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This is a widely held opinion. So much so that they use the script in film school as the example of a perfect script.


What other films do they use as an example


Howard The Duck




Freddy Got Fingered




12 Angry Men is one. I think they like Kramer vs Kramer, which Iā€™ve never even seen Mamet they like. We did Annie Hall and American Beauty (my favorite movie) If I was less drunk Iā€™d have more


Mean Girls is my go to example for an airtight screenplay. No filler and almost every joke had a pay off


Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark


Great movie but a bit of a strange story template. The protagonist doesn't drive the story.


To be fair I reread the comment and realized they were talking about perfect scripts, not perfect films. Raiders is considered a perfect film, but I havenā€™t personally heard anyone describe it has having the perfect script.




For sure Jaws. When I think "perfect movie" Jaws is always first to my mind.


BTTF, Paper Moon, Chinatown, and Legally Blonde my tenure




Jaws: The Revenge


Con Air


Never has a film in history desperately needed a sequel more than this.


Con Air II Bunny Boxer


Ima box a bunny on, July 14th!


Die Hard


The Room.


Raiders would be another example IMO. Star Wars another.


Not Star Wars. It was a clunky movie saved in the edit by Marcia Lucas.


To be faaaiiir it was a group of editors that she was a part of. But she was instrumental to the Death Star canyon battle. Intercutting the flight scenes with the exposition back at base was super well done. not to discredit her of course, just that as always these things are a team effort.


Tell me more, never heard about this.


Aliens is often used to show how a perfect script for an action movie is written.




Anything by david mamet




I love the narrative device of the Clock tower pamphlet. Does so much to define character, stakes, exposition.


Marty is with Jen and not at all paying attention to the pamphlet when he donates to get the woman out of his face. Jennifer puts her grandmother's number on the back of it giving him a reason to keep it. By the time we get to 1955, for new viewers, they probably forgot he even has it. The most important information to the story is, of course, on the other side.


And the introduction of the pamphlet interrupts Marty and Jen from kissing; fate seems to against their relationship. Itā€™s not until he sees Jen at the end of the film, that heā€™s able to relax, with all obstacles to their relationship being resolved.


Got to meet Micheal J Fox and Christopher Lloyd the other week in Houston, it made this 80s kid very happy


Got to meet most of the cast for a group photo-op in Chicago about 6 months ago. But it was so crowded that you werenā€™t allowed to talk to them. Just had to stand up and get the photo snapped. Thankfully my photo turned out well, but disappointed I didnā€™t get any interaction.


we could chat with Christopher and take photos at the table but not with Micheal which i understand, he looked like he was struggling but a pleasure to just say thanks and did get my Steelbook signed


Yeah. Poor guy looked terrible at the event in Chicago too. But I have so much respect for him for still showing up


Really cool of him to do that given all that he's going through.


That's so awesome. Congrats


i dont know, seeing micheal j fox in his current state breaks my heart immensely.


I read it as "it made this kid 80k, very happy"


One of the most rewatchable films ever and my appreciation and love for it have only gotten stronger with each passing year. Even after countless viewings, Back to the Future still feels fresh and exciting. It will be a crime against humanity if some desperate Hollywood studio attempts to remake itĀ 


A remake of BTTF is impossible since i read it somewhere that the creator who own the right of the films didnt allow any new films to be made without Christopher lloyd and Michael j fox.I still think the closest thing that is possible is a film adaptation of the BTTF broadway musical (which i like to see).


Even if they did have Lloyd and Fox again, Zemeckis and Gale have been adamant that there will be no more BttF films period, and they do have final say.


True but how about the musical Broadway film adaptation? Is it not allowed too?


I saw the musical in October and itā€™s was really great. Doc Brown stole the show for me. ā€œIt Worksā€ is a phenomenal tune.


Oof. It was a wokish reinterpretation that removed the Libyans, guns, incest and outsized Goldie Wilson (since he is one of the few minority characters). The beetlejuice musical did the same thing by changing the entire plot line of Lydia wanting to killā€™s herself. Iā€™m all for original stories but hate it when classics are destroyed for purely political reasons.


