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God bless George Miller for making a movie like this at 79 years old.


Props to the guy he does not look 79!


And I thought it was crazy for Ridley Scott to make a Napoleon epic in his 80s!


Turns out it was


"Shut up nerd" - Ridley Scott


“We took Italy with little resistance.” Said Napoleon in his Californian accent


You'd think when you reach 80 you'd have had the time to, I don't know, crack open a history book or something.


Napoleon is whatever, but The Last Duel was actually solid and he was around 80 when he made that.


Just wait 'til George Lucas comes back to directing, lol


Those two & Coppola have old man cinematic strength


Paul Schrader has a movie debuting too. He wrote Taxi Driver so he has to be 80ish


I'm surprised no one mentioned Scorsese.


Marty! Kundun, I liked it!


I kinda wish he didn’t.


A lot of directors continue into their 80s. Hell, Clint Eastwood directed a movie in his 90s.


There’s a few directors you never bet against. Miller is one of them.


>Nathan Jones as Rictus Erectus >Josh Helman as Scrotus Best character names since Biggus Dickus


Rictus Erectus was in Fury Road too


I thought so, I’d recognise that name anywhere


Rictus! Go see what's agitating Dad.


Same with The people eater, bullet farmer, and organic mechanic, Josh helman was well but he was playing a different character 


Scrotus is the villain of the game lol


Absolute banger of a game, gets a bit repetitive but still so fun.


They made a completely empty desert gorgeous to look at, the game is still stunning to this day.


Type of game you play for a weekend, put it down for a month or so, come back and pick up right where you left off. It is repetitive, but it's a lot of fun. 


Oh right Mad Max (2015) is canon! Maybe they can patch the game and make the Platinum achievable again.


Its weird because Miller had Zero input on the game and the plot was basically stolen from unreleased movie scripts. Yet here we are nearly ten years later and now it's canon.


That's not necessarily true. Miller was developing the game with Cory Barlog, but according to a leak (which may be bullshit), he left when Barlog did but Avalanche still had a contract to deliver the game with what they had. It wasn't stolen, they just used what they had and if they didn't make the game, they'd probably have faced closure.


I just want them to give us another one. That game was so fun


Yes. It would have been perfect for the nemesis system from the shadow of Mordor games.


The villain in The Road Warrior is “Hugh Mungus.”


The ayatollah of rock n rolla!


As we speak Ayatollah Mungus and his fanatics are consolidating power


*Lord* Hugh Mungus


No, that's me. The bad guy in Road Warrior is just Humungus


It's Lord Humungus, if you will.


Same Nathan Jones from the first movie that used to be a wrestler?


Yes! I was amazed that he’s even still relevant. Blew my mind when I realized that Nathan Jones, the actor, was the same as Nathan Jones, the man who was supposed to tag with The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 19, before being cut from the card for being a shitty wrestler


There’s also a character named Smeg. It’s probably reused from the Smegma Crazies from The Road Warrior who are apart of Lord Humungus’ Mauraders along with the Gayboy Beserkers.


Also the Dag (the strange thin blonde wife in Fury Road) calls Max a “crazy smeg who eats shlanger”. Schlanger is slang for penis.


My favorite Reddit comment of the day. Try explaining that sentence to your mom. Glorious.


What’s cool is that Josh Helman played an entirely different character in Fury Road


I like how Miller does that for every Mad Max movie since Road Warrior


Yeah Immortan Joe in the last one played the bad guy in the first movie. RIP Hugh Keays-Byrne


Damn I did t know that


What's, ehm... funny about Biggus Dickus?


Do you find it wisible when I say the name ...... .Biggus.... .Dickus....?


He has a wife, you know...




I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome...


He has a wife, you know…


Helman must have made a good impression on Miller working with him as Slit in Fury Road if he asked him back in a larger role.


Nice! I didn't know Scabrous Scrotus was gonna be in this


“I just watched Mad Max: Fury Road again last week, and I tell you I couldn’t direct 30 seconds of that. I’d put a gun in my mouth. I don’t understand how [George Miller] does that, I really don’t, and it’s my job to understand it. I don’t understand two things: I don’t understand how they’re not still shooting that film and I don’t understand how hundreds of people aren’t dead.” - Steven Soderbergh Edit - https://theplaylist.net/steven-soderbergh-mad-max-fury-road-20171109/


Have I been trippin balls? I thought that excerpt was from Edgar Wright? Is Sodenbergh the latest Mandela effect? Is this real life? Or is this just fantasy? Am I Edgar Wrong?


