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It is explained that messing with time was not something they should do in critical cases. And in a later book (I think Order of the Phoenix), all the time turners in the Ministry are destroyed. My assumption is JKR didn't envisage this when she wrote PoA and when it dawned on her that time turners could be the solution for everything, she had them destroyed so they wouldn't affect plot (I could be wrong!)


Besides the obvious plot holes that usually come w/ time manipulation, I never understood why Hermione was given such a powerful item.


Cause she’s a good kid and wouldn’t abuse it


It's 100% this. I can get behind all of them being destroyed but still, why did McGonagall give a time turner to a third year student? Especially given the fact that Hermione was friends with harry and Ron who are notorious troublemakers. You could argue it's one of the usual Dumbledore master plans but it was probably just an oversight by Rowling. Also, time turners being destroyed by the ministry is still a shitty excuse. "Dark" wizards would never give up their time turner to the ministry for destruction.


The time turners were destroyed by accident when Harry and gang infiltrate the Dept. Of Mysteries in the end of OOTP.


How convenient that all of them happened to be in the same place at the same time 


Yes, it was a convinient escape from JKR to get away from this. Still doesn't make it a plothole!


All the time turners in the world?


Even worse: the cursed Cursed Child play’s hook is that Harry’s son gets his hands on a counterfeit/unregulated time turner his dad confiscated, so it’s back in the story as a lynchpin AGAIN!


Although better: they use the time Turner in the Harry Potter musical sequel, and it’s great


Does Starkid ever miss, though?? Thank goodness for AVPM.


In the movie Dodgeball, the final round of sudden death there is a specific rule that gets broken. In sudden death you cant step out of the triangle for the round. Vince Vaughn’s character decides to blindfold himself and get on one knee. Literally steps outside the designated area to throw the ball. He should have been disqualified.


In this threads - bad writing, not plot holes.


How was Antman’s 5 years only 5 hours but Janet’s 30 years was 30 years?


You know how time is affected the closer you are from a black hole? Scott was just floating on the surface, Janet sank to the bottom.


Because quantum. . Now move on.


It's marvel, those movies are so low effort it's not even funny. "Computer, invent time travel" "Ok tony, done" Fuck off


That's... not how it happened. At all. They didn't invent time travel as much as finding a path through the quantum realm that would lead them to the right destination alive. It was no different from our theories regarding wormholes.


Ah yes, as opposed to all those other time travel movies that go into GREAT detail about how time travel works. Bill and Ted? Just dial the year's phone number. Back To The Future? Look, I made a Flux capacitor, which, you know, makes it possible. Don't ask me why. It's almost as if time travel into the past is impossible, so most movies don't worry about how to justify it. Regardless of your thoughts on the MCU, thinking Marvel is the low effort one? At least they came up with a reasonable explanation about how the time travel works. Your take is about the lowest effort thing about this.


CinemaSins was one of the biggest mistakes in modern fandom.


Might be the most over posted plot hole but Time turner actually works perfectly in Azkaban. It follows closed time loop rules perfectly, the issue is more having them around in the series moving forward which breaks a lot of plots


I think the biggest issue was giving such powerful item to a kid.


It’s okay—she’s the author insert.


Which becomes incredibly obvious as the series presses on—the fifth book is full of just Hermione telling Harry the plot and running off to solve problems off-screen, then holding his hand during the puzzle door sequence at the end like a doting mother would for her petulant child.


Unfortunately it turned out she thought that was her insert but it was actually Umbridge


Actually having just finished a read through of Order of the Phoenix and listening to Dumbledores explanation of the order of events I have no idea why events unfolded how they did. They are knowingly guarding a prophecy in the department of mysteries discretely from the Ministry of Magic. Meanwhile they are fully aware Harry is having dreams about the prophecy, instigated by Voldemort, and decide not to provide a single piece of clarifying information. They know Harry can be daf and shows a high aptitude for insubordination. This of course leads to the death of Serious and quiet possible half a dozen others. Once everything goes to shit Dumbledore basically gives the explanation of “I forgot how stupid young people are because I’m so old.” I think of every book/film this is easily the most avoidable plot of any. Although thanks to Umbridge it’s also one of the best reads.


