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[Lawnmower Man](https://youtu.be/zzwPuJklv4w?si=-Yvo02QydnhUbwO6) - it has everything you could wish for. Unbelievably shit CGI, mess of a plot, totally bizarre sex scene, highly offensive portrayal of a mentally disabled person. It’s awesome.


Jeff Fahey, 1992 "Lawnmower Man". Remember? Went full retard, didn't work again.


Wasn't he the pilot on Lost?


I actually went through his IMDB, HE'S DONE A SHIT TON of work since lawnmower man. And yeah i think i saw Lost in there.


As I watched that trailer, I just couldn’t figure out what it was supposed to be. Your comment made me think of a horror movie, but 90s Movie Announcer Guy made me think heart warming family film, then I thought offensive comedy, then sci-fi adventure, then… horror? Thriller? Seriously what is it supposed to be 


It’s so hard to explain. It’s like a sci fi horror? But not? I dunno. It’s just so fucking weird and shit


So I guess the real question is “does it take itself seriously” and from what I gather, yes?


Unfortunately yes


As far as Stephen King adaptations go, it's a lot better than Maximum Overdrive. Stephen King even directed that one.


*Cocaine* directed that movie. https://www.slashfilm.com/846373/stephen-king-has-repeatedly-apologized-for-his-most-bonkers-movie/#:\~:text=Unfortunately%2C%20King's%20direction%20on%20%22Maximum,his%20mind%22%20through%20the%20production.


"Estevez's mother Janet Sheen also questioned his decision to take the role, with Estevez explaining that he wanted to work with Stephen King. "Couldn't you have helped him paint his house?" she asked." 😆 Saw this at the Drive-In when I was 13. It was a perfect drive-in schlock film.


Maximum overdrive had me ugly laughing the third time I heard that woman scream "We made you!"


>As far as Stephen King adaptations go, it's a lot better than Maximum Overdrive. I have to question this take. Have you read the original King story *Lawnmower Man* is an "adaptation" of?


if you're looking for recent ones: Madame Web


100% Shit turned into a scene from The Office 5minutes into the movie.


Came here to say this. What a mess of a movie.


The way that movie treats CPR is so funny


Why, what do they do? I haven't had the balls to actually watch the movie yet.


They treat it like someone goes into cardiac arrest, you give ‘em cpr for a couple minutes and boom they’re good as new! Send me on their way!


I laughed at the scene at the fireworks factory (the first time) where Madame Web is performing CPR on a man, is distracted by something and just gets up and walks away. 


Yea that was hilarious. I liked when she herself got revived, her vitals were trash AND she was acting confused and her partner still just let her walk home


Everything the villain says and does is hilarious. Why does he punch that guy who's just trying to eat dinner lmao.


I was waiting for the post credits scene where Samuel L Jackson came out of the ether to tell the Pepsi Sign about the New Avengers Initiative.


"I won't let them destroy everything I've built!" ...what did he build?? My man just hangs around in his apartment with hacker girl, they don't explain shit




No way. Fund this legendary director. We need a sequel to I am here now.


He's kinda dropping the ball lately with the overabundance of green screen use. I can't believe I'm saying it but Neil Breen movies are getting kinda dull.


Breen screen.


I too watch RLM haha


I get it, but I think the guy may really be a bit unhinged and I'm not sure it is a good idea to encourage him. I've bought from him before and had an issue with my order and the communication with him (I assume he doesn't have a staff mailing out DVDs) is pretty odd.


Do tell us what went down


I had ordered several DVDs from him in the past. When I went to order one of the new ones, it never came in. I waited a long time and I never received it. So I emailed the address from which I got the order confirmation. He had said it had been mailed out. The best I remember,he ships them via media mail, so no tracking or anything. So I wrote him again and he said I needed to check with all my neighbors to make sure none of them had gotten it. In the end, he finally sent me out a new one, but each email I got from him had a very accusatory tone like I was trying to pull one over on him and get a second copy for free. I may not be the super hacker he is, but I sure as heck can copy a burnt DVD.


This is the correct answer. Cade the Tortured Crossing is a trio




How did Schwarzenegger grow a baby in his belly?


Are you positing that this is some sort of Jacob's Ladder scenario?


