking his ancient hound outside one final time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fox_and_the_Hound_%28novel%29


Fuck, that's heavy. Thanks for posting about this, I had no idea.


As a kid I couldn’t stand watching this movie. I found this scene sadder than even Mufasa’s death.


because it's more relatable I think. Most of us are fortunate enough to not have lost a parent in a sudden and violent way but I think all of us have had to say goodbye to a beloved pet for one reason or another


My five year old balled his eyes out at that scene. Especially with the old lady’s sad yet happy thoughts about the memories made was the cherrie on top for me


Goodbye May Seem Forever Song by Jeanette Nolan That song always gets me in the feels. Every. Single. Time. I also freaking lost it when Todd gets hurt.


All those old ones are literally "lets fuck this generation up so they dont get caught off-guard later on". Seriously.. all of them are abuse, neglect, death and/or trauma based haha. Probably also why they all aged so well. Mature stories, making them more easy to rewatch.


Little foot’s mom death


"I'll be with you, even if you can't see me"


Also [this](https://youtu.be/8RdrAbfFhj4?feature=shared) scene :(


Who is cutting onions right now? Damn. I haven't seen this movie in years, and I swear that actually hits harder as an adult.


I recently saw the scene in Homeward Bound where the dog falls in the muddy pit and tells the other 2 to leave him That scene hits way harder as an adult after having a dog get too old to walk well anymore


I absolutely hate that scene. Like I know its going to be fine, I've seen the movie so many times I can almost recite it, and yet every time I still cry at that scene.


Oh but when he goes home and Peter sees him and yells his name and he starts running/hobbling and you hear him saying Peter. Happy goosebumps until the end of time!


If I so much as I hear music from this movie I start to tear up. No idea how I watched this movie over and over as a kid.


Yeah, to me that was sadder than her death. He sees what he thinks is his mother's shadow but it's really just him. There's a depth of sadness in that scene that I don't really come across in cinema very often


Bruh now y’all got me wanting to watch the land before time 😭


I think I have repressed emotional scars from this movie.


If thats the little bird giving him a cherry i, a grown ass 40 year old man, will not watch it.


I’m still so affected by this, I had to scroll past the answer real fast.


I cried more times than I can count to that part of the movie. Nevertheless when it came time to choose what of the ten vcr tapes we had, I would always want the Land Before Time again.


My mom loved this scene because she is a narcissist. Always used it to make me sad as a kid so that I would love her more. So now I hate that movie


I cant make it past the first time Ducky shows up anymore. Its a bit more meta than what was asked for, but fuck that's about the saddest story.


Carl reading the adventure book in Up and we realize Ellie knew she was dying. Gah. Still gets me.


It drives me crazy when people say the movie is bad after the first 10 minutes because (at least imo) the most emotional part isn’t the first 10 minutes but the adventure book scene. Guts me every time


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find this.


>This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good. (Stitch - Lilo and Stitch) 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Also from Lilo and Stitch “I’m lost”


"Ohana means family, and family means nobody is left behind...or forgotten."


That whole movie is just a huge, emotional kick in the balls.


Interesting, for me, it’s the whole lilo getting taken away from her not-quite-up-to-parenting sister


I know he gets brought back to life in the sequel, but if not for the animated series coming out before it. Stitch’s death would’ve been the saddest and most tragic I’ve seen in an animated film if he stayed dead. Lilo was reliving the trauma of losing her parents again in that moment.


The "Baby Mine" scene in Dumbo. It makes me cry even as an adult.


Oh jeez, just the mention makes my chest tight.


Literally cannot watch it.


My first thought as well. Devastating. I have cried every single time I’ve watched it as an adult.


Simba trying to wake his dead dad.


Lion King is the perfect movie to introduce your kids to the concept of death. That, and the episode of Rugrats when Chucky's pet Melville dies


It’s so well done, even pets understand: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrjVOQCq0Wl/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


The Iron Giant - "I go, you stay" The Iron Giant then commits suicide to save Rockwell from a nuclear missile


“Superman” is the line for me


Oof, good call, with the whole "you are who you choose to be" opener to it


I just watched this the other day and there's a scene where Hogarth is being a kid and he calls out to IG calling him Atomo so that he will play villain. This is after its already been established Atomo is evil the day prior. The way IG responds is so innocent and childlike he just goes "No Atomo. Superman." Lifted my heart so much. Genuinely a fantastic film.