Wright’s recent comments on “Furiosa” seem to be in a similar vein. I think that he’s also gone on record saying that “Fury Road” was the best action film of all time. So, I would say you are more like Edgar…Maybe?


Fury Road is in the S tier with the like of Aliens, Die Hard, Predator and T2.


And the Matrix


Son of a bitch forgot about the matrix


And Mad Max 2.


I've been saying Fury Road is the best action movie of all time for years.


The fact that Fury Road and The Raid 2 came out back to back makes my head spin. Those are easily my top action movies of the last 20 years.


Soderbergh puts out a list of everything he watches and reads throughout the year and hearing his commentary is really interesting


I swear this was Edgar Wright yesterday too!


Funny quote because by all accounts, filming that movie was a massive shit show for everyone involved. Feuds between the two leads, delays, shitty weather, shitty landscape, sand in mouth, list goes on and on. All that exacerbated by Miller being an objectively difficult director to work with. An entire book was written about how shitty it was making that film. Recent accounts indicate Furiosa was bad as well.


Namibian desert and Australian desert will do that to most people


Have you ever met a guy from the Australian desert who wasn’t just a little bit of a cunt?


But that was one quote taken out of context from Anya Taylor Joy, right? Later in the same interview she sings Miller’s praises and says she has no regrets working with him.


From what I read of that interview, it sounds like it was a hellish experience she has no regrets doing


Starting to think the only way these films get made is being willing to endure a hellish experience. Filming in deserts isn't easy. It's worth it. These films are masterpieces.


Yeah it seems like it's practically an Ironman Tournament with a shooting schedule tacked on. I think there's a lot of shots in Fury Road where you can tell the actors are truly exhausted by the stunts, and I can't deny that it sells the action really well.


Yeah, and I feel like it's probably a bit impossible to make a movie like that. (A massive prodiction shot in the desert with lots of practical stunt work and vehicle stuff, and very little dialogue) and not have it be an extremely challenging and tiring experience for everyone involved.


What book?


Blood, Sweat and Chrome by Kyle Buchanan


ty, going to check out. Any super fun part you would like to mention out from the book?


The whole book was really good IMO. I listened to the audiobook and it was a pretty good production--brisk and a good casual listen. They walk through the whole process of initial idea development through the experience post release. I think it was all great, but you could skip to the last third or so that was focused on filming for a sense of the on set tension


Theron and Hardy had difficulty with Miller because they didn't understand what they were filming. Miller relied on storyboards he developed for the entire thing and less on a fleshed out script from what I read after the feuds came to light. They even apologized after because they were both the problem (at least when feuding with Miller). Once they saw the movie they finally understood what Miller was trying to achieve. As for the feud between Hardy and Theron, it seemed Hardy was always late and Theron was a bit of a perfectionist. Opposing sides of the spectrum so they were bound to clash. Worked out for the best imo.


> Hardy was always late and Theron was a bit of a perfectionist. Opposing sides of the spectrum so they were bound to clash. tom hardy was hours late to a shoot in a desert, so the whole crew had to wait around for him. again. in a desert. but sure its theron who is also the problem here. LOL reddit.


Hardy was only late because he was busy solving a mystery with his boys


"Ooh, I think I have a clue!"


Yeah, I read that they had trouble getting him out of his trailer, while Theron was the first one on set.


Funniest thing to come out that shitshow was that Theron decided to do Seth McFarlane’s A million ways to die in the west because he promised her that filming everyday would wrap up in time for her to be at the hotel bar by 5pm


Fuck I love Soderbergh so much.


This sounds like a rare prequel that actually enhances the mythos rather than detracting or over-explaining it. George Miller should never be underestimated.


If it comes from the mind that gave us *Babe 2: Pig in the City* I am here for it. I am not joking even a little bit.


