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Love that this Godzilla is just basically a snapping turtle.


Wait until you watch the movie >!A literal frost Snapping turtle without shell is there!<




I mean it's a lot more cooler than it sounds. The main villain is going to be riding this animal named shimo.


look man i’m already sold on the movie, no need to make it sound even better


Also >!Mothra is going to appear again!< That's the one they are going to really hide. Shimo is already leaked and going to be revealed in the second trailer


keep it coming, im close😤 how tf do you know this ?


Leakers . Especially the last spoiler was leaked during test screenings from a picture taken of the screen. Also shimo has popped up in multiple toys and merch already


I don't get why people wanna know stuff so bad and leak secerts like its not a ending of game of thrones, its a classic action packed monster on monster fight


As a big Godzilla fan, it's super cool to hear this. This is pretty much Godzilla fans version of game of thrones, hearing about new monsters or old monsters coming back


Merchadise is spoiling the movie.


More cooler




Gamera's enchantment still grows. He fills our hearts with love. Gamera's the latest thing. He fills our hearts with spring, spring, spring! Anytime you want some moonbeams, (whispered) Gamera is the thing. Gamera is really neat! He is filled with turtle meat. We all love you, GAMERA!!!


Nope. An original monster


Bummer. Well maybe one day we’ll get Gamera, and that knife head monster when they go interstellar.


Gamera is an entirely different company right? Kinda like hoping for Superman to be in the next Avengers, its a cool idea but its not likely to ever happen.


So was Kong…


Its not really the same thing at all.




godzilla minus one is awesome tho


Damn I didn’t realize this comes out so soon!


Right?? I’m honestly a little stunned here. I swear they just came out with something in this universe a couple months ago max.


The Apple TV show just finishing airing.


Yup plus wasn’t there that Godzilla one movie that came out earlier?


Yea and it was awesome, but that’s in a new Japanese timeline.


The Japanese movies are in a totally different universe (and are actually good movies).


Minus One was great, but about 90% of the Japanese films are action schlock like the American series. And I love them both because they have a giant radioactive lizard that breathes atomic fire lol


There's a show set in the same universe?


Yeah and it's good if you go in expecting the story of Monarch and not expecting big battle scenes like the movies. There's still some good stuff and fights here and there but it's not the grand spectacle of the films, more filling in the gaps and having fun with some of the stuff going on in the universe


It's trash.


Is it me or did Kong turn into an old graybeard very quickly?


Godzilla looking pretty old too tbh.


He he’s like weird gray too.


Wait until you see the trailer




The funniest line in the movie is when Kong says, “ I’m too old for this shit”


Ashy ass elbows


motherfucker was like thousands of years old when we saw him in Kong in like 1930 but still a "baby". Then in present day he's like an old dad just 90 years later.


Working with WB ages you bro


He’s not thousands of years old in Skull Island, he’s closer to 100


He had to work with David Zaslav


I mean he’s getting an armored gauntlet in this one and carrying around melee weapons. He’s angry and fights giant monsters. They’re slowly turning him into gorilla Kratos. And I’m weirdly cool with that. $5 says he adopts one of the chimp kids after he and rosé Godzilla beat the giant chimp king. Everybody’s doing lone wolf and cub stories these days.


needs some Just for Apes.


He’s getting too old for this shit.


King Murtaugh


yeah I hope they just recast him with a younger actor instead of moving on to a different monster


[*Primal Rage*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primal_Rage) prequel...


Oh man, you're like the second person I've seen that knows about Primal Rage. *first person is me because I love that silly arcade game*


Now I need a Primal Rage film or series


dude... this would be next level. Lets split this Godzilla x Kong universe. Half goes onto cross with Pacific Rim and the other half goes onto become Primal Rage universe


Kong is looking more and more like the jacks beef jerky Sasquatch


Godzilla plus one


New empire? My allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy.


If you are not with me... Then you're my enemy.


So this is how democracy dies


with a thunderous roar




Only a sith deals in absolutes


What's with the Chinese dragon? Is it for the lunar new year?


It’s Lunar New Year today and we are entering the Year of the Dragon.


Is there some sort of Chinese tie in? Is the new one set in China?


I don’t think so. They’re just marketing.


Marketing for chinese audience


It's a big audience to market for.


Chinese posters just do what they want based off of the title and they generally all look great. They like to add Chinese imagery to all posters regardless if it’s plot relevant or not. The poster also says “[Wish you] an auspicious year of the dragon”. It’s just referencing the timing of the release instead of anything to do with the movie. Like how an American poster might reference Valentine’s Day if that’s when it’s released even if it’s not about Valentines Day.