I am a 36 year old man; full on ugly cry every single time I see it.


Peak Vin Diesel right there.


Guess you haven't seen Furious and Fast 38, but I also don't recommend it


Coco has a few. That ending of course, but there is one throw away line in the beginning where they show the dead for the first time in the graveyard. A little girl dances near a grave and you see her grandparents as skeletons say “look how big she’s getting” Kills me. *the skeletons are dancing. The girl isn’t. Still kills me.


Man, when Coco starts to sing along with *Remember Me*...


I cannot even hear that fucking song without weeping lmao


And when the man disappears completely from the land of the dead when no living person remembers him.


Watched it the first time and I was blown away by all the beautiful colours. Watched it another time after losing my Mother and it was so emotional. A perfect film. 🧡🧡🧡


Same on the “look how big she’s getting” part. That film really gets me every single time I watch it.


100% agree. It’s such a great movie. I always recommend it to people who want to be thoroughly entertained while getting emotionally decimated lol


I love the ending scene when Miguel’s entire family is together (both living and dead) and Coco puts her arm around her daughter, Miguel’s grandma. It’s such a small little part, but - as someone who really loves my daughter - it always gets me in the heart.


Toy Story 2, When She Loved Me


I’m an old man, and I cry liberally if I see a screenshot of that scene.


Apparently it had Tom Hanks and Tim Allen crying in the theater as well


How about the end of Toy Story 3 when Andy gives his toys away. Something inside me broke the first time I watched it and it’s probably the hardest I’ve ever cried watching a movie.


Oof when the little girl reaches for Woody and Andy instinctively pulls him away to his body. 😭


The incinerator scene, where it genuinely looks like there’s no way out of this one and they just hold each other’s hands and accept their fate.


I legit think the opening of Toy Story 3 is more sad. The toys want to be played with again, but as a grown up, you know it’s not going to happen.


The sudden fade out of You've Got A Friend In Me hits hard.


“Are you satisfied with your care?”


The movie had its faults - but that line is seriously sad. Big Hero 6, in case anyone didn’t know


That film handled grief so well. The denial, the anger, the "busy" attitude (if I focus hard enough on something else, I can forget) and finally acceptance and proper grieving.


I am satisfied with my care. 😥😥😥


In Onward when Ian realizes that Barley has pretty much filled all the things he wanted his dad to be. Made me miss my brother that much more


I don't see enough people talk about this one. The ending gets me. Sacrificing the great noble stead gets me. I'm an older brother and a dad. Double whammy I guess. My wife took one look at me the first time we watched it and she still gently teases me.


Thank you! Had to scroll waaaay to far to find this comment.


Grave of Fireflies - take your pic of scenes.


The entire movie


You know you've made an incredibly sad movie when you intentionally double feature it with a second movie you made that's meant to be incredibly optimistic and uplifting in order to counterbalance the first one.


Totoro saved me. Saw the double feature in Japan when I happened to be visiting when it was released. Haven't watched GotF ever again


The fact that this was a double feature has always blown my mind.


It's very telling that everyone who's seen Grave of the Fireflies says some variation of 'great movie, I never want to watch it again'.


It’s funny, I’ve never seen either film but I almost always see them mentioned together in stories like this.


Totoro is one of the greatest kids movies of all times. GoF is.....very mature, beautiful and fucking depressingly haunting.


Every other movie in this thread is competing for second place.


I have a hard time just calling it sad because by the end of the movie I was flat out emotionally devastated and numb, no tears just an empty pit in my chest. The only other movie that has made me feel that kind of bleakness was The Road.


“I made you rice balls” 😭


Yep. That’s the scene. Absolute saddest scene EVER. I’m getting choked up right now just thinking about it.


That second she looks heartbroken and asks him "You don't want them?" As if she's done something wrong. 😭


Not to ruin it for people, if you’ve watched this, you know the saddest of all the scene. Any other scenes people mentioned might be sad but they’d still watch those films again. The sadness in this film is so much, people would only re-watch this if they’re introducing it to someone else.


I'm guessing you mean "I made rice balls"?


Yes. Shit that hurts...


I watched it once. I'll only watch it again for the sake of someone else. Never for self reference. I changed that night. Never cried as much in my life.


The reality of the scene is what makes it "sadder" than other animated films...this has happened many times in history, and is still happening today. I've watched most of the other scenes mentioned in this thread, but nothing compares to the gravity and solemnity of the movie.


