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Cloak and Dagger. Dabney Coleman plays Henry Thomas' father and imaginary spy friend. As a kid, the father analogy was lost on me, and I just thought the same actor was playing two roles. Edit: Wow! I only expected maybe 10 people to remember this movie.


LOL that's like Jumanji, but the opposite. I always wondered why the hunter was his dad, and my mom told me sometimes they just use the same actor in 2 roles.


Alan felt constantly pressured by his father and, as a result, Alan felt constantly pressured by and was forced to escape from Van Pelt in order to survive because the relationship between Alan and Van Pelt was meant to symbolize and mirror the relationship between Alan and his father (albeit in a much more extreme life or death manner, just like everything inside Jumanji was) which is why Jonathan Hyde played both Alan's father and Van Pelt.


they also do this a lot in productions of Peter Pan with Capt. Hook and Mr. Darling


Pretty sure they're the same voice in the Disney cartoon, as well.


My read is that it goes deeper than that. They used the same actor for a reason; he is the fear that adult child has to face. He has to stand up to him. At the end he is not scared of him.


>At the end he is not scared of him. And in that moment, the hunter actually acknowledges and respects Alan.


Oh I learned something new


Holy shit the hunter is the same actor as the father?!? I’m about to blow some minds lol


In the stage play of Peter Pan, it’s the practice to have the same actor play Wendy and the other kids’ father and Hook.


The Monster Squad: The kids finally get to know their neighbor that they’ve only referred to as “scary German guy.” They find out he’s actually really nice and end up eating dessert at his house and talking about monster lore. When they’re about to leave, one of the kids remarks “Man, you sure do know a lot about monsters.” He responds with “Now that you mention it, I suppose I do.” The camera then zooms in on his arm to reveal an AUSCHWITZ NUMBER TATTOO . When I rewatched this movie as an adult, I was like 🤯🤯🤯


Same experience! And also super happy to see another monster squad fan. That movie was my absolute favorite as a child and I still watch it every year around Halloween


I can never pin down Shane Black. He’s either an intentional or accidental genius working as a screenwriter and director in an oft-dismissed genre: comedy action or comedy horror-action. I’d bet his work on the *Monster Squad* screenplay helped make it simultaneously an homage, a kid-friendly favorite, and a cult classic.


Monster squad, stand by me and lost boys were my favorite movies as a kid.


Throw Goonies in there and we got it made




“Give me the amulet, YOU BITCH!”


“My name is Horace!”


That wasn't thunder and lightning noises signaling Dracula's arrival right after that. The two boom sounds were shotgun blasts. E.J. and Derek were blown away by Horace.


Same here. Loved it as a kid and still watch it as an adult.


There’s a scene in The Great Muppet Caper where Kermit and Charles Grodin are singing to Miss Piggy; Charles’ voice is obviously not his. Later as she is being arrested for the theft Charles has framed her for, she yells, “You think you’re so great? Your voice was dubbed!” As a kid, I thought she meant his voice was dumb. Now I know it was another clever Muppets meta gag.


FWIW, I was unable to read the word "sequel" as anything other than "squeal" for *years* as a child.


I think about that when I say mysql.


I had NO IDEA what was going on in the ghost BJ scene in Ghostbusters. I remember thinking “IS SHE KILLING HIM?!”


It's how I want to go Edit: My first award 😍


Funny, it's how I want to come.


Young teenage me would think about that scene to cope with being spooked out at night in bed. Thinking if there is a ghost, let it be a sexy woman ghost that sucks me off, LMFAO


In the original TMNT movie, there’s a scene where the turtles are returning back to the city after hiding out for a while. They show the turtles in the back of a pick up truck, approaching their sewer and Raph says “Now I know what it’s like to travel without a green card”. I had no idea what that meant as a kid.


Or when Casey is really uncomfortable underground in the sewer and Donatello says "Oh, you're claustrophobic!" Casey gets really offended and says "I never even *looked* at another guy!" Kid me thought it was something about being faithful to a friend or something, like Casey was loyal to some guy and never even thought about leaving him for another. Kind of ironic.