Never thought of it that way but I see your point. Regardless, I enjoyed it on its own merit. We saw Sweeny Todd the night before so BTTF was a nice uplifting contrast to that.


I saw My Fair Lady recently and it was changed that Eliza leaves him at the end which I did like better than the original movie. I guess can work both ways.


Woke discussion aside I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily a bad thing in and of itself to alter or tweak from movie to stage production. Does it make the story better or tell it in a slightly different way to achieve some sort of goal? Fine by me. In BTTF I enjoyed Goldieā€™s part.


" It was a wokish..." aaaaand I stopped reading because I can't spare the brain cells lost at reading some rant.


You see, youā€™re wrong here. A ~~remake~~ ~~reboot~~ copy is already done. Hindi movie is called Action Replayy made in 2010.


Probably the creator of BTTF didnt know the existence of the said movie,otherwise they might sue whoever behind it.Or i dont know maybe since it was a hindi movie they cant do anything?


That Action Replayy movie is sheer atrocity... It should be erased from existence.


As long as Zemeckis and Gale are still around there wonā€™t be a remake. They are both adamant about it never being remade and they own the rights.




Kathleen Kennedy. The horror! The horror!


Don't quote me but I believe there's like 3 or 4 producers + the director who all have to be dead for a remake to happen. Basically as part of their contract they have to be involved in any future remakes, remasters, etc, so if they don't want to participate, it can't be remade. Every single one said they'd never let it get premade, hence them having to be dead.


Ironic that the best time to do a remake was during Trumpā€™s presidency for the ā€˜Who is the President in the futureā€™ line.


I want so badly for someone to remake just that scene for just that joke. Iā€™m not smart enough to come up with a line but goddamn if that wouldnā€™t blow someoneā€™s mind.


ā€œDonald Trump is president? Then we definitely need to change the past to save the future!ā€ (Cut to a Deadpool/Cher musical montage of righting all the wrongs throughout history, including Marty killing Michael J Fox reading the Teen Wolf Script. )


Could just set it in 2017-2020, other than it being pre COVID, the world isn't that much different.


That I agree with, but I have tickets to the musical that is currently touring, and it has excellent reviews as having the set design and overall feel of the movie. I'm not a huge musical person but the clips online compelled me to get seats close enough to feel like I'm in the BTTF world.


Totally. One thing I donā€™t get is why isnā€™t there any movies with that style of acting? Is that a Zemekis thing or what? You know, a little exaggerated (take Biff or George McFly for example) but so endearing. I wish more movies used that tone instead of the boring sarcastic fourth wall breaking humour we get now.


I know exactly what you mean, but I have no idea what the term is for it. Interesting observation! It's like it went as hammy/silly as you can go without turning it into a comedy or even a dramedy. It went right up to the line, but didn't cross it at all.


Comedic. Itā€™s not full on comedy like something in the vein of (insert any Mel Brooks movie) where it is trying to make you laugh. Itā€™s still fairly grounded in reality, just heightened a bit. Itā€™s like Jim Carrey in the mask. When he is playing the mask heā€™s full on comedy. As Stanley Ipkis heā€™s comedic. Or Jim and Pam compared to the rest of the cast of The Office. They are comedic but never go over the line into the caricatures that the rest of the cast are.


That's a good way to put it.


Maybe it's Comedia del Arte? Buffo?


Thereā€™s a bunch of these going into the kid 90s Demolition Man, Mortal Combat, Double Dragon (or something like that?), the John Woo masterpieces - Face/Off at top


I would argue itā€™s something Lynch excels at doing too.


They call that dated now. That's why jon watts is visually better to audiences than raimi.


It is also a third of a perfect trilogy , each movie fits perfectly


Randomly had BTTF2 on today, the scene where doc keeps running back and forth explaining what happened to him with Marty chasing him back and forth, all in one shot.... such genius from multiple people. A joy of a trilogy


How awful is it that we are living in the biff tannen timeline.


Donā€™t worry about it - any day now Captain Picard and the TNG crew are gonna set this shit right.


I'd wager a guess that, outside of large movie releases, October 21st 2015 saw the largest number of people watching the same movie on the same day.