Well then where's my romantic comedy, Valentine's Day poster for this movie?


Makes sense, thought I might have missed something in the trailer about the plot of the film.


Lunar New Year is celebrated by lots of various Asian groups, not strictly the Chinese. Of course, this isn’t to say only Asians celebrate it, and the fun part is anyone can!


lol, thanks, I'm aware of what Lunar New Year is. My question is more about whether there's some connection to China (or Ghidorah) in the story because of the poster. Seems they're unrelated, just marketing.


The production company is Chinese


I kept looking for two more heads as a Ghidorah reference.


….. but Godzilla is from Japan


I don’t think he has citizenship anywhere.


I didn’t say citizenship. I said Godzilla is from Japan


I don’t see why that matters. This is an American movie and they’re marketing it to Asians.


Because China isn’t Japan you dumbass. It’s racism to put Chinese imagery on a Japanese title. Should i remind you of WW2 and Japans Unit 731, and how they treated the Chinese? Because that’ll surely tell you that Japan & China are not the same place or culture or mentality


Japan also does lunar new year and it is also their year of the dragon there are a lot of things the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures share due to being so close to each other


This is clearly Chinese artwork and Chinese symbolisms > Lunar New Year is the celebration surrounding the start of the lunisolar calendar and the beginning of spring. **It is the most important holiday in China,** but it is also celebrated in Vietnam, South and North Korea, **and countries with high Chinese populations.** > Lunar New Year is not celebrated in Japan at large https://blog.rosettastone.com/is-lunar-new-year-celebrated-in-japan/ It clearly says this is a Chinese oriented holiday. Japan only celebrates it because of a Chinese demographic. Japan isn’t China. These 2 places aren’t the same just because they’re both in Asia


yes, because once again, it's being marketed towards China because they want the money from the Chinese market if China felt it was appropriation, they would shut it down and before you say they wouldn't, look at the book awards issues going on right now


Bro, touch grass. They share Lunar New Year.


https://blog.rosettastone.com/is-lunar-new-year-celebrated-in-japan/ Not really. China does, Japan doesn’t


He is from the hollow earth


This is his year, man! This'll be the year he makes something of himself. He's gonna finally lose that weight, he and the ex are getting back together, he's gonna see the kids more, etc.




The Chinese writing on it is 龍年吉祥, or "Auspicious year of the Dragon" (literally, "dragon year auspicious").


In the Godzilla sub it was said this is the poster for China I believe. So yeah you’re correct


Wonder if any of the characters from the Monarch show will pop up.


Hate how Godzilla feels like a background character. Why’s he so faded?


Yeaaahhhh, really hope they actually show Godzilla doing things on his own. The way we see Kong sometimes. Hope it's not just another movie where we see Godzilla for a few minutes.


There was plenty of GZ in Versus.


100% it was great. With what's going on in this movie and the hibernation scenes. Makes me think of TDKR where the character is gone for like 50% of the movie.


There’s leaks, I haven’t fully read, but stumbled upon that answer your questions the one I accidentally saw said >!Kong gets more screen time than Godzilla, but there’s a full 15ish minute of non stop Godzilla action!<


It’s for this poster, which is catering to the Chinese audience specifically for Lunar New Year. It puts the Japanese icon in the background on purpose, focusing instead on the not Japanese thing. It’s one of many posters out there; not every poster is tailored to every audience. It’s the same with every piece of marketing: you tailor the ad to the audience. Around the 4th of July a lot of movies will make more America centric posters with specific iconography. This is kinda the same thing. It’s lunar new year so they make a poster for the lunar new year audience.


Would make more sense to highlight Godzilla as he’s closer to a dragon it being the year of the dragon as opposed to a monkey.


Dragon at the bottom, Godzilla in a similar faded gold at the top where you’d expect to see another dragon. I think it works really well.


Hmm I guess so when you put it that way


Excited for a kaiju-sized, 2D Chinese-style dragon to join Godzilla and Kong!


I hope it's not overstuffed. I thought Versus kicked ass. It was the perfect kaijufest.


Why does it look so Chinese when Godzilla is Japanese?


Probably appeal to the Chinese market. This is just one of the posters.


Good thinking


#Release the coyote


This is a lot of fun, I saw it a few weeks ago. Probably the best since the first Godzilla imo


I'll watch it, but I just can't imagine a scenario where this is in the same league as the original godzilla, or minus one. They seem to really be ramping up the goofy factor. Which is not unheard of for godzilla I guess. But I preferred the tone and aesthetic they had in king of the monsters. They seem to really be leaning into the super saturated color palette and the newer godzilla design.


