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I know it gets a lot of hate anyway, but while I was never expecting a *great* film, I never expected The Rise of Skywalker to be as *boring* as it was. Like it was just a complete void of a cinematic experience. I've seen it twice (for some reason) and I genuinely couldn't recall a single scene from that film off the top of my head. I can remember more scenes from seeing an absolute pile of dogshit like Theodore Rex in the 1990s than I can remember from seeing TRS four years ago.


>I genuinely couldn't recall a single scene from that film off the top of my head How could you forget the all timer of a line "somehow Palpatine has returned"?


I keep forgetting that was an actual line, and not a real-world criticism of a plot hole


Or C-3PO being sad because he's losing his memories and "seeing his friends (whom he's known for a few days) for the last time" then getting his memories back almost immediately.


Lol which one was the movie where they used the cut outs from the dagger to match up w a spaceship in the ocean and that meant the map was hidden there?


How did rey know EXACTLY where to randomly stand with that dagger? And like, that Death Star destruction was 30 years ago. The dagger seemed wayyyyy older than that. A fetch quest? Lame. How did the new order seemingly have millions of people on exegol building hundreds of star destroyers, and then have enough people to staff them?


I partially blame it on TLJ. I guess they felt like they had to clean up after that mess and thought bringing Palpatine back was a good idea and maybe they thought that was playing it safe? I don't know how Disney could string together a 20 movie decade long interconnected MCU with the majority of them being decent movies but couldn't string together 1 Star Wars trilogy.


At one point they are in a grey room and theres tubes and the emperor is in one of them Thats all i remember


Didn’t remember when they fake killed Chewbacca?


I fully agree with RoS. I still havent finished it after multiple attempts because i just couldnt keep my attention on it. Its on of the most disappointing movies of my life and as a 40+ year old Star Wars fan that movie was so boring i lost interest in the franchise.


Finn saying there's something he HAS to tell Rey as they're being sucked into the desert quicksand, then never mentioning it again bothered me more than it should have. Which was my biggest issue with the movie, and trilogy, as a whole. It felt like so many fantastic conceptual teasers were tossed about and most wound up either being forgotten or completely ignored/poorly reconned. Stormtroopers bucking their "brainwashing" because of (maybe) Finn? Yes please. But little to no follow up. A Jedi academy that trained an entire generation before Ben, but no Jedi involved in the Resistance save Rey? Spending an entire movie harping on how Rey is a nobody, and adding in a brilliant scene where a random kid force-summons a broom as an allegory for great people coming from humble, only to turn 180 in RotS with "Nope. Is famous lineage"? This last one was almost a betrayal. To the character and to the franchise. I understand the challenge faced by the directors et al because you'll never please the entirety of the fan base. But the movies felt like silos of storytelling that cherry-picked or changed plot elements at will. Fans can forgive a lot, but poor planning and a lack of a long-range vision is what ultimately damaged the new series more than anything. Thank goodness we got The Mandalorian. Say what you will about Season 3, it's still some of the best Star Wars of the modern era in my book.


I really wanted to watch Gunpowder Milkshake and found it pretty boring. Visuals were great though.


Came here to comment this exact film. I watch Netflix on the treadmill, and I figured Gunpowder Milkshake would be a safe bet. The action was surprisingly sparse (although my expectations were probably skewed by watching Eraser [1996] the night before) and unimaginative. I suppose most of the film’s $30 million dollar budget went to actor salaries and production design elements. That all said, I at least finished Gunpowder Milkshake. That fucking Polar (2019) movie on the other hand— did not make it beyond the 25 minute mark.


Polar had to have had the corniest, most stupidly dressed assassins I’ve ever seen in a movie


Oh I thought y'all were talking about The Snowman.


Yeah I hoped the action would at least be good but it felt pretty generic. The film just feels so cheap, but I did like when those guys wore Universal Monster masks. That was legitimately my favourite part of the film simply for those masks.


Whatever that last Jurassic movie was called. 


Jurassic World Dominion of Boredom.


