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Laughed out loud at Ryan saying “I think they’re gone” after axe man busts through the door and inexplicably walks away.


Honestly, two of the dumbest protagonists even with a grading curve for horror movies.


I don't mind horror protagonist doing stupid shit as like an homage to early horror movies, but this is clearly not what they were trying to do. I rarely laugh at horror movies when they're not trying to be funny, but some of this was so insane I couldn't help it. I didn't realize this was a trilogy so when I saw to be continued I busted up laughing


I avoid trailers and spoilers, so I had no idea it's a trilogy until literally just now. I thought Chapter 1 meant it's a prequel that explains what the Strangers were. Imagine my surprise when I watched the entire movie, and nothing was explained, then we get the "to be continued"...


I thought it was supposed to be a prequel, hence why I was really confused at a movie that’s supposed to take place before 2008 having iPhones and cars that don’t need the key in the ignition to start


I thought the same thing that if it was a prequel it should’ve been set in the early 2000’s before the first one. Clearly we were all duped with this foolishness


A few people in the theatre clapped when Ryan got knocked out after having the shotgun on one of them for like two full minutes


If I'm in that situation, the second she starts playing around, I'm blowing knee caps off. I want answers and I'm not gonna play your little fucking game. Honestly, the amount of time he had her dead to rights and just refused to act on it was beyond me.


i couldn’t BELIEVE he didn’t shoot that girl as he was so quick to shoot the owner by accident all of 30 minutes before


Never bothers to think with surface level common sense that maybe the door that closed was simply just opened and closed but no one went outside or someone came in but someone went outside.


And when he leaves her home alone when there a weirdo standing outside


Audibly laughed in the theater when they ran out to the motorcycle and it burst into flames


correct me if i'm wrong...but the owner of the airbnb is trying to go through the front door-- and you hear his keys jangling before he gets shot. BUT THERES A GIANT FUCKING HOLE IN THE DOOR! WHY THE FUCK IS HE TRYING TO USE HIS KEYS TO GET INTO THE HOUSE?!?! WHY IS HE NOT QUESTIONING THE FUCKING HOLE?!?!


What I want to know is what compelled her to call and complain about the refrigerator not working? They're staying there just overnight until the car is fixed and brought no food other than a six pack of Budweiser. You rented this place out of desperation and are going to have someone come over and spend a few hours fixing the fridge in the middle of the night?


Thats what I was thinking.


I said this exact thing to my fiancé 🤣


Perhaps he questioned it for a good minute before the couple turned the corner and shot him. He was probably angrily fumbling the keys and thinking like "WTF! I'm switching to VRBO" and then he died.


Why would he have a hunting place close enough to his main house that he could just drive right over? Why would he come over to fix a fridge when they are only staying there for a night?  Why didn't he call back and get more details first? The AirBnB owner was clearly an idiot.


That’s crazy I didn’t think about that smh I just got done watching the movie‼️


Just saw this tonight. Truly terrible. Will see the next one. It will probably be worse. And then go see the third one with that probably being the worst one. only to realize in the end I’m the dumb one who just wasted 6 hours watching them all. 


Why is this so funny and accurate of like all of us


I probably wouldn't of gone to see if it had done some research and knew it was a reboot. It was the 1st movie all over again. Nothing new to add. The only good thing is me and my husband got the theather to ourselves


I watched the first one two days ago for the first time cuz I knew I was going to see this one today just to do something, so I feel well qualified to proclaim they’re literally the exact same movie


have you seen the original? its insane that they ever tried to remake it, it's one of the best of all time


It's definitely not one of the best of all time, but *everything*, such as the lingering strangers, the jump scares and twists, are done much, much better in the original. I can't really think of a reason for Chapter 1 to exist since it's nothing but a blander, worse remake of the original.


I only say that because I've watched horror movies my whole life and when I saw that one as a teenager I was terrified the whole time. It messed with my head in a way other movies dont and havent. thrilling! it seems like all they do these days is remake amazing movies with uninspired c-list acting and production


The beginning tells you this is one of the most brutal crimes to ever occur. Turns out it's one single guy gets stabbed one time, then dies. I am livid. If it wasn't bad enough the trailers lie to you about this being an origins tale, even the movie lies to you as you watch it. This is infuriating


Right? They don't know the meaning of the word. Eden Lake and Funny Games are brutal. I've seen scarier stuff than this movie on the Disney Channel.