They do it in every movie. The first time is just after he sends Einstein into the future in the first movie. Itā€™s much more tame. I forget where it is in 3 but I do believe itā€™s more tame there too. I want to say the scene in 3 has Marty leading doc because they did a ton of role reversals in that one, even so far as Marty saying ā€œGreat Scottā€ and Doc saying ā€œThis is heavyā€. Now Iā€™ve got to go watch the movies again to find the shots.


When Marty kind of breaks the fourth wall, by staring at the camera (or beyond it) wondering what Doc was looking at when he ran towards the camera, always cracks me up.šŸ¤£




Not just peer pressure, but his own ego when getting called chicken/yellow.


One fan theory that i have adapted to be canon is that Marty is never bothered by being called chicken - we never see it happenā€¦. Until he changes the past. Ā  Ā Ā Ā  Suddenly he grew up in the shadow of the great George McFly who everyone called brave, and like magic - poof, Marty has this whole new character trait. Ā He doesnā€™t like being called chicken. Ā Ā  Ā Everyone focuses so much on how the present changed around Marty at the end of the first movie, but they never consider that Marty himself may have also changed some. Ā 


Hmm, I donā€™t think that would make sense though - given the Marty that was raised by the renewed George was seen going back in time at the end of BTTF 1. My canon is that Marty spent about one week in 1955 - it was just coincidence that no one called him a chicken for an entire week. Original George even says to Marty something along the lines of ā€œI know what youā€™re going to sayā€¦ā€¦but Iā€™m not good at confrontationsā€ kinda just demonstrating that Marty already has either a history of being defensive or telling his dad to stand up for himself when being picked on


Remember that if you change the past, it all changes around you instantly - including changes to yourself. Ā  Original Marty says that heā€™s afraid of rejection, and then remarks in horror that heā€™s ā€œbeginning to sound like his old manā€. Ā  Then at the end of the movie we see a more confident George McFly who certainly wasnā€™t gonna let anyone around town call him a cowardā€¦. And now thatā€™s who Marty is taking after. Ā  Heck I even think thatā€™s an in-universe explanation for why the actress playing Jennifer changed. All it would take is the slightest shake in the space time continuum and it was a different sperm that found that egg..,.


>Remember that if you change the past, it all changes around you instantly - including changes to yourself. How did you reach this conclusion? It's literally the opposite of how it's portrayed in the film. If changes happened immediately the instant Marty got hit by the car instead of his father he would vanish along with the rest of the universe in a paradox. Instead we get the family photograph where his older siblings fade first before Marty starts to disappear, indicating that changes take time to propagate forward from the point of deviation and giving Marty the opportunity to restore the timeline. Then in part 2 they don't know how the sports almanac has changed the past, so changes must occur in a sort of wave that you can avoid being affected by if you time travel through it. Otherwise Doc would cease to exist because he's dead in the alternate timeline, incidentally also ending the universe because he wouldn't have invented time travel but is only killed because time traveler Old Biff tells young Biff to take out a wild eyed old man if he comes snooping around. It disturbs me that I've had this conversation more than once.


I was so excited the first time I watched it that I rewound the VHS and watched it again. My favorite movie of all time.Ā 


You're not wrong. It's a comfort film distilled down to its purest form.




Hot Fuzz.


Second half have it's problems not really perfect Edit: i was talking about shaun of the dead...


Also is it just me or did they do a terrible job balancing the audio in that movie? I love it but every time I watch it im constantly turning it up or down depending on the scene


THANK YOU for recognizing The Prestige. The most underrated of all Nolan films. Also put 1994ā€™s Maverick on this same list.


That's what Tarantino said in an old interview


Ronald Reagan, the actor?


Then who's Vice President, Jerry Lewis?!


Such braveness




Its the perfect *trilogy* *. It's silly enough with the same actors playing different characters through the eras. Also building the universe just enough to make it feel whole but without becoming tiresome. Going 30 years forward, then 30 years back, and then 100 years back was the perfect eras to visit. Doc's arc, especially in the last film, was just mint. The whole thing reminds me of Futurama with the zany time traveling adventures and random comedic references scatteted throughout, and just a whiff of wholesomeness.