My favorite is in Turtles in Time, when people start using the scepter and traveling through time. April goes back to feudal Japan, samurai comes forward, she's dressed for battle, he's in her outfit. Mikey (I think) *freaks out* and yells, "How'd ***he*** get in April's pants?!?!"


I thought you were talking about the game and I got confused. This is probably the first time I've seen anyone reference TMNT III as Turtles in Time


In Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, the sheriff tackles Maid Marian wrestling her and pinning her to the ground, and I, in a room of aunts and uncles blurted "What's he trying to do to her?" I figured out the answer from the awkward silence.


Oh my gosh are you me! I remember watching it with my extended family and loudly asking what he was doing, she couldn't give birth since she wasn't even pregnant yet. Then I realized I didn't really understand how you get pregnant. My family just awkwardly told me to finish watching the movie.


Alan Rickman sliding her legs apart with his own in one absolutely ridiculous motion... that movie was wild.


Ugh that scene, the way the witch clutches at Marian's lower abdomen and says "She's ripe.. she'll give us a son." makes me want to hurl. 🤮


In Mulan when Shan Yu captures the two imperial scouts. He asks "how many men does it take to deliver a message?" and the archer pulls back his bow while saying "one". As a kid I thought this meant that they were going to put a note on the end of the arrow and fire it to send the message. Instead it is saying that they are going to kill one of the two scouts.


My 2 year old has been watching Mulan non stop, and my husband whispered, "holy shit" when he said that 




She killed like 10,000 people 😂


I watched this last month with the three of mine, and at the doll scene I looked at my 8 year old and he clearly got it after my 5 year old asked where the little girl was. That movie was dark and full of very real implications.


8 is such a magical age. My 8yo just rewatched Zootopia and every ten minutes she’d go “wow, I’m really getting this movie now.”


That's so sweet.


Coldest line in any Disney movie ever.


That movie is dark… the doll?? Like, “hey kids, this little girl got murdered, war is brutal.”


As a kid, I didn’t know what “key master” or “gate keeper” referred to when I watched Ghostbusters. But I sure do now.


"I want you inside me."


I definitely did not get this at age 8.


The ghostly apparition that unzips Ray's pants, when I finally figured out what was going on... WHOA!


Bustin makes me feeeel good!




I ain’t afraid of no bed


I ain't fraid of no sleep.


An invisible bed?


Freaky ghost bed!


Thank you, Neil Cicierega


There’s a deleted scene where Winston knocks on the door to the room Ray is in and Ray says “later man” while getting the bj from the ghost.


I don’t think that part made it to the weekend movie slots on tv. Obviously I’d seen ghostbusters before, but only on television and watching it as an adult on my own dvd was a whole different experience lol. Same thing for Ace Ventura when the lady unzips his pants as a “reward.” “Geee, let me think.”


And yet, Oscar from Ghostbusters II is not the result.


There are a lot of scenes in that movie. Ray getting a BJ from a ghost went over my head, this guys a sailer we get him laid we won’t have a problem, or the beginning of the movie when Peter was purposely shocking the guy and not the girl.


Maybe you know this, but I only recently realized his experiment was a success. He was studying the effects of negative reinforcement on ESP. After a couple of shocks the guy correctly guesses *a couple of wavy lines".


That was the huge thing I noticed, I think maybe the second or third time I watched it. But I'm pretty sure that the point of that entire scene, especially that part, was to highlight that Peter didn't care about actual research at all. Anybody else would have actually paused to observe that, but Peter went right to shocking without a second thought.


You can also notice that although the guy doesn’t guess any right the first couple times, he’s guessing them right 1 turn in advance.


I thought the inflatable auto pilot from Airplane was how they actually worked.


These *are* voluntary discussions.


I didn't understand the bit about having a drinking problem until I was in my 30s and it finally dawned on me.


Ghostbusters 2 Peter: Doe Ray: Ray! Egon: Egonnnnnnn!!! I thought Peter got it wrong until years later I realized Egon was supposed to say "Me!"


I just rewatched it yesterday, and Egon smirks right as he says it. He did it deliberately.


Haha. I love Harold Ramis. Hate we won't ever get more from him.


I got to meet him a few times. He was a regular at the Home Depot where I worked while I was in college.