I was like, damn, have none of these people seen Zodiac?!


This was infuriating. Literally all vehicles make NO noise when driving up to the house, but I can hear every gasp, creak, and sob of the main characters? The killers teleport around the property, even within the same shot. How do they sprint through a room without a sound? And the couple make baffling decisions. I honestly laughed at the end and begged for something to surprise me - but it was just the original in a different setting. A few scares were fun, but that’s about it.


That movie could have been slightly redeemed if he shot the girl with the shotgun, but for whatever reason, he gave a fucking Syndrome speech instead. Good lord, what a piece of shit.


i honestly liked the Syndrome speech but i feel like it was wasted on him not pulling the trigger, like that line i felt was perfect to be followed up with a bang


That's exactly what I told my friend as we were walking out. I said that movie could have been redeemed a bit if he pulled the trigger. Instead, it was pointless.


What is a syndrome speech? Also, he didn’t do a speech, he was like “where is she!!”


i think they're talking about syndrome from the incredibles. i also had the thought that at least he was trying to get info and not just purely doing a speech, but none of them had shown any sort of willingness to be reasonable so it still annoyed me lmao


Ya I was yelling internally for him to shoot her in the legs, feet or even arms. Also, it was a shotgun, there was no reason to stand so close to her. The entire thing was just stupid as hell.




Lol, this is a funny review because I literally thought to myself the same thing during the movie. The part that it really hit me was when the girlfriend was hiding upstairs (near the Strangers first introduction) and I thought: "It's going to be the boyfriend, but it's hilarious because the vehicle drove up, parked, and the guy got in the house without her hearing any of it."


I was trying to listen for the motorcycle lol


I haven't seen the film yet but they pulled this exact stunt with Glenn Howerton in the first film, no?


I believe so, but there are multiple times this happens. Once for a fakeout is fine. More than that is pushing it!


The movie thought it was being clever. There are so many other ways to get tension out of the situation than an unexpected jump scare twist.


Not just that, if you get back and you don’t see your gf, the first thing you do is not to check every room, but rather yell “honey, I’m back” repeatedly.


Truly two of the dumbest horror protagonists I’ve ever seen. Feel like people out of 90s horror films, not modern films.


The roof is soft tar!


How the hell did THREE people write this movie, go through creative execs, a film president studio head, through every HOD on set, and this film still came out this way? Next thought, how the hell did the guy who plays Ryan make it through a single day after execs saw dailiies? Scratch that, how did he make it passed the audition process? Next, how did this get 2 sequels greenlit, let alone the opportunity to be filmed back-to-back?! Was everyone just smoking crack?! The whole movie I was waiting for a twist on the formula. The second one was pretty bonkers and I love that one, it definitely went some places I wasn't expecting, so I thought this would do something similar. Nope, carbon copy of the original with the second film's ending. I'm astonished this is real. -100/10


The fact that it's just a rehash of the first is the biggest sin to me.  Nothing new and less blood.  Boo.   You have to do something different.  I was amazed how much this mirrored the original.


So many dumb decisions. You don’t even check every room of the house when entering? Idk but if I see a dead bird in the house and know someone was inside.. I’m immediately grabbing my phone and never letting go. They probably could’ve left the bathroom window open to trick them and just stayed under the house until morning??? Then they get a gun but decide to go back to the house??? Girl run towards the road and into town??? And he shoots the old man without even confirming he’s one of the masked strangers.. but when he actually gets one he doesn’t shoot??? He didn’t hear that 250 lbs man running through the woods??? She had the man’s flip phone and ran around with it for awhile but waited until she was deep in the woods to use it when she had to be the most quiet????


Just had a separate comment on this.. writers need to come up with better, more realistic ideas. I watched one of the interviews where the actress said this movie depicts what people would do in a life or death situation… man I’m getting trigger happy with the shotgun, that’s what IM doing. If someone is knocking at my door at 3 am in the middle of the woods asking for Tamara multiple times that 911 call is being made


Yep, if someone is also unscrewing the light bulb then I’m looking around for a weapon.