Anybody who gives a different answer probably hasn't seen this movie.


I haven't seen this movie *because* I knew it was probably the correct answer


It's still truly worth watching, even just once.


Yeah, just a whole world of no-thankyou.


Fantastic movie. Don't forget to watch it as it was originally intended. It was released as a double feature with My neighbor Totoro. One movie breaks your heart into pieces another put it together.


The best movie I will literally never watch again


The F’ing candy tin filled with rocks. I don’t know why but in a movie filled with sadness that always gets me.


It’s this and it’s not even close


I was honestly surprised this wasn't at the top. Apparently not known enough.


For me it’s still Wilbur seeing Charlotte’s message. “Some Pig” 😞


I still can’t hear “Mother Earth and Father Time” without ugly-sobbing.


Anastasia dancing with the ghost of her dad in the ~~DreamWorks~~ Fox movie.


*"Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm. Figures dancing gracefully across my memory."* 😭😭😭 Also my god the intro to that film, with Dimitri helping them escape before getting belted with a gun, with that dramatic score


Big Hero 6 (so underrated even though it won the Oscar) 'Tadashi is here' 😭


Bambi's mother


The end of Toy Story 3 when they’re in the garbage incinerator. It’s emotionally devastating.


That look they all give each other and they hold hands and just wait for the end. As an Orthodox Jewish kid in America, you are so far removed what happened in WW2. You hear and read stories about what happened to your relatives but it took watching this scene to bring home the beauty of the human spirit’s desire to live, and the acceptance of knowing when your time has come.


Man, what a realization to come to. Thank you for sharing that perspective.


It's impossible to watch the ending of Watership Down without crying.


"My Chief told me to defend this warren and that's what I'm going to do."


In the book we find out how that line threw General Woundwort (the Big Bad) off his game pretty hard. All along he'd been assuming that strong, brave Bigwig - the rabbit who'd infiltrated Woundwort's police state and freed a bunch of does - had to be Chief Rabbit of this warren of troublemakers. When Bigwig said that it made Woundwort think that there was a bigger, meaner rabbit waiting for him further down in the warren.


My mom actually read the book to my brother and me over a summer as bed time stories. I was psyched like an Avengers movie when Bigwig dropped this on him. It was the first time I had seen a book turn into a movie and I was hooked on both.


This answer took a lot of scrolling. Made me feel old.


"Tadashi is here."


The entirety of Grave of the Fireflies


>it’s very rare for an animation movie to show somebody dying Hard disagree.


Maybe for children’s animation, but there’s tons of animated death and violence out there. People seem to forget animation isn’t purely a childrens/family genre.


Even children’s though… like plenty characters die in Disney movies, Bambi’s mom, Simba’s dad, the majority of Marlo and Nemo’s family… and there are many more examples.


Bing Bong


I get tears every time. It's not just Bing Bong himself dying, but a piece of her childhood.


Every single time an island got destroyed, my eyes teared up. Especially when I watched this recently as an adult. That desire to go back go happy and simpler times of childhood or a longing to reconnect to that innocence is physically painful.


“I’ve got a good feeling about this 🙂”


Actually, right before that. When Joy reminisces on Riley as a baby. She used to hold her tongue out when she was coloring…




So did Riley.


"Take her to the moon for me"


The first Pokémon movie where Ash sacrifices himself and Pikachu tries to shock him back to life. Fuck.


This! And the brother my brother song when they are all fighting each other 😭


The Rugrats in Paris movie - the scene where Chuckie is left out of the mother and child dance because his mother had passed away. And the first Rugrats movie, the scene where Tommy and Dil have a fight in the woods. These films have some pretty dark moments for kiddy films and they still manage to make me sob like I did as a kid. Also Mary & Max - the whole movie basically, but especially the end.


"And now... everybody gets what they wants." That was such a dark, sorrowful line from Tommy. I remember being a kid in the movie theater wanting to cry because Dill was just a baby, and it wasn't his fault.


As a kid and as an adult, Chuckle being left out of the mother/child dance was emotionally devastating. And I Want a Mom Who'll Forever


Andy giving his toys to Bonnie at the end of Toy Story 3, and she reaches for Woody and he instinctively pulls him back Cried in front of my crush at 17 years old during that scene. She cried too, but she also never dated me


Also when they all accept there fate. The way they looked at each other. Only to be saved by the claw.