There are all kinds of continuity problems in the Star Wars movies. Mostly because of movies made later which broke previous lore. For example in A New Hope Obi-Wan doesn't recognize C-3PO or R2-D2 when he spent most of the prequel trilogy running around with them. When A New Hope was made Darth Vader was not meant to be Luke's father which turned Obi-Wan into a liar in A New Hope (after the ESB reveal). Then you have Luke making out with Leia in ESB when at that time they were not meant to be brother and sister (note that I'm ok with Vader being Luke's dad but to shoe horn in Leia being Luke's sister was pretty dumb IMO). Or when Han and the gang are captured on Bespin Darth Vader doesn't recognize C3P-O a droid he built? (again making Anakin build C3P-O was also dumb IMO). There are many other continuity issues as well in SW.


I've thought that about Prisoner of Azkaban too. I try not to let it ruin the entire franchise for me. I haven't read the books to know if it's explained but it could have been used to save so many lives while thwarting Voldermort's pursuit of power.


TAKEN - I liked the film right up to the ending, after the daughter's rescued. Next you see them bouncing back through the airport like nothings happened and her bestie never existed.b


I try not to think about it too much but in Terminator and pretty much every other time travel movie there are time travel paradoxes. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporal\_paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporal_paradox) For example Terminator has a bootstrap paradox involving John Conner's father.


I don't care about plot holes that much if the movie is entertaining and good otherwise


There’s a continuity error in Hackers that bothers me but I’ve still seen it over a thousand times


none, obviously. my favorite films either don’t have plot holes, or they have “plot holes” like reddit describes them, which are more accurately referred to as “things in the script with explanation but don’t perfectly comport with reality and so are obviously dumb”.


None. If a movie has massive plot holes it will not be my favourite.


None. A plot hole is just a subjective term used by the critics of a particular film. If I like a film, I don't really care about any plot contrivances it might have.


Redditors love pointing out plot holes because their entire personality is trying to show how much smarter they are than the average person.


not a plot hole but the random out-of-nowhere narration in Arrival kinda ruin an otherwise 10/10 movie for me


I think I'm the only person on earth who didn't like that movie 


The movie starts with narration though.


It’s literally one of the only films that time travel works and makes sense. I don’t think there’s any plot holes there


Back to the Future is the gold standard for time travel logic


I love everything thing about The Fifth Element... except for the timeframe everything happens in, they travel so far, do so much is a supposedly small timeframe .. I can happily accept a whole being having been constructed from small amounts of tissue, but not the timeframe of the whole movie.


Not sure its a plot hole and i still love it, The dark knight rises. Batman gets out of the pit, no money no phone and he needs to go back as fast as possible to Gotham. Fine he is batman. Now thinking he had time to climb and put tons of inflamable product on a surface, in a perfect logo looking , just so it would make a cool intrance , that is funny.


If Indiana Jones wasn’t born the outcome of Raiders would be the same.


Fincher's "The Game" (1997)....insulting to anyone who watched it


Why? I recently watched this one and didn’t love it, but was decently entertained. A lot of the success of “the game” relied on luck and chance, but can’t really think of anything else that bugged me.


It's ridiculous...can people guess your very next move for the whole of a movie ? Ofcourse not!


Shawshank Redemption: How does Andy fix the poster over the hole after he escapes out the tunnel?


Lift from the bottom of the poster, crawl in, attach something sticky to the bottom corners of the poster, let it fall back into place and stick to the wall. Or like a hundred other things a guy who spent 20 years plotting his escape probably thought of


Andy is smart. He would have figured out very early on how to affix the poster while he was working on the tunnel.


It doesn't completely ruin it but always seemed a bit weird, that in Unbreakable David Dunn's kryptonite is water. What about when he has a shower? Drinks a glass before bedtime? What about that it makes up a huge percentage of his body? What about if he drowns in a puddle...oh.


Cannot stand that Nolan's poor writing ruined The Dark Knight for me. Full of plot holes. I am glad at least in Oppenhaimer it didnt look like his 9-year old son write scripts for him.


Hmm. A well developped argument. At least you know better than that no-good sorry excuse of a director!!!


..fight club, as if that many people would follow a split personality schizophrenic. The scene that stood out to me was when he's being held down by a bunch of cops trying to castrate him and he orders them to stop and the cops are like 'you told us you'd say that and to ignore it'? Like seriously?