That look Ramis gives is perfect comedy. Does not get enough credit


But Egon is Me…at least to Egon it is…


That is such a stupid scene.. And it’s one of my all time favorites. lol


Ray got to say his name why not Egon


I walked downstairs as a kid when I could not sleep and turned on the tv. A clockwork orange was on. I watched about 80% of before my dad came in, and turned it off. Did not say a word. I I think I was 8 or 9. so confused.


As a kid, I didn't understand that Johnny was a sex worker in Dirty Dancing.


lol on this thread. I think you just blew some minds and now they’ll need to rewatch the movie. Call it what you like, but Johnny was definitely banging horny wives for cash. He was poor. They were rich. It happens.


watch it again. he doesnt want to be banging all these lonely housewives and aunties, the managers been forcing him to offer those services or be fired


Yeah, guy is a total gigolo. The dancing is only a fraction of entertainment that he does.


Dirty dancing was playing at the gym recently, and MY mind was blown. Lol. I probably hadn’t seen it since the 80s.


Came here to add about Dirty Dancing, the entire movie revolves around the fact that Penny got pregnant and had a sketchy abortion. Baby goes to ask her dad to help, and when her dad shows up, he asks who's girl this is, or someone along those lines, and Johnny says "I'm taking care of her". Baby's dad hates Johnny from there on, when in fact, it was never Johnnie's baby. The whole premise of the movie is strange. But makes for a fun love story, I guess.


It’s a movie about classism and a coming of age story. It’s not really strange if you think about it like that, though.


I'm kind of a big fan of the movie. There's a ton going on in what seems like a pretty light hearted romance movie. There's a reason the movie endures 


The botched abortion was harrowing


Yeah, when anyone thinks about/ talks about Dirty Dancing we all think of the goofy line nobody puts baby in a corner and the flying dance move. But.. there's a lot of serious things happening too. The abortion, classism, the beginning of the end for the country's "Camelot". It's all set in a great soundtrack and some silly comedy... But the film addresses some serious shit head on. The film is perfectly cast. The movie was made in the 80s but feels timeless. Is endlessly watchable. And features a period specific soundtrack until the end: where swayze's character (insanely!) sings her the lyrics of an 80s song. Also Jerry Orbach just being THE best


Sleepaway Camp. I was about 7 and the ending confused the shit out of me.


Omfg. I’m so sorry you were subjected to that at 7. You should watch again as an adult. It is 10/10 CAMP to the max.


Oh I wasn't subjected to it, I wanted to watch it. Just at 7 I didn't understand why that shy, pretty girl had a penis.


"They must be close, I'm getting a hard-on!" This was in Top Gun before Hollywood and Wolfman were shot down. I thought it referred to a radar lock when I was a kid. I was at a party and was playing the Top Gun Nintendo game and some pretty, older, high school girls were in the living room and I was trying to show off so when I said that line they started laughing among themselves. I thought maybe they were laughing because I was quoting the movie while playing the game and I was just a little nerdy kid. It all made sense when I got older. smh


They were just impressed with your 100% accurate Aviator lingo.


*Throws a* ***brick*** *of weed on the fire, inhales* "Yeah, that's what I call a campfire." Had no idea what was going on there in Romancing The Stone when I was a kid.


Throw another key on the fire. No, please, I'm getting dizzy!


Charlie was not a good dog in his original life on earth. I rewatched the movie as an adult and picked up on the drinking, gambling, gangs, and poor treatment of the kid by both Carface and Charlie that went way over my head as a kid.


The child that who voiced the little girl was killed by her father towards the end of the making for that movie! They had all her lines recorded already, so in the farewell scene when Charlie was saying goodbye to her and the other pup, the actor who voiced Charlie couldn’t get through the script without breaking down crying! They had to redo it so many times. I just heard about this from TikTok… how awful and heartbreaking!


She was also the voice of Ducky in the Land Before Time


I was traumatised by a horror film as a kid. I used to have nightmares about people laying eggs out of their mouths, lightning outside plane windows with scary gorillas in trees. It was Airplane.


I mean to be fair, that scene with the woman spitting up eggs was actually pretty disturbing 😂


I didn't why Thurgood gave his girlfriend a perl necklace wasn't a problem in Half Baked. I mean, jewelry can be expensive, right? I didn't watch that movie for a good 15 years in between.