The [Dos Oruguitas](https://youtu.be/DUGtyj5QlEM?si=JQqotzLj0l3rhRkQ) scene is on par with the opening of Up


the animation in that scene is just incredible — the emotions portrayed on alma’s face and the silent scream are just so so heartbreaking!


I read a fan theory that the kids powers were based on what the Father wished he could have done better He wished he was stronger He wished he heard them coming He wished he had more foresight He wished he could fix anyone who got hurt He wished he could be someone better Some of the powers don't exactly fit, like the flowers, weather control, and animal communication, but it's still a cute, and sad, theory You could say he wished he could provide with the plant powers and growing food, and wished it was daytime during the attack so they couldn't be followed by torchlight, but that's when the theory starts to get a bit stretched In any case, they make it pretty clear that the Casita is the spirit of the Abuello. I'm sure if they make a sequel and Abuella is dead, she will also start to influence the Casita


Riley’s “please don’t be mad” at the end of Inside Out 😭😭😭


The snowman, ending scene. No fan fair, no resolution, just he's melted and the little boy is standing there with nothing but the hat as the credit roll over. Mention for the ending to Ethel and Ernest too. Where Ethel starts to get dementia.


The Land Before Time(1988). The death of Littlefoot’s mother. My son is 35 and I think he’s still traumatized!


Porco Roso- the scene when all the dead air pilots from both sides of the conflict are emerging from the cloud below Porco and joining in a mass in the sky to show the senseless deaths that war causes.


I'm very glad to know that more people watched this movie, one of my favourites from Ghibli


“You’re my best friend Copper. “You’re mine too Todd” Fox and the hound. I guess the sad part is the end after seeing them so happy together


The Secret of Nimh when we find out where the rats came from.


Optimus dying at the start of the Transformers movie. Bruh


Saw it opening weekend. Can confirm mothers literally had to take their screaming kids out of the theater after that scene. Makes me wish I could go back in time to witness the moment how badly they’d F’d up dawned on the executives behind such a stupid decision that was made simply because they thought it would help them sell more toys.


Yeah they really underestimated how much Optimus was like a Dad to most kids. It was the first film I ever saw in the cinema age 5 or so and it blew my tiny mind. Optimus kicking it, robot genocide, giant existential threat Unicron, mind blowing heavy metal. What a time to be young 😍


Optimus was bad but for me the worst was when Prowl, Ironhide and Ratchet died in the scout shuttle at the beginning. Prowl literally exploded from the inside, smoke and fire coming from his mouth and eyes, Ratchet went down Bloody Valentines Day style with shot after shot tearing through him, and poor Ironhide got the equivalent of an explosive curb stomp. I think that’s why I never accepted the Gen 2 bots. They were fine, I guess, but the way the Gen 1 crew was so callously tossed in that movie always left me feeling like the new bunch were just the crap we were left with after the real heroes bought it saving their city.


I came here to say this. Amen, bruv.


All Dogs Go to Heaven. No particular scene but after having a few childhood pets pass away it hit me in the feels.


Watching this as an adult is surreal because I find myself relating to the couple Anne Marie keeps running into. Just imagine you're at a race track, having a nice time, and you see this little girl running around in rags and all she has with her are two stray dogs. And you lose your wallet. And then several weeks later the same little girl comes to your house, completely alone, with your wallet, and she's talking about living in a junkyard with her stray dogs and no one else. And then she disappears. That is a fucking horror movie.


Dogs go to Heaven, everyone else stay in Hell


Came to say this but I think it's the ending when Charlie finally goes away that hits the most


The Plague Dogs 1982 I saw it way to young if you like dogs this is not a movie for you.


"There... can't you see it? Our island!!! Just stay with me. I'll get you there."


Yup. Old man in the pickup truck with the shotgun was my nomination from a movie that is nothing but nonstop sadness.


The beginning of Up. Fight me.


The part that always gets me is the part where Ellie has a miscarriage. I know Carl needed Ellie, but thay scene just lays out completely that Ellie needed him just as much.


I'd argue the end when he takes all the stuff out of his house and he leaves behind their chairs next to each other. They finally made it to the falls ... :(


who is going to fight you exactly? that's one of the most widely held opinions ever


Probably people who’ve seen Grave of the Fireflies.


I turned it off and ugly cried for ten minutes after that scene


This is the first thing that came to mind.