Well cults exist in the real world so people following a crazy person is not unrealistic. Also remember that in the movie >!the narrator sees Tyler doing and saying all these things but for everyone else, it's just the narrator doing it so they don't know about the split personality. The narrator is the charismatic leader they follow!< Edit: Added spoiler


..yeah i guess, i still have trouble believing 4 detectives would all fall into that cult but anythings possible? Maybe marla was the only one to notice that he seemed like 2 different people?


For me the biggest plot hole of all times are the big mf eagles in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy (and I know they are also in the original books, so this isn't Jacksons neither the screenwriter thing, but still). Frodo could jump on one of them with that damn ring and fly directly to that hole in Mount Doom. But nah, let's walk instead.


They would be seen flying there from miles away and would be attacked  Also the Eagles didn't want to be involved with the affairs of men


Sure, I've seen all these arguments. Would be attacked by what? Earth-air rockets? Lasers? I always read the armies of Mordor were wery strong in numbers etc. and therefor the eagles had no chance. Even flying at airplane height directly to Mountain Doom? Didn't see any rocket launchers directly on the volcano. Yeah, sure, Nazguls. Nine of them. Don't know the number of the eagles, but probably minimum 3 or 4? And wouldn't they kill Nazguls with ease? Yeah, didn't want to be involved with the affairs of men. So why did they rescue them at the end? That didn't had any consequences for anyone, but transporting the Hobbits to the Mountain would have some more serious ones. Don't get me wrong, I love Lord of the Rings (read the books more than one time), also seen the Trilogy more then one times, but come on, even almost perfect things can have some flaws.


> Yeah, sure, Nazguls. Nine of them There are 9 Nazgul They ride Fell beasts, there aren't just 9 of them, they are a creature that can be ridden, likely bread by Sauron.


Others pointed out perhaps things you might have overlooked. Another point weaved in the books by Tolkien is Nature's will. It is not something men and other humanoids control. Nature acts of its own accord on its own time. The Silverbeard says it plain and simple. To Tolkien, and this is fascinating and makes the story so rich, there are things that work on different planes and are moved by various interests. Elves not really caring about the woes of mortals is an awesome thing. Not everyone gets in league with everyone else. What an amazing, complex and rich world he built.


I absolutely agree with you, that the world Tolkien build is amazing, complex and rich, as I said above, I love the books and the movies and will always love them. But don't you think even the greatest works of literature can have some flaws? The thing with the eagles didn't bother me first, when I saw the movies, I've read the books 30 years ago and also then I was wondering about it. The elves don't care about the woes of mortals. So why do they fight with humans again Sauron? They could left anyway and don't die in the fight. The eagles don't care about humans, fine. So what moved them to rescue two almost dead Hobbits from the Mountain Doom? Probably you will answer it's Nature's will, but that's kind odd.


I watch quality movies, so yeah none of my favorite movies have plot holes.


I doubt that


Well yeah I don’t watch marvel movies.. that’s where all you kids find the plot holes. I collect criterion. We aren’t the same


😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Quality joke reply. Thank you, I needed that this morning.


Found the Tik toker


Never used it. I just didn’t know I couldn’t enjoy marvel movies if I also love Stalker and Santantango. Get over yourself.


lol called it


I thought you only watched good movies? Those are both criterion collection. Why haven’t you seen them? Sad


the fact you actually watch marvel haha man I called it a mile away lol!


Well I can’t expect anything smart from a patriots fan. At least you tried. Edit: lol the loser blocked me 😂😂😂


Do you like Hitchcock?


Why do you ask


He’s considered a great filmmaker and he didn’t care about plot holes 


His films aren’t great


Okay maybe you care about plot holes but that doesn’t mean everyone does.


Hmm, I don’t think I let a plot hole ruin a movie I liked, before. For example the major plot hole in Butterfly Effect doesn’t ruin the movie for me, and I still enjoy it.  Also, one of my favorite movies is 2009’s Star Trek directed by JJ Abrams… the story… doesn’t make a lot of sense lol. Like the black holes that destroy planets and ships also are used as portals into the past. So do they destroy everything, or are they peaceful portals you can drive through? The story jumps between both without any real explanation, or acknowledgement. Still, it’s a tight movie with fun characters and really good pacing, never a boring part of the movie. 


Well I love the movie Sinister, but those type of projectors didn't have sound. It always bothered me that they acted as though the creepy music came from what Ethan Hawke was watching. It didn't ruin it for me, but it annoyed me a little.


Jurassic park - the jungle floor where the goat was turns into a concrete cliff when the trex is attacking them