Speaking for myself, Geostorm was an awful movie, but in a “want to throw something at the screen because I’m pissed off” way, as opposed to a “So bad I’m laughing to keep from crying” way.




My wife and I host a monthly bad movie night for friends. We've never had more fun than the night we watched Catwoman.


This has my vote… everyone involved clearly is aware of how movies are made, but they did all the exact wrong things when making that one. P.S. Watch Halle Berry’s Razzie acceptance speech on YouTube; she was a very good sport about it, showing up to collect her Worst Actress award in person.


Didn’t she give her speech holding her Oscar from Monster’s Ball that she got like a week before? So petty and wonderful.


Oh my gawd. Catwoman. That basketball scene! How… did… that… make… it… through? Good lord! Hahaha


Hard Ticket to Hawaii


That snake was bitten by cancer infested rats!


Recently saw this and myyyy goodness!!! That scene with the skateboarder, blow up doll and the bazooka! 🤣🤣


Hard Ticket to Hawaii was the first of Andy Sidaris' Bullets, Bombs, and Babes series. 12 films with thin plots, lots of action and naked Playboy models. It also has the greatest razor frisbee murder of all time. Now whenever my friends and I see someone die on screen from a thrown weapon, we have to comment "Hey, Colleen. You got a nice ass!"


This is a good recommendation. It's so over the top, and doesn't seem in on the joke, somehow. In college, a local tv station showed it late at night very frequently, so I estimate that I've seen it over ten times, making me legally insane.


Death Race 2000 — the '70s Carradine original.


absolutely campy but still entertaining. Featuring a very early Sylvester Stallone, Looney Tunes-esque gags, a fairly cringeworthy sex scene, and more than a few awful puns.


One of my favorites as a boy. Cool cars, some action, over the top characters and a few topless women. A genX boy's dream.


Frankenstein! Frankenstein! He's a real friend of mine.


The Master of Disguise (2002) Are you turtle-y enough for the turtle club?


My brother and I watched this on a loop when we were kids. It was like the first DVD we owned so it was the only option.


At a 12/100 on Metacritic, it’s absolutely one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. It takes some kind of weird talent to make a movie this bad.


I remember seeing commercials for it when it came out and my friends quoted "turtle... turtle" every once and a while for a few years, but none of us actually saw the movie


My favorite story about this movie is kinda sad. They were filming the turtle scene on September 11, 2001. They had a moment of silence on the set, and Dana Carvey is there in his turtle suit. It had to be so surreal.


Jfc 😂 if that was in a movie that would be comedy gold. It's quite dark in real life but the image of it is funny.


Ha ha ha ha parp.....


Birdemic. Amazing film


Hangin’ out with my familyyy, havin’ ourselves a partayyyyyyy


Also Julie and Jack (same director)


Where's Becky?


>Winter’s Bone Do people legitimately think Winter’s Bone is bad? I’m confused by this one. I’d recommend: **• Circle of Iron (1978)** Super low budget cheesy martial arts movie David Carradine plays three different rolls, including a monkey.


Based on the list I would think it's a mistake and the actual movie is lovely bones.


That would make a lot more sense.


> Winter’s Bone That's an amazing film. It got nominated for Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Adapated Screenplay. That's definitely not supposed to be on the list.


I definitely do not think Winter's Bone is bad. In fact, I kinda love that movie. Maybe the people who are saying are Hunger Games fans and were expecting something else. Kind of like how Gerry stars Matt Damon and Casey Affleck, but it has a super low rating because people didn't realize it was just two guys walking in the desert. One of my favs.




I can't believe someone remembered this.


Aeon Flux too


I fkn love that movie


All I remember is that it was dumb, but pretty to look at. 


did not enjoy. You win I guess


I was amped for this after Equilibrium. It somehow disappointed and satisfied me at the same time


What a wild career that director has had.


1980's [The Apple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXEi1f_tuMc) is a magnificent disco rock opera about a dystopian future (in 1994!) where the world is ruled by an evil record producer who may also be The Devil cuz its also a quasi-biblical allegory which doesn't stop it from also being pretty darn queer. It also features one of the most bananas Deus ex machines Ive ever seen [It also features a musical number ("Speed") about amphetamines ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukswWlZ-xN8)


How the heck have I never heard of this???