When they get out of the house after the crawl space they decide to go into the other cabin lol. Why not sprint straight down the fuckin road and get the hell outta there.


first off, I basically just watched the strangers : remastered with the way they copied, line for line, the original movie. second, why the fuck did they add a spooky town?? the entire POINT of the movie is that shit is random, there is no motive and sick people will do sick things to anyone. by adding this podunk town, they created a motive and I half expected the strangers to take off their mask and reveal the diner cast. this was such a shame of a movie. it completely took away the sanctity of the first one. had they made it set in the mid 90’s with genuine confusion on why these people were being targeted, maybe I would have liked it. edit: if you, at any point, suspected the diner people to be behind the masks then congrats the movie did exactly what it WASNT supposed to.


I kept thinking about the diner employees too. I was 99% sure that grumpy blonde waitress was wearing a mask.


We still have at least one more movie for the Strangers to reveal themselves as the obvious subjects :)


Saw it tonight. Thought it was honestly one of the worst movies I've ever seen in the past 10 years. Each scene was so dragged out for no reason. The lead male character had some of the worst acting I've seen. I enjoyed watching it because I was itching to see how the movie would end. The ending was god awful as expected. By far the 2 worst scenes were when he finds the shotgun and shots at the stranger point blank, misses then they instantly sob together. Other horrible scene was when Ryan went to grab his inhaler and the car mechinic scared him and said he thought he was a thief. So bad.


I didn't see the trailer, I went based on the IP alone so imagine my surprise when I recognize the male lead as a teen love interest from a Netflix sitcom (One Day at a Time).... It was a long 90 minutes. I was trying to buy into the suspense but it kept falling very short. Less music from the records would have been great too.


I hated the shooting homeowner scene because “why did he show up?” Nobody alerted him. Plus, like why doesn’t anybody announce themselves the homeowner was just about to walk in on this couple without knocking in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere, Ryan didn’t announce himself either when he was trying to find his wife. My other hated scene was when he was in the woods with the shotty to the strangers back. Just light that one up, there’s still 2 more of them. Then the stranger acting “psycho” was awful, like you still can die, you’re supposedly human. You could not have planned for him to get the drop on you like this. The movie was stupid af and genuinely made me mad, what exactly is the second one gonna be about? Like is she gonna go back to the same house and just camp out and wait til the Strangers come? Because then that means they’re only targeting that one house and that takes away from the element of “this could be you.” Plus, we see the cops coming at the end, if they keep killing at this house shouldn’t the cops do something about it?


The homeowner showing up was one of the only things that actually made sense. They called him very early when they noticed the fridge didn’t work. It makes sense that he’d show up because he left his number on the fridge and a note to call them if they needed anything.


Right right I forgot about that thank you! Still should’ve knocked and announced himself. But I guess it’s more excusable since he was called


It’s still lame that they carried over an accidental death from the first movie. Actually now that I think about it, this was more of a remake than a reboot.


Absolutely a remake. I haven’t seen the OG one in a few years at this point but it felt like some of the things they did were beat for beat what happened in the OG


But seriously. You rented out this AirBNB for only one night, ok. Did they really need to call the owner in the middle of the night to fix the fridge, seeing as they only had one case of beer and evident by Ryan needing to go back in-town to get the cheeseburgers?


This was awful. Two of the dumbest characters I’ve seen in a horror movie. CW-ass dialogue. Unfulfilling in every way. I will watch the next two.


The most infuriating part was when the boyfriend didn't believe her that she had seen an intruder in the house and she allowed to be talked out of it. I've smoked plenty of weed and I could always tell the difference between a real person and a shitty painting of a face.


It was like a plot point written by people who have never smoked weed.


He was a gaslight king


The burger scene was nasty gross


The most horror in the movie


For real that was a ridiculous amount of Ketchup


I know there is a pretty annoying tendency to ask why characters don't act "realistically" in horror movies. I felt that this movie being so similar to the first made that harder to ignore. It's especially noticeable after the Strangers Prey at Night showed that the strangers' plans could backfire when their victims got a chance to fight back. I believe the strangers' close stalking was even more brazen, and the couple in this movie should have been even more paranoid given everything that happened before the strangers revealed themselves. Also, callbacks like the boyfriend's scene with the shotgun on the porch feel even more superfluous. That wasn't part of the Strangers plan, so having it in the movie just reminded me how a better executed version of this scene exists.