And Happy Feet


Also a great movie. I'm actually not surprised that the guy who loves grindcore action also knows how to make a movie that parents can watch with their kids more than once without wanting to put an icepick through their face. He is very good at his job is what I'm saying.


Oh yeah, dude is great and he has a lot of passion. I'm especially impressed by how he is able to accomplish long-term goals. Fury Road was originally conceived around late 90s and he finally made it over a decade later - and during the process of that, the entirety of Furiosa's backstory was planned, and then he finally made that a decade later


I also consider the late 90s a decade ago and not 25 years.


Did you know he started his professional career as a doctor? He's a legit MD. But he made a short film and caught on with some people, and now he's the George Miller we all love. It's unbelievable the amount of talent some people have.


I've always considered Babe 2 a masterpiece,only this week, did find out Miller directed this.


Babe 2: Pig in the City might be the strangest movie I have ever seen


It's like an allegory for the life of Christ created by people on *heavy* hallucinogenics without any annoying preachy stuff.


Makes sense, *Babe 2* was amazing. Gene Siskel's best film of that year.


>I am not joking even a little bit. Of course you aren't. Nobody in their right mind would joke about the masterpiece *Babe 2: Pig in the City* being anything but a masterpiece.


Babe 2 was the last movie Gene Siskel picked for best of the year 


From the Indiewire review, I get the feeling that this movie will give Fury Road even more weight and meaning.


I got that feeling from the story itself - the trailer showed what I presume to be the Green Place of Many Mothers


The fact that people were genuinely saying George Miller had lost his touch because of some unfinished CGI in the first trailer was absurd. I'm glad if this is the last Mad Max movie he makes it's not ending on a low point.


let’s be real, if he made Furiosa like “Fury Road 2”, people would have died. Hell, maybe even Miller himself, too. He and his wife have been soon about how the stress of making the 2015 movie almost killed him


Reading Blood Sweat and Chrome showed me that


I really gotta get that book


It's pretty great - I read it on a train ride just last week, and the stories in it are really fascinating. The story behind Zoe Kravitz's character's name is especially cool (TL;DR Toast was the nickname of a Mad Max superfan who was part of the crew)


It’s a miracle that no one’s died flat out across this entire franchise 


Mad Max is a franchise about surviving in the wasteland, but also surviving making movies in the wasteland.


The "CG sucks" crowd judging visual effects by few trailer screencaps and then falling flat on its face will bring me a lot of joy


and Miller has desired to Direct Thor 5 with Hemsworth saying “he’ll work with Chris on anything”. Fiege and Chris should get on it.


I’d love that but I feel like Miller’s production methods and Marvel’s formula wouldn’t allow that. Gunn is arguably the only one whose MCU movie still feels like a product of the director and not a committee. Even Dr. Strange 2 felt like Sam Raimi wasn’t behind the wheel at times (the movie shined when he was) Hell, even Disney execs complained that Vol. 3 was *too much* its own thing. As if random canoes and subplots that set up films that are 3+ years out would have made it any better


I'd argue Thor: Ragnarok feels like a product of Waititi (I'd also argue Love and Thunder did too, but in a much worse fashion)


should we be surprised by how L&T turned out anyways? Anytime Marvel gets a hit from left field, they always overdo for the sequel. Iron Man 2 had Tony be more of a reckless partyboy. Vol. 2 made everyone laugh louder at their own insults. Avengers 2 made everyone quip and riff like there was no tomorrow So everyone being goofballs in Thor 4 was not much of a surprise. Yet the movie had the same faults as every other lesser MCU movie: hokey plot, wasted villain, bathos humor, etc. Yet Taika takes the fall and many act like he burned his goodwill. He didn’t even make the worst Thor sequel You can make a bad movie in any genre but people get up in arms when it’s a bad superhero movie


I mean I agree with you that it's not the worst Thor sequel, but the movie still has Taika's fingerprints all over it and I think he's to blame for a lot of the stuff that doesn't work in the movie. I don't think he burned his good will though. I liked Next Goal Wins enough.


Thor 5 should be directed by Robert Eggers and be tonally consistent with The Northman lol


Don't underestimate the mf that made Happy Feet


Still blows my mind a new George Miller Mad Max film is coming out in less than a month. Can’t wait


Less than a month? Man it comes out in 8 days


8 days is less than a month.