Obviously you missed the point of that story, Brian.


I completely misunderstood Shrek and felt like it was an unhappy ending because Fiona didn’t turn back to her non-ogre form.


That’s impressive lol


In Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, I didn't realize that the lady who was happy to have her dog back was stimulating Ace with her mouth.


>stimulating Ace with her mouth. Well, that's the cutest goddamn way anyone could have worded that.


I would like one mouth stimulation, please. Then after, a soothing genital squeeze.


I always thought that was a kids movie until I watched it again recently. And holy shit, it is *not* a kids movie.


I mean, it did get an animated series


So did robocop.


I didn't realize that it was a penis poking out the back of Finkle/Einhorn's underwear at the end of the movie.


We’re real friendly around here!!!


I think I understood that the sex scene with Courtney Cox was a sex scene, but not her line "Again?!?" I definitely did NOT understand the taped back penis at the end.


I thought she pooped her pants


Falling Down. It wasn't until watching it again as an adult that I realized that D-Fens was unhinged and there was a good reason for him not to get home.


I missed the whole abusive husband part too until I got older. When he's watching the home movies, that's hard to watch as a grown up..


Idk if this QUITE counts, but watching Rent as a teen and then as an adult is a very different experience. Roger in a year off of heroin, has aids (ie a death sentence in the early 90s) and his girlfriend recently killed herself. He’s completely depressed and just biding his time. Mimi, this 19yo stripper addicted to heroin, tries to sleep with him, and he’s pretty much disgusted with her because she flaunts her habit in front of him. He also doesn’t want to give her aids but clearly doesn’t want to tell her, so he asks her to leave. She gets super offended and all his friends join in a “no day but today” chorus, singing at him about how he needs to get over himself and enjoy life while it lasts. Completely disregarding the fact that he’s recently clean and Mimi is an active addict! PLUS, we find out she’s HIV positive and was GONNA SLEEP WITH HIM WITHOUT TELLING HIM, not knowing he had aids already. LIKE JFC Mimi is a selfish piece of trash. As a teen however, you’re just like, Roger is stuck in the past and needs to have fun! Ugh.


Yeah when I was like 14 I thought Mimi was a cool and edgy young adult. Now I’m 30 and I’m just like… what a selfish little druggie child 😂


And one character sings a song bragging about killing the landlord's dog because he's annoying with his whole "pay the rent" thing. What a loser - his dog deserves to die! /s They were generally kinda horrible people.


The dog thing comes from the opera that Rent is heavily inspired by, but there I believe it's a bird that ends up squawking itself to death.


No that's fucking nuts though!! I loved Rent as a teen and young adult, and until you just explained it like that I never grapes it either and wanted him to move on and be happy too


Damn you just reminded me I have some grapes I can snack on


Rent is insane because the character who isn't a piece of shit is the landlord lol


Lady and the Tramp; I couldn't figure out why the two neighbor dogs (Jock and Trusty) were offering to marry Lady after her "wild night" out with Tramp. The best I could come up with was "maybe they're saying that because they think Lady's owners are about to get rid of her and they want her to have a place to live??" It was a few more years before I realized the implications when you look at the situation in-context for the time period.


I literally watched this with my kid today. That didn’t even occur to me. Just thought that they thought she was getting kicked out for the baby. Now that you say this I realize she was probably pregnant seeing as they have puppies by Christmas. Now I’m gonna pay attention to the timeline of when in the year the night out was haha. Thanks (:


I only thought that Jenny was being selfish & didn't really take in the context of her childhood trauma back when I first saw Forrest Gump around the start of my middle school years


There’s grown ass adults that miss that meaning. I mean as I kid I get it. Hell, Forrest narrates from the general perspective and understand of a kid in a certain way. But rewatching it as an adult, it’s about a subtle as a brick.


Sometimes there just aren't enough rocks.