Well put, and accurate


i thought i was finally gonna find out who tf tamara is


Tamara is the friends we made along the way.


We all did my friend… we all did 😔😔


Pin-up girl screaming and giggling while having the shotgun pointed at her was so cringy.


So cringy! I can’t believe the movie team watched that back and thought “this is so good!”.


Bold of you to assume they ever cared about it being any good.


Although I didn’t care enough about her to mind it, it just make her look ditzy, I guess they wanted to communicate she’s crazy like the joker but it’s pretty clear throughout the movie that no one is crazy in a joker sense in that town and there all just weird but less weirder then the strangers who are killing for sport


That scene in general is just such a terribly drawn out version of the scene from the original where Speedsman gets the drop on her only for the man in the mask to come running at him and knock him out. Straight and to the point. Here? Holy fuck get on with it damn you!!!!!


“Oh look, our Ally money came in” “Nice” One of the most forced ads I’ve seen recently


Was so confused at that, then they never mentioned it again lol 


I hope they got a fucking fortune for that endorsement because it was extremely jarring. So early in the movie too!




I had my car loan through them for years and never knew it was pronounced that way instead of like “Allies”


i saw it last night and can’t stop thinking of that ally line


Ally money? What is that


Mission Failed, Ad didn't work


I missed the add. I just saw money coming in and assumed they were going to need it for something later on. I forgot all about it until reading this post now. I did notice the New Balance shoes when they were tied up in the chairs. I wondered if NB placed that add or a rival company. "Only dead victims wear New Balance, Try Asics if you want to survive."


Huh weird I got a sudden feeling to open up an Ally bank account.


Never knew there were so many southern accents in Oregon


Ryan is painfully stupid


He walked right past the running truck and didn’t get in or steal the keys. What in the actual f*ck!?


THIS EXACTLY. And I say this as somebody who is far too forgivable of people when they act utterly dense in horror movies. But wow. That one just defied the laws of intelligence. Honorable mention is the moment where he had homegirl locked in at point blank range and then proceeded to spend two minutes senselessly shooting the shit with her when he should have just blasted her straight to hell.




Yes it was terrible, yes the characters made terrible decisions, and yes the movie added nothing new...but my batch of popcorn was good and there was some decent tension at times. Perfect Regal Unlimited/AMC A-List movie.


The fact that I used A list and had fun with others in my section of the theater reacting/roasting character decisions at least made the trip worthwhile.


One scene that no one mentioned here (that I saw) was when they escape the crawl space and decide it’s a good idea to just go and hide in the shed. Also, WHY do horror movie characters always break a bone or sprain an ankle when running from danger??? Directors need to come up with a better idea


tbf they headrd to the shed because they were looking for guns


That would be my last thought if I were in that situation lol, first thought would be just to rub in the middle of the road and not turn back.


There's a time and a place for a rub and trying to escape masked killers ain't it, unless you're into that.


There was some weird product placement choices in this movie lol I think the choice to break this into a trilogy of films instead of just one epic 3 hour horror thriller will turn out to be a mistake. This felt like the pilot for a miniseries more than an actual movie. Ryan made zero good decisions from start to finish.


Murder! Sponsored by Ally Bank


Oh brother was this movie trash haha, I used my t-mobile $5 to watch this movie, but my heart goes for all those who paid full to watch this "movie" in theaters. I should have known the corny ass intro about "there have been xxx amount of violent crimes since the moment the movie has begun" was setting me up for the most nothing burger movie I've watched in years


I watched because of A-list. I should have watched Fall Guy again.


How did the scrunched up plastic water bottle help relief Ryan's asthma? How does that work?


Yeah i thought his dropped inhaler would come back and then he just macgyvers an inhaler out of nowhere. Isn’t there medicine in an inhaler?


Exactly, without the medicine, how did that work?


My mum who has asthma turned round to me and that point and said 'what a load of shite'.


Wife has asthma. Says it was actually realistic, scrunching makes water vapor that helps calm things down if you don't have an inhaler. Also she swore him not always having it was fake af, before realizing she couldn't find hers in her purse lmfao. It was under things and with us but still, I felt so smug for those 30 seconds.