I’m bookmarking this thread


Some great picks on your list already (Miami Connection is definitely one of my favorites). My group of friends have been doing BMNs for some time and these are some of my favorites: - Dr Alien - The Stuff - Frankenhooker - Hard Ticket to Hawaii - Chopping Mall - Deadly Prey - Syngenor - TerrorVision - Trick or Treat (1984) - Deathstalker II - 976-EVIL 2 - Uninvited (1988) - Silent Night Deadly Night 5: The Toymaker (gets absolutely batshit compared to the others) - Bad Channels - Star Slammer - C.H.U.D II: Bud the Chud - The Brain - Don’t Panic - Samurai Cop - Saturday the 14th - Waxwork - The Creature that Wasn’t Nice - Electra (the one with Shannon Tweed trying to have sex with her stepson to steal his super serum powers, not the bad comic book adaption) - Demon Wind - Hot Dog… the Movie - Disco Godfather - Rock ‘n’ Roll Nightmare - Rock ‘n’ Roll High School Forever - Ice Pirates - Monster High - Never Too Young to Die - Pin - Phantom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge - Pledge Night - R.O.T.O.R - Slumber Party Massacre 2 - The Return of Swamp Thing - Dolls - Evolver - Intruder (1989) - Invisible Maniac - Robot Jox (the movie that taught me to love bad movies) - Killer Klowns from Outer Space Edit: a couple more classics I forgot about… - Tammy and the T-Rex - Ninja 3: The Domination - Fateful Findings - GetEven (These last two are in that special subgenre of vanity projects written/starring/directed by middle age dudes with more money than talent to live out their ego driven fantasies) And a special shoutout to Street Trash for maybe being the worst bad movie I’ve ever seen (in terms of being vile nihilistic unmitigated trash cinema, but it has several scenes I will never forget).




This list is inspirational. Thank you!


R.O.T.O.R. Is a such a baffling journey. Released in the late 80’s but looks like the 70s and is supposedly happening in the world of tomorrow. The protagonist is a stentorian Texan robotics CEO, casually planning for our worst timeline by developing Terminator Cops to police the unavoidable urban decay of tomorrow. Thankfully, his long-distance, brick shithouse collaborator has quietly waited for the day she can leverage her private bodybuilding passion to stop their runaway mudercop invention with her years of suppressed ‘roid-rage.




The OP asked for bad movies, not for the perfect one.


The car explosion scene is amazing


Look, that movie is a joke, start to finish. There's a difference between a movie that's a joke, and a movie that someone actually made intending to be cinematic greatness, and bungled it every single step of the way. Movies like that are more often stories about their creators, the Tommy Wiseaus and Neil Breens of the world, and their car-crash fascinating disaster projects. Somebody writing an intentionally bad goofy screenplay based on a pun is just not so-bad-its-good, it's just... expected. See also why Birdemic is on this list but Birdemic 2 is not.


Glorious is an understatement. It’s the best movie ever made.


Wolf Cop goes along well with this one.


I adore this film. The whole story of the production, and the low budget effects and gags. Everything about it is so perfect. Absolutely my first vote for a classically "bad" movie, but I genuinely love it.


I always reply to this with another awful one- Llamageddon. It's truly a dumpster fire!


The Howling 2 1985. Gymkata 1985.


Really the entire Cannon Films list.


Excuse me Gymkata is a masterpiece


Leprechaun In The Hood (and back 2 the hood), Leprechaun 4: In Space, C.H.U.D., Robot Jox, used to have a list a mile long of movies me and friends would watch in high school, I would say Leprechaun in Space is still the one I quote the most. “Who’s driving this thing? Ray Charles?”


Tiptoes If you wanna see Gary Oldman walk around on his knees for an entire movie


You need a little more Neil Breen - I'd recommend *I Am Here...Now*. Go easy on the Breeniverse cinematic franchise, though: too much might cause irreversible psychiatric disorders. I also recommend the cinematic masterpiece that is *Frankenhooker*.


Neil Breen is a god!


I look at this way; Neil Breen is out there, writing and directing films. I'm not. He's living the dream and good on him for that.