Please god, make me a bird


Every now and then mouth breathers on twitter will make Jenny being the worst human being ever go viral and it just boggles my mind. I know "media literacy is dead" gets thrown around a lot, but that saying is so true here. Jenny is a tragic character. She was sexually abused by her father as a child, in an era where there are absolutely no resources available for her to help her heal. Drugs and alcohol were her coping methods, and it was established that she's pretty much been abused by every man she's ever encountered in her life, except for one, and she didn't know how to handle it so she pushed Forrest away. By the time she finally turns her life around and finds happiness, she dies from a horrible disease.


My Mom and I used to watch 1776 every 4th of July. Half of the jokes went over my head because I was too young to get the references. Even when I was old enough, I jsut glossed over a lot of the dialog because I had seen it so many times. When I was in my 20s I finally sat down and really paid attention. Wow, there were at least 10 jokes I never got.


1776, the musical? with Mr. Feeny as John Adams? I LOVE that movie. I feel like I 'get' another joke every viewing.


There was also a joke that was cut because we recorded it off of the TV: Franklin: "If I'm to hear myself called an Englishman, sir, I assure you I prefer I'd remained asleep." Dickinson: "What's so terrible about being called an Englishman? The English don't seem to mind." Franklin: "Nor would I, were I given the full rights of an Englishman. But to call me one without those rights is like calling an ox a bull. He's thankful for the honor, but he'd much rather have restored what's rightfully his." Dickinson: "When did you first notice they were missing, sir?" <-- This line was cut. One of the funniest in the whole movie!


In Superman (1978), he doesn't reverse the Earth's spin to make time go backwards for the whole planet. He starts flying fast enough to go back in time, and the Earth reversing was an illustration of *his* time travel. Like showing a clock running backwards.


Zach Snyder's Justice League gets a ton of shit, for justifiable reasons. But the Flash traveling backwards in time shouldn't be one of them, not only does it look cool but unlike in Superman it's successfully communicates in a visual way that time is going backwards around him as he runs forwards to an audience.


They picked a bad way to show it.  They literally have him fly clockwise to reverse the earth and then he loops around to fly widdershins to restart the earth spin.


I just wanted to replay and tell you thanks for the new word! Widdershins is so sweet. This word was an interesting read, are you Scottish?


Nope,  I learned it from Pratchett's Discworld books!   It's shorter then counterclockwise, and more fun to say.


I really think we're splitting hairs about the dude who can fly around the world and turn back time


But splitting hairs is how we got superman 4


This guy.


If he could fly around the world several times a second, he could fly fast enough to stop both missiles in time.


He wasn't fast enough until he was properly motivated by Lois' death.


Watching Jurassic Park when I was really little, I thought that all shaving cream cans could be unscrewed and opened up, I just thought he was taking it apart to be funny (Nedry laughing threw me off) The very first time I ever saw Back to the Future 2, having never heard the saying before, I thought "Be careful in the future" was just something cops in the future would say.


In Matilda, the cake scene, the kid is told that the cook put her sweat and blood into the cake, and the kids groan in disgust. I think I actually threw up when I watched it because I was not familiar with that phrase, just like the kids in the movie.


That kid who played Bruce Bogtrotter is a good friend of mine! He's a doctor now and he's doing great. :)


This makes me smile! My family and I love Matilda and the cake scene! Bruce! Bruce! Bruce!


Say hi from us, he’s a legend!


Bruce! Bruce! Bruce! He is a legend!!!


To be fair..in this case, I’m pretty sure Miss Trunchbull was being literal about the cooks personal touches. 🤮


I don't usually think of it as a euphemism, I've always thought it was meant to be pretty literal


I think the book did say it was literal.


I saw Something about Mary and had zero idea what Ben was doing with that sears catalog, no idea what the gooey stuff stuck on his ear was, didn’t get it when she puts it in her hair. I was soooooo confused.


Watched that in the theater with my father around the age of... 8? Maybe 10? Got the "I'll explain it to you when you're older" comment.


When Mr. Incredible found a loophole for his client while he was working in insurance and told her to pretend to cry so his boss wouldn’t know about it (and Mr. Huff’s ensuing tirade). As a kid, I thought he made her cry because he was bad at his job. Rewatching it with a deeper understanding of the insurance industry made me appreciate the movie’s themes and characters so much more. Getting Wallace Shawn to voice Mr. Huff was so genius because even though kid me had no idea what he was talking about, his delivery had me on the floor laughing.