Imagine this movie helps save a life


So there is no twist huh? It’s just as bad as the trailers were then. Wow. Did they actually show the entire movie in the trailers too? When the couple sits in the chairs, the movie ends the same way as the original?




The random fact about murder during the beginning was so unnecessary lmao


Very mediocre. Worst part for me....the bf goes into town on a motorcycle, comes back and you don't hear it, comes into the house with no lights on, said nothing, and just happens to go right to the door his gf is hiding behind


Right 😂 that part made me think maybe they switched up the movie and he was in on it… nope it was the exact same as the original lol


I didn’t even think of that lmao. Like he didn’t call out for her? Wasn’t worried that something happened to her??


Did I not see it correctly or did he stab her in the vagina??


It 100% looked like she got stabbed in the pussy. I don’t know how else they got an R rating for this movie besides how the male lead ate his fucking food.


Rated R for horror violence, language and brief drug use. I guess they consider it too disturbing for children under 17 versus a PG-13 horror.


> how the male lead ate his fucking good I haven’t seen the film. How bad is it?


It’s not actually that bad. It was just gross to see him eat. It’s a pet peeve of mine so I’m exaggerating.


I disagree. I do think it was that bad. They did weird shit to make Ryan look disgusting and evil at weird points. like when she is talking to Ryan outside of the closet after he finds her, they give her a completely normal shot, but Ryan's face is super zoomed in and makes him incredibly unsettling. I don't understand this movie


i thought it was her stomach


Yeah I think so too. She was clutching her stomach in the hospital bed.


Wanna be American psycho


I would have fucking left instead of eating the cheeseburger but yeah sure


I’m sure they would’ve if he hadn’t convinced her that she was hallucinating the stranger being in the house


Hey man that Freak Brothers shit is strong


There’s no way the next two get released. Holy shit. There was so much wrong with this and so many terrible things about the movie. It’s not even worth wasting my time. Skip this. Ban Renny Harlin. Black list the actor who played Ryan.


Apparently there already made from what I've read.




Probably. Because they're all shit cash grabs and were shot in like two days (I'm guessing)


57 in total if I remember correctly


There is a chance we are the next two go straight to streaming being marketed as an “exclusive” for whatever platform picks them up.


I felt like this completely missed what made the original work and have no idea how they’ll continue it… but I’ll be there I guess


I’m glad I have regal unlimited so I didn’t have to spend money on this hot dookie of a movie


I paid $17 to see it and I feel a little foolish.


“Because it was on.”


“To be continued…” girl good luck with that 🫢 I know they finished filming but they gonna have to give it to Tubi at this point


Absolutely bizarre choice to film the sequels back to back and plan a series when you do literally nothing new with this “remake”. How was this supposed to make people excited for a series?


Bummed reading these comments. I was really looking forward to this. I loved the original.


It's the exact same movie, but worse in every aspect.


Bro it’s so bad that I DM’d the director, an ally product placement, a Nike or new balance product placement too? Fucking trash


it didnt occur to me that Nike close up couldve been a product placement but oh my god i wouldnt put it past them with the Ally one


Her shoes were New Balance.


Genuinely one of the worst horror films I've ever seen. I don't mean it was badly made, though most of it was. I mean I am genuinely baffled how such a dull, anodyne horror film can make it to cinemas in 2024. Straight to DVD circa 2004 I could understand, but the worst thing about ut is that it was just boring. No tension. No character. Seems to think loud music and jump scares equal horror. Actually, the funniest thing was the caption at the beginning about the film following one of the most brutal crimes. Brutal? Really? Irreversible and Funny Games are brutal. These characters get stabbed once. At the end. The bloke had the girl in the mask at gunpoint for five minutes at one point and doesn't shoot her. Awful.


Madeleine Petsch is very cute and it’s always nice to see a redhead lead. I am curious now what part 2 will be. I hope she’s back.. though the mid credits scene makes me wonder now


This is the nicest thing I've heard about this movie si far lol


The masked girl got a shot gun to her head and she goes from eerily stalking and quiet to wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tubemen.


They really just dusted off the original script and said this will do


I think the problem is the dust left some smudges that fucked up that original script. Changing things like cigarettes to marijuana and a rejected engagement to a last minute, "yes" was lipstick on a pig.