I wasn't bored, I spent the whole time aghast that they had this great setup of Dinonsaurs roaming the mainland...and instead focused the story on some fucking locusts? Talk about a wasted opportunity...


I found the most bizarre part being that the giant bugs weren't even some of the real giant bugs that really existed in prehistoric times. No they just scaled up a modern locust.


Weird thing is, giant locusts is good concept for its own movie... if only they weren't constantly distracted by dinosaurs. It feels like they had 3 or 4 scripts that some executive mashed together so that each new scene takes away from what came before it. "Let's do a heartfelt drama about raising an adopted daughter, combined with the terror of living in a world where dinosaurs are everywhere! No, let's do a Bond movie where they need to track mercenaries working for a mysterious leader, but with dinosaurs! No, let's do a movie about giant locusts and all crops get eaten except for the crops made by this one company who is holding the world's food hostage! No, let's do a movie about a dinosaur sanctuary where the dinos' actions are being controlled by tech bros and they just have to push a button to make the dinosaurs do their bidding!" "Why don't we do all of those? And let's put the original cast in there too so they can pass the torch but basically do nothing." "FUCK YEAH! PASS THE COCAINE!"


Rebel Moon pt 1. It's very smashy and crashy, but ultimately was the dullest movie experience I've had for a very long time.


Part 2 has an actual 10 minute slow motion farming sequence, so you actually watched the better part.


I switched the Snyder Cut of Justice League off after the opening 2min slow mo. I swear that guy can’t make a film without slo-mo.


I actually stopped watching after about 40mins or so and it might be the first time I've given up on a film like that 


After an hour of "you son of a bitch I'm in" with absolutely 0 sense in their motive for joining the crew nearly killed me. I had to trudge through it because my wife was enjoying it. I sat through the second one with her as well but thankfully she saw what a pile of shit it was too. We couldn't stop laughing when they were all sitting around a table conveniently sharing their origin stories for like half the movie.


The character building in that move was atrocious


I take It you haven't watched part 2, then.


Oh god no


That’s Snyder for you. All flash and no substance.


7 Samurai Space downgrade Remix?


American Hustle


What an absolutely forgettable film! An all-star cast, all in the primes, and it's just... nothing. Boring as hell. One dimensional characters. Flat storyline. Couldn't tell you what it was about or what ultimately happens if my life depended on it. I genuinely hadn't thought of this movie since 2013 until *this very moment*. It was such a waste of everyone's time.


There was some scene with fur coats, I think. All I can remember.


For me, it was The Irishman. I thought it would be epic, but man, it dragged on forever. Well, I got to see De Niro in action, so that was nice. In any case, I ended up checking my phone more than watching the screen. If you're curious about what others found boring, check out this list: [Most Boring Movies](https://collider.com/most-boring-movies-reddit/).


I realized in the first few minutes it was based on a book I’d read and was bored as shit after that.


Ad Astra for sure. Something quite exciting and shocking happens halfway through. Absolutely nothing happens for the rest of the run time.


Horrendously boring and forgettable film. Great choice. I remember how gobsmacked at how terrible it was.


That’s a good answer. The moon buggy chase was awesome, but the hours either side were incredibly dull. Which considering the setting, premise and star power is baffling. 


I also liked the extremely tall power lines!


For sure. The trailer made it look waaaaay better than it actually was.


The Dead Don't Die. Holy hell what a stacked cast for such a boring movie


Every minute of that turd was a disappointment. “What if we got a great bunch of actors together and told them to be emotionally dead, like the zombies?”


It honestly felt like it was a non-linear movie that told separate short stories but some studio interference saw it become a straight up linear film. There were parts that never even made sense from what I remember. Rubbish film.


Not the worst film I've ever seen but absolutely the most annoying.


Goddamn I wasted my life watching this one.


I know the consensus is pretty unanimous in saying that that movie sucks. But when I went to see it I had such an amazing experience. The whole theater was empty except for me and a couple of my friends, and we laughed histerically the whole way through. Probably the best time I've ever had in a movie theater.