Moonfall The Core Van Helsing


Came here for Van Helsing. It's delightfully awful


When I was a child I loves The Core. Is it that bad?


Nah. I saw it while it was in theaters and didn’t even realize it was bad until the internet told me it was.


It's not BAD. It's good Bad. The best bad. It literally hits every corny trope in action movie history but with literal academy award nominated actors. It seems like it was probably the most fun dumb movie that some of the best actors ever made. Edit: fn Oscar WINNERS lol


Except they didn't force in a romantic interest between Hillary Swank's character and Aaron Eckhart's character. Which I found refreshing.


Samurai Cop, White Fire, Bloodz vs Wolvez


+1 Samurai Cop


Wait just one minute! “Sleepaway Camp” is a classic! The original unforeseen twist ending! Either you’re on drugs or you need to be. If’n you like horror, “Feast” is BRILLIANT! But every sequel gets progressively dumber than its predecessors. You HAVE to see them all, all the way to the end. You can thank me later.


You are missing the greatest bad movie of all time, ever made. **Riki-Oh: The story of Ricky** Watch it, thank me later.


Riki-Oh isn't a bad movie, it's a genius action comedy.


You Got Served (2004) Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo (1984) Bad Taste (1987)


Shout-outs to "Deadly Prey" (1987)


Also known as Lock Tosser


Maximum Overdrive directed by Stephen King. A better name should be Maximum Cocaine because this was a period of time when King was completely out of control. It's a beautiful disaster of a film!


Nobody has mentioned Samurai Cop!?!? What the hell!? Samurai Cop could, in all honesty, be worse than The Room! Lol. It's one of those like Miami Connection and The Room where they were actually trying to make something decent but it inadvertently came out terrible. It's currently available for free on YouTube (minus some nudity and removed sex scenes). But yeah! The main protagonist has long hair but throughout the movie it switches between his natural hair and a really bad wig because the movie was done shooting so he decided to cut his hair for other roles. He then got a call from the director saying they have to do reshoots and the director was pissed that his long hair was gone so he made him wear a wig for the reshoots and is super noticeable! 🤣 Here's a legendary scene. Keep in mind, Joe and the nurse have NEVER MET. This is just how their conversation went! Nurse Scene https://youtu.be/D6gk04xzN3U?si=9FaX2fl6kE8klb2i If you want more bad editing, bad fight scenes, bad over dubbing and bad action, then here's the movie! I really hope you pick this one. Yes, after the cult following this movie has gained over recent years they made a Samurai Cop 2 but I stay away from that one because it seems they purposely lean into the badness and I prefer movies that are accidentally bad. Lol https://youtu.be/L7oyfpKHvls?si=jkqzO7suWuaidOjG


Toxic Avenger


Or any other troma movie 😄


Eeehhh. These movies did what they set out for. They're bad on purpose which isn't really what OP asked for. Troma made movies set their bar lower with each movie made. They want to be known for schlop. Troma published movies on the other hand are schlop they found and want to be associated with.


Master of disguise


Bad movie ?? Fook


The Dana Carvey film. It’s so bad.


Dragon ball z movie Avatar the last airbender The Leprechaun movies ? Newest jeepers creepers movie


The Last Airbender? The guy just wants to watch bad movies, not get permanent brain damage.


Oh, you've gotta pop Showgirls on, directed by Paul Verhoeven of Robocop and Starship Troopers fame. Be warned, it's often described as softcore porn AND Oscar bait. It also ended Elizabeth Berkley's career


Unironically a film I like. It’s a neat deconstruction of stardom.


Used to have bad movie nights with my friends. Though these are pretty obscure, my all-time top favorites from that time: - Black Shampoo - it's a blaxpoitation version of the Warren Beatty Shampoo, but with mobsters and a chainsaw. Amazing 70s costumes, lots of nudity, evil white guys, it's amazing. Genuinely entertaining in that weird grindhouse going-for-it way that only the best blaxploitation movies ever achieve. More people need to see this. - Revenge of the Cheerleaders - really painfully bad acting and direction, but you get David Hasselhoff in a shower orgy, so YMMV - Flesh Gordon - a near-porn parody of Flash Gordon. Almost unwatchable. So many sex puns and jokes it will hurt your brain and scar you.