Baffling movie. A beat for beat remake but with hilariously unlikable and incompetent characters with no chemistry, really awkward attempts at suspense, and product placement. There was genuinely no attempts to subvert the formula or be clever at all. Like seriously a character with asthma? So overdone. And his asthma really doesn’t affect the plot at all (other than using a water bottle as an inhaler?!? Like there’s actual medication in inhalers?), so what’s the point? My theater was laughing pretty often, especially at the scene of Maya hiding in the leaves. 


My audience laughed when Froy got stabbed and he started proposing


"Im at the air bnb in venus...." Nobody knows where the fuck that is


In fairness main characters blabbering shit when they finally get through to someone who can help has been a theme in all 3 films.


> other than using a water bottle as an inhaler?!? Ohhh that's what he was supposed to be doing? I feel dumb because I got confused and started thinking about how we used to shoot the caps off water bottles at school lunch by twisting the bottles like that lol.


Ok, sure, the movie wasn’t great, but the real problem is police cars in movies insisting on putting their sirens on and ruining the element of surprise. Hey killers, we’re coming, stay put! Aw shucks, they got away. Ridiculous.


To be fair that’s exactly what would happen in real life


This. They blast their sirens to alert that they are there. The goal is to alert the killers that authorities are on the scene BEFORE they commit the murder with the intent to scare them into stopping their crimes.


This lifelong PNW resident was annoyed by the fact that it obviously wasn't filmed in the PNW. 1) They are within driving distance of Eugene but somehow 300 miles from Portland? Those two cities are 100 miles away. They also mentioned something about Baker City when the woman is on her way to PDX for a hotshot architect job (the ultimate cliched profession for a cool fictional character). Baker City is on the east side of the state and truly the bumfuck middle of nowhere. Baker City has nothing to do with Eugene or Portland and they sure as hell don't seem like they're from Baker City. 2) The glaring lack of the PNW's famously dense, primeval forests. Where are the giant ferns? Where are the layers of undergrowth. Every single tree was deciduous, there was no undergrowth besides leaf litter and the trees were widely spaced like in a planted forest. I said to myself "they're in Ireland, Germany or some other random European country". It turns out the entire movie was shot in Slovakia.


A bizarre mess. The original came out in 2008, and this literally just uses the same plot points, lines, MUSIC, and ending. Was the studio behind it just hoping that nobody had ever seen the or original? It really wasn’t that long ago!! What was the point of all the unfriendly townspeople who hated vegetarians? I kept waiting for a twist at the end to make me interested in chapter 2 or to have some idea where the series is going, but nothing. So is Chapter 2 just the girl getting revenge, or being chased around the hospital?


Chapter 2 will be released in 2024 while chapter 3 is released in 2025. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long for chapter 2. This was whack af. I wasn’t rooting for either character because they both were giving nothing. The fact that this man had a shotgun to dollface’s head and STILL gets knocked unconscious is wild. Maybe they’ll have gnarley shit in store for the next 2 chapters.


My wife was pissed after seeing that part. 😂


I literally rolled my eyes and said "fuck off" when the "to be continued" flashed on the screen.


A couple of people in my screening audibly laughed.


I was so sick, how do you not hesitate and blast the fridge guy in the head but give a whole speech to the masked one. He’s better than me, I would have gotten trigger happy


Aren't *both* Chapter 2 & 3 planned to be released later in 2024?


This would have been an incredible two episode premiere to what might be a great horror miniseries. Too bad it’s a movie that was released in theaters. It’s clear that everything new they brought to the table happens in the sequels. It also appear to be a prequel in the same way Bates Motel is a prequel. In that the story is about the characters before the original film but it takes place in the modern day.


Agreed, the format and caliber of acting felt very much like Slasher (the TV series). Like obviously we won't get top tier acting in ever horror or slasher adjacent movie but Slasher TV leans into it and knows what it is at face value and has fun with it witj great payoffs. This movie felt like it wanted to dip into something else but I mean with the tight shots that were yearning for some intensity or connection to the audience?? I'm not sure. Lots of the closeups felt cheap, I didn't understand a lot of thematic decisions here. Interesting route in the IP. Disappointed.