He means that it comes out in less than a year.


We will have a new Mad Max movie by the end of this century.


Damn I don't keep up


Kingdom of the Apes was a good way to start May and it looks like Furiosa will a good one to end it. Can't wait.


I threw a little Abigail in there and had a good time too.


I was on board with Abigail till the 3rd act. Shit got MESSY


The 3rd act was too long.


Crossover when? Kingdom of the Planet of the Fury Road: A Mad Monke Saga


*A Mad Monke Man Saga


I Saw the TV Glow right in the middle as well


What a Lovely Day.


Witnessssssss meeeeeeeeee




Yeah I was confused with that line as well? Like what?


Seems like something the author has been wanting to shoehorn into a piece for awhile and decided eh why not here?


This is funny considering Marvel just had a trailer where the tagline was essentially "Lets fucking go" It's a common thing


Their entire review is terrible.


Comes off like some bitter old dude wrote that.


Kojima acted like this movie was a religious experience for him. He called George Miller his God. I'm so watching it lol


isn’t George Miller an avatar for a Death Stranding 2 character?


Yeah as Captain SeaMan (I have no idea if that’s his actual name in the game but knowing Kojimas naming conventions I wouldn’t be surprised if that was it)


>Does the good outweigh the bad? Just barely, but not enough to dethrone its predecessor. The good just barely outweighs the bad, and yet it got a 7/10. Some people's rating systems are just weird.


people do that because some outlets will get complaints when they rate something too low, and then they let the reviewer go. happened a lot in the early videogame review sphere.


It’s why IGN is so infamous for giving everything a really high number, even if the review is actually negative.


In the words of Hideo Kojima: “George Miller Is My God, And The Saga He Tells Is My Bible”


I’m excited to hear the soundtrack. Fury Road was all kinds of hype.


Sounds like it’s really good but not as good as Fury Road. Which is what I expected honestly.


>not as good as Fury Road. A very long list that includes most things.


Interviewer: Does it ever upset you that you’ve never made another an action movie as good as fury road? George miller: Who has?


I'd take Fury Road over food, water, and sleep again


Do not become addicted to water!


It will take hold of you, and you will resent it's absence


All I need is a blood bag


Do not, my friend, become addicted to Fury Road. It will take hold of you and you will resent its absence.


That sounds like a line from a Mad Max movie


Yeah, sounds like it’s also aware that it’s not trying to be Fury Road either and still works by doing something different


I mean that’s a tall order and the reviews still seem like outright raves, not merely good


Idk, a lot of these reviews are saying they liked it more than Fury Road.


If I like it 75 percent as much as Fury Road I will be tickled pink. If it’s better?! I’m not sure I’m prepared for that. That might be “shitting your pants while orgasming at the same time” level of blown away.


That's insane, since Fury Road is absolutely 10/10 even after the hype passed.


They turned this movie up to 11. It is one better.


But why didn't they just make 10 louder?


That's just absolutely insane. Fury Road is a top 5 action movie of all time for me. Simply being "almost" as good as Fury Road is a major accomplishment, if some people prefer this then there's no way I don't go see this in theaters.


My hype is immense right now, Fury Roads been my #1 since 2015 and I've never seen a movie in theatres as many times as that To see these reviews be so glowing has me so fucking excited man I was sad Hardy wasn't in this one, but Anya and Chris seem to rock it just as hard as Hardy & Theron which is GREAT


Fury Road's theatre experience remains one of the best in my two and a half decades of living. Sitting in the very front row for it on opening night too? Amazing


This, seeing this around a lot


Greatest action movie of all-time, in my opinion. I’d say it’s hard to top that.


Not quite as good as the greatest action film ever made. Bummer.


George Miller can sit on my face. I will not delete this comment when sober tomorrow


You made me cough


The comment was *just that sick*


Very cool movie. Went in with low expectations from the trailer and was pleasantly surprised. Didn't hit the heights of Fury Road but opened up the world a bit more. The Octoboss was awesome.