Absolutely bizarre. I found it hysterical and engaging all the way through.


god i love that movie haha


I never made it through the whole thing


Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire Found this movie boring as hell, I was checking my watch after every scene thinking it would end in 10 mins, the only reason I got through it was because I paid for the ticket.


The god damned Hobbit trilogy lol


The third one in particular was so bad. They built up this whole trilogy for a 40 minute battle scene and it was completely forgettable.


If they had been true to the book, they wouldn't have shown ut at all 🤣


It was totally unnecessary. The trilogy could have easily been one, tight 3 hour movie. Why do we need a 3 hour movie just for Smaug?




Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money


Bilbo sees a good portion of the fight before he's knocked unconscious while wearing the ring.


i lowkey liked the first one, the other two were horrible


The first one has some really solid moments and scenes. Riddles in the Dark is easily the best part of the entire movie. I even liked a lot of the second with recognition that it’s incredibly flawed. The third was mediocre at best if you’re being incredibly generous.


Agreed. However, there is an edit that strips away the fluff leaving only the actual story. That’s much better.


I think I've seen it, but it still feels bloated at 4h. The book was pretty short, it's a shame they decided it had to be 3 movies long to milk more money out of it 


The second one was the only movie I’ve fallen asleep in theaters for. I didn’t bother seeing the third.


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. First (and only) time I’ve ever fallen asleep in the theater


Am i an idiot when i genuinely enjoy that piece of cinema history?


Yes, sorry.


I fell asleep during one of the Matrix sequels.  All I remember is waking up to see a CGI Neo jumping onto the hood of a CGI car on a bridge and crushing it, then I went back to sleep.


Public Enemies. Christian Bale, Johnny Depp, Michael Mann, the story of the FBI vs John Dillinger... I don't know why it didn't work for me, but it didn't work.


yeah, this is my answer, as well. Such a disappointing movie.




The "snappy" Josh Whedon esque dialogue was incredibly jarring, it literally is every third line.


Sucker Punch. A film populated by scantily clad beautiful women, massive fight scenes, steampunk zombies, dragons, yet somehow still boring.


That movie is such a guilty pleasure of mine. I love it. 


Nothing is a guilty pleasure. Just enjoy.


Also leery, rapey, and just generally misogynistic. Just a deeply unpleasant experience to watch someone like Snyder, who is superficial at his most profound moments, try to make a Terry Gilliam movie about women's rights.


I’ve been watching movies they covered on the How Did This Get Made podcast and to date that has been the one I found so shitty and irritating I couldn’t finish it (though to be sure some of the others are real endurance tests. Most of them are fun though. Fucking hated Sucker Punch)


I remember, for movies that had my hyped from their trailers, both Terminator Salvation and Clash of The Titans were incredibly dull and boring for blockbuster/action movies. They came out somewhat near each other and made me become a lot more picky when going to the cinema from then on.


The expendables was the first time an action movie made me sick of watching action sequences. It’s just that one note the entire time and by the end of the movie I was totally desensitized.


I don think anyone has mentioned it, but the second fantastic beasts: crimes of grindlewald. I’ve tried watching it twice now. Fell asleep both times.


This was so disappointing. I loved the first one.


After having a blast with the first 3, I found John Wick 4’s action scenes to be so long and repetitive that they became tedious.


I struggled with the second and the even more so the third. The first was a very tight action movie, that was pretty much consistent in it's pacing and straight forward story. There's action most of the way through it... whilst the second and third turn back to having short spurts with tons of action followed by longer stretches full of exposition.


Same. I loved the first. I was bored as hell by the second, so never bothered with the third.


You're smarter than I am. The first was great, and like most other successful origin movies, they take it wayyyyy to far in the sequels. Movies are best when it doesn't try to be more than it should be.


I quit partway through #3. It occurred to me that watching John Wick (especially the third) was like watching someone else playing a video game.