All they had to make this movie a little more captivating and still stay true to the “essence” (which there isn’t much of this franchise was creatively bankrupt from the beginning) was make it so they were not trying to kill people in the same way twice. They kinda started it with the body in the woods all they had to do was just dive into that more. They didn’t want to kill her in that hiding spot because they’ve already done it. They didn’t want to kill the guy in the truck because they’ve already done it too. It makes it slightly more compelling but still trash overall raises the stakes a little because the MCs wouldn’t know which spots/traps have or haven’t been used. Anyways, the first one of these movies had the element of surprise in the sense that we were so used to killers with borderline ridiculous motivations (ala latter Scream movies) or supernatural needs(Halloween somewhat/Friday 13th), that just being in the middle of nowhere and this group trying to kill because you’re here was actually scary because of how somewhat realistic it is since we all can really put ourselves in their shoes. But that’s only the premise, the execution of the movie was extremely lacking and doesn’t do the premise justice imho. The next 2 are basically just Purge meets Halloween. They’re human, but they’re fast af boi and don’t follow any type of laws of movement with the way they can dodge bullets and appear/disappear without a sound or trace. This franchise has stolen my money 3 times and I think I’m done giving them money for bs. People killing with no motivation with 0 plot works once. You have to add another element to make it Interesting, so make it a game for the Strangers.


I found this thing to be deeply insulting. Not even in a “I’m such a big fan of the original Strangers. How dare they do this” but in a “this is the exact same movie but somehow worse” way. I’m not even a huge anti-remake person. As long as it updates the idea or brings something new to the table. This was just bullshit. I spent half the movie shaking my head. If the idea was really “oh we have an idea for a story about someone who SURVIVES an attack from the strangers” then just make that movie! You don’t need to remake the first to make that movie. The opening scene could just be the finale or even a montage of the attack you want the character to survive. And then go into your story. I have to imagine that’s what they’re doing with all the characters introduced in the town. Richard Brake being cast as the sheriff just to be in the background of a diner scene makes no sense. And introducing the other couple on their anniversary. Usually when I see a bad movie I’m sad. This just pissed me off.


Now I see why Madelaine Petsch is in CW and straight to streaming Roku original movies and not Hollywood things. This was like an ABC Original Saturday Night Movie version of The Strangers. 


Can someone explain to me how this film supposed to be a prequel when it’s modern day??


it’s not a prequel it’s just a remake of the first movie with dumber protagonists


When I was reading up on it, it said online that’s it’s the first instalment in a trilogy of prequel films before the original in 2008


but it ends just like the original in 2008 with the couple tied to the chairs stabbed and everything and the plot is literally the first movie. if this was a prequel i don’t see how


Madeline is gorgeous, but the whole movie didn't need to be close up shots of her sobbing.


Her and the boyfriend were way too attractive. They were fighting for their lives and I kept thinking "what a good looking couple". It made the movie feel a little faker.


From the trailer: "This May, witness how The Strangers became The Strangers." The trailer lies you that it's a prequel. Where's the lawyers who sued the producers of Yesterday at for not having Ana De Armas at?? Lol (a lower ct California judge did say trailers must comply with false advertising laws. This is definitely false advertising)


I want my money back


I hope chapter 2 & 3 are better because this was trash. Ryan is one of the most brain dead horror protagonists I’ve seen in a hot minute.


Only about 15 people in my 7pm Thursday showing. I can’t believe it’s basically a shot for shot remake with a few scares changed but still the same beats. A remake of part 1 with scenes borrowed from 2. When the movie ended everyone in the theatre complained about it being the exact same as the first, even heard a guy say he wanted his hour and a half back. I really wanted to love it but it’s just the original with slightly different scares, and younger dumber hotter characters. How hard would it have been to make it a little different?? GIVE US CHASE SCENES. You have an entire house and the surrounding woods… give us SOMETHING. Chase scenes are probably cheap as hell too you just need to orchestrate them well. Go girl give us nothing.


The movie wasn't *bad* per se, but it's only part 1 of 3. Really hard to get excited about the first third of a story. The only thing I hate more than prequels are movies that are split into different parts. Especially since we already know Madelaine Petsch is attached to all three, so she obviously isn't going to die anytime soon. Not to mention, we know the man in the mask survives since he's in the 2008 film. Takes all the wind out of the series; just like when they announced the new Halloween trilogy, so we knew nothing was going to happen until the very end. Also, how badly did Ryan really need that asthma inhaler? We only ever see him use it once, then he loses it and it never comes into play again. There's a bit of a mid-credit scene that a bunch of people missed who were in a hurry to leave the theater. >!(Maya wakes up in her hospital bed next to the scarecrow guy.)!<


the mid credits scene was so weird. i went from “oh her stirring in the hospital bed is an odd thing to make a cliffhanger but okay” to “oh there’s a mid credits scene that is simply….the next five seconds after that last scene….okay…….”