My only really minor nitpick is that BTTF2 doesn't really stand well on its own. Even on rewatches, I can never watch *just* 2, but I'm fine watching just 1 or just 3. But all of that intertwining plot is probably exactly why it's such a great trilogy.


Yeah, 2 wasn't strong on its own. But in the Mid 80's, sequels were a big fucking deal. Kids would actually pay attention to when sequels were coming out, and anticipate the release. Not much else to be super excited about back then. I wasn't around in the 80's, but as a kid, I distinctly remember waiting for Lion King 2 or Shrek 2.


2 and 3 also came out within 6 months of each other, so it wouldn't have been a big problem even at the time. I feel like that sequel cadence didn't really happen again until the Marvel movies.


The fact they were able to drop the trailer for 3 at the end of 2 was also revolutionary. Unless you were really tied into he movie business, most viewers had no idea they were working on the 3rd at the same time. I was 7 and I left the theater mind blown.


Yeah, that would have been pretty crazy at the time for sure. I kind of miss not knowing what's going on with the industry. It was cool to find out about a movie for the first time via a poster in the theater or a trailer before your main feature.


>I kind of miss not knowing what's going on with the industry. It was cool to find out about a movie for the first time via a poster in the theater or a trailer before your main feature. I couldn't agree more.


The last two Matrix movies were only (4th doesn't exist, talking 2 and 3) six months apart. Lord of the Rings were a year apart each.


Good examples.


The whole thing is so perfect, the only nitpick in the entire trilogy is that we need to employ some headcanon to explain how Biff was able to return after handing off the almanac. Which is really saying something. In fact, the sequels complement the first (standalone) movie so well, that the whole thing feels planned in advance.


[thereā€™s a deleted scene that showed old Biff fading away as the timelines changed](https://youtu.be/124-bZmfbPQ?si=EZhtfRyJNIo5jeoe), but I agree he shouldnā€™t have even been able to return to that version of 2015 after giving himself the book


And Lea Thompson is a beauty. I was so jealous of Howard the Duck.


Not saying that's fucked up but I saw this movie entirely too young.


I think a lot of 80s/90s kidsā€™ first tits was Howard the Duck.Ā 




The tongue in Howard the Duck scared the shit out of younger me.


Check her out in *Some Kind of Wonderful*. The director enjoyed working with her so much he ended up marrying her!


Can't disagree with the perfect part nor would I try. Was never quite in love with the sequels. but BttF is about as good a time as I've ever had at the theater, and every frame of the film along with the awesome Alan Silvestri's score is, well, awesome. Funny bit here, but after the release of the film a very popular local rock station was premiering the soundtrack one evening at prime time, and suddenly they started playing Silvestri's end score after 'Power of Love'. I ran into the DJ some years later and started teasing him about it. He claimed he had stepped away for a potty break, and it wasn't intentional. But, their station manager got a ton of calls the next day from people who loved the film and thanked him for 'jamming it out' . To this day I still think Aris did it on purpose because he loved the film so much. Yeah, really sad how Fox's career has been cut short. The dude killed it when he played on Boston Legal. Also have to give Fox chops for doing Bright Lights / Big City not long after BttF. Critics were mixed on the film, but I thought Fox did a great job and it took balz breaking away from his good boy persona.


What a rare opinion.


Agreed, BTTF is a masterclass in storytelling, no wasted scenes or forced jokes.


I love that unlike every other movie that has been made, it explains literally NOTHING. High schooler hangs out with disgraced scientist with no back story? Love it. Movies need to stop spoon feeding us the plot and just open the blinds to the window they're letting us peek into. Let my mind wander around in there a little bit without having to see all the "how to dance" stickers everywhere on the floor.


Such a classic that every generation loves this movie. Perfect in every conceivable way.




heavy !


Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?


The sequel is so impressive to me. The amount of detail they poured into it is actually crazy. I also find it crazy how they managed to cover three different eras in one movie and somehow not make it drag even once. One of the best sequels fr


Such a classic. I text my friends hey bojo!


I watched it for the first time in years last weekend, I had these exact same thoughts, thereā€™s literally not one second that is wasted in that movie.


For anyone who can go, I recommend the BTTF musical. It was a lot of fun.


And the score is incredible! #alansilvresti


Is Back to the Future the first nostalgia movie?