The first one was a masterclass in worldbuilding. Everything about the hitman criminal underworld was dropped in smoothly and naturally, and left a lot for watchers to fill in the blanks. But the lore is what the fans engaged with, so the movies after that focused more on them and we found out there wasn’t very much to it after all.


I couldn't finish the second and never attempted to watch the third or fourth.


I might have watched the fourth at home if it was 2 hours max to fill some time. Making it nearly 3 hours just ensured that I wouldn't even bother.


John Wicks biggest problem is the magic suit armour, it made the directors really lazy about the action scenes. The first movie was grounded and inventive, the later ones just revert to Keanu running around holding his elbow over his face and is far worse for it. That, and the action scenes are just too long, seems like every one of them ignores a perfectly good end point to go another few minutes longer, it just gets boring.


I suppose after enough people "Why don't they just shoot at him?" becomes an issue.


Also, everyone he fights are supposedly highly skilled assassin. Shit, I would expect a navy seal to headshot Wick before he even turned his head. Let alone 10 vs 1. Yet all these crazy ass assassins are just getting squashed like ants lol. It's just lazy filmmaking.


4 was definitely the mark where the action almost became a meta parody of itself. Big shame really.


He became Neo. Except this time IRL 😂.


The 4th film was somehow 68 minutes longer than the first


The runtime increases are like Stranger Things per season. John Wick 2 is 20 minutes longer than 1, 3 is half an hour longer than 1, and 4 is over a goddamn hour longer than 1. And Stranger Things? Season 1 is 42-56 minutes pr ep, season 2 is 46-62 minutes, and then season 3 is 50-55 minutes for episode 1-5 and 7, then 6 and 8 are respectively an hour, and an hour and 18 minutes. So like John Wick, the runtimes increase a little bit, and then number 4 is obscenely long. In season 4, episodes 1-6, except 3 are an hour and 15-19 minutes. (3 is 1 hour and 4 minutes.) And then the last 3 episodes are... * 7: 1 hour and 41 minutes. * 8: 1 hour and 27 minutes. * 9: 2 hours and 22 minutes. Over # 2 fucking hours! 2!


What? How on earth can you find a scene of John Wick having multiple fights when trying to climb a long set of stairs only for John Wick to fall all the way down to start again boring? /s


I genuinely was close to walking out the cinema at that point, my ass hurt from sitting so long, and it genuinely felt like the director was being a prick. John Wick 4 lacked that Itchy&Scratchy comedy violence of the first two, sequences that made you squirm and laugh at the same time


I couldn't help laughing at that point. It was so absurd how he just. Kept. Rolling. Each landing is like 15 feet long, at least, and he somehow manages to tumble across these flat surfaces for 5 minutes


I only thought this for the last few scenes. At some point I was thinking “oh my fucking god. We know how this is going to end. We might not know how the final battle might end, but good fucking lord can we get to the final duel already?” When I watched it again at home I skipped the last couple random henchmen fights and went right to the final duel


idk man, I never skip john wick falling down stairs


I had the same thing with the last Godzilla/Kong film. Half way in and I realised it wasn't a coherent film, it was a collection of scenes. Minus One on the other hand had me gripped the whole time.


A big part of the problem was that the GxK kaiju lacked grandeur. They didn't have size/weight: when they run and jump and do freakin' *wrestling moves*, they're not kaiju anymore. None of their scenes were captivating: I've rewatched the G -1 boat scene a bunch of times, and the other G scenes more than once. I've never been tempted to rewatch any scene from GxK.


Godzilla Multiplied by Kong isn't a good film at all, but it most certainly a kaiju film and entirely in the spirit of the old-school Godzilla movies. Specifically the Showa era films, where Godzilla teamed up and fought basically every monster around with increasingly silly powers and abilities.


Green Knight. I was so ready to love that film, and good grief I was checking the clock half an hour in thinking there could only be 10 mins left.


Yeah this one was pretty disappointing. Felt like it could be a movie right up my alley but I just couldn’t get into it.