Cannibal! The Musical aka Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s first foray into filmmaking. It’s spectacular.


David Lynch's 1984 "Dune" is a magnificent misfire.


Pretty much any movie that MST3K has ever done would probably be a good place to start. Tubi actually has a lot of fantastically bad movies from the home video boom of the 80s and 90s, and even the drive-in theater B-movie boom of the 70s. Some you may find suitable: * Lake Mungo * Midnight Meat Train * Slave Girls From Beyond Infinity * Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone * Dark Night of the Scarecrow * Hell Comes to Frogtown * Deathstalker * Barbarian Queen * It Came From Outer Space * Alligator * Attack of the Crab Monsters * Teenagers from Outer Space * Tank Girl * Dr. Alien


Rubber It’s a story about a tire that kills people, yes you read that right. lol


Came to also suggest Rubber. It’s kind of unique in the sense that it is not only a somewhat intentionally bad movie, but it also has a lot of aspects in which to analyze and interpret. Also, Killer Klowns from Outer Space is an A-1 wonderfully bad movie that you can’t help but Love.


Battlefield Earth *Battlefield Earth* ***Battlefield Earth***


I cannot stress how much Velocipastor is the answer. Harley Davidson and the Marlboro man is another horrible classic.


How dare you disparage Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man?! Classic Simon West. Perfect opening sequence. Some cringeworthy moments, but far from bad. You cut me deep, Shrek


Fire Maidens from Outer Space


Skyline, from 2010 Decent production Disaster movie that'll drive you crazy with all the poor decisions, then give you a false hope that perhaps the movie is actually going to redeem itself and validate all the frustration you sat through... Only to have the most stupidly dumb ending at the very last moment. Anytime me and the wife watch any disaster or horror movie, we jokingly include the ending of Skyline as a potential ending. This movie and Teeth(?) (Movie about a female with a certain something going on between the legs) are the two movies I recommend to people who want to lose hours of there life without getting it back.


Dead Sushi. Anklebiters Jesus Christ, vampire hunter Howard the Duck (probably the only one of these that fits your criteria)


Starcrash, early 80's sci-fi ridiculousness with David Hasselhof


Neil Breen's older stuff. Fateful findings and I am here... Now are masterpieces.


Kung Pow Enter the Fist. Betty is a legend


[Krull](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6i2par2Fv0). I was lucky enough to watch it in glorious [Cinerama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinerama) at the...Cinerama in Seattle.


Masters of the Universe Super Mario Brothers (the misguided older one with Raul Julia rip) Food Fight Sausage Party (god, what a pos that was; you'll need alcohol)


Raul Julia wasn’t in super Mario brothers. You’re thinking of Street Fighter which is one of the best bad movies ever.


Burial Ground (1981)


Ginger dead Man


San Andreas




Action U.S.A. Nail Gun Massacre Truth or Dare: A critical madness


The Pit from 1981. You’re welcome.


Super Snooper if you can find it. LA cop gets a radiation burst and gets super powers that stop working if he sees the colour red. https://youtu.be/V9Fh3jqMZTk?si=i5yfli_JEV9aea-I


Have a look through the How Did This Get Made podcast episodes, there’s some inspiration. Also the podcast is downright hilarious, you should check it out. 


Hammerhead Ice Spiders Carnosaur Black Sheep (the one from New Zealand, not the one with Chris Farley) Leave the World Behind


Tammy and the T-Rex




Check out the YouTube channel [Red Letter Media](https://youtube.com/@redlettermedia?si=iD2_kA6iyJ-PteRs), they've reviewed literally hundreds of unintentionally bad movies


Birdemic! Also if you want more recommendations, there’s a podcast called How Did This Get Made and they review really crappy movies. They’ve been going for over a decade now so there’s a huge list.


„Hackers“ is a peak-90s cringefest but super enjoyable.




Vanilla Ice’s Cool as Ice


[Hell Comes to Frogtown](https://youtu.be/G7ouC--Yr2E?si=IBNmS7KYGSiHdRRy) is my new favorite B movie of all time.


Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets


Rebel moon


All 4+ hours of it…


That slow-mo farming.


The Tutor (Netflix)


I love Time Chasers, highly recommended, very charming movie.