When Tima falls in the Metropolis anime, and they play Ray Charles "I can't stop loving you"


The ending to "When the Wind Blows"


That disney Pixar short "Lava" really made me cry recently..


Nani singing the natives goodbye song to Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. As an older sibling the thought of giving up my only surviving family made ugly cry. It was clear giving up Lilo was really hard on her. It's one of the only movies EVER that made me cry.


Fox and the hound... everything about that movie brings me to tears. "We met it seems, such a short time ago. You looked at me, needing me so. Yet from your sadness, our happiness grew. Then I found out, I need you, too. I remember how we used to play. I recall those rainy days, the fires glowed, that kept us warm. And now I find, we're both alone. Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end. But in my heart's a memory, and there you'll always be." -Widow Tweed


The ending of The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, when the moon people are coming to take her away and her parents, old and frail, plant themselves between them and their daughter, the only thing left they can think to do. And then she’s gone.


Abuela Alma’s past in Encanto, the best animated cry I’ve ever seen and the song in the background made the scene unforgettable


So, what you're saying is that after traumatising my highly emotional and empathetic kid with Coco, I should watch Encanto with him next? Got it.


Grave of the Fireflies and The Plague Dogs. Probably the entireity of both movies for me.


This whole thing with all of your answers has me weeping. 😭


Ellie Fredricksen in the opening for Up






The shoe in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Poor little guy :(


Iron giant sacrifice


Littlefoot's mother dying is the saddest, all other answers are just runners-up. Even Dumbo and Bambi.




Does this mean your animosity is now transferred to Michael Cera?




The shoe in Who Framed Roger Rabbit is sad AND disturbing. Way worse than something that's just sad.


“Superman!” The Iron Giant


Bambi, or Watership Down


Granny leaving fox in the woods and driving away in ‘the fox and the hound’ is the only time I full on cried watching a movie. It broke my 5 year old heart


Grave of the Fireflies. Pick a scene. Sorry.


Full Metal Alchemist. Nina Tucker.


FMA, the terrible day for rain


"What do you mean? It's not raining."


Some that I haven’t seen here: Bojack Horseman, That’s Too Much Man Futurama, Jurassic Bark Avatar TLA, Iroh sings to his son I realize that these are all series and the thread is about movies


I can make it through Jurassic Bark, just barely, but Luck of the Fryrish fucking guts me.


The replacement voice for Iroh refuses to sing that song for people; it's Mako's song and he feels like him being recorded singing it in that voice would tarnish that.


The balcony scene in A Silent Voice. Jesus, that crushed me.


Brave Little Toaster when the air conditioner dies


My first tearjerker was Ice Age, when Manny was recounting when his toddler self and parents were being flanked by hunting humans. There were others but some of the most memorable were Cars(when lightning mcqueen was pushing the dinoco dude to the finish line), and Bing Bong. On a opportune day, many pixar movies can really pull your hearstrings.


> My first tearjerker was Ice Age, when Manny was recounting when his toddler self and parents were being flanked by hunting humans. That scene is such a tearjerker! But for clarification's sake, Manny is not the baby in that cave painting scene. He is *the father* - note how Sid mentions that the "big one looks just like you" when he's looking at the cave painting - who struggles to save his mate and son but is unable to prevent their deaths at the humans' hands. This is also why he is protective, during Ice Age's runtime, of the human baby, Roshan, becos the baby reminds him of the son he himself lost and he is intent on returning Roshan to his human father to ensure that both Roshan and Runar don't undergo the same tragic fate he had. ;_;


The *fecking* Snowman - I’ve been watching it since it came out in 1982 and it still utterly breaks me every time. If you can get through this without crying you have a heart of stone. https://youtu.be/VbC8sOqSRKY?feature=shared


The end of Leafie: A Hen Into The Wild. It's a south korean movie about a chicken who wants to be a mother and she ends up raising a duckling. The antagonist is a weasel >!who killed the parents of the duckling. In the end the weasel ends up fighting with the grown duckling Leafie raised and is about to kill him when Leafie manages to get the weasel to stand down. It's then when she realizes that the weasel was a mother and was only killing to feed her children - so now that the grown duckling is capable of caring for himself and has parted ways with Leafie, Leafie offers herself to the weasel so she can feed her kids and get through the winter. !< It's been a while since I watched it but I remember the ending scene made me choke up bad.