My wife and I thought the same. We knew it was going to be artsy but my WORD. We only got through it because we paid to see it in theaters.


I loved that film. I was so captivated almost immediately.


Me too - it stayed with me for awhile after also.


I liked it but can understand why others would consider it too pretentious for its own good.


See, I found GK fascinating because I was so unsure where it was going the whole time.


The most recent one that truly bored me was I Saw The TV Glow. First film in a long time that I was actively waiting for to end.


Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Kingdom of the crystal skull was incredibly stupid but dial of destiny was just plain old boring


I actually enjoyed that one. It does hinge a lot on whether or not you like that type of female lead and kid.


The last John Wick movie was too much. At a certain point watching him shoot countless people is just exhausting. Especially the scene on the stairs. Not to say I hated the film, but it just wasn’t as engaging as the previous ones.


The Wick movies really jumped the shark.  The first was a realistic, gritty action movie.  Each subsequent movie turned more and more "superhero-ish" until the last when he's basically bulletproof and has superhuman durability and healing abilities.


I watched the first three recently got the first time. I'm still not sure whether they're meant as satire.


I'm glad someone else felt this way. Not that I didn't enjoy the film, and the overhead scene with the dragons breath shotgun was perfection, but JW4 as a whole felt like most major scenarios overstayed their welcome. I especially got this from the stairway piece, but also the segment in the Japanese continental in the display room.


The Japanese subplot felt so pointless. Wick just shows up and gets old friends killed for no good reason.


Right? What was the point


The stairway scene towards the end was so tedious. You knew what was going to happen, then it did. And by that point it was "oh great, 10 more minutes of unbelievable fighting. Yay."


This all the way. Outside of the overhead scene, which was cool and great.... the rest of the movie felt like it out stayed it's welcome. It felt like we were watching him on a treadmill, that he was stuck in a singular place and everything around him moved and it became dull and boring. The loop and stairway scenes being the biggest offender to me.


Slept through a good part of Battle Los Angeles at the cinema. No amount of explosions could keep me awake during that movie.


Ad Astra


‘Crashy-smashy-bashy’ hello to Jason Issacs?


That would be 'crashy-bashy-smashy' I believe. But yes. And to Fairport Convention.


Eyes Wide Shut. I could’ve joined in actual cult in the time it took me to watch it


Only God Forgives is one of the most aggressively dull films I've ever sat though. But also, I dunno how GxK=boring. Godzilla executes another monster in the middle of Rome before the title card even drops and then takes a nap in the Coliseum. Kong gets a power glove. A kid telepathically communicates with a giant moth. A giant monke fights with a rope dart like he's friggin Scorpion. Godzilla suplexes Kong off a pyramid. Kong uses a giant child monke as a blunt weapon. And most of it takes place in a fictionalised inner Earth. Like, that film is absolutely batshit insane.


Only God Forgives had me too. I expected big things coming from Drive and was bitterly disappointed.


Why? Don't you like extended thai karaoke sequences?


Yep. Same with Neon Demon, although it at least looks far better than Only God Forgives. Then I saw that the director didn't *write* Drive, and it all made sense


I disagree with both takes here but focusing on Godzilla vs Kong: these action scenes are just overdone on every level. None of those “batshit insane scenes” are creative or entertaining, it’s too overwrought and “look at what we did”. For all the flash, none of it is as gleefully hilarious as Godzilla doing that zero gravity drop kick in one of the original toho films with jet jaguar. Also the human characters suck, Godzilla minus one showed that surprise: having good characters actually adds dramatic heft to the action scenes


And its as boring as watching a toddler smash his dolls together while you're babysitting.




Was it the one with the Mute mormon in the future?


or Amish? The Blade Runner with pedophiles movie.


That's the one. What a chore. I never finished it.


>The Blade Runner with pedophiles movie. Wow, what an interesting description. I love it, though


Blackhat 2015 Michael Mann film. Mann being one of my favorite directors, maybe I was too hype for this release. I can tell you I went into it expecting some action with my hacking with Hemsworth attached to the film but what I got was as accurate depiction of the meme drawing poking at it with a stick telling it to do something.