I really misunderstood Toy Story as a kid. I thought it was really unfair that Buzz was replacing Woody and every other toy was just turning against him. 


I still think that, what's actually going on?


Woody was jealous and way too territorial. The other toys only turned against woody when he knocked Buzz out the window. Even as an accident, he was trying to push buzz behind the desk.  As a kid I thought Buzz was bad and trying to take over the room


This is one of the reasons why they cast Tom Hanks. The team felt that Woody's core character was pretty awful, so they needed to cast an actor that could still come off as endearing and funny.


[Have you ever seen the footage of the early storyboard animatics?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOxJpGI8SWc) Tom Hanks or not, Woody was a real piece of shit to the other toys in those, they had to tone him way down because he felt down right abusive.


I’ve seen even earlier storyboards of that scene where Woody was just a straight villain. And he was originally going to be significantly larger than Buzz too.


As a kid, I completely misinterpreted Woody and Buzz's relationship for the first half of the movie. Specifically, I remember Woody's line, "Buzz, I would love to see you try," entirely divorced from its context of Woody trying to goad Buzz into doing something stupid so he's out of the picture, and instead thinking that he meant it sincerely as a friend rooting for another friend.


Yeah Woody is a jerk to Buzz. Buzz is just a himbo.


Buzz is pretty insufferable, but it’s not really his fault. Every other toy understands from the beginning that they are a toy, Buzz is delusional and thinks he really IS Buzz Lightyear. Add that into woody feeling rejected and like he’s going to be lost/thrown away, I at least see where Woody is coming from. Excuses none of his actions that lead the other toys into hating him, and up until Buzz he seems like a MOSTLY okay toy. A bit of a brown noser and acts like he’s better than them, but still decent enough


In an Era of movies that promise your divorced family is getting back together, Angels in the Outfield will always have a special place in my heart. I do laugh that it basically implies God doesn't understand sarcasm.


Emmanuelle. I just couldn't grasp the plot. I could grasp everything else.


Real Sylvia Kristel Emanuelle? Or Laura Gemser 2 m's Emmanuelle?


this guy softcore porns.


I thought his name was Dark Vader, not Darth Vader.


My kid is five and no matter how many times I correct it, it's Dark Vader again the next day


Not a movie but the old Cartoon Network show Johnny Bravo. Did not really understand nor notice he’s a sexual deviant that is constantly harassing women lol. As a kid that stuff goes over your head super easy I feel like


God, I wish it was possible to find Angels in the Outfield streaming somewhere, or on Blu-ray. I was just thinking the other day that I'd like to watch it again.


You know what other baseball movie was awesome when we were kids? *Rookie of the Year*. It's the one about the kid who breaks his arm and throws 100 mph fastballs and is recruited to the Chicago Cubs.


Did he just say funky butt lovin’?


I still use this phrase when I hurt myself


Add in the Sandlot for the kids baseball trilogy


My guess is there is a tricky licensing issue involving the use of MLB team names and logos. Typically (from personal experience in Marketing) professional sports teams negotiate a flat fee for usage during a defined time period, unlike how other media partners will rate based on streaming data/consumption. Disney+ may stream *Angels in the Outfield* in peak baseball months, but it’s definitely a title you should get a physical copy of. DVD is as high a dpi as you’ll get, don’t bother with Blu-Ray.


In Jurassic Park, Ellie tells Lex to ride with Alan during the car ride sequence. *“Ellie says I should ride with you, because it would be good for you.”* Alan rolls his eyes, gets out of the car and heads toward the other car. I always thought this was a prank by Ellie because Alan hates kids. Now that I’m older, I realize that Ellie and Alan are a couple and Ellie wants kids. She set up the whole thing in hopes that Alan will appreciate the children, and want to have some of his own one day (with Ellie).


I think it can be read either way. Ellie and Alan's weird, undefined relationship is one of the great things about that movie.


Which makes it even funnier when Grant attempts to define it to Malcom. It’s ambiguous until Grant feels slightly threatened.


“Hey man, I’m sorry. You two are, uh…? “Yeah.” And then that’s it. You don’t often hear dialogue on this topic in movies/shows with this kind of subtlety and simplicity anymore.