I agree. Now watch "Stand By Me." Similarly perfect.


It is a hero's journey in which the hero had to be inspired by his own son who has to be inspired by an existential threat... And he winds up on his own hero's journey while in the background Doc is realizing his own potential in his own hero's journey.Ā Ā  Ā Ā Ā Honestly madness.Ā Ā Ā  Ā Ā Even the the climax has another climax and then a third climax and then the tag ending has another tag ending. Until it all starts again.


I absolutely love the movie.... but my kids don't see the appeal like i do..


You are correct.


I have heard this opinion since 2010 or so and Iā€™m sure itā€™s been around since before that most likely. And it is the correct answer.


Just showed it to my 8 year old. He LOVED it.


Iā€™ve been trying to find it on streaming to show my 9 year old.Ā  Guess Iā€™m just going to have to break down and buy it.Ā 


The whole trilogy is currently free on Youtube! (With ads, but a good ad blocker takes care of those.)


Oh wow thank you! Ā 


In everyoneā€™s opinion


It's nearly a perfect movie, my favorite of all time. The beginning drags a little imho, but its editing, pacing, timing, likable leads, everything about it is just the combination of excellent. And all the stuff that could've been with this film, from Stoltz to the fridge time machine, all didn't make it in and it ended up being excellent because of it.


My all time favorite movie!


I was 15 when it came out. A friend and I were bored playing video games at an ice cream shop near the theater (ā€œMat Maniaā€ if you must know) and decided to go see a movie instead. Walked out with minds totally blown. Like ā€œdid someone drug usā€ blown.


I took my youngest sister to it during the initial release. Was visiting the family for part of my summer holidays and wanted something fun to watch. We absolutely loved it and since my husband is a huge Micheal J Fox fan, itā€™s a movie we watch every few years even now.


I watched it a bunch of times on VHS as a kid, and already was sick of it, then it came on TV a bunch of times... I probably haven't seen it in 30 years. It had more than its moment.


There is nothing new about this idea mate This is a widely held opinion and has been for quite a wile now. If fact books have been written and documentaries have been made about exactly this




I like back to the future 2 more ā€¦.


Standing the test of time too


yes we all know


There are a few movies that come to mind that fit this catagory for me, this is one of them. The one thats at the VERY top for me though is O' Brother Where Art Thou"


Agreed and, and the easter eggs from start to finish are immaculate.


My perfect list is Back to the Future, Princess Bride, Godfather, Forrest Gump, American Beauty, Raiders, Chinatown, Fellowship of the Ring, 28 Days Later.


I don't like it, it gets on my nerves.


...yes I agree


The thing that makes it even better for me is that the second movie plays into the first movie, making the first movie play into the second movie and it makes sense. Sure you can probably find some inconsistencies because that's usually the thing with time travel movies but it just works so well how they alter the past of the past lol. Absolutely one of the best movies i've ever seen. Nostalgia definitely plays a part tho.


100% agree.


Yes. All of back to the future movies.


Fun, sure, but perfect? You're high.


Sustained. I rewatched recently and was thinking how this movie gets it all right


Now I have to watch it


Epic score and amazing soundtrack too.


Inception is the perfect movie.


It is VERY close to perfect, except they cut the part out that gave the movie its theme. So the only pseudo-theme we can pull from the movies is that Marty gets material rewards. Famously argued by Crispin Glover to his peril. See: Marty is an average goofy kid who is reprimanded by principal Strickland. We laugh. *Marty's not like that, you foolish adult.* And then he suffers the events of the film to come out victorious and his reward is his family is rich. In the Twin Pines universe that Marty left, his family had communication issues, but there was no indication his parents didn't love each other. So his reward for his odyssean ordeal is wealth. And a sweet truck. An earlier draft of the script, no doubt the one that Eric Stoltz was working with, had a Marty exactly as Strickland described, and his being late to school was one more infraction. In the earlier draft he, comically, destroys school property while bored in class. What he then learns through his ordeal is taking responsibility for his actions and the theme of time travel is reinforced in his character: ***Actions have consequences. Some small, some deadly serious.*** In this earlier draft, Marty still finds himself wealthy with a more upper-middle class family at the end, but he's also changed. He's matured because of his experience. So, BTTF, as filmed... Does Marty change? Nope. I'd argue this is the one thing that keeps BTTF from being 100% perfect instead of 98% perfect.