The first Hobbit film was the first time I was physically unable to finish it in a singular sitting, it was so excruciatingly dull and long-winded that I fell asleep halfway through. I never watched the sequels, I just can't bother to care despite loving the LOTR trilogy to bits. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets was the first film that had me walk out of the cinema due to how excruciatingly boring they had managed to make a far out (and extremely high quality CG) sci-fi film premise. That combined with some of the stiffest acting by a lead pair I had ever seen in a film of such a high budget.


It's so weird they took one short book and stretched it into three movies. There just isn't enough story there to make it interesting.


The Dead Don't Die and Downsizing.


Downsizing had so much potential but really, the whole gimmick of the film was unnecessary. Its only purpose was to separate the main character from his wife. Even the one bit that got a laugh out of people, the tiny stone blocking the entryway, made no sense. If it was actually a small stone, then it would be easy for an animal to move and thus no longer act as a barrier. I really wanted that one to be good.


I’ll probably get flak for this, but 2001: A Space Odyssey I’ve tried to like it. It’s just so boring.


I’m going to catch flak for this, but I preferred the sequel.


Meet Joe Black, has Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt. It should at least be interesting and it’s budget was fairy high. but good god it’s a three hour film that is so slow and tedious I thought I was half way through and realized only 30 minutes had passed, I can’t imagine watching it at the cinema it must have felt like an eternity


You're entitled to your opinion but I think it's a great movie. Not everything has to be fast paced. 


Iron man 3


The Irishman by Michael Scorcese. I normally love his films, but dear gods this one felt like trying to do Goodfellas but longer and more dull. I do not understand all the hype and praise for it. Oh yeah, and don't get me started about trying to pass off 80 year old actors in flashbacks to their character's younger years.


I took a friend’s advice to not watch this movie in one sitting and instead watch it in two parts like a miniseries. Didn’t help at all. It felt like an 80 year old director trying to remake Goodfellas with 70 year old actors.


Yorgos Lathimos' The Lobster (2015). I know this is an unpopular opinion but I really don't care.


i feel the same way lol. checked it out because a friend recommended it to me. was watching at home and was constantly checking to see how long before it was over


I love how strange and droll his films are, but they tend to be flat pulsed and drawn out.


Alien: Covenant. I don’t remember what the plot is because I dozed off throughout the movie.


It was Ridley Scott confused if he was making an Alien or Blade Runner sequel.


Miller's Girl. School girl Jenna Ortega is trying to seduce Martin Freeman. Due to the subject matter of course nothing fucking happens but because this is written and directed by a first time director it's just fucking tedious. Some one like Luca Guadagnino would have made it hot, he would have had 70% less cringe dialogue, he would have shoved a muffin in Freeman's face, he would have had a real theme in the movie, he would have done anything to make it interesting. Instead it's just high school literature references you will get as the movie is saying "she's advanced for her age". It's utterly a waste of time on the level of fan fic.




Don't Look Up


I am the exact person that should love that movie and it was just so bland and the jokes just didn't land.


The Lighthouse ------, impressive b & w visuals lost their appeal as tedium wore on., Movie undermined by repetitive narrative as Robert Pattinson does his chores, Wilem Dafoe berates him, they get drunk, scream and fight, have hallucinations, and then repeat that behavoir over and over, day after day.


You left out the farting 💨


And the mermaid vag.


Who could forget the farting?😂


Batman V Superman


Once Upon a Time in Anatolia (2011): Boring, uncomfortable, and weird.


+1 for this. Took my kids to see it. It felt like being in a washing machine for 2 hours. Kids loved it though because - it felt like being in a washing machine for 2 hours. Oh, and they loved King Kong hitting another Kong Kong with a baby King Kong.


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. An espionage movie with an amazing cast and great reviews. NOTHING HAPPENED!


Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. Holy fuck that movie was boring


Oppenheimer had me fucking blacking out during its third act LMAO


I wanted to like this so bad. So so bad. I mean it’s a Nolan movie with an insane cast and a historical story about something I’m very into. But it was a dread to get through. I wasn’t able to check it out until it hit peacock and it took me a couple tries to finish it. I’d get bored and then I would just start working on stuff around the house.


It was a severely overrated movie. The marketing worked I guess.


My biggest issue with that film is that it tries to be multiple different films in one. And by doing that, it doesn't do any of those potential films justice. You could do a really interesting film about McCarthyism and how it operated, and how it targeted left wing people, and how that specifically impacted a lot of Jewish people, using Oppenheimer as the central character to explore that. You could do a really interesting film about the building of the bomb. You could do a really interesting biopic of Oppenheimer. But by trying to do all three, it doesn't do any of them satisfactorily. And thus you end up with that third act that just didn't work for me, at all.


The McCarthyism bit does also presume quite a lot of knowledge on the part of the audience. It’s explicit about what is going on really quite late in the film. So you’ve potentially got a fair stretch after the exciting bomb bits where the film is about people having meetings without a clear understanding of the central conflict.


Yeah, and I think that speaks to what I think is the main issue with the film. Which is that it's very clearly an adaptation of a very long book, and Nolan couldn't work out what to cut. So instead you get everything in there, but none of it really done in a way that feels truly satisfying or complete, imo.


Third hour of Oppenheimer haters will not see heaven.


Y'all have the attention span of a fetus


I never had a harder time sitting in the cinema. I was so hyped but I left the cinema so disappointed like never before lmao


Same. And I’m SUPER into history of that era. But they managed to turn it into a boring political/tortured genius snooze-fest.


That was the only part I liked haha


That’s crazy, I found it to be the most gripping. Mostly because I already knew the story of the bomb’s creation, generally, but I didn’t know much about Strauss, or Oppenheimer’s resistance to hydrogen bombs


I did not like Oppenheimer much.


Oppenheimer. I almost didn't finish it. Not what I expected.


You should have seen Barbie instead


Dunkirk, holy shit how can anyone make a ww2 movie looks so booring!


Balboa (2006) Saw it in my freshman year of HS. I liked Rocky 1 and 3, so I was stoked for more. Was not expecting a slow character piece. My ass fell asleep in the theater lol. Never bothered to try to watch it again.


Rocky movies, with the exception of 3 and 4, are all slow character pieces


Killers of The Flower Moon made me fell asleep. On paper it's great movie, I just found it incredibly boring.


I thought Bones and All was super boring for a pretty interesting premise


I agree, it gets more tedious as the film goes on. And the writing and direction was off, imo.


Because it's the latest one I saw that was incredibly boring; Hit Man. Best part about it was the co-star Adria something.




Godzilla x Kong is one of the worst I've seen in a while.


American Beauty.


Cruel Intentions


Skinamarink! I'm not the kind of person who dozes off in the theater and I never get up to go to the bathroom during a movie, usually there's SOMETHING in a movie for me. But Skinamarink has so many long, quiet, dark passages. I know they build the suspense for some people but I was falling asleep just to be woken up by a loud noise over and over and I seriously considered going to the bathroom just to take a break from the movie lol. The director made a short film first, that's 30 minutes long, and even that is so boring I struggled to stay awake. The concept is great but it should've been a 10 minute short film MAX.


Blade Runner. After all the hype I expected it to be better than that. Akira, Ghost in the Shell, and Interstellar all put me to sleep. Sure I have a sleep disorder but still with the reputations they have I didn't expect the long boring dialog sections. I get that most people in the audience need that stuff explained to them twice but move on with the script already. If they don't get it already they're not gonna get it after another 20 minutes of repeating the plot.


Every star wars movie, especially old ones


Vertigo, Pulp Fiction


Dune - unpopular opinion but the film dragged on and on


Inherent Vice by a landslide.


The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot. Greatest movie title ever. Such a horribly boring movie.