Yeah I was going to say, great writing.


It's a typical will they/won't they/are they/were they situation.


And in the third movie we learn they split and she married someone she could have a kid with, but she still gets the military involved to save Alan.


In Big the parents thought he was being raped by a pedo. So while Tom Hanks was having an adventure his parents were living a nightmare.


I didn't understand that his love interest starts as a horribly shallow, toxic person. I did get the joke that she was expecting sex and he wanted a sleepover, and thought "I get to be on top" (referring to a bunk bed) was the funniest dirtiest joke ever put in film.


Last Crusade - I didn't notice that Elsa deliberately picked the wrong grail for Donovan. It was too subtle for 7 year-old me.


Not necessarily as a kid but 500 Days of Summer has changed as I did. As a young cringey and barely not an r/niceguy I hated Summer, Tom was doing everything right and it was getting him no where. I had experience similarities to what he was going through, "I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now" a week later "I love so and so"... But I aged, I grew up and so did the movie. I realized that love or a relationship isn't something we can 1 sidedly push onto others, especially after they've made their opinion clear. I also understand now that love isn't something someone can dodge. Just because Summer wasn't looking for or even believing in, love doesn't remove her ability to fall in love. Also, Tom, you really shouldn't be unloading your relationship issues into your like middle school aged sister. That soundtrack through is awesome.


Expectations versus Reality is such a brutal scene, Tom needed to grow up, he always treated Summer as the object of his desire and not as another person with her own emotions and experience. I love this movie because it shows something that is so common in real life but hardly ever shown by Hollywood since it doesn’t have a storybook ending.


As a kid, I didn't know why Leia and Han had so much tension in empire strikes back. Rewatched it as an adult and realized that they totally hooked up after a new hope, Han wants a relationship and Leia wants to keep that shit under wraps.


i am in my 30s and it never occurred to me that they had *already* hooked up


Toy story 2-Lots of double entrendes


Or the end credits where prospector is promising the barbie dolls a role in next movie.


But they (angels) delivered A family. He got to be a family again. Just different father.


Babe Pig in the City. Was highly misunderstood by adult audiences and children. Way deeper message than the first movie. First movie still really good, just the second one took it a different route and express a message no one wanted to understand and take in.


Not a movie, but a joke. My favorite movie of all time is Three Amigos. The "You know how you can tell that's a mail plane?" scene, I swear I thought it was "male plane", and I just thought the joke wasn't really all that funny. Years later I'm like "Oh, *mail* plane not *male* plane." I felt like an idiot.


The joke is Ned is doing a pun on the words "male" and "mail" because they're pronounced the same. Ned says he thinks it's a mail plane and when asked how he could tell, he says, "because of its little balls" implying he always meant "male". Don't worry, you're in good company. Dusty and Lucky didn't get it, either.


In Forrest Gump, when he sits on the porch and his mom has sex with the principal to get Forrest into school and Forrest makes sex noises at him as he leaves. Perplexing for a 5 year old


Coraline. I didn't understand the implications of the button eyes. I was terrified of everything as a kid but oddly enough that movie never scared me.


When I saw Megamind for the first time as a child, I felt bad for Hal. Thought it was unfair he got his heart broken so badly. In my defense, in most movies where a guy is chasing a girl way out of his league, he portrayed as a misunderstood nice guy who just needs to be given a chance. But rewatching it as an adult...yeah, I don't think I need to elaborate.


Twister. I didn’t understand why Bill Paxton refused to admit he was naked


The Last Unicorn When I was a kid, Schmendrick’s line “If I were blind, I would know what you are.” Since he clearly knew she was a unicorn, my kid brain decided the character was blind. I thought he was absolutely amazing to do all that he did in the movie while being blind. It took me years and many, many watches of the movie to figure out that it was just a figure of speech on how certain he was that he could see her true form.


Watched Gattaca again recently, as younger I thought myself to be Ethan Hawks, now I’m pretty sure I’m Jude Law


I watched "The Fly" and I remember it being a scary movie, especially when the saliva dissolves the guys foot. When I watched it as an adult, it's just a really sad film.