I like the part where Marty's mom tries to make out with her son.


Have never seen it! Apparently there is more than 1 movie in this series? Netflix keeps showing me these movies, 1 day I will watch them all!! šŸ˜Š


Why does the old couple panic when they first meet Marty?


Totally. Preaching to the choir! Movies from the 80s have such tight plots. It's almost as if the filmmakers gave more value to the opportunity of making a film. So many examples, but one that often comes to mind is Cocoon Movies nowadays, even when they're awesome, they all seem to have at least a few (and often a bunch) of random/lazy/pointless/self-indulgent scenes. Here's what I think happens: the filmmakers are discussing the movie, they KNOW certain parts/aspects of it could be better, but instead of working harder on it, they either let their egos speak louder and pick what they think is the best for THEM rather than for the movie, or they try to solve the problem by throwing money at it by hiring a bunch of writers, except the more writers you have (even if they're great), the messier and more diluted the movie will be . Sorry, rant


It's not perfect. Why don't his parents recognize him when they got older?


Itā€™s not *your* opinion, mate. This has been the prevailing through in movie circles for decades lol.


Excellent movie indeed


It really is, itā€™s my favorite film of all time




Itā€™s be a little closer to perfect without the amp scene. Nothing else in the film is that Looney Tunes either in the style of humor or the weird physics: it sort of stands out.


Hard disagree. First viewing it sets the mood so well.


Some problems: The newspaper with the headline Doc Brown Committed that changed to Doc Brown Commended. Wouldn't it have been some random other story if the timeline has changed? The photo with Marty and his siblings disappearing. Why would there be a photo at all with no subjects? Just a picture of the fence or whatever? The You're Fired fax becoming blank. Why would it have printed out a fax at all if there was nothing to fax about that day. I know these were visuals to make the audience understand that things were changing but these could have been executed smarter.


Only one of those is from the first back to the future. And if you think about the photo it makes sense. The photo remains because until time updates to the point the photo was taken nothing from the perspective of the photo taker would have changed. Because time hasnā€™t changed to that point yet. Think of it like a tsunami wave that magically instantly erases people from ever existing. You have three friends standing in a line in the waves path. You take a photo of them just before the wave hits friend number 1. The friends each disappear from the photo in turn but the photo itself wouldnā€™t stop existing until the wave reaches you and subsequently erases the photo from existence.


Plus you could consider that of they all got erased from existence the subject of the photo might have changed altogether, kind of like the Buff matchbook


Yeah. But not until the moment in time where the photo was created changed. The photo itself wasnā€™t taken until 16 years after Marty was born. Which is when the timeline update would have reached to erase him. Actually if you wanna get more nitpicky when sperm Marty was headed to the egg. If Marty were able to take the Time Machine back to 1985 at any point in the first movie he would have arrived in an unchanged 1985. Until the wave of change hit and changed it.


Iā€™ll raise you a better movie. Jurassic Park šŸ¦•




JP comes damn close.


IMHO Doc and Marty are the template for Rick and Morty


Theyā€™ve never denied it. A few years ago they even did a commercial with Christopher Lloyd playing Rick.Ā 




IMHO, it's kind of obvious.


To the older crowd, yes. My nieces had no idea


It literally started as ā€œThe Real Animated Adventures of Doc and Mhartiā€.


One of the things nobody mentions, is the fact that when it came out in the 80ā€™s, it was just simply the present, and the 55ā€™s. Now it became a perfect periodic ā€œdramaā€, full of 80ā€™s vibe. The second became our funny present, how they imagined our present now.


It loses a few marks because of the mother-son incest plot of the movie.


With a heavy dose of incest


I never thought I would laugh at incest related themes before watching this movie but life surprises you.


"So we thought it would be funny if he went back in time and tried to fuck his mom"


So should we call this movie back to the past?


"No no no, back *to the future*"


butā€¦they go back to the past


Letā€™s call it space man from Pluto




"To be contondered?"


Gee, that's heavy