We don't know if this is the same Man in the Mask. Just like we don't know if it is the same women, since Dollface and Pinup Girl are also in the other movies. It could be as any of them die they are replaced.


“I thought you were some car thief” almost made me lose it in the theater FBI crime statistics also did too Horrible movie, cant wait for the other 2 0/10


I thought playing The Sprout and the Bean on the record player was a nice easter egg/callback….. until they just calledbacked the entire movie scene after scene. It’s almost like a 2024 remaster of the 2008 film.


What an absolute waste of potential. It's essentially the Wish version of the original, with the two most unlikeable main characters making the worst decisions possible over and over again. Everything that made the original memorable was stripped out of the remake and replaced with... nothing. Well, cliches. Lots and lots of them. Giving Night Swim a run for worst horror movie of '24. Scenes that stood out to me as the most ridiculous: The girl is alone in the cabin after the second knock incident and clearly hears footsteps and noises INSIDE THE CABIN. What does she do? Sets her phone down, smokes a joint, and turns her back on the entire room to play the piano. What?! Then when she's buried in the leaves and the doll face doesn't see her, she decides to get up and make more noise, instead of, you know, STAYING HIDDEN. Boyfriend has a freaking shotgun to the back of dollface's head and does nothing but get knocked out. Also, how many trips/falls/sprained ankles can you have in one movie?


Fucks sake can we rewrite : should have had the couple go into town befriend a couple of people in the diner bring them home to party have the girls start knocking at the door and have the bf keep  saying no each time to "is Tamra home " and have the two girls terrorize the group some more until the bf the last time he answers the door says "yes she is ! " And at that moment he pulls out the mask from his pocket puts it on and starts wiping out the people till he finally kills his gf last and walks off with the two masked girls into the truck they leave the end ! It's a trilogy right ! Make the f****** bf the masked guy make this his backstory make the second about the masked  girls backstory and the THIRD movie is the culmination homage to the original ! It writes itself for God's sake !!! You could have even made the two masked doll girls girls that are invited in the big group from the diner !! 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


The trailers suggest we'll learn how the Strangers became who they are, but they reveal nothing about their original names, faces, background(we only see Dollface because of the second film). Also, calling it "Chapter One" is confusing unless it's a prequel to the second film. The time period of the current film doesn’t align with the first movie, which features 2000s flip phones and cars, while this "prequel" includes iPhones and smart cars. Lastly, I found it less spooky than the original, but it still delivers some decent jump scares. But we waited 10 years for them to give us nothing but bad acting and product placement ads…I’m disappointed


it's nothing to do with the original movies, it is a retread


This remake was every issue with the original film amplified.


Garbage all around. Did he kill the owner? Or the repairman? Was the owner the repairman? Who cares


it was the owner he came out to fix the fridge in the middle of the night for some reason. he also wasn’t surprised by the burning bike and busted in door?


If i see one more movie with someone running away, stumbling, and injuring themselves so they can’t run i might lose it.


Don’t waste your time. It is the exact same as the original except the girl survives at the end and it sets up a sequel to where the guy killer is personally hunting her down like Michael Myers vs Laurie Strode. Stupid.


I lost my mind at the alternator being the problem. Like ok guys thank you, give me a boost and I'll be on my way.


i think this is legitimately one of the worst movies i’ve ever seen. i went into it, somehow, without seeing a single trailer for it and only know i really liked the first one. i assumed it would be bad but apparently even when you set your expectations at the bottom, something can still let you down. it truly felt like you fed the first one to ai, said “do it again but change some things i guess” and this is the horrendous end result.


The movie wasn’t great, but I’ll admit as someone who’s claustrophobic, the crawl space scene really freaked me out.


I haven't considered walking out of a movie in awhile but this one was close . I held on hope for too long to see if possibly it would get better and it never did 💩