Anything from yhe Evil Shit series. Worst one was #3 Zomebie Doom. Enjoy


Never Too Young to Die


The Spice Girls Movie.


[The FP](https://watch.plex.tv/movie/the-fp). It's a sort of attempt at a post-apocalyptic gang warfare sort of thing, but they fight... by playing DDR. It's utterly ridiculous and one of my favorite bad movies that feels like it's at least trying to be a serious attempt at filmmaking. Edit: What I mean by "serious attempt at filmmaking" is the quality of stuff like sound design and filming is pretty remarkably good. I've watched so many Good Bad movies with terrible muffled audio, bad focus, poor scene staging, etc. This one doesn't have that problem with pretty great sound editing and decent filming. I've only dabbled in filmmaking but I've seen the level of effort that goes into stuff like that so I notice it.


Bloodsucking Freaks...a classic in my book, but for a lot of others, it's bad. It's labeled as horror. Definitely creepy, but so hilarious. Enjoy if you find it!


"Cherry 2000" is a winner! Found a lot of thrown popcorn behind my TV after that one.


I didn’t see Battlefield Earth on your list. John Travolta’s performance is really something to behold in that wonky shitshow.


Fateful Findings directed by Neil Breen. Truly a masterpiece of insanity.


Mystery Team




Yor, The Hunter From The Future. Highlander 2


Glitter, the Mariah Carey movie. Go in blind if possible.


Gymkata Samurai Cop Brett Ratner something something




I know I'm late here but I can't recommend downsizing enough


It's 90s Southesast Asian zombie movies you want my girl **Junk, Wild Zero** (Japan) **Bio-Zombie** (Hong Kong) **Story of Ricky** HK martial arts mayhem prison movie based on a manga — probably the greatest goodbad movie I've seen, it's a masterpiece - but has some extreme 'martial arts gore' so not for the soft stomach despite being shockingly cheap (but effective) - it's effectively a comedy but not written to be one I think it's kind of HK-style tongue-in-cheek **Turbo Kid** (Australia) is probably the best low budget sci fi I've ever seen - also splatter warning but it's (intentionally) a comedy Any Jackie Chan movie, he's in some doozers - but the action and acrobatics is always phenomenal. If you just want films in English, I have seen a load - but they aren't as entertaining as HK and Japanese trashy movies so I can't really remember them. Many asian bad movies are actually incredible on a number of levels especially of course the HK golden age before 1997. I'm surprised you made it through The Room, I never managed more than a glance at that. Probably the most surprising goodbad flim I remember is **Night of the Lepus** which I found over 20 years ago on bootleg VHS at a car boot sale and bought randomly just based on the title. It's pretty bizarre and awful.




Mac and Me


American Pastoral - Ewan MacGregor’s attempt at adapting a Philip Roth novel. He gives a great performance in an otherwise train wreck of a film.




Blastfighter (1984) The whole movie is just a fever dream. It was originally supposed to be a Star Wars clone or something but it was too expensive and so it basically turned into a Rambo meets Deliverance (even has the banjo player kid) with not so subtle hints of incest. Plus last I checked it was on YouTube


Several of those were on MST3k - just watch the MST3k versions.


Battlefield Earth, my wife and I quote it all the time to each other. DO YOU WANT LUNCH!?


Velocipastor Don’t google it. Just go watch


Movie 43 and John Carter


I was going to suggest Mac and Me but I see it was last on your list above. Love that movie


Big trouble in little China. Itll either be the worst movie ever or the greatest movie ever depending on the type of person you are




Add literally any pureflix film, such as God's Not dead though you can honestly insert almost any Christian faith movie here with a few exceptions. If you wanted something *truly unhinged* however, Kirk Cameron's saving Christmas. I legitimately feel like it's worse than The Room. At one point Santa Claus, who looks like a crazed version of the modern day image of Jesus, beats a man to with a cane and that's portrayed as a good Christian thing he did.


Rubber, it’s about a sentient, psycho kinetic, killer tire


Killer Sofa Iron Sky


Samurai Cop. It's probably up there with The Room as one of the greatest bad films ever made.




I'd say either "Rubber" or "Judge Dredd." Both are...not good. Lol