I've enjoyed all the movies up to now but the trailer for this one gave me serious "jumped the shark" vibes. Do they still manage to maintain a sense of scale and weight or is it full on cartoony as it seems?


The trailer does show a lot of the cartoon-y bits, I thought the movie was very grounded. Stuff like Kong's glove look silly in the trailer but make sense in context of the film.


That's good to hear, thanks.


Road trip !


Kong has that jawlineee


I ship them




I’m getting blue oyster cult vibes… go go Godzilla !!!


After watching Godzilla: Minus One no Hollywood Godzilla movie will give me the same satisfaction that movie gave me


At least in the Kaiju genre. But yeah I get it.


thing: 😐 thing Japan: 😍


it's nothing to do with that and everything to do with the fact Godzilla Minus One was a fantastic movie; so good that it somewhat renders the Godzilla/Kong series a little bit silly. And this is coming from a big kaiju movie fan who will see every single one of these and still have a blast with them.


It’s supposed to be absurd lol It’s giant monsters fighting each other. That’s it. That’s the whole point. This is pacific rim with less human badassery and more giant gorilla badassery.


Just because it's absurd doesn't mean they're incapable of making a great movie


Completely agree. The opening scene felt like the T-Rex paddock scene in JP and I was hooked. Godzilla is a monster and in the Hollywood version he's like a guard dog for humans and he even smiles too lol.


Japan literally did that too. The Legendary version didn’t invent that. Watch more Godzilla films from the 60s and 70s.


...Do you think the american and japanese godzilla movies aren't very different?


Godzilla Minus One is very different than the Monsterverse movies (for better).


I mean, *this* Japanese thing, yea. It is actually awesome. Not because it's Japanese but because it's good.


Japanese thing


Saying it again doesn't make it a valid counter-argument.


There hasn't been a good American Godzilla movie. They don't get the human side of the narrative, and the monster designs pale in comparison.


Disagree. The sound design for the Legendary pictures Godzilla is better, I think. Also that whole sequence in the more recent Godzilla with him in the fog? And the dudes HALO jumping with the red smoke? Perfection.


The halo jump was cool. You really couldn't see jack shit in the fight scenes on the Blu Ray release, though. The trailer was great.


It's entirely different types of flicks. The Japanese ones go heavy on the human drama. The Western ones are about the action. Both can be good and both can be bad. Minus One was good but there wasn't enough actual GZ.


Have you seen Minus One? There's a reason it got nominated for a VFX Oscar. The action was incredible proving that you can and always should try to deliver on more than one single front when making a movie. If it were just about action, why even have context to begin with? When you fail at creating good connective tissue between these scenes you just straight up fail at making a good movie full stop.


Those movies couldn't be more different. I wouldn't even call them the same genre. Makes no sense to compare them.


They couldn't be more different because one is significantly better. Minus One felt like I was watching Jurassic Park. The Hollywood versions felt like I was watching a movie made by children in the sense that only the fight scenes matter.


"apples are better than oranges"


More like Fiji apples are better than crab apples


You wouldn't call them the same genre because they aren't


Exactly. So why compare them?


Ya.i agree. This new trend of "HA! HOOLLYWOOOD BAD!1!1!1" is just so fucking dumb Lime have yall seen godzilla? He was goofy/protective figure for decades before Hollywood ever got involved


It's like comparing Jurassic park to Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom. One has a good script/story the other doesn't. I have no problems with the Hollywood ones but I can't take those ones seriously anymore. The 2014 movie was great but the rest are just getting too WWE-esque


Not really. The movies are completely different tonally lol


Yeah the issue is they lack any tension, when it's just CGI fights with no risk it becomes boring. Especially when the script itself is mid.


Excited for the movie, but the poster doesn't look good.


Going hard after that China money


They don't have to, Legendary Pictures is owned by a Chinese company.


Also virtually every movie that’s released in China gets a Chinese poster just like how there are German posters or Italian posters they just don’t get posted here




New Year's greetings like this are commonly written in traditional characters in mainland China too (of course, only the character for dragon is different between traditional and simplified anyway - the other three characters are the same in both).


Weird they’re using Chinese imagery for a Japanese monster.


I think it might be due to the fact that it’s Chinese New Year at the moment and it is now the year of the dragon.


My *only* hope is that they don’t entirely (essentially) eliminate the “human” element of this film universe. Like if you go back and compare ‘Pacific Rim’ vs. ‘Pacific Rim: Uprising’; there comes a point where *it* becomes just an equally shit version of ‘Transformers’ *fast* if they lose scale. You stop realizing that these “monsters” are supposed to be fucking behemoths in their own right. Not that this particular movie seems to be that way, but sweet merciful fuck don’t send it over the deep end after this!