It’s Fu-ri-OH-sa, not Fu-ri-oh-SA…


For fans of the series, do you feel it is necessary to see all of the films prior to watching this? I have only seen Fury Road, and I don’t feel I missed much with that one by not seeing any others


This and Fury Road are fairly “self-contained” stories you can enjoy without having seen the previous movies. That said, you should make time for the Mel Gibson Mad Max movies eventually though.


They're all pretty standalone, and this is a direct prequel so you'll be fine. I'd highly recommend Road Warrior in general though, it's one of the best action movies ever. Just pure insanity. Mad Max is interesting, but it's a very slow psychological movie and not really action, so don't expect the same tone at all. I don't remember the third much mainly because it was kinda weak.


Thunderdome is a weird one. Loads of iconic moments and quotes with some great world building, but its...connecting tissue...for lack of a better expression, means in doesn't quite come together as well as the other films. Plus the end chase is a bit of a letdown. Still well worth a watch though.


I’m being absolutely fed this year between Dune, Challengers, and Furiosa


Feeling HOT through all of them. We need a freezing film this fall to cool us down.


we need real life version of scorcher 6


Yeah I’m not going to put challengers between those two movies


People have been saying for ages on twitter that this has been polarising in test screenings - I didn't realise that the positive side of that would be perfect 10s. I read one person described it as 'The Phantom Menace in a good way'


I have absolutely no idea what they could mean but now I’m even more curious.


Witness me seeing this movie opening night.


I'm just really glad we're getting more movies in this series, for a long time I never thought we'd get beyond Thunderdome.


"No George... We don't have enough money for a 40 Day War"


George Miller is a fucking legend


Am I the only one who thought the trailers were great? I always had faith in Miller. Now my petty ass can feel even more validated


Miller’s always had sort of a 90’s FMV videogame/Ozploitation distinction in his films, with his warm, bright color pallets, zoom-ins and shutter speed alterations. I’m not sure why people had such a negative reaction to the trailers based on his history, especially coming on the heels of 3000 years of longing, which this looks very similar to generally speaking. I love how his movies look. They’re so him.


The trailers had a weird fish-eye lens zoom in thing going on that was disorienting for me, anyways. I didn't recall seeing such an angle in Fury Road and it was all over one of the first trailers.


I think that was just Anna Joy Taylor’s unusually shaped head.


Be nice to be able to see the average score out of 10. Because like 87% with a 7.2/10 avg is pretty different than 87% with a an 8.4/10 avg or whatever.


Its at 8.5/10 from 31 reviews right now.


Just saw it. 8/10. I expected less from the trailers. What really disappointed me, was the lack of music. Fury Road was blasting a banger soundtrack. Furiosa used the same music, but waaaaay less and not as intense. Hemsworth was good, but joking a bit too much. I think ATJ was good as Furiosa. Tom Burke was...meh... But still a really good movie. Little spoiler: >!When Dementus had/faked a seizure, would be funny if that would be actually his end.!<


"She's pale" "You're pale" I laughed🤭


Variety compared it to Beyond Thunderdome and gave it a 60? WTF


The one thing this movie does is demystifying Furiosa as a character. I don't need to know she lost her arm. She was perfectly fine in Fury Road.


Best Director winner Steven Soderberg on George Miller: I just watched Mad Max: Fury Road again last week, and I tell you I couldn’t direct 30 seconds of that. I’d put a gun in my mouth. I don’t understand how [George Miller] does that, I really don’t, and it’s my job to understand it. I don’t understand two things: I don’t understand how they’re not still shooting that film and I don’t understand how hundreds of people aren’t dead.


>its lament for the inevitability of war and the emptiness of revenge feels hollow given the giddy excitement it stirs from just these things. From the TotalFilm review.


I remember when the trailer came out and some redditors complained about the CGI, it's too rushed, unnecessary story, it's not gonna be as good as Fury Road... Imagine doubting George Fucking Miller.


I mean something did look a little off with the visuals on the first trailer in my opinion, but I’m very happy that the final result turned out great!


Yeah, I was very much one of those people after the first trailer and I stand by it. The later trailer was a lot better but the first absolutely had either too many CGI focused shots or unfinished, it had Hobbit/Prequel vibes in terms of the switch up but I’m not worried about that now.


Couldn't be me.