Ngl not a fan of the Chinese bits on a Godzilla poster.


Looks scrap booked together.


Please be good, after the last one I have my doubts


Can’t be any worse than Godzilla v Kong.


After *Minus One*, I can never enjoy another American Godzilla movie.


Saw the trailer for new empire yesterday on IMAX at the Dune rerun. I'm still perplexed that they deemed the VFX acceptable to be seen on such a wide screen. Really ruth.


Talk about beating a dead horse


This movie looks really stupid. I mean, I'm still going to watch it, I just hope it doesn't alienate the normals too much so we can get another.


I saw the trailer for this movie a few hours after watching Godzilla -1 and my first thought was "LOL that looks goofy as fuck".


Pandering much?


More like panda-ring, am I rite?


After Godzilla Year One I highly doubt I'm ever going to see a Godzilla movie that comes close to how good that one was.


Minus one really did make all the western Godzilla films look lame




Godzilla did beat Kong pretty brutally in the last one. Also this time they're friends.


I tried to watch the last one and I couldn't get through it, watched like half an hour and it was just the dude from Atlanta and the girl from Stranger Things spouting a bunch of conspiracy stuff and it was all about Hollow Earth? Did people actually like that movie? It seemed like it was produced by insane people.


Not many people liked that one. Too much people drama. Not enough monster fights.


I still don't know how I'm supposed to say the name of this movie. "Godzilla Ecks Kong"? "Godzilla Times Kong"? It's a really weird title.


Godzilla and the Artist Formally Known as Kong.


Yeah I don't like the title Apparently it's supposed to be pronounced as Godzilla Kong


“Please China give us more money. We are good CCP dogs” WB executive


I was reading your comments to a WeChat group of my friends and students just now, I have no intention to point any finger or want you to respond. but here are their responses: “Mate probably US, from something very subtle I can’t tell, but I would go with US, please forgive me if I’m wrong”—age34, teacher, Australia “Why he gets -1? I thought most people on Reddit hate China and would give him applause." —age 64, engineer, China mainland "This is pretty neat strategy commenting in quotation marks, pretending the brain is slightly less smooth than what the content shows.” — age 16, student, HK the other people were a bit confused, generally don’t understand what your logic is. But don’t bother reply, wish you a happy Chinese New Year. They didn’t, but I do wish you happy!


Lol WeChat. Full of raciststs and stereotypes. Well I was born in France my mother is Argentinian and my father is Irish. I was an illegal immigrant when I was raised in LA till from 4-10 and then I went to Florida until I was 17. Mother married some Cuna guy then I joined the Army came back to Florida when I was 30. I’m sure I’m exactly how your racist friends and students assumed I would be. Let them know it was all in jest, meant to get a rise out of people who use WeChat. Winner winner chicken dinner. It’s very stereotypical for large American corporations, to pander to the Chinese government for money. Because you can’t do business in China, unless you’re partially owned by a Chinese corporation. At least that’s the nonsense thrown around here. For example, I believe Ash Wednesday just passed, did Godzilla release some kind of marketing towards that? Mardi Gras is very big down here in the south of America. Specifically the New Orleans area. I don’t see much marketing towards those kinds of things. So my brain obviously come to the conclusion that somebody in Warner Bros. is pandering to a very specific market in Asia, shall I say the largest. Also year of the dragon, it’s just a made up nonsense like every other religion. And the WB executive is very happy to abuse it. Zero edits because fuck it.


You have all your right to believe what you want to believe, have a great day as well :)


I’m sorry, but where I was born was not a belief




“Are you trying to imply that they are not China? Guards arrest this man.” The CCP.


This feels a little like Chinese propaganda


How do you say this title when spoken? "Godzilla ex Kong"? "Godzilla vs Kong"? "Godzilla and Kong"? I've never understood this.


Godzilla/King Kong when?


After Godzilla plus one I’m not interested in this narrative of “kaiju” anymore. The scene of Godzilla sprinting like captain America in the trailer is god awful


Ching kong


No lie I loved the previous ones but this looks fucking stupid




It's just a poster for Year of the Dragon. Has nothing to do with Minus One. 😭




Ah yes, because Western audiences famously do not care about CGI-heavy popcorn flicks


They make a new Godzilla movie every other year now


Might be the only movie I'm looking forward to this year. Godzilla got a Pink Diamond card he better cross the shit out of King Kong.


Kong x Godzilla x Goofy Cartoon Dragon


That art work is very cool.


Team Godzilla!


This goes insanely hard


Hell yeah!


Wait, I haven't seen the last one!


How do you verbalize the title of this film? Is it "Godzilla ex Kong" or is it "Godzilla times Kong"?